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    1、一、课前小测哪一个;哪一些 眼镜 知道 .女警察(单数/复数) 制服 .圆的 友好的 .读课文U1和U2情况: . .二、听力训练课堂表现:三、Unit 3 单词日常固定的程序;常规时间点钟半过去一刻,15分钟差到睡觉非常好的;伟大的疲倦回家早餐午餐晚餐四、Unit 3 词组起床 .7点半 past . 上学 school9点45分a ten. 回家 back .在早上/下午/傍晚in the / / .五、Unit 3 句型根据中文提示把句子补充完整。1. time it? (几点了? )2. 7 . (7点了。)3. Its to up. (到起床的时间了。)4. time class.

    2、(到上课的时间了。) 5. Its seven . (现在是7点半) 6. Its to ten. (9点45分) 六、知识考点【知识考点一】get up 起床I usually at seven oclock. 我通常7点起床。get up 反义词: go to bed.【知识考点二】a quarter to 点45分; 差一刻到点钟注意: a quarter to 后面的小时数要加1。 如:6: 45 a quarter to . 2: 45 a quarter to .【知识考点三】What time is it? 几点了? “What time is it?” 用来询问时间,回答是“I

    3、ts”后面直接加时间。A: What time is it? B: It is five oclock. “What time is it?” = “Whats the time?”【知识考点四】Its time for/ to 该; 到的时候了。 Its time for class. 该上课了。 Its time to go back home. 该回家了。 注意: for 后面接该做的事情名称(名词), to 后面接动作(动词),一定要学会区分。【知识考点五】 daily: 日常的;Our life is colourful. 我们的日常生活丰富多彩。相关短语: daily routin

    4、e 日常常规; daily paper: 日报【知识考点六】时间的表示:1) 整点时间: 数字+oclock 如: 8:00 eight oclock. 2) 半点时间: half past + 小时数 9:30 .3) 一刻钟(15分钟或者45分钟)1. a quarter past + 小时(过15分钟) 2:15 .2. a quarter to + 小时 (差15分钟) 3: 45 .还可以直接读小时和分钟数,来表达任何时刻,这样更容易说。5: 30 five thirty 12: 20 .注意: 英语中用am 表示上午, pm表示下午, noon表示正午12点。 如:4:00 pm,

    5、 8:30 am, 12: 00 noon【知识考点七】go: 去 反义词: come 跟go 有关的短语: go to school: 上学 go to bed: 睡觉 go to the classroom: 去教室 go to work: 去上班 go to the park: 去公园 go home/ go back home: 回家注意: home 前面不加to. 【知识考点八】sleep: 睡觉 Mike, its time to sleep now. 同义句: Mike, its time to now. 【知识考点九】great: 伟大的,非常好的Great. I am so

    6、tied. 真好,我太累了。tied: 疲倦的;累的 be tired = feel tired. I am tired = I tired. 课堂训练:1) 选择填空( ) 1. I have at 8:00 in the evening. A.breakfast B. lunch C. dinner( ) 2. Its time play games my friends. A.for; with B. to; with C. to; for( ) 3. I at 2:00 in the morning. A.go home B.go to home C.goes home( ) 4. n

    7、eeds breakfast first. A. She;she B.She; her C.Her; her( ) 5. do you usually have lunch? A. Whats time B. What the time C. What time2) 判断画线部分读音是否一致,是填T,否填F( ) 1. A.good B. game( ) 2. A.orange B. grape( ) 3. A. head B.bread ( ) 4. A.farmer B. teacher( ) 5. A.here B. there3) 同义句转换1. Its time to go to s

    8、chool. Its time .2. Its time to have lunch. Its time .3. Its time for bed. Its time to .4. Its time for work. Its time to .4) 读一读,完成下面的句子。Tims Timetable6:30 am7:30 am12:00 noon4:00 pm5:30 pmget upgo to schoolhave lunchgo back homedo homeworkJohns Timetable7:15 am8:00 am4:00 pm6:45 pm8:30 pmhave brea

    9、kfasthave classgo back homehave dinnerWatch TV1. Its seven. Its time to go to shool, Tim. 2. Tim has at twelve oclock. 3. Tim goes back home at .4. has break at a quarter past seven. 5. Its a . Its time to have dinner, John. 6. John watches TV at 8:30 in the . 5) 看图,补全句子所缺的单词。1. Its h p eight in the

    10、 morning. Its time for c . 2. Its seven o in the morning. Its time to g u .3. Its nine thirty at night. Its time to t a s .4. Its four oclock in the afternoon. Its time to t the children a s .5. Its a quarter to six in the afternoon. Its to c d . 6. Its 7:00 in the evening. Its time to w TV. 6) 为问句找

    11、出合适的答语( ) 1. Its time to sleep. ( ) 2. What time is it?( ) 3. Its time to say goodbye. ( ) 4. Its seven oclock in the morning. ( ) 5. Its four oclock. Its time to go back home. A. See you ! B. Great! I m so tired. C. Lets go home ! D. Its half past six. E. Its time to go to shool. 7) 读短文,给图写编号(1)-(8

    12、)。Im a little girl. I am four years old. At 9:00, grandpa takes me to school. We go to school on foot. I play with my friends at school. This is my friend Angela. She looks shy. At 12:00, I have lunch with my friends. We visit at a big table to eat. After lunch, we sleep in a big bedroom. In the aft

    13、ernoon, the teacher tells us stories. At 4:00, grandpa takes me home. I play with my dog in the garden. At 7:00, I have dinner with my family. We all look happy. At a quarter to nine, I take a bath. Its a quarter past nine. Im sleeping in my bed.What a nice day !8) 用几句话简单描述你一天的作息安排。 . . . . .课后作业:1)

    14、 英汉互译1. 太累了 . 2. time for lunch .3. 9:30 . 4. a quarter to seven .5. 上学 . 6. 做作业 .7. half past twelve . 8. 起床 .9. a quarter past nine . 10. 10:00 .2 ) 翻译句子1. Its time to sleep. .2. What time do you usually have breakfast? .3. Do you take exercise? .4. Its a quarter to ten. .5. I usually go running or swimming in the afternoon from 4:30 to 5:30. .7


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