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    1、3A Chapter 5 练习笔试部分:Part1. Write the correct sentences. (连词成句,加上标点符号). 1.Stella/the stones/feels/her hands/with .2. think/I/ theyre /tissues /.3. would/ like /you/ what/to do/now/?4. She/Mary/on Saturday/visits . 5. You/listen to/music/some/can.Part2 :选择划线单词的中文意思. 1. ( ) She visits Mary on Saturday.

    2、A拜访 B. 回家 C. 看见2. ( ) I can show them to Stella.A. 卖出去 B. 给看 C. 收回来3. ( ) Stella smiles. She likes them very much.A. 闹 B. 哭 C. 微笑4. ( )Mary gets some pretty stones.A.开心的 B. 漂亮的 C. 很大的Part 3:选出不同类的单词,把序号写在前面的括号里。1. ( ) A. rainy B. happy C. foggy D. warm2.( )A. spring B. water C. summer D. winter3.( )

    3、A. sand B. hard C. rough D. smooth4.( )A. six B. second C. fifth D. first5.( )A. Open Day B. Sports Day C. cards D. Speech Day6.( )A. purse B. camera C. barbecue D. shoes7.( ) A. May B. April C. concert D. October8. ( ) A. cushion B. marble C. soft D. armchairPart 4. Read the following passage and c

    4、hoose the right answers.读短文,回答问题。1. Riddles (谜语)Who am I? I have a long neck. I can eat leaves on tall trees. I also have long legs. I am very tall. Who am I? I am a _.Who am I? I am small. I am afraid of cats. I like to eat cheese. Who am I? I am a _.2. PicturesI love to draw pictures. Drawing pict

    5、ures makes me happy. I like to draw on a white piece of paper. Sometimes, I draw colourful butterflies in the park. Other times, I draw pictures of people in my family. Next week, I will draw a picture of my grandmother. I will give the picture to her for her birthday.Please fill in the blanks accor

    6、ding to the text. (根据课文填空。)1. The writer likes to draw pictures because they make him _. 2. Sometimes, the writer likes to draw colourful _. 3. The writer will draw a picture of his _ next week. 3. My friend SandySandy is a lovely girl. She goes to the beach with her family on Sundays. She likes swi

    7、mming and having picnics. She likes eating sandwiches. She doesnt like swallowing seawater. Its too salty.Please write ( Yes )or (No). 在横线上写( Yes )or (No).1. Sandy goes to the beach with her friends. _2. She doesnt like swimming . _ 3. She likes having picnics. _ Please choose the best answer and wr

    8、ite the letters on the blanks.将正确的答案序号填在横线上.4What food does she like? _A : barbecue B: sandwiches C: cake5What does she like doing at the beach? _A: Swallowing seawater B : Playing ball games C: Swimming.Part 5 . 请把下列单词补充完整。 1.pr_ t_ _ 漂亮的 2. a k_ _ 钥匙3. p_ p _ _ 纸 4. th_ _ 那个5. th_ _ 这个 6. v_ s_ _

    9、参观、探望 7. sm_ _ th 滑的 8. s_ft软的10. h_ _ d硬的 11. r_ _ gh 粗糙的 12. c_ sh_ _ _ 垫子 13. st_ n_ 石头 14. m_ _b _ _ 玻璃球 15. _ _ mch_ _ _ 扶手椅 16. f_ _l 感觉 17. v_s_ _ 探望、参观Part 6. 选词填空。1. What do you like doing in the park? I like _ kites.(fly flying)2. What _ you like doing? I dont like running. ( do dont)3. I go to the park _ Saturday. (in on at)4. How much _ the armchair? (is are)5. These stones _ hard and rough. (is are ) 6. We watch the moon _ the Mid-Autumn Festival. (in on at)7. Chinese New Year is _ spring. (in on at)8. What do you like doing? I like _. ( read, reading)4


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