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    1、竞选英语课代表演讲稿英语竞选英语课代表演讲稿英语1. 竞选英语课代表 英语作文 hello!my name is liuning.I want to be a English delegate in our class.I study not verygood.but i think i can do it by my best .i can try. If my this dream come true.I will more work hard than before.than i will help others .i am sure to make progress improve o

    2、neself in our english . i hope you can choice me。 2. 英语课代表竞选发言稿(不要英文)(短)2021年2月11日的半夜还 英语科代表 演讲稿 【Kaiser3344倾情奉献】 我本人对英语有着深厚的爱好,我非常想成为英语课代表,一来是为大家服务,二来是能够以次来促进我愈加努力的学习英语,我盼望大家能够给我这个机会,这不只仅是对我的考验,也是对我的信任.我认为当英语课代表,首先就要在英语上给同学们起模范带头作用,我会在以后的生活里努力学习英语,假如大家有什么不会的问题随时可以来问我,我会很热心的帮你们解答.而且我也会仔细完成老师给我的任务,关心

    3、老师,帮我们班集体的英语成果带动起来.当然我也是第X次当了,(假如有当过再写,我对我们班的英语和英语课代表的任务也已经非常熟识,假如大家觉得我原来干得不错的话,就请支持我,我肯定不会让你们绝望的.) 假如我当上了英语课代表,我会做到以下几点.:1. 为人和善,与同学们成为亲热的好伴侣,和大家共同进步. 2. 做好大家的督导员,老师的好助手. 3. 做好每天的工作,让同学们对英语更感爱好. 4. 按时检查同学的英语作业,对不完成者进行提示或惩处. 5. 每天上课时留意观看,有溜号的同学准时汇报给老师. 6. 每天仔细听讲,按时完成作业,做好预习和复习的工作,当好同学们的榜样. 假如我当上了这个课

    4、代表,我肯定会好好工作,好好学习,严于律己,以身作则,同时我也盼望大家能够监督我的工作,假如有什么做的不对的地方,请大家指出,我会虚心的接受大家善意的批判,不会孤负大家对我的期望和信任,感谢!尊敬的老师,友爱的同学们: 大家好!我叫xxx,一个人静心不静的女孩! 今日走上讲台的独一目的就是竞选英语课代表,这是我人生中第一次演讲,不免有些紧急.但对我来说,更多的还是感动吧!不瞒大家说,上台前我真的迟疑了许久,这次是鼓足了士气上台的,盼望同学们多多鼓舞我,支持我!文雅无胜感谢! 在我看来,要担当某科课代表不肯定要该科成果最棒,最重要的是看他能否有力量胜任.记得戴尔卡耐基说过:不要怕推销本人,只需你

    5、认为本人有才华,你就应当认为本人有资历担当这个或那个职务.我不敢虚夸本人的英语成果是最棒的.要想当英语课代表,首先要熟悉,了解它才能做好.英语课代表应为老师分忧,为同学解难,为同学服务,工作要每天按时按量做,才是一个课代表应有的责任心.课代表并不高人一等,遇到难题还是可以去问同学的.这几点,我信任我能做到.假如同学对我的工作有建议或看法的话,可以向我提出来,我肯定诚意接受,能当上英语课代表当然是好事,并且尽力做好分内的事.,关心大家.让我们一起努力吧! 请大家信任我,支持我.我对本人布满信念,即便我不能做到最好,但我会尽力做更好的.我会用一句话鼓舞本人:勤于工作,奋于学习.真诚的盼望大家能给我

    6、个展现力量得机会!当然,即便我没有当选,我也不回气妥的,我会愈加努力学习,依旧连续关心大家.请大家投我一票吧! 我的发言完毕,感谢大家!尊敬的老师,友爱的同学们:。 3. 竞选英语课代表的演讲稿怎样写 各位同学老师,大家好:、我本人对英语有着深厚的爱好,我非常想成为英语课代表,一来是为大家服务,二来是能够以次来促进我愈加努力的学习英语,我盼望大家能够给我这个机会,这不只仅是对我的考验,也是对我的信任。 我认为当英语课代表,首先就要在英语上给同学们起模范带头作用,我会在以后的生活里努力学习英语,假如大家有什么不会的问题随时可以来问我,我会很热心的帮你们解答。而且我也会仔细完成老师给我的任务,关心

    7、老师,帮我们班集体的英语成果带动起来。 当然我也是第。 次当了,(假如有当过再写,我对我们班的英语和英语课代表的任务也已经非常熟识,假如大家觉得我原来干得不错的话,就请支持我,我肯定不会让你们绝望的。)假如我当上了这个课代表,我肯定会好好工作,好好学习,严于律己,以身作则,同时我也盼望大家能够监督我的工作,假如有什么做的不对的地方,请大家指出,我会虚心的接受大家善意的批判,不会孤负大家对我的期望和信任,感谢! Respected teacher, dear schoolmates: Hello! I named XX, I like singing, dancing, special skil

    8、l English, music.This time, I must campaign for the position is class in English representative. I like English, the result am am among the best in the class.Sometimes even plays plays I all to play English, although some I cannot read, but the take your time, always can learn.Also, these years I co

    9、ntinuously all was class in English representative, had some experiences, I had the responsibility, have ability to complete my in ones power work for English teacher. If I have worked as class in English representative, first I could compared to before even more diligently, caused schoolmates even

    10、more to trust me, moreover, before, some many schoolmates had the opinion to me, said I could not work as good this class in English representative, this time, I could use the practical action to prove oneself: I can work as good this class in English representative. I can lead everybody to carry on

    11、 some about English activity, for instance said: In January summarizes, the unit summary and so on.We may reconsidering forms and so on make the tabloid, write to carry out each subject activity, I believed, under mine leadership, our classs English result meets the straight line rise! Even if I do

    12、not work as class in English representative, I cannot be discouraged, still can continue to help everybody, asks everybody to throw my ticket! My speech finished, thanks everybody!。 4. 英语科代表竞选演讲稿(英文版)作参考用 hi,everyone,now i,m standing here and hoping to be the English course representative .here are

    13、the reasons:first,i love english and i,m also good at english.Second,i am pretty sure that i can do this job well because im willing to help those students who need help in english and ill try my best to improve your english.I need your support and if you guys have confidence in me,please vote for m

    14、e,thank you so much。 5. 英语课代表竞选稿(英文,要有中文翻译)要简短 今日,很荣幸走上讲台,和那么多愿意为班级作贡献的同学一道,竞选班干部职务。我想,我将用旺盛的精力、糊涂的头脑来做好班干部工作,来发挥我的特长关心同学和x班集体共同努力进步 我从学校到现在班干部一年没拉下,但我一身洁净,没有“官相官态”,“官腔官气”;少的是畏首畏尾的私虑,多的是敢做敢为的闯劲。 我想我该当个实干家,不需要那些漂亮的词汇来修饰。工作熬炼了我,生活培养了我。戴尔卡耐基说过“不要怕推销本人,只需你认为本人有才华,你就应当认为本人有资历提任这个或那个职务”。 我信任,靠着我新锐不俗的“官念”,

    15、靠着我的士气和才能,靠着我与大家同舟共济的深厚友情,这次竞选演讲给我带来的必定是下次的就职演说。我会在任何时候,任何状况下,都首先是“想同学们之所想,急同学们之所急。” 我决不信奉“无过就是功”的信条,恰恰相反,我认为一个班干部“无功就是过”。由于本人平常与大家相处融洽,人际关系较好,这样在客观上就削减了工作的阻力。我将与风华正茂的同学们在一起,教导江山,发出我们青春的呼喊。当师生之间发生冲突时,我肯定明辨是非,敢于坚持准绳。特殊是当老师的说法或做法不尽正确时,我将敢于乐观为同学们谋求正值的权益假如同学们对我不信任,随时可以提出“不信任案”,对我进行弹劾。你们放心,弹劾我不会像弹劾克林顿那样麻

    16、烦,我更不会死赖不走。 既然是花,我就要开放;既然是树,我就要长成栋梁;既然是石头,我就要去铺出大路;既然是班干部,我就要成为一名精彩的领航员! 流星的光辉来自天体的摩擦,珍宝的灿烂来自贝壳的眼泪,而一个班级的优秀来自班干部的领导和全体同学的共同努力。 我自信在同学们的关心下,我能胜任这项工作,正由于这种内驱力,当我走向这个讲台的时候,我感到信念百倍。 你们拿着选票的手还会迟疑吗?感谢大家的信任 6. 七班级竞选英语课代表,的演讲稿,英文版 Respected teacher, dear schoolmates: Hello! I named XX, I like singing, danci

    17、ng, special skill English, music.This time, I must campaign for the position is class in English representative. I like English, the result am am among the best in the class.Sometimes even plays plays I all to play English, although some I cannot read, but the take your time, always can learn.Also,

    18、these years I continuously all was class in English representative, had some experiences, I had the responsibility, have ability to complete my in ones power work for English teacher. If I have worked as class in English representative, first I could compared to before even more diligently, caused s

    19、choolmates even more to trust me, moreover, before, some many schoolmates had the opinion to me, said I could not work as good this class in English representative, this time, I could use the practical action to prove oneself: I can work as good this class in English representative. I can lead every

    20、body to carry on some about English activity, for instance said: In January summarizes, the unit summary and so on.We may reconsidering forms and so on make the tabloid, write to carry out each subject activity, I believed, under mine leadership, our classs English result meets the straight line ris

    21、e! Even if I do not work as class in English representative, I cannot be discouraged, still can continue to help everybody, asks everybody to throw my ticket! My speech finished, thanks everybody! 7. 英语课代表英语竞选稿 The Middle-Autumn Festival is one of the traditional Chinese festivals, it is often held

    22、in September or October. During the festival, family members get united and have mooncakes together. THere are various kind of mooncakes, such as bean paste, egg-yolk or meat. The shape of a mooncake is round as it symbolizes a big moon. Moreover, in the evening of the Middle-Autumn Festival, people

    23、 get together in a vacant place, eating delicious mooncakes while appreciating the beautiful moon hanging in the dark sky. To conclude, the Midde-Autumn Festival is a very nice festival for Chinese people. 中东中秋节是中国传统节日之一,它往往是进行在九月或十月。节日期间,家庭成员都聚起来吃月饼。有各种样的月饼,如豆沙,蛋黄或肉。月饼的外形是圆的,由于它意味着一个大的月亮。此外,在中秋节晚上,

    24、人们都聚集在空地上,吃美味的月饼,同时观赏漂亮的月亮挂在漆黑的天空。对中国人来说中秋节是一个特别美丽的节日。 来自 大科学 团队 8. 求高校英语课代表竞选演讲稿 英文的 500字 谢了 Hello, the students of food science and engineering, the students of politics and public management, and the English teacher of our class. It is great honor and pleasure for me to be there. Now, I announce

    25、my campaign tour is beginning. First, in the front of the classroom standing me who comes from a village of Hubei province, for I could pass the college entrance examination save and sound and become the owner of 122 marks in English test, the appreciation rises up from deep in my heart. Maybe in yo

    26、ur eyes, that only by this as capital of my campaign can not gain your acceptation. So here we go! The English learning tour is long but joyful. And now because we are in Hainan University where is equipped with perfect and useful facilities, I believe we can defeat English. Yes, we can. Because tha

    27、t the teacher who is responsible and full of creation belongs to us. I believe we can spend a cheerful time in our English class. Yes we can. Because the dream on our shoulders, the goals in our hearts, I believe we can pass the four-year time happily and successfully. Yes we can. Since I am standin

    28、g here, absolutely all of you can. English learning needs to read, to memorize, but more importantly needs to speak out, speak out! Just like me. Now I am lost in this exciting situation, and once I become the assistant to English teacher. This kind of activity will be conducted frequently. At that time, I hope you could share your own experience with me, and there is no wonder it can contribute to your English. Classmates! For our English dream, please vote for me! Believe yourself, believe me. Yes we can, yes I can!


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