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    1、广西贵港市届九年级第三次模拟考试英语试题含答案2016届初中毕业班第三次教学质量监测试题英语参考答案参考答案:一、1- 4 CADB 5-10 CAACBB 11-15 ACBCB 16-20 CBCAB 21-25 BABCA26. July 27. picnic 28. water 29. meet 30. bus二、31-35 CBACD 36-40 ACCDC 41-45 BADCA三、46-50 CBCAB 51-55 ABCBD四、56-60 ACBDA 61-65 DCCAB 66-70 CADBA五、71. waste 72. noisy 73. Although 74. re

    2、ceive 75. library76. voice 77. lend 78. sleepy 79. bridge 80. seldom六、81. impossible 82. decided 83. longest 84. slowly 85. sadness七、86. He lived in a city.87. Yes, it did / Yes.88. He went to save other children.89. There were five/ five.90. Fathers Hand八、书面表达How to keep safeThe summer holiday is c

    3、oming. We students should remember safety comes first no matter what we do. I think there are some safety rules for us to follow. First, we shouldnt swim alone in deep rivers or lakes. If we want to swim, we should go to the swimming pool with our parents or friends. Second, its very important to fo

    4、llow traffic rules. And we mustnt play on the road. Third, we mustnt play with fire because it is dangerous and may cause terrible accidents. Finally, we must be careful with electricity when we are using it. I think its very important for us to keep safe.听力录音材料:(一)1. He always listens to the teache

    5、r carefully in class.2. My parents went shopping with me last weekend.3. Please pay attention to the safety when you cross the street.4. Teenagers should not be allowed to smoke.(二)5. Where did Mary go on vacation last summer?6. Are you free this afternoon?7. How is he getting on with his classmates

    6、?8. When shall we go to the movie?9. Which would you like, tea or coffee?10. Whats the pencil made of?(三)11. W: David, are you watching Animal World?M: No. I am watching Talk Show.Q: Which program is David watching?12. W: Lets go to the mountain this Sunday.M: That sounds boring. Why not go to the m

    7、ovie?W: A good idea.Q: What will they probably do this Sunday?13. W: Jack, have you decided to go to Shanghai or Beijing for your holiday?M: Ive decided to go to Beijing. What about you, Mary?W: I will go to London.Q: Where has Jack decided to go?14. W: David, did you finish reading the book?M: No,

    8、I didnt. I borrowed it from Tony yesterday.W: I read it last week. It was very interesting.Q: When did the girl read the book?15. W: Bob, are you going to the concert with your sister this evening?M: No. My sister has to do her homework at home.W: Who will you go there with?M: Tom and Jack.Q: How ma

    9、ny people will go to the concert?16-17W: Hi, Peter! Why are you in a hurry?M: Its time for class! Im late.W: Dont worry! There is twenty minutes left. What class is it?M: English.W: English? Its difficult for me. I cant remember so many new words.M: I think its useful. Our English teacher always mak

    10、es it easy to learn English words. Im good at English.W: Really? Thats good! Could you help me learn English?M: Sure.18-20W: Hi, Tony. You look worried. Whats wrong?M: I borrowed my friends camera. But I dropped it in the swimming pool. Now it doesnt work at all.W: Thats too bad! Maybe you should bu

    11、y a new one.M: Youre right. But its too expensive. I cant afford it.W: How much is it?M: $800.W: Oh, GodSo much! Why not take a part-time job? I saw an advertisement yesterday.M: Really? What did it say?W: Sorry, I cant remember every word. But Im sure if you take the job, you can get 200 dollars ea

    12、ch month.(四)Hello! Im Harry. I had a great time last Sunday. It was sunny. Early in the morning, my good friend rang me up and invited me to go to the zoo. Then we went to the zoo together and saw many different kinds of animals there. We left the zoo at 11:30 a.m. When I reached home, my mother was

    13、 cooking lunch. She cooked some delicious dishes and noodles for my father and I. We enjoyed them very much. In the afternoon my mother and I saw my father off at the airport. He would go to Shanghai by plane. After that we went back home. My mother did some housework at home. I went to the school w

    14、ith my friends. We played soccer there. What a great day!(五)Hello, girls and boys. I have a piece of good news for you. On July 5, were going on a school trip. Well go to West Lake Park to have a picnic. You have to bring some food and water with you. You can also bring your sunglasses if its a sunny day.Well meet at the school gate at 7:15 a.m. on that day. And then well take the school bus to get there. Remember, dont be late because the bus is leaving on time.


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