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    1、dealswithlanguage application to other fields,particularly education.A. Linguistic theoryB. Practical linguisticsC. Applied linguisticsD. Comparative linguistics5.answerssuch questions as how we as infantsacquire our first language.A. Psycholinguistics B.Anthropological linguisticsC. Sociolinguistic

    2、s D. Applied linguistics6. Pitch variation is known as when its patterns are imposed on sentences.A. intonation B. tone C. pronunciation D. voice7. Conventionally a is put in slashes (/ /).A. allophone B. phone C. phoneme D. morpheme8. An aspirated p, an unaspirated p and an unreleased p areof the p

    3、 phoneme.A. analogues B. tagmemes C. morphemes _D. allophones9. The opening between the vocal cords is sometimes referred to as_ A. glottis B. vocal cavity C. pharynx D.uvula10. The diphthongs that are made with a movement of the tonguetowards the center are known as diphthongs.A. wide B. closing C.

    4、 narrow D. centering11. A phoneme is a group of similar sounds called.A. minimal pairs B. allomorphs C. phones D. allophones12. Which branch of phonetics concerns the production of speech sounds?A. Acoustic phoneticsB. Articulatory phoneticsC. Auditory phonetics D. None of the above13. Which one is

    5、different from the others according to places of articulation?A. n B. m C. b D. p14. Which vowel is different from the others according to the characteristics of vowels?A. i: B. u C. e D. i15. What kind of sounds can we make when the vocal cords are vibrating?A. Voiceless B. Voiced C. Glottal stop D

    6、. Consonant16. Nouns, verbs and adjectives can be classified as.A. lexical words B. grammatical wordsC. function words D. form words17. Morphemes that represent tense, number, gender and case arecalled morpheme.A. inflectional B. free C. bound D. derivational18. There are morphemes in the word denat

    7、ionalization.A. three B. four C. five D. six19. In English -ise and -tion are called.A. prefixes B. suffixes C. infixes D. stems20. The three subtypes of affixes are: prefix, suffix and.A. derivational affix B. inflectional affix C. infix D. back-formation21. is a way in which new words may be forme

    8、d from already existing words by subtracting an affix which is thought to be part of the old word.A. affixation B. back-formation C. insertion D. addition22. The word TB is formed in the way of.A. acronymy B. clipping C. initialism D. blending23. The words like comsat and sitcom are formed by.A. ble

    9、nding B. clipping C. back-formation D.acronymy24. The stem of disagreements is.A. agreement B. agree C. disagree D. disagreement25. All of them are meaningful except for.A. lexeme B. phoneme C. morpheme D. allomorph26. The sentence structure is.A. only linear B. only hierarchicalC. complex D. both l

    10、inear and hierarchical27. The syntactic rules of any language are in number.A. largeB. smallC. finiteD. infinite28. The rules are the rules that group words and phrases toform grammatical sentences.A. lexical B. morphological C. linguistic D. combinational29. A sentence is considered when it does no

    11、t conform to thegrammatical knowledge in the mind of native speakers.A. right B. wrong C. grammatical D.ungrammatical30. A in the embedded clause refers to the introductoryword that introduces the embedded clause.A. coordinator B. particle C. preposition D. subordinator31. Phrase structure rules hav

    12、e properties.A. recursive _ B. grammatical C. social D. functional32. Phrase structure rules allow us to better understandA. how words and phrases form sentences.B. what constitutes the grammaticality of strings of wordsC. how people produce and recognize possible sentencesD. all of the above.33. Th

    13、e head of the phrase “the city Rome is.A. the city B. Rome C. city D. the city Rome34. The phrase on the shelf belongs to construction.A. endocentric B. exocentric C. subordinate D. coordinate35. The sentence They were wanted to remain quiet and not to exposethemselves. is a sentence.A. simple B. co

    14、ordinate C. compound D. complex36. The naming theory is advanced by.A. Plato _ B. Bloomfield C. Geoffrey Leech D. Firth37. “Can I borrow your bike?You have a bike.,A. is synonymous with B. is inconsistent withC. entails D. presupposes38. is a way in which the meaning of a word can be dissected into

    15、meaning components, called semantic features.A. Predication analysis B. Componential analysisC. Phonemic analysis D. Grammatical analysis39. “Alive, and dead” are.A. gradable antonyms B. relational antonymsC. complementary antonyms D. None of the above40. deals with the relationship between the ling

    16、uisticelement and the non-linguistic world of experience.A. Reference B. Concept C. Semantics D. Sense41. refers to the phenomenon that words having different meanings have the same form.A. Polysemy B. Synonymy C. Homonymy D. Hyponymy42. Words that are close in meaning are called.A. homonyms B. poly

    17、semies C. hyponyms D. synonyms43. What essentially distinguishes semantics and pragmatics iswhether in the study of meaning is considered.A. reference B. speech act C. practical usage D. context44. A sentence is a concept, and the meaning of a sentenceis often studied in isolation.A. pragmatic B. gr

    18、ammatical C. mental D.conceptual45. If we think of a sentence as what people actually utter in the course of communication, it becomes a (n).A. constative B. directive C. utterance D. expressive46. Speech act theory did not come into being until.A. in the late 50s of the 20the century _ B. in the ea

    19、rly 1950sC. in the late 1960s D. in the early 21stcentury47. is the act performed by or resulting from sayingsomething; it is the consequence of, or the change brought about by the utterance.A. A locutionary actB. An illocutionary actC. A perlocutionary actD. A performative act48. is a branch of gra

    20、mmar which studies the internal structur e of words and the rules by which words are formed.49. A. Syntax B. Grammar C. Morphology D. Mor pheme50. are often thought to be the smallest meaningful units of language by the linguists.A. Words B. Morphemes C. Phonemes D. Sentences51. -s in the word books

    21、 is .52. A. a derivative affix B. a stem C. an inflectional affix D. a root53. Bound morphemes are classified into two types:affix and_bound root.54. The theory of condition explains the feet that noun phrases appear only in subject and object positions.55. refers to the phenomenon that words having

    22、 different meanings have the same form.56. The grammaticality of a sentence is governed by.A. grammatical rules B. selectional restrictionsC. semantic rules D. semantic features57. What essentially distinguishes semantics and pragmatics is whetherin the study of meaning is considered.58. A sentence

    23、is a concept, and the meaning of a sentence isoften studied in isolation.59. If we think of a sentence as what people actually utter in the course of communication, it becomes a (n).60. Which of the following is true?A. Utterances usually do not take the form of sentences.B. Some utterances cannot b

    24、e restored to complete sentences.C. No utterances can take the form of sentences.D. All utterances can be restored to complete sentences.65. Speech act theory did not come into being until.s of the 20the century B. in the early 1950s D. in the early 21st century66. is the act performed by or resulti

    25、ng from saying something;A. A locutionary act B. An illocutionary actC. A perlocutionary act D. A performative act67. According to Searle, the illocutionary point of the representative isA. to get the hearer to do somethingB. to commit the speaker to somethings being the caseC. to commit the speaker

    26、 to some future course of actionD. to express the feelings or attitude towards an existing state of affairs68. All the acts that belong to the same category share the same purpose, but they differ.A. in their illocutionary acts B. in their intentions expressedC. in their strength or force D. in thei

    27、r effect brought about69. is advanced by Paul GriceA. Cooperative Principle B. Politeness PrincipleC. The General Principle of Universal Grammar D. Adjacency Principle70. When any of the maxims under the cooperative principle is flouted,might arise.B. contradictionsA. impolitenessC. mutual understan

    28、ding D. conversational implicatures71. The person who is often described as father of modern linguistics, isA. Firth B. Saussure C. Halliday D. Chomsky72. The most important contribution of the Prague School to linguistics is that it sees language in terms of.A. function B. meaning C. signs D. system73. The principal representative of American descriptive linguistics isA. Boas B. Sapir C. Bloomfield D. Harris74. Generally speaking, the specifies whether a certain tagmeme is in the position of the Nucleus or of the Margin in the structure.A. Slot B. Class C. Role D. Cohesion75. Grammar


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