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    1、江西省临川一中届高三上学期名校联考英语英 语卷面满分:150分 考试时间:120分钟第卷(三部分,共115分)第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题)听下面5段对话。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1 How long will the man have to wait for the post office to open? A15 minutes B10 minutes C20 minutes2 What is the man going to do during the summer vacation? AGo campi

    2、ng. BVisit his parents. CVisit his friends in London.3 What is the woman doing? AComplaining. BApologizing. CArguing.4 Why did the woman call? ATo ask to borrow some CDs. BTo ask whether Bill can come to the party. CTo pass on some information about the party.5 What is the probable relationship betw

    3、een the two speakers? ABoss and secretary. BTeacher and student. CCustomer and waitress.第二节(共15小题)听下面5段对话或独白。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6 What is Linda famous for? APainting. BTraveling. CCollecting stones.7 What is the mans opinion of Lindas stones? AP

    4、riceless. BImpressive. CImaginative.听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。8 Where does this dialogue take place? AIn the police station. BAt the womans house. CIn the street.9 What did the woman do when the thief ran away? AShe ran after him. BShe shouted loudly. CShe called the police.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10When did the two

    5、speakers last meet? AEight months ago. BTwo years ago. CThree years ago.11What did the woman do when she was in China? AShe was an editor. BShe was a journalist. CShe was a computer programmer.12Where does the woman come from? ACanada. BChina. CBritain.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13Why would the man rent an ap

    6、artment near the elementary school? AHe teaches there. BHis son studies there. CHe once lived there.14Which price would the man prefer? A$480 B$600 C$55015Which kind of apartment would the man prefer? AAn empty one. BOne with furniture in it. COne without a kitchen.16What will the speakers do afterw

    7、ards? ASign the agreement. BGo to see the apartment. CDiscuss about the charge for the service.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17Who designed the White House? AGeorge Washington. BJohn Adams. CJames Hoban.18Who were the first people to live in the White House? AJohn Adams and his wife. BGeorge Washington and his

    8、wife. CThe third president of the US and his wife.19How many rooms does the White House have? A123 B132 C23220Whats the speaker describing? AThe history of the White House. BThe structure of the White House. CSome presidents who have lived in the White House.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分

    9、) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A The cost of living in countries like the U.S., Britain, Australia or France has skyrocketed in recent years. However, if youre willing to leave your country and explore life in other areas, there are many countries boasting an extremely cheap and lo

    10、w cost of living. Check out the following countries when planning your next move. Ecuador Ecuador is similar to the United States in many ways, and as a result has become a popular American getaway. They even use the U.S. Dollar for their currency. In this country, its cheaper to eat out every day t

    11、han cook for yourself on a budget in the U.S. You can even buy a property for around $50000 and hire someone to tend to it while youre away Mexico Although the country is known for its poverty ridden streets, there are many wealthier areas that provide every facility you might need. You can live off

    12、 a mere $700 to $800 a month in Mexico, and this includes rent for a nice place, facilities, food, and any sightseeing. Argentina Argentina has been a popular tourist destination for many years. It has great restaurants, a rich history, and many places to explore. Not to mention, its not very expens

    13、ive to live here. A decent sized home can cost around $139000, which is relatively cheap in relation to homes in the United States. Vietnam Vietnam has also become a popular tourist destination in recent years. There are many million dollar luxury homes by the beach, but you can find a modest fiat o

    14、r small home for around $25000 to $50000 if you search in the right areas.21How much does it take at least to live in Mexico for a year? AAbout $7000 BAbout $8000 CAbout $8400 DAbout $980022What does Argentina and Vietnam have in common? AThey both have great restaurants. BThe cost of living in them

    15、 is both expensive. CThe middle-sized homes both cost around $ 139000. DPeople are all fond of travelling to the two countries.23In which country did the purchaser probably pay extra money after he left? AEcuador BMexico CArgentina DVietnamB When I was three years old, I couldnt speak. It was a stra

    16、nge reality that none of the doctors I visited could understand. One day, I was shadowing(跟随)my mother. She found herself looking in a mirror, and through it our eyes met. She began to speak to me through the reflection, and I slowly began to mimic(模仿)her mouths movements until I formed a word. It t

    17、urned out Im deaf in my left ear, and have a slight problem in my right. Being hard of hearing has been difficult, but Ive never lived in a state of self-hating sorrow. Imagine being able to shut out all sound as you lay your head down to sleep by simply rolling over onto one side. Thats my reality

    18、when I sleep on my good ear, and it makes me feel like a superhero sometimes. People call my deaf side my bad ear, but when I wear my hearing aid, I have access to a range of features that some other deaf people dont. In cinemas, for example, with one click of a button I can enjoy a whole film as th

    19、ough it were whispered to me from the mouths of the actors. Owning a hearing aid hasnt always felt good, however. On the first day I got my aid, when I was eight, I took it to school for show-and-tell. As I explained how it worked to my classmates, a boy yelled out, Arent those for old men? At that

    20、moment, I felt different. It took a long time for me to get over that sense of being so unlike my peers. But its not just school kids who can make us deaf and hard-of-hearing people feel like burdens. Every video on social media that lacks subtitles(字幕), for example, means an entire community of dea

    21、f people is unable to enjoy it. Completely deaf people are excluded from enjoying many movies too, as subtitles in cinemas are almost impossible to find. And with hearing aids costing around $2,500 each, it can be hard for many people to afford to be able to listen to the things that others take for

    22、 granted. As for me, I can listen to music, enjoy films, and catch conversations - Im lucky. Im deaf, but I can still hear everything. Ive been blessed with wonderful life experiences, and I am human. And when it comes to sleeping, Im even superhuman.24How does the author view his hearing difficulty

    23、? AIts a disaster and causes him a lot of trouble. BIt gave him a chance to experience something special. CIt made him feel embarrassed in front of his classmates. DIt helped him to live in his own world without being interrupted.25What can be inferred from the passage about the author? AHe was born

    24、 deaf. BHe is optimistic and helpful. CHis family and classmates have supported him a lot. DThe hearing aid brings much convenience to his daily life.26What is the authors attitude toward his life? Agrateful. Banxious. Cexcited. Ddisappointed.27What is the authors main purpose in writing the article

    25、? ATo give advice on life to disabled people. BTo show how difficult life is for disabled people. CTo share his experience of treating a disadvantage with gratitude. DTo show the convenience a hearing aid could bring.C Its thought that around 5 trillion pieces of plastic are currently floating in ou

    26、r oceans. Both mammals and fish benefit from clean oceans. It is reported that more than 8 million tons of plastic end up in our oceans every year, and nearly half of the plastic we produce is single-use only. This shoe brand, however, is riding the wave of change and is on a mission to help clean u

    27、p our waters and rid the sea of plastic bottles that can take up to 400 years to break down. Vivobarefoots newest footwear uses recycled plastic materials and has created an education program that spreads awareness about how harmful plastic is for sea life. Every pair of shoes is made up of 17 plast

    28、ic water bottles taken from the ocean and turned into a sustainable, comfortable pair of shoes, which are also healthy for your feet. And while not everyone can take part in ocean cleanups, choosing little ways we can give back to our planet goes a long way. Vivobarefoots new products include a vari

    29、ety of high-performance styles such as casual sneakers, running shoes, and hiking boots. The brand hopes that its latest initiative(首创精神)will help lessen the indifference to pollution and how harmful it is for all living beings. In the future, Vivobarefoot hopes to increase their production of shoes

    30、 created from sustainable materials, and thankfully, they are now one of many brands that aim to increase environmentalism and educate communities on how global warming affects everyone. This year, theyll add more recyclable and traceable materials into more than half of their production line, and t

    31、hey have plenty of creative developments in the works as well. The shoes also have a health benefit. Based on the concept that wider, minimally designed shoes enable our foot to function at maximum potential, wearers also experience better balance and sensory input.28How does the author make his point convincing? ABy listing figures. BBy telling a story. CBy giving examples. DBy making comparisons.29What is Vivobarefoot doing to help with the marine creatures? ADonating money to buy food for them. BKeeping


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