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    六年级下册英语素材小学英语语法总复习知识点归纳 外研版三起Word格式.docx

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    六年级下册英语素材小学英语语法总复习知识点归纳 外研版三起Word格式.docx

    1、4.结尾是0 +es do-does, go-goes5.特殊have-has2现在进行时(1)表示正在发生的动作,通常用“now现在, look看,linsen听”.(2)基本形式: be +动词-ingeg: I am(not) doing my homework.You/We/They are(not) reading. He/She/It is(not) eating.-*-*-*-*-What are you doing? Is he reading?(3)动词的现在分词形式(动词+ing)一般情况+ing walkwalking结尾是不发音的e-e+ingcomecoming重读闭

    2、音节双写最后一个字母+ingswim-swimming run-running3.一般过去时(1)表示过去已经发生的事情,通常用“last 上一个, justnow刚才,many years ago许多年前,yesterday昨天”等词。-*-*-(2) be动词的过去式: am/iswas arewere(3)过去式基本结构主语+动词过去式I went shopping last night.主语+ didnt + 动词原形I didnt go shopping last night.一般疑问句(Yes/No)Did + 动词原形?Did you go shopping last night

    3、?特殊疑问句(wh-) What did+ 动词原形?What did you do last night?(4)动词过去式的变化:规则动词的变化:(1)一般动词+ed planted,watered,climbed(2)以不发音的e结尾+d liked tied(3)辅音字母加y结尾-y+ ied studystudied, cry- cried(4)重读闭音节单词,末尾只有一个辅音字双写最后一个字母+edplanplanned stopstopped不规则动词的变化:原形过去式原形过去式原形过去式am /is was are were go went-*-*-do did find fou

    4、nd buy boughteat ate feel felt drink drankteach taught take took read readgive gave have had put putsing sang drive drove meet met-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-cut cut begin began make made-*-*-let let ring rang write wrotesee saw run ran ride rode-*-*-*-*-come came draw drew sit sattell told learn learnt ge

    5、t gotcarry carried study studied4.一般将来时-*-*-*-*-一般将来时表示将来打算做的事或将要发生的事情。常常与tomorrow, nextSunday等时间状语连用。结构:be going to +动词原形或will +动词原形例如:Im going to visit my grandpa next week.二、人称代词主格I we you he she it they宾格me us you him her it them-*-*-形容词性物主代词my our your his her its their-*-*-名词性物主代词mine ours you

    6、rs his hers its theris(注:介词,动词后面跟宾格。后面没有名词时用名词性物主代词。)三、可数名词的复数形式1.一般名词: + s bookbooks2.辅音字母加y结尾: - y+ ies storystories3.以s, x,sh, ch,结尾: + es glassglasses; a watch-watches以o结尾:1)有生命的+es potato-potatoes2)无生命的+s photo-photoes4.以f或fe结尾: - f或fe变为ves knifeknives; shelf-shelves5.特殊的名词复数:-*-*-*-*-*-*-man-m

    7、en, woman-women, policeman-policemen, policewoman-policewomen,mouse-mice, child-childrenfoot-feet,.tooth-teethfish-fish, people-people, Chinese-Chinese,四、不可数名词(没有复数形式)bread, rice, water, juice,milk,tea,coffee五、缩略形式-*-*-Im = I amyoure = you areshes = she ishes = he ishasnt = he has(got)its = it iswho

    8、s =who iscant =can notisnt=is notdidnt=did notwerent=were notwasnt=wasnot lets=let usIll=I will六、a. an .the的用法1.单词的第一读音是辅音读音:a book, a peach,a “U”单词的第一个读音是元音读音:an egg,an hour,an “F”2.the要注意的:球类前面不加the,play football乐器前面要加the,play the piano序数词前面要加the, the second七、介词1.表示方位:on, in ,in front of, between,

    9、 next to, near, beside, at,behind.,under2.表示时间:(1)at :几点前面用at如:at six oclock, 没有day的节日前用at如:atChristmas,固定词组at the weekends,at night(2)on:用于星期,日期,某一天的上午、下午、晚上(指具体的某一天时)on Sunday在星期天on Sunday morning在星期天的上午on March 8在3月8日;带有Day的节日前用on如: on National Day(3)in:早晨,中午,晚上前用in:inthemorning,intheafternoon,in

    10、theevening,月份前用in,如inDecember;季节前用in,如winter;年份前用in,如in 1999八、基数词变成序数词的方法1.直接在基数词词尾加上th。如:seventh第七,tenth第十,thirteenth第十三,2.以y结尾的基数词,变y为i,再加上eth。twentieth第二十。3.不规则的。first第一,second第二,third第三,fifth第五,eighth第八,ninth第九,twelfth第十二。4.有两个或以上单词组成的基数词只改最后一个单词如twenty-first第二十一。九、some /any的用法1.肯定句中用some:I have

    11、 some toys in my bedroom.2.问句和否定句中用any:Do you have any brothers or sisters?He hasnt got any pencils in his pencil-case.3.询问想要什么时用some:Would you like some juice?Can I have some stamps?十、there be结构1.肯定句(有): There is +单数或不可数名词There are +复数注:遵循就近原则,看靠there be最近的2.一般疑问句(有吗,):Is there ? Yes, there is./ No

    12、, there isnt.Are there? Yes, there are. /No, there arent.3.否定句(没有): There isnt . There arent.4.there be句型与have(has)的区别:there be表示在某地有某物(或人);have(has)表示某人拥有某物。十一、祈使句Sit downplease.Dontopenthe door, please.Letsgoto the park.-*-*-*-*-(注:祈使句中动词用原形)十二、(情态)动词can, may, must, should, will后面直接用动词原形。1. I / He

    13、 / She / They can sing.May I come in?I must go now.2. You should be quiet in the library. 3. Youll be good friends.十四、特殊疑问句1.What什么(问什么事,什么物或什么工作等)What are you doing, Im reading.What did you do yesterday? I played basketball.What are you going to do? Im going to do homework.What is that?Its a book.W

    14、hat does he/she do?Shes a nurse.What timeis it?Its seven.2. What colour问颜色What colour is your coat? Its red.3.when什么时候When do you get up? I get up at six thirty.When is your birthday? Its on the 21st of December.4.Which哪一个Which is your watch, the yellow one or the white one?The yellow is mine.-*-*-*

    15、-*-*-*-*-*-5.Who谁Who is the man with a big nose? Hes my uncle.6.Whose谁的Whose bag is it? Its his bag.7.Where哪里Where is mypen? Its under the book.8.Why为什么Why do you like summer?Because9.How many多少How many books are there in the school bag?There are four books in the school bag.10.How old几岁How old is t

    16、he young man? Hes nineteen.11.How much多少钱How much is the toy bear? Its elevenyuan.12.How怎么样(How long/ big/tall?How do you go to school everyday? I go to school by car.-*-*-How long is the river? Its 10 miles long.十五.已经学过的动词say help know lost live read-*-*-run take listen talk see drawjump sing dance

    17、 want make buy-*-*-help give climb visit get answerlearn take fly have cook phonewash sing go eat tell travelcome fall find ride carry like【知识点归纳】六年级下册英语素材小学英语语法总复习知识点归纳外研版(三起)-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-swim pass play skip watch flyopen put meet wait send needtake wear catch use feel smellshout work put take get bringspeak sit down stand up find outturn right turn left go straight go to school-*-*-


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