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    1、大学英语四级翻译新题型模拟语段练习大学英语四级考试新题型语段汉译英重点语句演练历史地理类1. 按人口计算,中国是世界上最大的国家;按领土面积计算,是第三大国家,仅次于俄罗斯和加拿大。 In terms of population, China is the largest country in the world; and in terms of territorial area, it is the third, ranking only after Russia and Canada.As far as its population is concerned, China is the l

    2、argest country in the world, and as far as its territorial area, it is the third, next only to Russia and Canada.2. 众所周知,中国的自然资源十分丰富,这使得中国具备良好的条件发展工农业。 China is known to be very rich in natural resources, this puts her in a good position to develop her industry and agriculture.As is known to all, Ch

    3、ina boasts very rich natural resources, which well equips the country with conditions to develop its industry and agriculture.3. 历史记载表明,到16世纪时,中国人已经发明了纸,并且传入了欧洲,使欧洲人大感惊奇。Historical records indicate that by the 16th century the Chinese had already invented paper and had it brought to Europe, triggeri

    4、ng/bringing about/initiating/sparking/ great amazement among the Europeans.It is recorded that, by the 16th century, the Chinese had already invented paper and had it brought to Europe, sparking/ great amazement among the Europeans.4. 中国的1,800公里长的大运河,建成于公元610年,流经17个城市,是世界上最古老,最长的人工水道。Chinas 1.800-ki

    5、lometer-long Grand Canal, which was completed in 610 AD and flows through 17 cities, is the worlds oldest and longest man-made waterway.Completed in 610 AD, the 1,800-kilometer-long Grand Canal flows through 17 cities in China as the worlds oldest and longest man-made waterway.5. 为了改善环境,中国最大的,人口最密的城

    6、市上海,正在计划建造一座占地300多公顷的森林公园,称为“超级绿肺”。In order to better its environment, Shanghai, Chinas largest and most populous city is planning to build a forest park spreading out over 300 hectares of land, to be known as the “Super Green Lung”.6. “园中之园”的圆明园,其建设与修复延续了150年,经历清朝的五代皇帝。1860年,在第二次鸦片战争期间,曾被英法军队烧成平地;而

    7、到1900年,则更进一步为八国联军所毁。The “Garden of Gardens”, Yuan Ming Yuan, which underwent 150 years of construction and renovation under five emperors in the Qing dynasty, was burned down by the British and French troops in 1860 during the Second Opium War and then further destroyed by the allied army of eight p

    8、owers in 1900.7. 长江三角洲区域,占有全国人口的6,提供全国国内生产总值的1/5以上,所以这一区域的发展,必然会对促进中国的经济建设起很大的作用。As the Yangtze River Delta area takes up 6% of Chinas total population and contributes more than 1/5 of the countrys GDP; its development will absolutely play a great role in speeding up Chinas economic construction.8.

    9、长江是中国最长的河流,长江上的三峡发电厂是一项正在进行中的十分巨大的工程,该厂所要用的发电机将是世界上最大的机组。The Yangtze is the Chinas longest river. Its Three Gorges Power Station is a gigantic project under construction; the generators the station is to use will be the largest units in the world.9. 北京人大约生活在公元前460,000年到230,000年之间,能够用火,并能制造石头工具,是早期旧石

    10、器时期人类的一个好实例。Peking man, who lived from about 460,000 BC to 230,000 BC and who was able to use fire and make stone tools, is a good example of early Old Stone Age men.10. 中国的万里长城是在两千多年前建成的,是在把封建王公们为了防御野蛮民族入侵而建筑的城堡连接起来的基础上建成的。The Chinas great wall was built more than 2,000 years ago on the basis of jo

    11、ining together the forts built by feudal lords to protect their land against invasions by barbarians.11. 中国的大河流都是从西流向东,使得南北之间的交通相对来说比较困难,因此铁路和公路成为了国家经济上必不可少的设施。All Chinas great rivers flow from west to east, making transportation between the south and the north relatively difficult, as a result, rai

    12、lroads and highways have become indispensable for national economy.12. 在中世纪,有大量的丝绸从中国运到中东和欧洲,走的是古代的丝绸之路,到今天这条路还有痕迹可寻。During the Middle Ages, large amounts of silk were brought to the Middle East and Europe from China along the ancient Silk Road, which is still traceable nowadays.13. 鸦片战争打开了中国长期封闭的门户

    13、,标志着帝国主义一系列侵略中国领土的开端。The Opium War broke open the Chinas long-closed door, and marked the beginning of a succession of imperialist aggressions upon Chinas territory.社会生活类1. 吃的太多,并不会使人更健康;相反,吃得太多,尤其是吃含脂肪多的食物,会对人体的健康有害。因此,节食是可取的。Eating too much will not make people healthier; on the contrary, too much

    14、, especially fatty food; will do harm to peoples health. Therefore, to be on a diet is preferable.2. 像麦当劳,肯德基这样的快餐厅,目前在中国像雨后春笋般发展起来;中国的传统快餐,像包子,饺子,能不能改进一下,与外国的产品竞争?Fast food restaurants such as McDonalds and KFC are mushrooming in China; Can Chinese traditional fast food like steamed bun and dumplin

    15、g be improved so as to compete with foreign products.3. 像许多西方人那样经常不吃早餐,并不是聪明的做法。我们中国人说:早餐要饱,午餐要好,晚餐要少,这从科学上来说无疑是正确的。It is unwise to go without breakfast like many westerners do. We Chinese say: have a full breakfast, a nice lunch, a light supper, this is, no doubt, scientifically correct.4. 今天电视在中国已

    16、经非常普遍,除了一些偏僻的地方,不论在城市或乡村,几乎每家都有一台电视机供其使用。Today, television is very common in China, with the exception of some remote places, practically every family, whether in the urban or in the rural areas, has a TV set to itself.5. 汽车也正在进入中国人的家庭,虽然一人普通的买车人可能买不起德国的奔驰车,但他完全有能力买一部日本的本田车,或者是上海产的桑塔纳。Automobiles, t

    17、oo, are entering Chinese families, although probably an average car-buyer is not able to afford a German Benz, he is well in a position to purchase a Japanese Honda or a Shanghai-made Santana.6. 在一个现代化的城市里,要避免交通阻塞绝非易事。也许一个良好的地铁系统,是减轻交通阻塞的唯一有效方法,可是建设成本十分高。It is never easy to avoid traffic jams in a m

    18、odern city. Perhaps, a nice subway system is the only effective means to lessen the jams, but its cost of construction is extremely high.7. 现在许多中国人在买自己的房子,在过去的几年里,房地产的价格曾经一翻再翻,但人们仍然是排队等候机会来买。Now, many Chinese are buying their own houses. Over the past years, the price of real estate has doubled and

    19、redoubled, but people still wait in lines for their chance to purchase.8. 在一个中国式的家里,厨房不过是一个煮东西的地方;但在许多西方式的家里,厨房不但是煮饭和吃饭的地方,还是一个家人或朋友们聚会的地方。In a Chinese house, the kitchen is nothing more than a place for cooking; but in many western houses, the kitchen is not only where people cook and eat but also

    20、where the family or friends usually come together.9. 每年,都有大批的外国旅游者来中国观光,中国有许多著名的旅游点,比如长城就是一个有重大历史意义的建筑物,桂林就是一个以不平凡的风景而闻名的地方。Every year, large amounts of foreign tourists come to China to visit, China has a lot of famous spots, for example, the Great Wall is a structure of great historical significan

    21、ce, and Guilin is a place known for its outstanding scenic beauty.10. 中国有着许多具有西方特色的五星级宾馆,但是有些外国旅游者宁可要中国式的宾馆,说他们不远千里而来,不是为了要体验他们自己国内每天都常见的东西。China has plenty of five-star hotels with Western features, but some foreign tourists would prefer a hotel with Chinese features, saying they dont travel thousa

    22、nds of miles in order to experience what they have every day in their own country.11. 现在一个西方人来到中国访问,不一定会因为文化上的差异而感到震惊,但他必定会对中国经济建设速度之快感到惊奇。A Westerner visiting China now may not get any cultural shock, but he is sure to be surprised at the tremendous speed of Chinas economic construction.12. 像春节在中国一

    23、样,圣诞节在西方国家是被人们广泛地庆祝的。人们互相寄卡片和送礼物,尤其是小孩子特别高兴,他们希望圣诞老人会给他们送来许多礼物。Like the Spring Festival in China, the Christmas is widely celebrated in the Western countries. People send cards and gifts to each other, especially, children are highly jolly, and they wish Santa would bring them a lot of gifts.13. 中国的

    24、经济继续沿着快速的轨道发展,许多中国人正在改变自己的生活方式,而在这样做的同时,他们总是准备好迎接任何新的挑战。As Chinas economy continues on the fast track, many Chinese are changing their lifestyle and, in so doing, they are ever ready to rise to any of the new challenges.14. 本园建于清末,占地五亩,毁于二十世纪五十年代。1995年重建,历时六载,扩至一百多亩。The garden, first built on a 5-mu

    25、 site towards the end of the Qing Dynasty, was ruined during the 1950s. Then, a 6-year long reconstruction started in 1995 and expanded it to the current size of more than 100 mu.工业农业类1. 中国一直在用现代世界科技最新成就的新式机器和设备,来大规模装备其工业。China has been equipping, on a large scale, her industry with the latest machi

    26、nes and equipment, which are the newest achievements of modern world science and technology. 2. 中国工业的大规模发展,是在1949年解放以后才开始的。在此之前,只有很小一部分人口从事工业,而当时的工业大都是一些家庭式或者手工业式的小工业。 The large-scale development of Chinas industry dates only from liberation in 1949. Prior to this time, but a very small portion of t

    27、he population was engaged in industry, most of which was of the domestic or craft type. 3. 本厂最初建立时,只有200个工人,现在则已成为外向型合资企业,雇有2,500个工人,分布在8个车间,生产各种产品主要向国外出口。While the factory was established, had only 200 workers, now, it has become a foreign-oriented joint venture, hiring 2,500 workers in 8 workshops

    28、, making different products mainly for export.4. 中国的各个高科技工业发展区,正在利用尖端的设备和最新的技术,来生产出各种各样的产品,以适应人民的需要。Chinas high-tech industrial development zones are utilizing highly sophisticated facilities and updated technologies to turn out various products to meet the needs of the people.5. 农业的重要性怎么强调也不过分,因为全世

    29、界有50%左右的劳动力是从事于农业。而在亚洲,这个数字更是超过了60%。Since around 50% of the worlds labor force is engaged on agriculture, the importance of agriculture can never be overstressed. In Asia, the figure even exceeds 60%.6. 目前,不难见到,中国的农民们用计算机来通过互联网收集信息,并运用最新的机械和专业知识来进行农业运作。At present, instances are not rare of Chinas fa

    30、rmers using PCs to gather info via the Internet and conducting their agricultural operations by means of updated machinery and expertise. 7. 在中国,以液体状态消费的牛奶,通常是由大城市附近的牛奶场生产的,生产的多余牛奶则用来制造各种乳产品。The milk for consumption in liquid form in Chinas market is usually produced by dairy farms in the vicinity o

    31、f megalopolis, while overproduced milk is manufactured into various dairy products.8. 在发现了大庆和胜利两座油田之后,中国不但在石油供应方面成为自给自足,而且令人惊奇地变成为一个主要的石油生产国和出口国。Following the discovery of Daqing and Shengli oilfields, China not only became self-sufficient in oil but also astonishingly emerged as a major oil produce

    32、r and exporter.9. 中国的煤储藏量仅次于俄罗斯。从1949年即解放那一年以来,煤产量有着激动人心的增长,这高度地反映出中国自从解放以来对工业的发展是做出了巨大努力的。Chinas coal reserves are only next to Russia. There has been a dramatic increase in output since 1949, the year of liberation, which well reflects Chinas great efforts put into the development of industry since that time. 10. 这家设在珠海的企业,在珠江三角洲地区拥有三座工厂。其总公司与中山大学珠海校区毗邻,周围有方便的交通网,并与京珠高速公路便捷相通。This Zhuhai-based enterprise boasts three factories in the Pearl River Delta area. Its head office


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