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    1、 大学英语(2)A 试卷 选择题答案写在选择题答题区内,其它各题在答案区域内作答,超出黑色边框区域的答案无效!姓名: 学号: 专业:大学英语(2)期末考试A 卷Do some brainstorming about your expenses and how you could possibly cut back on them.It is wise to write them down on paper because it is less easy to dismiss them that way.For example, can you cut down on the amount of

    2、 gas you use by taking public transportation?If you eat out often, consider making more meals at home. Examine your buying habits.become rich and successful if he works hard and has some good luck. Yet, when one becomes rich, he wants people to know it. And even if he does not become very rich, he w

    3、ants people to think that heis. That is what “keeping up with the Joneses” is about. It is the story of someone who tries to look as rich and as successful as his neighbors.The expression was first used in 1913 by a young American by the name of Arthur Momand. He told this story about himself: hebeg

    4、an earning $125 a week at the age of 23. That was a lot of money学习中心:微 boge30619 答 卷(本试卷所有客观题答案必须填入如下答卷表格中,否则不得分)一、阅读:20% (每小题 2 分)12345678910(翻译题请在此空白处答题,否则不得分)标准答案在后面in those days. Young Momand was very proud of his riches. He got married and moved with his wife to a very wealthy neighborhood outs

    5、ide New York City. But just moving there was not enough. When he saw that rich people rode horses, Momand went horse riding every day. When he saw that rich people had servants, Momand and his wife also hired a servant and gave big parties for their new neighbors.It was like a race, but one could ne

    6、ver finish this race because one was always trying to keep up. Momand and his wife could not do that.二、交际用语 20%(每小题 2 分)12345678910三、语法与词汇:30%(每小题 2 分)123456789101112131415四英译汉:30% (答题请不要超出边框)一、阅读:20% (所有答案必须填在答卷表格里,否则不得分) ( 1 )In the United States many have been told that anyone canThe race ended f

    7、or them when they could no longer pay for their new way of life. They left their wealthy neighborhood and moved back to an apartment in New York City.Momand looked around him and noticed that many people do things just to keep up with their neighbors. He saw the funny side of it and started to write

    8、 a series of short stories. He called it “keeping up with the Joneses”, because “Jones” is a very common name in the United States. “Keeping up with the Joneses” came to mean keepingup with the people around you. Momands series appeared in different newspapers across the country for over 28 years.Ev

    9、ery city has an area where people want to live because others will think better of them if they do. And there are “Joneses” in every city of the world. But one must get tired of trying to keep up with the Joneses, because no matter what one does, Mr. Jones always seems to be ahead.1. The writer of t

    10、he selection believes .A. anyone in the United States can become richB. anyone in the United Sates can become rich if he works hard and has some good luckC. he can become rich in the futureD. many people in the United States think anyone can become rich if he works hard and has some good luck2. Some

    11、 people want to keep up with the Joneses because .A. they want to be as rich as their neighborsB. they want to be happyC. they dont want others to know they are richD. they want others to know or to think that they are rich3. It can be inferred from the story that rich people .A. like to live in apa

    12、rtmentsB. like to live in New York CityC. like to live outside New York CityD. like to have many neighbors4. Arthur Momand used the name “Jones” in his series of short stories because Jones is .A,. an important nameB. his neighbors nameC. a popular name in the United StatesD. not a good name5. Accor

    13、ding to the writer, it is .A. correct to keep up with the JonesesB. interesting to keep up with the JonesesC. impossible to keep up with the JonesesD. good to keep up with the Joneses( 2 )A certain hunter had found a piece of forest where there were plenty of animals to hunt. The only trouble was th

    14、at the place was very difficult to get to.He returned from his first visit to the place in late autumn, and could not get back until the snow melted in the following spring. Then he went to the pilot of a small plane, who earned his living by carrying hunters over parts of the country where there we

    15、re no roads and no railways. He asked the pilot to take him back to the piece of forest.The pilot did not know the place, so the hunter showed it to himon the map. “But there is nowhere to land there,” said the pilot. “Ihave flown over that we cant land anywhere between this river and these mountain

    16、s.”“I thought you were a wonderful pilot,” said the hunter, “some of my friends said you could land a plane on a postage stamp.”“Thats right,” answered the pilot. “I can land a plane where nobody else can. But I tell you there is nowhere to land in the place you are talking about.”“And what if I tel

    17、l you that another pilot did land me there last spring?” said the hunter.“Is that true?” asked the pilot. “Yes, it is. I swear it.”Well, this pilot could not let himself beaten by another, so he agreed to take the hunter.When they reached the place, the hunter pointed out a small spot without trees

    18、in the middle of the forest, with a steep rise(陡坡) at one end. The pilot thought there was not enough room to land there, butthe hunter said that the other pilot had done so the year before, so down went the plane. When it came to the rise, it turned right over onto its back. As the hunter climbed o

    19、ut, he smiled happily and said, “Yes, that is exactly how the other pilot managed it last time.”.6. The hunter in the story went to the forest .A. once B. two times C. many times D. none of the above7. In the story the hunter asked a pilot to take him to the piece of forest. This pilot was .A. the s

    20、ame pilot who had taken him to the place onceB. a different pilot who had never been to that part of the countryC. a pilot who had been to the place many timesD. a pilot who had never heard of such a place8. It was difficult for the pilot to land the plane because .A. the place for landing was as bi

    21、g as a roomB. the place for landing was as small as a postage stampC. there wasnt any place to landD. there was a room near the landing place9. “When it came to the rise, I turned right over onto its back.” What do the words “its back” refer to?A. the back of the riseB. the pilots backC. the back of

    22、 the planeD. the back of the small spot10. The hunter got to the plane the first time .A. by jumping out of the place during the flightB. in an entirely different wayC. exactly the same way as he got there the second timeD. by climbing down the tree on which the place hand landed二、交际用语(此部分共有 10 个未完成

    23、的对话,针对每个对话中未完成的部分有 4 个选项,请你从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。) 20% (答案必须填在答卷表格里,否则不得分)1. Excuse me ,can you tell me where the nearest subway station is? .A. Its too far from here.B. Sorry,Im a stranger here myself.C. You can take a bus first.D. Sorry,I cant.2. Theres a big party at the students center tonigh

    24、t. Are you going with us? .A. Its none of my business.B. Id love to,but I have to catch up with my maths assignment.C. Ive never had the chance to go there.D. Its beyond my expectation.3. Cherry ,would you mind looking after my cat for a few days when I go on business? .A. No,I do mind.B. No,I dont

    25、think ita good idea.C. Of course not!D. Im not used to it.4. Youd better take the umbrella with you. It looks like its going to rain. .A. Its hard to believe.B. You may be right. Thank you for reminding me.C. Its quite unusual.D. I think you are too sensitive.5. Mary, I heard you went skiing with yo

    26、ur friends. What happened? .A. Well,I never learned skiing.三、语法与词汇:30%(答案必须填在答卷表格里,否则不得分)1. Economics, several courses of which I have taken thus far,13. he is absent, what shall we do?A. Now thatB. Seeing thatC. WhetherD. Supposing thatB. I sprained my ankle and caught a bad cold. to be difficult b

    27、ut useful for almost all students.14. the door than somebody started knocking on it.C. Well,its difficult to imagine.D. Nothing serious.6. Whats happening with the new teaching building? .A. Its not an easy job.B. Ive just come back.C. Ive never been there before.D. Its held up by the bad weather th

    28、is week.7. Do yo u know Johns new address? Heres his mail and I want to send it to him. .A. Sorry, I dont think I will do this.B. Well, we used to be roommates.C. Well, we will never meet again.D. Sorry, we didnt get along before he moved.8. Are you looking forward to going home for the summer? .A.

    29、Yes, I do.B. No, I dont.C. Im counting the days.D. Im so worried about the final.9. How do you like the country life here so far? .A. There is nothing special.B. It looks like boring.C. Its too far from the city.D. Its quite different from what I expected.10. So, what do you think of the dress? Its

    30、in your price range. .A. Well, Im afraid I cant afford it.B. Sorry, I dont want to buy any dress.C. Sorry. Can you buy it yourself?D. Well, its a bit off but it certainly looks nice.A. proveB. provesC. have been provedD. are proved2. A thousand miles no longer much to us today, for modern jets can easily get us to a great distance within a matter of a few hours.A. meantB. meansC. meanD. will mean3. Cattle (吃草) to graze on the village common(公共用地).A. are allowedB. is allowedC. allowsD. allow4. Mathematics as well as other subjects a science.A. wasB. isC. areD. belong to5. Either of these you


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