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    1、10.社会进步人性发展social progress and human development Unit 2 Lesson 41. 工业革命 Industrial Revolution2. 多功能的机器 multi-purpose machine3. 出于自愿和兴趣 on ones own account, out of interest4. 新兴城市 the rising town5. 大胆的举止 in a bolder manner6. 实干家 practical man 7. 交通动脉 arteries of communication8. in the air 传说中,酝酿中9. s

    2、ource of power 能源10. outstanding feature 突出特点Lesson 51. 极西地带 far west2. 山区 mountainous regions3. 永久定居 permanent settlement4. 为打下基础 lay foundations for5. 专门从事 devote exclusively to6. 合法手续 legal title7. establish communities 建立村镇8. stock-raising 养殖畜牧业9. open public domain 开放的公共地带10. regular event 常事11

    3、. high plains 高原12. criss-crossed 纵横交错Lesson 61. 新民主主义 new democracy2. 五四运动 the May 4th Movement3. 辛亥革命 the Revolution of 19114. 革命知识分子 revolutionary intellectuals5. 帝国主义 imperialist6. 无产阶级 proletariat7. 在的号召下 at the call of8. 小资产阶级知识分子 petty-bourgeois intellectuals9. 统一战线的革命运动 the revolutionary mov

    4、ement of a united front10. 平民文学 literature for the common people11. 北伐战争 the Northern Expedition12. 右翼 the rightwing Unit 3 Lesson 71. life-giving 赋予生命2. everlastingly 无穷无尽的3. the Nile Delta 尼罗河三角洲4. freshly harvested 刚割的5. Mediterranean 地中海6. the Pyramids 金字塔7. negative effects 不良的后果8. a ghost town

    5、 鬼城;被遗弃的荒芜的城镇9. brightly painted 颜色鲜艳的10. member of a team 队员11. 河流入海口 the mouth of the river12. 水坝发电 power generated by the damLesson 81. Mt. Lofty Ranges 洛夫蒂岭山2. average annual rainfall 平均年降雨量3. surveyor general 测量总监4. business district 商业区5. residential section 住宅区6. municipal government 自治政府7. l

    6、ord mayoralty 市长的职位8. mineral deposit 矿藏9. marketing centre 贸易中心10. automobile components 汽车部件11. 地中海型气候 Mediterranean climate12. 文艺节 Festival of Arts Lesson 91. Palace Museum 故宫博物院2. walled courtyard 带围墙的院子3. watchtower 更楼4. complete group o f ancient buildings 完整的古代建筑群5. ravages of time 时间的摧残6. an

    7、cient Chinese architecture古代中国建筑 7. historical sites 历史遗址8. cobbled roadway 鹅卵石路9. Golden Water Bridge 金水桥10. typical masterpiece 具有代表意义的杰作 Unit 4 Lesson 101. global economy 全球性的经济2. sovereign nation 主权国家3. mutual prosperity 共同繁荣4. sum total 总数,总额5. foreign investment 外国投资6. per capita GNP 人均国民生产总值7

    8、. 沿海地区 coastal areas8. 平均率 average rate 9. 电力生产 electrical production 10. 双边贸易 two way trade11. 外汇 foreign exchange12. 生活水平 standard of livingLesson 111. marine insurance 海事保险 2. flows of capital资本流动3. foreign exchange dealing 外汇交易4. outward investor 对外投资者5. Pacific region 太平洋地区6. the right climate

    9、for 良好的环境7. vast size and resources 地大物博8. to take a real interest in sth. 密切关注某事9. coastal city 沿海城市10. international community 国际社会11. entrepreneurial spirit 进取精神12. 对外开放政策 the policy of opening to the outside world13. 世界投资体系 world investment system14. 经济改革 economic reformsLesson 121. 基本方针 basic p

    10、rinciple2. 自给自足 self-sufficiency3. 客观有利因素 favorable objective factors4. 生产条件production condition5. 耕地 cultivated land6. 中、低产田 medium-and-low-yield land7. 灌溉面积 irrigated areas8. 宜农荒地 arable land9. 复种指数 multiple crop index10. 水利工程 water-control projects11. 单位面积产量 the yield per unit area12. 粮食总产量目标 tot

    11、al grain output target Unit 5 Lesson 131. agonizing flashback 痛苦的回忆2. come and go 霎时即去3. property damage 财产损失4. monotonous 单调的,枯燥的5. flash-flooding 暴雨成灾6. to imprint on ones mind 印在某人的脑海里7. scare tactic 吓唬人的办法8. power of nature 大自然的力量9. river bed 河床10. to give sth. much thought 仔细想某事11. 无情的 relentle

    12、ss12. 雨季 rainy seasonLesson 14 1. maternal grandfather 外祖父2. the flower of ones youth 风华正茂3. popular science 科普读物4. undue absorption in the past 过分地怀念过去5. sucking vigor 汲取力量6. live ones own life 独立生活7. the founder of Girton College 戈登学院的创办人8. clinging to youth 与年轻人呆在一起9. 过去的好时光 the good old days10.

    13、高等教育 higher educationLesson 15 1. 旧梦重温going through old dreams 2. 儿童出版社 Children press3. 散文集 collection of essays4. 丝绸之路 the Silk Road5. 历史古迹 the historic sites6. 大英博物馆 the British Museum7. 简单的早餐 simple breakfast8. 花坛 flower bad9. 斗兽场 arena10. 教皇 Pope Unit 6 Lesson 161. market-day 赶集的日子 2.Sir John约翰

    14、爵士 3.the renowned knight 著名的武士 4.county history郡志 5. lineal representative of the ancient family 古老世家的嫡派子孙Lesson 171. drug store 杂货店 2. meticulously dressed 精心打扮,穿着讲究,一点不马虎 3. tentative and uncertain manner 试探和踌躇的举止 4.sb.s face suddenly brighten 某人的脸上突然露出喜色Lesson 181. 初冬 early winter2. 做中间人的;做中人的 th

    15、e go-between3. 月白色的 pale green4. 祥林嫂 Xianglins wife5. 试工期 trial period6. 严厉的婆婆 strict mother-in-law7. 打柴 cut wood8. 熬夜 to sit up 9. 福礼 sacrificial meat 10.不惜力气 not sparing oneself Unit 7 lesson 191. a narrow swale 狭长的洼地2. the birth and death of the day 每一天的诞生和死亡3. the range of mountain 山脉4. mind and

    16、 twist 蜿蜒 5. a kind of invitation 殷勤邀请 6. a beloved mother 亲爱的母亲 7. dread of畏惧 8. canyon峡谷 9. sand bank 沙案 10. part-time river 季节性河流Lesson 201. a far cry from 完全不同 2. self-assurance 自信 3. sober-faced 沉静的;镇静的 4. odd-shaped 怪样子的 5. well-mannered silence 规规矩矩,一声不响 6. sailor suit 水手服 7. the ice was brok

    17、en 打破了僵局 8. in unison 齐声;一致 9. stare at sb. 凝视某人 10. all of a sudden 突然 11. resonant voice 洪亮的声音Lesson 211. 拉家带口 be saddled with big family2. 拉排字车 pull a hand cart 3. 腊月二十三the twenty-third of the twelfth lunar month4. 前台 front stage5. 小买卖人 a peddler6. 养家 to support the family7. 喊嗓子to practice singin

    18、g8. 零工odd jobs9. 排队 queue up 10. 落汤鸡 a drowned rat11. it rains cats and dogs 瓢泼大雨 12. no show, no pay 不响锣,不给钱 Lesson 221. mineral oil 矿物油2. onboard ship 在船上3. on shore 在岸上4. at chemists 在药店5. internal combustion engine 内燃机6. carriage drawn by the horse 马车7. be superior to 优于;好于8. in this respect 在这方

    19、面9. a thin file of oil 薄薄的一层油10. oil-burning lamp 油灯Lesson 231. superhighway 高速公路2. applied entomology 应用昆虫学3. living organisms 生物体4. an insect-free world 无昆虫的世界5. now and again 有时6. right to know 知情权7. science of biotic controls 生物控制学 8. turn ones back on 拒绝;冷眼相看 9. entomologist 昆虫学家 10. geneticist

    20、 遗传学家Lesson 241. 自然资源 natural resources2. 人均 per capita3. 淡水资源 freshwater resources4. 长期的long-term5. 国民经济 national economy6. 战略任务 strategic task7. 大陆架 continental shelves8. 专属经济区遣 exclusive economic zones9. 海洋生物 sea creature 10. 低纬度 low latitude 11. 沉积盆地 sedimentation basin 12. 海洋旅游业 marine tourismL

    21、esson 251. environmental law 环保法2. noise pollution 噪声污染3. public concerns 公众关注4. industrial pollutions 工业污染 5. federal law 联邦法6. vaguely worded 措辞含糊7. court of appeals 上诉法院8. to grant a license 颁发许可证9. natural beauty 自然美10. Federal power Commission 联邦电力委员会10. 董事会 board of directors11. 总会计师 treasurer

    22、12. 审计师 auditorLesson 261. The Contracting States 成员国;缔约国2. copyright 版权3. universal convention 世界公约4. international understanding 国际间的了解5. domestic legislation 国内立法6. as follows如下7. unpublished works 未出版的作品8. works of the human mind 人类精神产品Lesson 271. 中外合资经营企业 Chinese -Foreign Equity Joint Venture2.

    23、 经济合作 economic cooperation3. 技术交流 technological exchange4. 平等互利的原则 principle of equality and mutual benefit5. 公共利益public interest6. 有限责任公司 a limited liability company7. 注册资本. Registered capital8. 工业产权 industrial property rights9. 先进技术 advanced technology13. 储备基金 reserve fund14. 外汇账户foreign exchange

    24、account Lesson 281. toast 祝酒词2. common ground 共同点3. differences 分歧4. magnificent dinner 盛大晚宴 5Compromise 妥协;让步 6Welcoming banquet 欢迎宴会 7Telecommunicate 电讯 8Prime minister 总理10. 周边环境neighboring environment11. 和平共处peaceful coexistenceLesson 291. full diplomatic relations 正式外交关系 2. the Long March 长征3.

    25、the policies of reform and opening to the outside world 改革和对外开放政策 4. Sino-American relationship 中美关系5. historically significant experiment 具有历史意义的尝试6. developing country 发展中国家 7Developed country 发达国家 8International affairs 国际事务 9Scientific exchange 科学交流 10National security policy 国家安全政策 Lesson 301.

    26、金秋时节 golden fall2. 学术交流 academic exchange3. 加强合作 to promote cooperation4. 历史文化传统 historical and cultural traditions5. 深刻的影响a profound impact6. 生化方式way of life7. 民族团结 ethnic harmony; ethnic solidarity8. 区域自治 regional autonomy 9. 民族精神 national spirit12.互相尊重mutual respect13.平等互利equality and mutual benefit14.互不干涉内政non-interference15.振兴中华rejuvenation of China


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