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    1、仁爱版九年级上册英语导学案Topic2 All these problems are very serious学习目标:i学习不定代词和不定副词的用法。2进一步了解有关环境污染的一些情况,提高环保意识。学习重点:不定代词和不定副词的用法。学习过程:一.自主学习A听说准备1.同学们要学会拼读和识记 SectionA单词。2.听1a录音,勾画出难读的单词或句子。注意模仿语音语调B自学内容1.在文中找到并划出下面的短语I. 读这篇文章 2.世界上最大的煤炭生产国和消费国 3.(作为)结果,因此 一 _ 一 4.一些有用的措施5.(我们中)没有人 6.到处丢垃圾7.当众吐痰 . _8.踩踏草坪9.采摘

    2、花朵 0.关爱野生动物II.多种树 12.给政府提建议13.发出很大的噪音 14.更差的是15.制定规章制度 16.遵守规章制度 17.对来说很难 18. 一开始19.尽他们最大努力去做某事 20.变得越来越好21. 一 天天,逐日 22.迅速消失23完全灭亡,灭绝 24.过着安静的生活e to realize 26.保护动物的重要性27.破坏环境 2.阅读1a,回答下面的问题。(1)据说,提到: ( 2)关爱:(3)乱扔垃圾: ( 4)摘花:不定代词:凡不是用来指明代替任何特定名词的代词叫做不定代词。不 定代词代替名词或形容词.在句中可用作主语,宾语,表语和定语。不定代词包括: all ,

    3、both, every, each, either, neither, more, little, few,much, many, another, other, some, any , one, no 以及 some, something, anything, everyth ing, somebody, some one, an ybody, anyone, nothing , n obody, no one, none, everybody, every one.等3 It says that China has become the world s largest producer a

    4、nd user of coal. 译 点拨:It says that -书上/报纸上说(后接宾语从句),that可以省略 链接:a. Its said that- 据说 b. Its reported that- 据报道c.It s (well)own that - 众所周知 d.It s believed that 人们相 信4.But the government is doing something useful to protect the environment.译 点拨:something useful- 一些有用的事(形容词后置修饰复合不定代词 )(不定代词+形容词)练习:没什么

    5、有趣的事情 一些重要的事情没什么严重的事 6.Every one should care for wild an imals and pla nt more trees.译比较:every one 禾口 every one点拨:everyone =everybody-大家,每人(不定代词),作主语时谓语用单数Eg. Every one is here.every one-每一个,可以指人=everyone ,也可以指物,作主语时谓语用单数。(后跟 of 短语)Eg.1) Every one/Everyone has known this.2)Every one of you must go t

    6、o school.3)He ate every one of the apples.care for - 照顾 同义词组 look after/ take care of7.We should do everything we can to protect the environment . 译 点拨:everything that we can (do)-我们能做的一切 ( we can 作 everything的定语,省略了引导词 that 和谓语 do)8.再次阅读1a,根据1a,完成1c二、 合作探究 1. 对子之间交换导学案,把有疑问的地方做上记号。2.组长主持归纳本组问题。3.请把

    7、本组的问题写在空白处。三、 展现提升 解决同学们在自主学习中的问题。小组展示四总结归纳 总结本课时知识点五、达标测评( )1.Would you like to have ?No, thank you. I ve had enough.A.anything more B.something more C.more anything D.more something( )2.Is ready for the trip?No, we haven t got a camera.A.nothing B.everything C.something D.anything)3.This washing m

    8、achine is very easy to use. canlearn to use it in a very short time.A.SomebodyD.Few people ( )4.Hi, Bob! I can Sorry, I havens seen itB.Anybody C.Nobodyt find my story book. Have you seen it? t. Why not ask Jim? Perhaps he A.a ny where B.everywhere C.no whereD.somewhere( )5. everybody likes watchi n

    9、g TV in my family. My pare ntslike doing outdoor activities.A.No B.Not C.No neD.NobodyTopic2 All these problems are very serious学习目标:1.谈论森林和水资源的重要性,培养学生的环保意识。2.继续学习不定代词的用法。学习重点:不定代词的用法。学习过程:一、自主学习A.听说准备1.同学们要学会拼读和识记 SectionB单词。2.听1a录音,勾画出难读的单词或句子。注意模仿语音语调B自学内容1在文中找到并划出下面的短语I.刮大风 2.伴有很多沙尘3.走 在 路 上 4.

    10、 刚 才5.砍伐太多的树木 6.造成沙尘暴7.结果 8.大量富饶的土地9.变成沙漠 10.阻止大风刮走泥土II.阻止流水冲走泥土 12.对人类有害2.As a result, a lot of rich land has changed into desert.译: 点拨:change into (把 变成)=turn into 练习:1)水变成蒸汽。 Water has changed into steam.2)Could you cha nge this article into En glish. 译3.Trees can also stop the wind from blowing

    11、the earth away.They can also prevent the water from washing the earth away.译: 点拨:stop sb./sth. (from) doing sth. = prevent sb./sth. (from) doing sth.- 阻 止做某事(from可以省略)同义词组 keep sb./sth. from doing sth.-阻止做某事(from 不能省略) 练习: We should stop/preve nt huma ns from (destroy) the environment. _4.Cutt ing d

    12、ow n trees jsharmful to huma n bein gs, ani mals and pla nts.译: 注意:cutting down trees是动名词词短语在句子中作主语,谓语用单数。Eg. Smok ing is bad for our health.5.Although we have built “ The Great Green Wall ” , we still need to work hardto protect the environment. 译点拨:although是连词,有“虽然,尽管”和“不过,然而”两层意思,引导让步状语从句,可以和thou

    13、gh互换,although较正式,though更为口语化,使用更普遍些。注意:although引导的从句不能与 but, however同时连用,但常与yet, still连用。练习:虽然他老了,但是他仍然继续努力工作。 Although he was old, he stillworked hard.6.Remember to turn the tap off when you leave.点拨:remember/forget to do sth.记着/忘记做了某事 (事情还没做)remember/forget doing sth.记得/忘记做过某事(事情已做)Eg. I forget to

    14、 bring my homework. 译 (作业没带来 )I forget bringing my homework. 译 (作业带来了)点拨:turn off关上(灯、水龙头、电器等)打开 turn on 开大 turn up 关小 turn down7.再次阅读1a,根据1a,完成1b。8.独立完成1c ( come into being :形成)完成后在组内讨论沙尘暴是如何产生的?、合作探究1.对子之间交换导学案,把有疑问的地方做上记号(用红笔批改)2.组长主持归纳本组问题。3.请把本组的问写在横线处。三、 展现提升解决同学们在自主学习中的问题。小组展示4.总结归纳归纳总结本课时知识点

    15、。五、达标测评( )1.We must pla nt more trees after we every year.A.cut off them B.cut them off C.cut dow n them D.cut them dow n( )2.The clea ners must keep the street .A.from gett ing dirty B.to dirty C.to get dirtyD.getting dirty( )3.The driver was badly hurt of the traffic accide nt.A.at a resultB.i n t

    16、he resultC.with the resultD.asa result4.不要到处扔垃圾。Don t throwthe rubbish and .5.森林有利于防止水土流失。Forests help to keep water the earth away.6.我们应该尽一切努力保护环境。We should do to protect the en vir onment.7.大量良田变成A lot of rich land has into desert.Topic2 All these problems are very serious学习目标:1进一步学习各种污染对地球造成的危害和造

    17、成这些污染的原因。2能根据不同的阅读目的,运用简单的阅读策略获取信息。学习重点:能够运用简单的阅读策略获取信息。学习过程:一、自主学习A听说准备1.同学们要学会拼读和识记 SectionC单词。2.听1a录音,勾画出难读的单词或句子。注意模仿语音语调。B自学内容1在文中找到并划出下面的短语1.臭氧层 2.更多的二氧化碳3.在地球上;究竟 = 4.在这个时期5.大大改变了 我们的星球 6.全世界 7.数以百万计的树木 8.拿走,取走11. 一种特殊的氧气12.形成一个非常大的洞14.穿过这个洞13.来自太阳的有害的射线15.直接地到达地球16.致癌17.增加了许多18.燃油19.来自太阳的热量2

    18、0.温室效应21.海平面22.全球气候23.涉及,有关,提到2Some things we ve doneare very good for the earth while some are bad.译: 点拨:Some things we ve done-我们已经做过的事情,在句子中作主语,we ve down-前省略了 that,作定语从句,修饰 some thingswhile并列连词,“而,去,表示对比关系He is a worker, while I am a teacher.3.The heat from the sun can capW so else temperature i

    19、s rising.译: 点拨:rise -升起,上升(不及物动词)raise举起,提起,抬起;筹 集(及物动词)Eg.1 The sun rises in the east2.Heavy rains raised the flood stage.4. 快速阅读1a,然后为每一段选择一个恰当的标题 (书上已经给出的五幅 图)。(阅读的方法:推测,抓关键词句,略读、读或者浏览,查阅,速度变换,阅读习惯.)5.再次阅读1a,根据1a,完成1b。6完成2写作(根据所学知识,先在组内讨论,然后再根据结论进行写作)二合作探究、1.对子之间交换导学案,把有疑问的地方做上记号。2.组长主持归纳本组问题。3.请

    20、把本组的问题写在横线上。三、展现提升解决同学们在自主学习中的问题。小组展示 1a( 每人一段 ).四总结归纳 归纳总结本课时知识点。五达标测评Trees are useful to man in three very important ways. The first important way is that they provide man with food, wood and other products. Trees provide man and animals with food to live on the earth. Its not easy for man to live

    21、 on the earth without trees.The second important way is that trees give us shade. On a hot summer day, people are eager to急于)have a rest un der the shade of a tree after they have walked a long way. You can imagine how important the shade of a tree is to man and animals.The third important way is th

    22、at trees help to prevent droughts and floods. However, in many parts of the world, man has not realized the third important way. He has cut trees down in large numbers. In the end, he finds that he has lost the best friends he had. 根据短文内容填空,每空一词。1.Trees give food to man animals.2.Trees are and to ma

    23、n.3.On a summer day, if we sit under the of a tree, we canfeel quite cool.4.In many parts of the world, man has not realized that trees help to prevent and .5.If we dont want to lose our best friendstrees, we must stop others from too many of them.Topic2 All these problems are very serious学习目标:i.总结不

    24、定代词和不定副词的用法;2认识垃圾污染的危害,让学生意识到环境保护的重要性学习内容:Section D学习重点:培养学生的综合语言运用能力。学习过程:一、自主学习A听说准备1.同学们要学会拼读和识记 Section D单词。2.听1a录音,试着完成1a的听力。B自学内容1在文中找到并划出下面的短语I.大约四亿三千万吨废品 2.占用,占据3.同时 4.处理废品5在所有的垃圾中 6需要占用太多的空间7.做某事有困难 8.花费太高9循环使用 35%的垃圾 1O.divide the class into severalgroups II.discuss their own usefuIness 12

    25、.更糟糕的是13.像爱他们自己的孩子一样爱我 14.为他们做更多有用的事情 2 At the same time, dealing with the waste costs too much money.译: How shall we deal with it? 译: 点拨:deal with sb./sth.-对付,应付,对待某人或某事 同义词组:do with比较:deal with (多和how 连用)/ do with (多和 what连用)练习:你是如何处理这个问题的? a. did you the problem?=b. did you the problem?点拨:花费大盘点1.

    26、) It takes sb.时间to do sth.-做某事花费某人.时间2.)人spend钱或时间(in) doing sth.-某人花费钱或时间做某事on sth. -某人在某物上花费钱或时间3.)人pay钱for物-某人为某物付钱 4.)物cost钱-某物价值多少钱练习:a.完成那篇作文花了我三天时间。1)spend I spent 3 days on that composition./ I spent 3days (in) writing that compositi on2)take It took me 3 days to write that compositi onb.I p

    27、aid ten yuan for the book.(写出同义句 )The book cost me ten yua n.I spe nt ten yua n on the book.3听录音,完成 section D的1a 4阅读Section D的1a,然后完成1b。(从1a中找出与1a中意思相同或相近的句子)合作探究1.对子之间交换导学案,把有疑问的地方做上记号。2.组长主持归纳本组问题。3.请把本组的问题写在横线上。、展现提升四.总结归纳归纳总结本课时知识点。五、达标测评1从方框中选择正确的词并用其适当形式填空everybody, someth ing, an ybody, someb

    28、ody1. shouldn t smoke in the public place.2. should lear n to protect the en vir onment.3.I can t find my book, maybe has taken it away.4. must be done to stop pollut ing the earth.2选择填空:( )1. The government has done for the protection ofen vir onment.A. useful something B. useful anything C.somethi

    29、ng useful D.anything useful( )2.You look so happy.-They say I m beautiful. has told me like that.A. Somebody B. An ybody C. Everybody D. Nobody( )3.-Hi, Bob! I can ftnd my history book. Have you seen it ?-Sorry, I haven t. Why don t you ask Jim? Perhaps he hassee n it.A. somewhere B. everywhere C. n

    30、o where D.any where( )4. Nothi ng difficult if you work hard.A. am B. is C. are D. be3 用 all, none, both, neither 及 either 填空。1. of my pare nts are office workers.2.The old man has two sons. But of them lives with him. Sohe is very Ion ely.3. of my classmates are in terested in En glish.4.It s a long journey, but of four felt boring.5. Would you like tea or coffee? is OK.


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