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    1、高考英语全国高考英语考前热练单词拼写全国高考英语考前热练:单词拼写【备考策略】需要特别熟记的常考词: 一年中的十二个月1. January 2. February 3. March 4. April 5. May6. June 7. July 8. August 9. September 10. October11. Novembe 12. December 一周中的七天1. Monday 2. Tuesday 3. Wednesday 4. Thursday5. Friday 6. Saturday 7. Sunday 一年四季1. spring 2. summer 3. autumn 4.

    2、 winter 大洲国家名称(名词、形容词)洲/国家 名词 形容词亚洲 Asia Asian非洲 Africa African欧洲 Europe European美洲 America American中国 China Chinese澳大利亚 Australia Australian俄罗斯 Russia Russian意大利 Italy Italian希腊 Greece Greek法国 France French日本 Japan Japanese美国 America American印度 India Indian加拿大 Canada Canadian德国 German German英国 Engl

    3、and English 方位(名词、形容词)方位 名词 形容词 方位 名词 形容词东 east eastern 西 west western南 south southern 北 north northern容易拼写错的数字1. eighth第八 2. ninth第九3. forty四十 4. twelfth第十二5. twentieth第二十 6. million 百万7. hundred 百亲属称呼1. daughter (女儿) 2. niece (女性晚辈)3. nephew (男性晚辈) 4. cousin (同辈兄弟姐妹)5. aunt (女性长辈) 6. uncle (男性长辈)

    4、不规则动词的过去式和过去分词1. broadcast广播 (broadcast, broadcast) 2. flee逃跑 (fled, fled) 3. forbid禁止 (forbade, forbidden) 4. forgive原谅 (forgave, forgiven) 5. freeze结冰 (froze, frozen) 6. hang悬挂hung, hung)7. lie位于 (lay, lain)8. seek寻求 (sought, sought) 9. shake发抖 (shook, shaken) 10. sing唱歌 (sang, sung) 11. sink下沉 (s

    5、ank, sunk/sunken) 12. spread传播 (spread, spread) 13. tear撕碎 (tore, torn) 14. weave编织 (wove, woven) 15. dream梦想 (其过去式是dreamed或dreamt)注意:hang 作“绞死”讲,是规则的;作“悬挂”讲,其过去式过去分词都是hung; lie 作“说谎”讲时,是规则的;作“位于”讲时,其过去式是lay,过去分词是lain。 动词加-ed或-ing双写最后一个字母的词1. regret (regretted, regretting) 后悔2. control (controlled,

    6、controlling) 控制3. admit (admitted, admitting) 承认4. occur (occurred, occurring) 出现5. prefer (preferred, preferring) 宁愿6. forget (forgetting) 忘记7. permit (permitted, permitting) 允许8. equip (equipped, equipping) 装备9. control (controlled, controlling) 控制10. refer (referred, referring) 提到,查阅注意:quarrel, t

    7、ravel中的l可双写(英国英语)也可不双写(美国英语)意思相近的词1. receive / accept2. destroy /damage 3. celebrate/ congratulate 4. wear / dress5. check / examine/ test6. accident 事故/ incident小事件7. appreciate感激/欣赏(+ sth.) / thank 谢谢(+sb.) 8. condition情况 / conditions条件9. shortcoming缺点/ fault 过错 / mistake 错误10. provide 提供 (sb. wit

    8、h sth) offer提供 (sb. sth)supply供给 (sb. with sth)11. quality 质量 / quantity数量12. divide 分开/ separate分开13. university (综合)大学/ college (独立的)学院特殊名词的复数拼写1. German 德国人 (Germans) 2. gulf 海湾 (gulfs)3. handkerchief手帕 (handkerchiefs) 4. roof房顶 (roofs) 5. stomach胃 (stomachs) 6. hero 英雄 (heroes)7. potato 土豆 (pota

    9、toes) 8. tomato 西红柿 (tomatoes)9. medium媒体 (media) 10. species 物种 (单复数同形)11. belief 信念 (beliefs) 12. phenomenon现象 (phenomena) 13. regards 问候 (本身用复数) 14. youth年轻人 (复数加-s)形容词变名词时的拼写变化1. deep depth深度 2. longlength 长度3. widewidth 宽度 4. high height 高度5. strongstrength力量 6. happy happiness 幸福动词变名词时的拼写变化1.

    10、succeedsuccess成功 2. enterentrance进入3. pronounce pronunciation 发音 4. decidedecision 决定5. explainexplanation解释 6. permitpermission 允许7. considerconsideration 考虑 8. discoverdiscovery 发现9. arrivearrival 到达 10. weighweight 重无复数的名词1. equipment设备 2. furniture家具(集合词)3. experience 经验 4. information 信息5. prog

    11、ress进步 6. advice建议没有比较级的形容词1. excellent极好 2. favorite 最喜爱的3. perfect 完美的 4. delicious 美味的5. similar 类似的 6. modest谦虚的常见副词1. altogether总共2. attentively 专心地3. constantly 不断地4. conveniently方便5. especially 尤其是6. fortunately幸运地7. gradually逐渐地8. immediately马上9. separately单独地10. beautifully 美丽地11. possibly

    12、可能地12. practically 实际地 13. particularly 特别地14. recently 最近15. attentively注意地, 留意地16. comfortably舒适地17. late1y 最近18. naturally 自然地19. obviously明显地20. immediately 立即21. downstairs楼下22. frequently 经常地23. luckily幸运地【仿真模拟】(1)66. I bought some _ (蜡烛) in the supermarket just in case. 67. A group of childre

    13、n are playing in the _(喷泉) in the park.68. The _(重要) of washing ones hands before a meal is that it prevents infection.69. Mother and daughters represent two _ (一代人).70. The government is taking measures to _(控制) the price. 72. Please dont _(打扰) me while Im working. 73._(判断) from his expression, he

    14、has passed the examination.74. Smoking is not _(允许) in public in this city.75. We must arrange a _(方便) time and place for the meeting.(2)66. Our school has been given some new _ (设备).67. The tongue is one of the organs for_(发音).68. She _(毕业) from Beijing University.69.People use_ (现代的) machines to s

    15、o much work. 70. The teacher _(惩罚) the noisy children by making them stay after school.71. The fire _(蔓延) from the factory to the houses nearby.72. He is always wearing a _(灰色) coat. 73. It is only _(最近) that I got a copy of the novel.74. The soldier had shown great _(勇气) in the battle. 75. She has

    16、some difficulty _(说服) her husband to give up smoking. (3)66. I hadnt seen him for years, but still I _(听出) his voice on the phone.67. At the sight of the police, the thieves ran away in all _ (方向).68. This television set has a picture of poor _ (质量) though it is cheap.69. China is a country _ (属于) t

    17、o the developing countries.70. We offered our _ (祝贺) to Li Ping on winning the first prize in the National English Competition.71. She has made great _ (进步) in her studies this term.72. It is no use _(假装) not to see him in the street.73. A fork and knife is often used when eating _ (西方) food.74. Aft

    18、er a heated argument, they left the meeting room _ (愤怒). 75. Luckily, no one was killed in the _ (交通) accident.(4)66. In the battle, about eleven were killed, _ (包括) the guide.67. Are coins the same in size, weight and _ (形状)?68. A good _ (开端) is half the battle.69. All the students in my class _(成功

    19、) in passing the final exam.70. The plan should be _ (稍微) changed here.71. The more you listen to English, the _ (容易) it becomes.72. Mike got up as early as _ (往常) though it was Sunday.73. People in some African countries _ (仍然) very poor.74. Please read the _ (说明) before you operate the machine.75.

    20、 Do you know when the first computer was _ (发明).(5)66. Your plan needs some _ (解释), we are not quite clear about it. 67. Your invitation is sure to be _(接受) by Mr Smith.68. The little girl was too _ (紧张) to speak at the meeting. 69. There was no wind. The smoke rose _ (笔直) upward. 70. _(比较) with you

    21、rs, my work is far from being good.71. Everyone has the right to make his own _ (决定).72. Let me know the time of your _ (到达).73. The peoples Republic of China was _ (建立) in 1949.74. When he was young, he _(喜欢) volleyball to basketball.75. Japan depends on foreign countries for _ (天然的) resources.(6)6

    22、6. Im sorry to say that I have forgotten my promise _(完全).67. Too much hope can easily make one _ (失望). 68. Having been _ (修理), the machine began to work properly again.69. She was _ (呼吸) hard when she finished the race.70. They will start their chemical _(实验) in the third lab at eight oclock tomorr

    23、ow morning.71. While learning English, we should pay _ (注意) to both grammar and pronunciation.72. Jack was not present that day for no _ (特别的) reason.73. We must get used to the _ (改变) conditions.74. Much to my _(遗憾), Im unable to accept your kind invitation. 75. My classmates came in, and I raised

    24、my finger to my lips as a sign of _ (安静).(7)66. “Would you join us in the _(讨论)?” he asked me.67. High walls are usually built around prisons to keep prisoners from _ (逃跑).68. He hurried away in the _(相反的) direction.69. People_(表达) themselves in different ways.70. The business of doctors is to preve

    25、nt and cure _ (疾病).71. Many people died from the _ (污染) air in the world. 72. Yue Fei is one of the famous _ (民族) heroes in Chinese history.73. All the _ (乘客) went on board without tickets.74. I went _ (楼下) and looked for my raincoat.75. She has _(困难) membering long telephone numbers. (8)66. The old

    26、 man had a _ (痛苦的) experience abroad.67. _ (出人意料的是), the short man knocked the big man down.68. Im very glad to make _ (朋友) with him.69. It is our duty to work for the good of the _ (社会). 70. Having looked over the _ (菜单), Father ordered some fish.71. Children went home _ (各自) after classes.72. In t

    27、he parks you can see old streets and people _ (穿着) eighteenth-century clothes.73. Will you help me _ (挑选) a new hat?74. Tom was _ (表扬) for saving the drowning boy.75. He raised his arm to _(保护) his face.(9)66. The young mother feels quite _ (自豪) of her daughter.67. Radio Beijing _ (广播) the news both

    28、 at home and abroad every hour.68. Birds can fly because they have _ (翅膀).69. He seems to be in good health, but _(实际) he is not.70. All countries, big or small, should be_(平等).71. He finally won his _(自由) after twenty years in prison.72. Weve just bought a big house and need some new _(家具).73. Around sixty people die of _(饥饿) every day in the camp.74. The house was just as he had _(想象) it.75. The population of the city has been _(增长) in the past ten years.(10)66. I wont go to his party unless _(邀请).67. We all went for the


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