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    1、2.4 在施工作业范围搭设防雨棚;2.5 按下图所示准备叉车、搅拌机、手推车、提升井架、施工现场走道、平台、梯子、栏杆、扶手、保护棚、安全标志、防火设施等安全措施,并要经CISDI和GA联合安全检查确认;2.6 按照设计图纸对高炉设计中心线、炉底水冷梁、水冷管的位置、标高进行复核,并做好工序交接记录。2.7 施工所需的水、电、气源均要接至施工地点附近,施工用水0.3Mpa、 施工用电(包含配备现场用12V/24V安全电压)、气源用0.6Mpa;2.8 耐热混凝土、炭素填料、炭素压入料在施工前均要在CISDI SV人员指导下做作业性试验(流动性、硬化性、捣打性等);3 耐热混凝土、炭素填料、炭素

    2、压入泥浆施工要领(见右图);3.1 炉底水冷管下部耐热混凝土(WNJ-2) 施工要领及施工工序;3.1.1具体施工部位 高炉底板下3.848m 3.998m;3.1.2 高炉基墩表面清扫,用钢丝刷将 水冷管表面的浮锈清除干净,并适 量洒水湿润;3.1.3 耐热混凝土(WNJ-2)搅拌,采用 强制搅拌机搅拌。混凝土为超微 粉、水泥结合,每包净重50,其中结合剂单独置于大袋内。搅拌时、将每大袋及袋内小包同时倒入搅拌机内均匀搅拌,先干混 23分钟,加8%左右的洁净自来 水湿混23分钟,并视料的作业性能,再补充适宜的水量,继续搅拌至合适稠度;3.1.4 耐热混凝土(WNJ-2)浇注。将搅拌好的耐热混凝

    3、土运到施工点,由两边向中间的水冷管进行浇注,同一区域内采用下图施工顺序进行浇注(见下图);3.1.5 混凝土浇注一段后,即用插入式振动器振捣密实(震动器见下图)。振捣时应做到有序振动,一般以表面无豆大气泡翻出为宜。搅拌好的物料应在30分钟内施工完毕。施工温度应保持在5以上。振动时振动棒应缓慢插入料层,连续移动至各部位缓慢拔出,以防止留下孔洞,直到最后表面返浆,排气较少和不沉降为止。 插入式振动器 a直径50mm, b直径30mm3.1.6 压实收平。浇注到水冷管中心标高时,应先将工字钢梁及水冷管上附着的混凝土清扫干净,用控制木刮板找平,并用木搓板压实,使料面与水冷管中心线相平。找平方法详见下图

    4、。3.1.7养护,用草袋或塑料薄模覆盖在已浇灌的耐热混凝土表面上,浇水养身,气温较高时应每隔2h浇水一次。3.2 炉底水冷管上部炭素填料(THC-S10)施工要领及施工工序(见下图);3.2.1 施工部位,高炉底板下3.998m4.148m;3.2.2 清除耐热混凝土表面的杂物,用钢丝刷将水冷管表面的浮锈及耐热混凝土残渣清除干净;3.2.3炭素填料贮存在通风遮阴的有盖仓库内,并应避免高温烘烤,防止材料局部过热导致施工性能恶化。材料在室温条件下保质期为六个月;3.2.4炭素填料为成品供应,以铁桶包装,每桶20公斤。材料开包后即可使用。按当班用量开包,当班未用完的材料,下班不能再用。施工中铲刮下来

    5、的炭素填料以及返工挖除的炭素填料均不能再用; 3.2.5炭素捣料(THC-S10)的摊铺。炭素捣料THC-S10具有良好的常温施工性能和导热性,并具有较小的收缩率。施工时每层松铺材料厚度为80150mm左右,铺料要求均匀 。由两边向中间逐条铺料捣打;3.2.6采用D9风动捣锤(风压0.50.6MPa,消耗风量0.40.6Nm3/min,锤头直径4050mm,见下页图)进行连续、有序的往返捣打,使料层均匀地捣实。用风动捣锤捣打时,一锤压半锤顺序捣打,一般57遍。炭素填料压实度以压下量45为准。过低压实度的填料要下挖30mm深后,重新按要求捣打;THC-S10 THCS10炭素填料捣打时间与碳料体

    6、积密度之间的关系曲线 D9风动锤的技术性能3.2.7 每平铺一段距离的捣打料即用风动式振捣锤捣打密实,在每条档里,用小型振捣锤先捣打两角填料;后捣中间部分填料(见下图)。3.2.8材料捣实后应高于水冷梁工字钢上表面10mm左右,然后用铲平刮刀在工字钢上表面,以工字钢上表面为导面铲除高于工字钢表面以上的炭捣料,以找平工字钢和炭捣料的上平面,铲平刮刀示意图如下;铲平刮刀示意图3.2.9 经铲平刮刀铲平炭捣料后,在水冷梁工字钢与炭捣料的接触部位有可能出现局部凹坑,应将局部凹坑开挖至30mm深,再用筛去粗骨料的炭捣料将凹坑仔细填平,手工用铁锤夯平,直至与原周边的炭捣料色泽一致,填平凹坑为止;3.3 炉

    7、底封板下炭质压入料(SSR-2)施工要领及施工工序3.3.1炉底封板下与炉底炭素捣料之间压入炭质压入料,其施工要领和施工工序(见下图)3.3.2 SSR-2炭质压入料产品以双组份供应。其中粉料每袋净重25kg, 结合剂每桶净重25kg。物料应储存在通风、防雨防火的仓库内,保质期为六个月。短木楔3.3.3 炉底封板供货时已焊接好压入短管。封板安装好后,立即将短管上的乙烯塑料盖取掉,并用棉纱将压入短管内外油污擦净,用钢丝刷清除浮锈,再用压缩空气将压入短管内的垃圾清扫干净,再用专用短木楔将短管孔塞紧。压入短管周围底板上的浮锈、垃圾等应清除干净;3.3.4 压浆前,根据灌浆孔的布置图,将灌浆孔依次用白

    8、油漆编号从1115号(见下图);3.3.5根据灌浆短管的接头规格(见上图)确定压浆管的接头大小、方式及绑扎方法。3.3.6 进行压入施工前,先在料斗内加入510Kg结合剂,以润滑机器和输送管道。3.3.7 炭质压入料SSR-2的搅拌。施工时先将粉料加入搅拌机,再加入结合剂进行搅拌。每50公斤粉料加入结合剂5056公斤(实际加液量可根据现场SV指导下所作的稠度试验进行调整)。3.3.8 SSR-2炭质压入料搅拌好后即可加入挤压式灰浆泵中(见下列图)依据压浆孔的编号从炉中心的压入孔开始,依次向外进行压入施工,施工前所有机具和材料必须在现场备好,整个施工过程必须连续不能间断,不能中途中断30分钟以上

    9、,搅拌好的炭质压入料必须在30分钟内用完。3.3.9 炭质压入料在压入时,炉内施工人员与炉外压入机操作人员要保持通讯联络,压入机操作人员应听从炉内施工人员指挥,令行禁止;3.3.10 每个压浆孔的压浆完成、停止作业的标准为;三条:A、压浆时,在压入孔边炉底板的点位上用水平仪配合监控其标高变化,当此部位炉底板标高增高达到2mm时、停止压浆作业,该孔口被认为压浆作业完成;B、压入机胶管头上的压力表指针达到0.6Mpa时,即停止压浆作业,该孔口被认为压浆作业完成;C、压浆作业时、当相邻的压入口溢出压入料时,应立即将短管塞上木楔,亦认为该孔口压浆作业完成;3.3.11全部压浆作业完毕,立即用清水冲洗压

    10、浆机及其胶管,直到管道中不再有残存的浆料为止。3.3.12 SSR-2炭质压入料施工完后,自然养护36-72小时,待压入料凝固后,割除压入短管,封焊压入嘴(见下图)3.3.13 SSR-2炭质压入料含有可燃成分,施工时应采取防火措施。3.3.14压入口封焊后即可进行下道工序施工。4.炉底耐材施工精度表4.1 关于耐材安装精度表的使用 该精度表是耐材安装精度表VOL.2合订本的一部分,耐材安装精度表VOL.2合订本附属于耐材安装施工要领书VOL.1合订本。因此,施工时请与耐材安装施工要领书VOL.1合订本一起使用。4.2关于测定项目统一编码ITEM NO.说明 ITEM NO. A 代表高炉;

    11、BT 代表高炉本体; 001 代表测定项目序号。4.3关于目标值定义目标值是指测定项目实测值要达到的精度范围,实测值必须保证90满足这个目标值;4.4关于容许值定义容许值是指测定项目实测值在满足设备功能的允许限度。但是,由于受到其他工序精度的影响和制约,如钢结构的安装精度,可能会超过这个容许值,这时请与SV商谈处理办法;4.5高炉本体炉底板下耐材安装精度测定项目汇总表设备名称精度控制部位测定项目ITEM NO.备注NO.高炉本体耐材1炉底板下耐材安装耐热混凝土施工精度 (WNJ-2)ABT0012捣打料施工精度 (THC-S10)ABT0023炉底封板压浆施工精度(SSR2)ABT0035.耐

    12、材管理56安全管理PROPERBLAST FURNACEDATARefractory Control1. The materials warehoused must be carefully checked to see whether there is no shortage in the quantity, and/or whether any damage is observed or not.Any shortage in the quantity shall be restored by immediate delivery.In case of any damage, it mus

    13、t be examined whether the material can be availed or not, for further discussion about the countermeasures.2. The steps and measures of the shortage of the materials shall be arranged beforehand, taking into consideration of the order of their use, for easy handling at the time of taking them out fo

    14、rm the stockyard. And enforce it to the warehouse keepers all-out.3. Always to mind to reduce the times of the transportation/transfer of the materials, as possible.4. It is preferable that the location of the stockyard is the nearest possible to the installation site.5. To secure the enough passage

    15、 in the stockyard for easy and efficient handling of the materials by the trucks d forklifts.6. To install the lightings in consideration of night works in full efficiency.7. To keep watching the progress of the installation, paying attention to the quantity to be used of the materials, particularly

    16、 of the unshaped material (ramming, etc.) for not causing the shortage in the quantity to complete the installation.6.安全管理TITLE6安全检查表Safety Check List Date: SAFETY CHECK LIST Job site: Entered by:Check ItemOK or NGCountermeasures(1) Was the meeting held?A Mainly for job instruction.B Only on safety.

    17、C Bothe on safety and job.(2) Checking of tools and equipment.a) Enter the names of tools equipment checked.(3) Clothing, safety checked.A Are clothings correct.B Were protectors worn. Number of workers who had improper protectors on.(4) Unsafe actions.A Anyone in off-limit area?B Were articles plac

    18、ed in designated area?C Anyone in breach of the safety work standard?(5) Instruction and order.A Are the instruction and order completely understood?B Were they taken straightly and performed?(6) Life ropeA Did everyone wear life rope?B If not worn by everyone, what was such percentage.(7) Equipment

    19、, machineryA Are they in normal condition?B Is there any abnormal noise or rattling? Enter any point noticed.(8) Related worksA Were prior notices served between work performed in parallel or at top and bottom?B Was meeting held among responsible persons before starting the works.C Were switches, va

    20、lves checked?D Were devices such as douser for electric welding discussed?(9) SwitchesA Are plates such as “Hands off”, “Under construction” or “On use” being applied?B Were lead wires securely tightened?C Is box-cover closed?D Are not wirings in wet condition or going through water?E Any danger for

    21、 electrification?F Is earth leakage circuit breaker provided?(10) Scaffolding, Safety fence.A Are log scaffolds tied with perfect ropes?B Are safety fences or ropes provided.C Are signs indicting “Under construction” provided properly?() Gas, fire A Is there any gas leakage? B Is there abnormal cond

    22、ition in gas pipings?Safety Control For the operation of furnaces, the safety control is one of the most important subjects.During designing stage, considerations for the safety in furnace structure and condition which permits the operators to work without worrying about dangers, are absolutely indi

    23、spensable.Job plan should include sufficient temporal installations or material to be use as well as the ample provisions for safety measures presumable hazards in carrying out the work.Job should be supervised always with careful attention paid regarding the safety to allow the workers to proceed w

    24、ith confidence, by furnishing with protective means against dangerous work, safety education and job site patrols for closer supervision, instruction and more efficient tie-ups with related works.Safety work standardInstructions and cautions prior to starting the workWork in generalGeneral safety pr

    25、ecautionsEstablished on:RemarksRevised on:ItemDescription1. General(1) Participate in morning gathering and job site meeting for safety.(2) Those who are not feeling well should so advise the superintent.2. MeetingJob super- intendent and general workers should hold a daily meeting before starting t

    26、he work for the instruction of the days work as well as the cautions for safety, by each group.(1) The content of the days work.(2) Speciality of particular facilities around job site and hazards in working environment.(Electricity, Gas-flammables)(3) Status of related works.(4) Clothings of general

    27、 workers. 3. Work preparations(1) Work super-intendent should hold elaborate conference with the supervising section to grasp the progress of other works.(2) Make sure that the work sign board is up.(3) Check the danger sign board (“Under construction”).(4) Station a guard for certain job or the job

    28、s which are specified by Supervising Section or the super-intendent to be necessary for the protection of workers.(5) Before entering the furnace, make sure that blind patches have been inserted in gas pipes and exhibit the “Switch plate”.(Remove it immediately after job completion)4. Communication(1) The Supervising Section instructs the supper-intendent with sufficient cautions for safety, however when the s


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