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    山东省临沂市平邑县赛博中学九年级英语下学期第一次月考试题无答案 人教新目标版Word下载.docx

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    山东省临沂市平邑县赛博中学九年级英语下学期第一次月考试题无答案 人教新目标版Word下载.docx

    1、5. Must I answer this question in English? No, you_.A. mustnt B. neednt C. cant D. shouldnt6. There was thick haze (雾霾) in our city this spring. What do you think of it? I think cars we drive, pollution the city will have. A. the fewer; the fewer B. the more; the fewer C. the fewer; the less D. the

    2、more; the less7. Mr Wang is strongly keeping animals in the zoo, because he thinks animals should also enjoy freedom. A. up B. for C. against D. down 8. This sweater is too small. Would you mind giving me a bigger one? _. Here you are.A. I disagree B. Good idea C. Thanks a lot D. Not at all9. May I

    3、play computer games now, Mom? No. You finish your homework first.A. must B. can C. could D. may10. The Olympic Games of 2016 will in Brazil. A. take after B. take off C. take place D. take away11. My parents often tell me too much junk food because its bad for my health. A. not eating B. not to eat

    4、C. eating D. to eat12. When an earthquake happens, and you are outdoors, you should go to an open area as as possible. A. quickly B. quietly C. loudly D. slowly13. Do you know Earth Day? Sure. It in 1970 to tell us to protect our planet.A. sets up B. set up C. is set up D. was set up14. As a middle

    5、school student, we should start thinking about for our country in the future. A. what we did B. what did we do C. what we can do D. what can we do15. We are going to play in tomorrows football match. I feel very nervous, Dad. _. Im sure you can win the match. A. Sorry B. Take it easy C. Good idea D.

    6、 Have fun16. Mike went to the library _ some books yesterday. A. borrow B. to borrow C. borrows D. borrowed17. We are happy to see our city is developing _ these years than before. A. quickly B. the most quickly C. very quickly D. more quickly18.I asked two people the way to the station, but of them

    7、 could help me. A. both B. neither C. either D. all19. Our mother earth gives us _ we need in our daily life. A. nobody B. nothing C. everybody D. everything 20. Now, people regard drinking tea _ a culture more than a habit. A. as B. by C. of D. with21. We have friends to help us fight against pollu

    8、tion, and trees are one of _. A. themselves B.they C. their D. them 22.In fact, China is one of the 13 thirstiest countries it has the worlds third largest water supply (可用量). A. until B. if C. though D. because23. It _ about eight minutes for sunlight to travel from the sun to the earth.A. takes B.

    9、 spends C. costs D. pays24. Turn off the water while you _ your teeth or washing your hands.A. were brushing B. brush C. are brushing D. brushed 25. When you are swimming, _ your ears. You can use earplugs (耳塞) to stop water getting into your ears.A. take after B. take part in C. take off D. take ca

    10、re of26. Im sorry, sir. I cant finish the work on time. Never mind. _, the work is quite difficult.A. At least B. For instance C. After all D. First of all27. After Mandela was free (自由的) in 1990, he chose to shake hands with the people _ wanted to kill him.A. whose B. which C. / D. who28. _ delicio

    11、us these beef noodles are!A. What B. How C. What a D. How a29. In order to protect the environment, people in Japan have to for their trash.A. cost B. pay C. spend D. take30. Dad, can you tell me _ to the amusement park? The day after tomorrow.A. when we are going B. when we went C. when are we goin

    12、g D. when did we go 二阅读理解。30分APlan the party around your childs interest. The best way to learn about your childs idea is to ask. Children are usually happier and better behaved at things they have helped to plan. Let your child help get ready for the party. He can help send out the invitations and

    13、clean the house. At the party, the birthday child should greet friends and guests at the door, take their gifts and show them politely to where the party is taking place. Parents should ask the children to talk with other guests politely. Make sure the birthday child knows how to follow polite table

    14、 mannersthis will help the other children be polite as well. When it is time for the birthday activities, call the children to sit and listen to instructions for the activities. Before your child goes to a birthday party, discuss with him right ways to listen and behave.At the end of the party, the

    15、birthday child should say Goodbye and Thank you to each friend. Always remember the thank-you notes! You will be very happy if you have a well-mannered child.阅读短文,判断正(A)误(B)。( )31. A thank-you note is very necessary after the party.( )32.Children should listen to instructions before the birthday act

    16、ivities. ( )33. Only the birthday child needs to know about polite table manners.( )34.Children are willing to do something they can for the party.( )35. The party should be planned according to parents opinions.BHundreds of years ago there lived a king in a small country. He liked swimming. When su

    17、mmer came, he always went to another palace by a forest with his guards and returned to the capital in autumn.One afternoon the king went swimming in a river in the forest but he didnt tell others about it. He was very happy when he swam in the water. After that he heard a great noise and saw a big

    18、bear coming at him. He tried his best to run away. He ran and ran and at last he lost his way. He was hungry and tired when he found an old house. There was an old farmer in it. “Its your king,” he said to the old man.” Im hungry now. Bring me something to eat quickly!”The old man had nothing dear.

    19、He only had four eggs. The king ate them and felt better.” How much must I pay you for that?“Eighteen pounds.”“How dear they are! Are eggs rare(稀有的)here?“No,” answered the old farmer. “We have only one king in our country! 36. _, so he was happy. A. The river was beautiful B.The water was warm C. He

    20、 was swimming in the water D. The king could swim for a long time 37. When the king saw the bear, he _. A. asked the old farmer to help him B. ran away quickly C. cried for help D. ran outside the forest 38. At last the king found _. A. his capital B. his guards C. an old house D. the bear 39. The k

    21、ing felt better because _. A. he ate four eggs B. the bear couldnt find him C. he could sleep in the farmers house D. the farmer knew he was a king 40. Which is the best title of the story? A. The Kindhearted King B. The King and the Bear C. The King in the Forest D. The King and the Old FarmerCAn o

    22、ld scientist recently made several tests with different animals to find out which was cleverer than other animals.In one test the old scientist put a monkey in a room where there were several boxes. Some boxes were inside other boxes. One small box had some food in it. The scientist wanted to watch

    23、the monkey and to find out how long it would take the monkey to find the food. The scientist left the room. He waited a few minutes outside the door. Then he got down on his knees (膝盖) and put his eyes on the keyhole. What did he see? To his surprise, he found himself looking into the eye of the mon

    24、key. The monkey was on the other side of the door and looked at the scientist through the keyhole.41. The scientist did the test to see _. A. if the monkey was cleverer than other animals B. if the monkey would look for the food C. if the monkey would steal (偷) the food D. if some boxes were inside

    25、other boxes42. In one test the scientist put a monkey _. A.into several small boxes B. into a small box C. in a room D. into a box where there was some food43. After the scientist left the room, the monkey_.A. began to look for food B. began to eat food C.came into the boxes one after another D. loo

    26、ked at the scientist through the keyhole 44. The scientist_. A. left the room for a long time B. looked at the monkey through the keyhole with his eyes C. got down on his knees and waited outside the door D. got down on his knees and heard with his ears45. To the scientists surprise _. A.the monkey

    27、looked at the scientist through the window B.the monkey got down on its knees C.the monkey put its eye to the keyhole D. the monkey came out of the roomD Which university would you like to go to in the future? Its not too early to think about it right now.Students at Hilltop School had aUniversity W

    28、eekat the end of last month.46For instance, they designed a flag for a virtual(虚拟的)“University of Hilltop”.47He said he started the program to help students form their aims. “University may not be for everyone, but we want the program to help students form their aims.” he said.48Eric, a student in G

    29、rade 8, said, “University Weekmade me realize that university is only four years away. I should do some research about where I want to go.” Paul, another student in Grade 8, said he realized that there are so many universities for him to choose.49The school also invited people to give career(职业)talks. The first talk was given by Captain Brown, a policeman. He talked about how to choose a career way.50“The program opened up the students eyes,”said Mr Miller.根据短文内容,选出五个句子填入文中空缺处,使短文内容完整正确。答案E用“AB”表示,答案F用“CD”表示A. He al


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