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    1、 B. believe in C. doubt D. guess at 得分: 2.5 答案 D 解析 (2) A. love B. health C. sound D. sight 答案 C (3) A. blind B. deaf C. invisible D. thoughtful 答案 B (4) A. discovery B. decision C. attempt D. suggestion (5) A. learning B. thinking C. growing D. changing 答案 A (6) A. Before B. Till C. Beyond D. Over

    2、(7) A. way B. things C. questions D. times (8) A. stronger B. taller C. smarter D. nicer (9) A. left B. got ill C. died D. got wounded (10) A. duty B. turn C. pity D. chance (11) A. shocked B. satisfied C. interested D. excited (12) A. game B. test C. match D. secret (13) A. worry B. puzzlement C. r

    3、egret D. pain (14) A. enjoyed B. found C. disliked D. lived (15) A. shoulders B. feet C. hands D. hair (16) A. how B. because C. why D. whether (17) A. respect B. favour C. love D. fun (18) A. by B. on C. above D. for (19) A. valuable B. useful C. selfish D. precious (20) A. others B. the deaf C. Gr

    4、andpa D. the blind 二、阅读理解 Languages are remarkably complex and wonderfully complicated organs of culture. They contain the quickest and the most efficient means of communicating within their respective culture. To learn a foreign language is to learn another culture. In the words of a poet and philo

    5、sopher, As many languages as one speaks, so many lives one lives. A culture and its language are as necessary as brain and body; while one is a part of the other, neither can function without the other. In learning a foreign language, the best beginning would be starting with the non-language elemen

    6、ts of the language: its gestures, its body language, etc. Eye contact is extremely important in English. Direct eye contact leads to understanding, or, as the English saying goes, seeing eye-to-eye. We can never see eye-to-eye with a native speaker of English until we have learned to look directly i

    7、nto his eyes.(5分)The best title for this passage is Language and Culture. A. T B. F 5 (5分)According to this passage, the only way to learn a foreign language is to begin by learning its body language.(5分)According to this passage, gestures are pictures in a language.(5分)To learn a foreign language i

    8、s to learn another culture.(5分)Direct eye contact leads to understanding in all cultures.三、词汇与结构 (5分)Social Media is about how you use it to _ your relationships with other people in real life. A. find B. enhance C. build D. make 答案 C2. (5分) These games allow gamers to_ with each other and play with

    9、 or against other gamers. A. interact B. influence C. fight D. meet 3. (5分)So why do we order with more reckless _when were using our smartphones and laptops? A. food 9、淡水是我们人类和其他生物生存的必需品,但是地球上的淡水资源十分有限,地球上的多数地区缺水。B. drinks C. snacks D. abandon 19、细胞也是生物最基本的功能单位,生物的呼吸、消化、排泄、生长、发育、繁殖、遗传等生命活动都是通过细胞进行的

    10、。5、垃圾的回收利用有哪些好处?4. (5分)Most of the junk foods are_ and easy to snack on foods, while they hit the bottom low with their nutritional factor. A. delicious 3、月球是距离地球最近的星球直径大约是地球的1/4,质量大约是地球的1/80,月球体积大约是地球的1/49,月球引力大约是地球的1/6。B. helpful C. useful D. nutritious 答:火柴燃烧、铁钉生锈、白糖加热等。18、大多数生物都是由多细胞组成的,但也有一些生物,

    11、它们只有一个细胞,称为单细胞生物。如草履虫、变形虫、细菌等。5. (5分)We tend to get _ by their numbers game, thinking of more updates, more friends, more followers, more links, more photos, more everything. 缺点:不仅消耗大量电能,留下残余物,如果控制不好,还会产生有毒物质,造成二次污染。A. information B. distracted 2、你知道日食的形成过程吗?C. absorbing D. excitement 最有效的方法就是集焚烧、堆肥、热解、制砖、发电等一体的统合系统,但是焚烧垃圾对空气有污染。答案:B


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