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    1、中考英语模拟考试题和答案解析2018年中考英语模拟试题及答案一、选择填空。(共15小题,计15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。1. Have you seen wolf warriors II (战狼II)?Yes. This is _ educational film and it has become one of _ most popular films in the world.A. a; / B. a; the C. an; the D. /; the2. Hi, Cathy! I saw Miss Zhang in the meeting room j

    2、ust now.No, it _ be her. She went to Nanjing two days ago. A. must B. may C. cant D. neednt3. Did you watch 2018 CCTV Spring Festival Evening Gala in Taian? Certainly. That night the sky over Taian was as _ as that in the day with the light. A. bright B. brightly C. brighter D. more brightly 4. What

    3、 about going to the cinema on foot with me, Wei Ming? I prefer _ a bike to _ there.A. ride; walk B. riding; walk C. ride; walking D. riding; walking5. Chinas first home-built aircraft carrier(航空母舰) hit the water in Dalian _ the morning of April 26, 2017.A. in B. on C. at D. to6. When we see any wast

    4、e lying on the ground, we should _.A. pick it out B. point at it C. pick it up D. kick it out7. Its said that the TV program Readers was quite popular. Yes. _ my parents _ my little sister likes watching it very much. A. Neither; nor B. Both; and C. Either; or D. Not only; but also8. Do you know Chi

    5、nas famous scientist Pan Jianwei? You mean “the father of quantum”(量子之父)? Yes, he is the _ of our country.A. pride B. prize C. proud D. heart9. Well study in different schools next term. I hope youll enjoy your time in the new school! _A. Ill take your advice B. The same to youC. Congratulations! D.

    6、 Me, too.10. Will Sally come here tomorrow? I dont know if she_ here tomorrow. If she _ here, I will tell you.A. comes; comes B. will come; comes C. comes; will come D. will come; will come11. The 24th Winter Olympics will be held in China in 2022._ exciting news it is!A. How B. What an C. What D. H

    7、ow an12. Every day, _ people wait to watch the raising of the national flag at Tiananmen Square.A. thousands B. two thousands C. thousand of D. thousands of13. Wechat is an invention _ can help people talk to friends, share photos, ideas and feelings freely. I think its very useful in our life. A. w

    8、hich B. whom C. where D. whose14. Would you mind my using your camera? Sorry, theres _ with it. A. wrong something B. wrong anything C. anything wrong D. something wrong15. Many people talk about “Didi”. I really wonder _.Just call to order a taxi through it on your mobile phone.A. how I can use it

    9、B. who uses it most C. why people use it D. what it is used for 二、完形填空。(共10小题,计10分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个能填入文中相应空白处的最佳答案。 Young Chinese would like to wear sweaters with messages. They expect to stop family members from nagging(唠叨) in the 16 traditional Chinese Spring Festival period, beginni

    10、ng on Feb, 16. One such sweater features(特载)messages such as “Please dont ask me the grades in final examinations”, “Your child is really great” ,“No 17 salary, “I am on a diet, I cant eat too much” and so on.Sweaters with these messages become 18 because they provide answers to nagging questions fr

    11、om some youths parents or relatives.During the Spring Festival, family members gather together and some of the elder ones always ask the 19 members of the family questions which they feel unhappy to answer. For example, “How many points did you get in final examinations?” or “When will you be 20 ?”.

    12、Many internet users 21 the logo sweaters are lovely, and help them not need to answer questions if they wear the clothes during the holiday. 22 , some internet users are not that optimistic (乐观) about the sweaters.There are also many 23 methods to keep people from family nagging during the Spring Fe

    13、stival holidays. For example, some netizens(网民) suggest we can please our parents or other elder relatives by 24 their words and doing what they want us to do.Other internet users hoped they could share with their family members a song 25 What I Do is for Your Own Good, with the lyrics “My dear fami

    14、ly members, I have my own life.”16. A. seven days B. seven day C. seven-day D. seven-days17. A. talking about B. to talk about C. talk about D. talked about18. A. safe B. polite C. important D. popular19. A. taller B. happier C. younger D. stronger20. A. married B. marrying C. to marry D. marry21. A

    15、. know B. agree C. wonder D. decide22. A. But B. So C. However D. Though23. A. another B. others C. the other D. other24. A. listening to B. hearing of C. saying to D. looking at25. A. calling B. to call C. call D. called四、阅读理解。(共20小题,计40分)AWorld Book Day is coming. Whats your favorite book? Here ar

    16、e the answers of four students in Sunshine Middle School. My favorite book is A Friend like Henry. Its about how a family dog helps a boy deal with his autism(自闭症). When I felt sad, my best friend gave me this book. It cheered me up.David Reading in the holiday is an interesting thing. Twenty Thousa

    17、nd Leagues Under the Sea is my favorite book. Its about a captains travels under the sea. The story is very interesting and the pictures are fantastic. This book can make you relaxed.Tony I like reading the Four Great Classical Novels of China although Im a foreigner from Sydney. I cant wait to tell

    18、 the book Romance of the Three Kingdoms(三国演义). I learned a lot about the three kingdoms of Wei, Shu and Wu. If you are interested in history, dont miss it.Bob In my opinion, The Little Prince is the best one. In this book, a young prince falls to the Earth from a small planet and experiences a lot.

    19、Its not just a fiction, and it also tells us about the correct values.Mary26. Why does David think A Friend like Henry is his favorite book?A. Because it can cheer him up. B. Because it is fiction.C. Because it is a gift from his father. D. Because it is about travels under the sea.27. If Sarah like

    20、s books with fantastic pictures, which book should she choose?A. A Friend like Henry. B. Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea.C. Romance of the Three Kingdoms. D. The Little Prince.28. As for the book Romance of the Three Kingdoms, which of the following is NOT TRUE?A. It can make people feel relax

    21、ed.B. It is one of the Four Great Classical Novels of China.C. It talks a lot about the three kingdoms in China.D. It will be loved by the people who are interested in history.29. We can learn about _ from The Little Prince.A. Chinese history B. correct valuesC. making friends D. keeping dogs30. Wha

    22、t do you think the passage probably is?A. A letter. B. A notice.C. A story. D. A report.BAs an old Chinese saying goes, Spring Festival comes right after the Laba Festival, so get ready for a bowl of porridge while looking forward to the long-awaited family get-together.Today, people across China ar

    23、e celebrating the Laba Festival. It is a traditional Chinese festival. Its on the eighth day of the 12th lunar month. What does this festival mean to Chinese people? OK, It just tells people to prepare for celebrating the coming New Years Day and for wanderers to return home to get together with the

    24、ir family.Long long ago, Laba Festival was a day of thanks for a good harvest. On this day, people usually eat Laba porridge, a porridge with eight kinds of mixed grains(谷物). Many temples today have the tradition of giving out Laba porridge to the public. The sweet, red porridge is believed to bring

    25、 luck and joy.The festival is also the day for people to put garlic in vinegar(醋). The garlic turns green, and this Laba garlic will be eaten with dumplings on Chinese New Years Day. While in the past, It was used to let people remember to pay back the money they had borrowed, as Laba is near the en

    26、d of the year and garlic (sun, 蒜 in Chinese) sounds the same as calculate(sun, 算). Customs are quite different across the country. People in Qianxian, east Chinas Anhui Province, will eat the Laba tofu a few days before. In Xining City, northwest Chinas Qinghai Province, people will eat porridge wit

    27、h beef and mutton.31. The Laba Festival is on _. A. The eighth day of DecemberB. The eighth day of JanuaryC. The eighth day of the twelfth monthD. The eighth day of the twelfth lunar month32. The underlined word “wanderers” probably means _. A. 奇迹 B. 怀疑者 C. 流浪者 D. 离家者33. The writer does NOT tell us

    28、that _ about Laba Festival. A. Laba Festival is the start for people to prepare for the coming New Year B. Laba Festival means its time to think about returning home C. the festival was a day of thanks for a good harvest in the old days D. customs about Laba Festival are almost the same across the c

    29、ountry34. What can we learn from Paragraph 4 according to this passage? A. The garlic will turn green and be eaten with noodles.B. Laba garlic will be eaten before Laba Festival.C. People usually put garlic in vinegar on New Years Day.D. garlic sounds the same as calculate in Chinese. 35. Whats the

    30、best title for the passage? A. The Laba Festival.B. The beginning of Laba Festival. C. The customs of Laba Festival.D. Laba Festival is different in different parts of China. C Ou Pingqin was a teacher in a special school (for deaf and mute(聋哑)students),who has recently been considered the Most Beau

    31、tiful Teacher in China.After graduating from a college, she went to this school alone and worked there for nearly twenty years. The headmaster of the school said, “She worked hard and taught well. She was a backbone teacher in our school. She was also the most welcome teacher among the students. For students, she was like


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