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    1、六年级英语下册期中测试卷一、为单词选择恰当的汉语意思。(10分)( )1. any A. 一点 B.一些;任何 C.任何事情( )2. team A. 学期 B. 队员 C. 队( )3. game A. 游戏 B. 大门 C.玩耍( )4. heavy A. 大的 B. 多的 C. 沉重的( )5. catch A. 抓住 B. 手表 C . 看 ( ) 6. need A. 可以 B. 需要 C. 没有 ( ) 7.housework A. 作业 B. 家庭 C. 家务 ( ) 8.look out A.回头看 B. 当心,小心C. 看上去 ( ) 9.look like A. 喜欢 B.

    2、 看 C. 看上去像 ( )10.policeman A. 医生 B. 警察 C. 工人二、词形转换。(10分)1.dress(复数) 2.run(现在分词) 3.take(现在分词) 4.do(单三) 5.win(过去式) 6.cold(反义词) 7.wash(单三) 8.high(反义词) 9.does not(缩写) 10.health(形容词) 三、根据句义及首字母提示,补全单词。(10分)1. Everyone wants to be s_ and healthy.2. After breakfast , Jenny b_ her teeth.3. There are sixty m

    3、_ in an hour .4. This ball is l_ ! I can throw is easily!5. We should eat v_ to keep healthy.6. These are onions . They can m_ us cry.7. What s_ do you play ?8. Stop talking! Listen to y_ teacher .9. You have to play sports for e_ .10. I usually take a s_ twice a week.四、短语互译。(10分)1. 吃早饭 _ 2. 打篮球 _3.

    4、对有好处_ 4. 洗淋浴 _5. 醒来 _ 6. twice a month_7. each other _ 8. work hard _9. too heavy _ 10. a pair of runners_五、选择填空。(30分)1. She is _ good basketball player . A. a B. the C. an2. We _ in the same city . A. play B.look C. live3.Kim usually wakes up _7:00_ the morning. A. in,at B.at,in C. at,at4. Walking

    5、to school _ exercise . A. am B. is C. are5. _ Who won ? _ _ team . A. Bob B. Bobs C. Bobs6. I often _ Danny to play ping-pong . A. teach B. teaching C. teaches7. Mr Smith _ some dishes yesterday. A. buy B. bought C. boughts8._ Is your umbrella dry or wet ?_ _ A.Yes, It is B.No, Its wet C.Its wet9. T

    6、his car is _ than that one . A. big B. bigger C. biggest10. Yesterday Li Ming _ to the store . A. go B. went C. goes11. You have _ sports for exercise . A. play B. plays C. to play12. He usually goes to school _ bus . A. on B. by C. with13. Jenny and Li Ming _ fun at the game . A. have B. has C. are

    7、14. Before breakfast, my mother _ his teeth . A. wash B. brushes C. brush15. I dont like playing ping-pong . _ A. too B. either C. to六、情景交际。(10分)( )1. How many minutes make an hour?( )2. How often do you eat cabbage ?( )3. May I borrow your soccer?( )4. Are you going to watch Tv ?( )5. Do you like p

    8、lay the piano?A. Yes , I do . B. Yes , I am C. Sixty minutes . D. I eat cabbage once a year . E. Sure !七、把下列单词组成一句话。(10分)1. going , is , next , to , happen , what(?) _2. Bobs , won , the , team , game , basketball(.) _3. exercise , you , do , much , need(?) _4. like to , you , learn to, would, basketball, play(?) _5. Bob , T_shirt , a , has , blue (.) _八、句型转换。(10分)1. Their new books are 20 yuan .(对画线部分提问) _2. The ball is in the classroom .( 对画线部分提问) _3. We have a pair of runners .(改为否定句) _4. Li Ming hits the ball to Jenny .(改为现在进行时) _5. Do you like this ball ?(加that ball改为选择疑问句) _


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