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    1、英语读书笔记范文10篇英语读书笔记范文10篇英语读书笔记范文10篇这篇可以参考下:)Despite Ive not in m hildhood et, I still prefer reading fair-tale stories. The tales, hih apan ith me in m old das, often make me think of some preious experiene and sensation hih onl belong to hildren. This summer Ive revie this kind of tale, hih as publis

    2、hed in40. Its the orld-famous fair-tale b the Frenh author, Antoine de St-Exuper, The Little Prine.As man other fair-tales, the outline of The Little Prine is not ver plex. “I”, the narrator of the stor, is a pilot hose plane has something rong and lands in the Sahara. In this oasion, the pilot make

    3、s the aquaintane of the little prine, a little bo from another planet, the Asteroid B61The little prine has esaped from his tin planet, beause he has some quarrel ith a rose, hih gros on his planet. In that ase he left his on planet and took an exploration at some neighbor asteroids.On his all-alone

    4、 journe, the little prine meets different kinds of people, hih inludes a king, a oneited man, a tippler, a businessman, a lamplighter and a geographer. From these people he gets a onlusion that the gron-ups are ver odd. Folloing the instrution of the geographer, he desends in the Sahara, on the eart

    5、h.Unbelievable, this little book moved me a lot. I seldom think about the true meaning of love and life before. Well, no I an sa, ith m short sixteen-ears life experiene, its like the stars in the sk that lit m heart. The little prine is not onl an ordinar fair-tale for hildren, but also for gron-up

    6、s, and our teenagers. Nevertheless, hen I read this book, I feel a little sad about ourselves, hom are losing more and more innoeneLearn to love and are(雾都孤儿)Here I am sitting on a ouh alone, thinking about hat I have just finished reading ith tears of sadness filling m ees and fire of indignation f

    7、illing m heart, hih revived m exhausted soul that has alread been overed b the ruelt and the selfishness of the seular orld for a long time. It is trul hat I felt after reading Oliver Tist, ritten b the prominent British author Charles Dikens.简爱Jane Ere is a first-person narrative of the title harat

    8、er, a small, plain-faed, intelligent and honest English orphan. The novel goes through five distint stages: Janes hildhood at Gateshead, here she is abused b her aunt and ousins; her eduation at Loood Shool, here she aquires friends and role models but also suffers privations; her time as the govern

    9、ess of Thornfield Manor, here she falls in love ith her Broni emploer, Edard Rohester; her time ith the Rivers famil at Marshs End and Morton, here her old lergman-ousin St John Rivers proposes to her; and her reunion ith and marriage to her beloved Rohester at his house of Ferndean. Partl autobiogr

    10、aphial, the novel abounds ith soial ritiism and sinister gothi elements.朝花夕拾I read the book ritten b luxun .it is alled zhaohuaxishi. it inludes 10 short artiles about the riters stories .the are based on his on experiene , hen i read this book ,i feel ver happ to see luxuns hildhood. it as diffrent

    11、 from ours,so e ma find it intersting and exiting. luxuns langange is ver great but mabe diffiult to understand . but through his ords ,e an find his happiness in his heart .鲁宾孙漂流记I read the book of Robinson Crusoe, their aptors.Artile desribes multiple sailing in the hole island, Crusoe masters of

    12、extraordinar survival 28 ears experiene, strive for survival, sho the ingenuit and a man ith indomitable perseverane in the fae of hardship persistent existene desire, the lonel and eager to resue the mood. In a lonel island overe Robinson as done ith fear, a savage and said he as on Frida, the get

    13、along ith eah other, then built on Frida, Crusoe one kind of arm friendship. I also enjo the dislosure of the business onept: Crusoe eah sailing and adventure has lear merial purpose, ith his on propert and alulating profit, he ill also oneself life the island is his territor, in addition to reveal

    14、its eonomi thought, I admire John Robinsons rih, more learning his strong initiative and spirit of adventure, earl efforts, hard ork, and perfet kindness thought!灰姑娘Toda, I read the Grimm fair tale of Cinderella to kno that Cinderella is a good, honest little girl. She has to sisters and a stepmothe

    15、r bad, the are ver bad, do not let Cinderella into the restaurant to eat, but also off her beautiful lothes, one da, the kings son is a prine, b the age of marriage, so the king deided to held the ball for three onseutive das. Invited to partiipate in national dane girl, hope that the eletion of a s

    16、atisfator Wangs ife. Heard about to sisters, helping them quikl alled Cinderella dressed, ell dressed, after the ball ent. Cinderella also ant to go to the dane, but she did not have lothes, she sad. Later, a fair gave her lothes. Cinderella ent to hange lothes to attend the ball. After three das la

    17、ter, Cinderella has bee a queen. The moral of the stor let me kno, and ho are honest, good, not bad. As the saing goes: Bad mind people, should be the.老人与海On summer vXXtion of this ear, I studied in novel old man and sea of Heminga , famous riter of U.S.A. ,. I admire the old fishermans ill in the n

    18、ovel ver muh, he lets me understand that a person must have unremitting spirit, ould sueed . What the novel is desribed is an old fisherman almost the sixt ears old, hen go to sea and fish alone one, have angled to a big fish, but an not dra. After tough fisherman and fish have soialized for a fe da

    19、s, just find this is a big Malins fish hih exeeds several times of ones on fishing boat, though kno perfetl ell that it is ver diffiult to in , does not give up et.双城记A tale of to ities is one of Dikenss most important representative orks.The novel profoundl exposed the soiet ontradition before the

    20、Frenh Revolution,intensel attaks the aristorati soial lAsS is dissolute and ruel,and sinerel smpathizes ith the depressed lAsSes.The novel also desribed man magnifient senes like the revolt people attaked Bastille and so on,hih displaed peoples great strength.The A tale of to ities is solemnit and m

    21、elanhol,fills indignantion,but laks the humor of the earl orks.居里夫人Madam Curie, a orld famous oman sientist, as born into a tehers famil in Poland in67 and died in34. When she as still a hild, she as fond of stud ver muh and had a dream to bee a sientist. She finished her middle shool at the age of

    22、16. Eight ears later, hen she as 24, she ent to stud at Paris Universit, here she suffered from great hardship but still orked ver hard. All her lige as devoted to sientifi researh and her efforts ere rearded. She had on the Nobel Prie tie.Toda, as a famous female, Madam Curie is sill remembered b t

    23、he hole orld. People ill remember her forever for her ourage, determination and her spirit of sharing knoledge ith others.麦田守望者We are a group of hildren living in the ne era and naturall austomed to onfusion and trouble. But e should onentrate on the road in front of us. We should be a group of ambi

    24、tious people. If Holden has not pure ideal, then he ould be degenerate, his ideal let him survive. Ideal is a beaon for people, it took people into the bright future.Yes, here are ideals and there is hope. The hope is in tomorro. We ill have a brighter future!篇二:英语读书笔记范文10篇妈妈咪呀,这么多,你们老师杀人啊1.骆驼祥子:骆驼祥



    27、军阀目的均在于私人,你有钱有势,天塌下来,你也不怕,你贫穷,什么都由不得你.祥子便是一个很好的例子!老舍是北京人,所以文章中的方言也特别多,举个例子.“满天打油飞”意思是到处游荡,没个落脚的地方.什么“不论秧了”就是不论是谁.这就是所谓的地方色彩吧!当然这些我是听不懂的.这篇文章写于1935年至1936年,正好是白色恐怖笼罩时期,从而,老舍笔下的祥子不免带有点现实生活的真情实彩,我们可以从中看出当时的社会是多么的黑暗.读了骆驼祥子这本书后,我从中了解到了在当时混乱的社会里,人们过着什么样的生活. 这部小说以二十年代末期的北京市民生活为背景,以人力车夫祥子的坎坷悲惨生活遭遇为主要情节,深刻揭露了


    29、一朵希望的火花,他丧失了对于生活的任何乞求和信心,从上进好强而沦为自甘堕落.这个悲剧有力地揭露旧社会把人变成鬼的罪行.深刻地揭示了生产这个悲剧的原因.这个故事,反映了北平当时劳动人民的生活,命运与遭遇.祥子本是一个对生活充满希望的人,他热爱生活,热爱北平,但系列的挫折使他恨透了整个世界!我仿佛看到了天桥、鼓楼、白塔,是牌楼、街道、小巷,是车厂、大杂院和熙熙攘攘的人群,这就是几十年前的老北京,但是这儿没有丝毫田园诗一般的快乐, 而是祥子的那双大脚马不停蹄地跑过大街,穿过小巷,烈日下,雨雪中处处有他艰难的身影.兵匪的鞭子,杨先生的盘剥,刘四爷的臭骂,孙侦探的明抢,洋大夫的冷漠,这是一座千真万确的地






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