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    1、高中英语部分常用词辨析高中英语部分常用词辨析Aloud loud loudly Aloud 只作副词,意为“出声地”,含有能够被听见之意。无比较级。Loud 兼作形容词和副词,意为“高声的(地) ,大声的(地)”,指发出的音量大,传得远。在口语中代替loudly , 有比较级,Loudly 只作副词,与loud 同意。drop与fall的区别两者都可表示“掉”、“落”,区别如下:1. 表示从高处往下掉或降,两者有时可互换。如:The temperature has dropped fell. 气温降低了。He dropped fell from the top of the building.

    2、 他从屋顶掉了下来。2. fall 表示“落下”,多指无意识的行为,有自然坠落之意,且通常是不及物动词;drop 既可指无意的行为,即表示“落下”(不及物),也可指有意的行为,即表示“投下”(及物)。如:Rain began to drop fall. 开始下起雨来。Drop the hammar down to me. 把锤子扔下来给我。He dropped the letter into the mail-box. 他把信投入信箱。Medical supplies are being dropped to the stricken area. 目前正将医药用品空投到灾区。 3.fall 是

    3、不及动词,而drop是及物动词。Particular peculiar:special especialparticular 值得注意的;特别的;不寻常的 There was nothing in the letter of particular importance.这封信里没什么特别重要的内容独特的;单独的;某一种的 I dont like this particular scarf 我不喜欢的就是这一种围巾 难以取悦的;考究的;挑剔的 He is very particular about his food. 他吃东西很讲究/挑剔。 peculiar: 特有的;独具的 Language

    4、is peculiar to mankind.语言是人类特有的。 (常与to连用)特别的;特殊的 a peculiar smell 特殊的气味 奇怪的;不寻常的 This fish has a peculiar taste;这鱼有一种怪味道 special:特殊的,特别的;专门的;专用的,特设的 He has a special car 他有一辆专车 作名词用时,特殊事物,特别事物,特价,特刊,(电视)特别节目 especial:特别的,特殊的(作副词用的时候表特别,格外,尤其,专门) I love Italy, especially in summer. 我喜欢意大利,尤其是在夏天。 Thi

    5、s crown was made especially for the King. 王冠是专为国王制造的。 Do you like chocolate? Not, especially. 你喜欢吃巧克力吗?不是特别喜欢。 注意:specially 和 especially的区别 specially多指为一特别目的而做 I came specially to see you.我特地来看你 especially侧重达到异常的程度 The Weather has been especially cold.最近天气特别冷。 2, hope 的用法。hope for sth/that+从句/to do

    6、hope 用于被动语态时,可用于此句型:It is hoped that +句子,其它被动句中hope都必须与for 连用。 training, practice, exercise, drill的用法区别1. training 是普通用词,指身心有系统的发展,其目的是使之能熟练地掌握一些技能技巧,以适应某一目的的需要。如:He has had no college training. 他没有受过大学训练。He went into training for the race. 他开始训练参加比赛。2. practice 指把所学理论应用于实践中, 以便获得技巧或能力。如:Practice ma

    7、kes perfect. 熟练生巧。It takes a lot of practice to play the piano well. 弹好钢琴需要大量的练习。3. exercise 主要指进行体力上锻炼以增强力气或精力,也可指为复习知识或获得技能技巧而做的练习。如:Walking is good exercise. 散步是很好的运动。We do English exercises to help us learn good English. 我们做英文练习以便学好英语。4. drill 是指在老师或指挥人员的指导下进行系统的以及严格的训练,以达到高度自发的程度。如:The soldiers

    8、 have drill every day. 士兵们每天操练。(from )Students of English should have a lot of oral drills. 学英语的学生应该多做口头练习。think of与think about(1)think of与think about这两个短语表示下列意义时,可以互换. 考虑 eg: Dont think of/about me any more.不要再考虑我. 对有某种看法 eg: What do you think of/ about the film 你认为那部影片怎么样 (2)think of表示下列意义时,一般不和th

    9、ink about换用. 想要;打算 eg: For a moment I thought of playing truant.我一时起了逃学的念头. 关心;想着 eg: Lei Feng always thought of how he could do more for the people. 雷锋总是想着怎样多为人民做些事情. 想出;想到 eg: Who thought of the idea 谁想出的那个主意 想起 eg: I cant think of his name.我想不起他的名字. (3)think about表示下列意义时一般不和think of换用. 回想过去的事情. e

    10、g: We mustnt think about this matter any more.我们不许再想此事. 考虑某事,某计划是否切实可行. eg: Ill think about your suggestion and give you an answer tomorrow. 我要考虑一下你的建议,明天给你答复.certain与 sure用法比较 区别一两者都可用作表语,表示“一定”或“确信” (1) 后接不定式时,表示说话人的看法,意为“一定会”、“肯定会”。如:Hes certain sure to win. 他一定会成功。Hes certain sure to come. 他肯定会来

    11、。(2) 后接“of名词(或动名词)”或后接 that /whether 从句等,表示句子主语的信念,意为“确信”、“自信”。如:He is certain sure of success. 他确信会成功。He is certain sure of winning. / He is sure certain that he will win. 他自信会赢。Im not certain sure (whether) Ill be able to come. 我不敢肯定是否能来。 区别二只能用 certain 而不能用 sure 的情形:(1) 当句中用了形式主语或形式宾语 it 时:Its ce

    12、rtain that hell come tomorrow. 他明天肯定会来。I thought it certain that he would be late. 我肯定他会迟到。(2) 当表示“某一”、“某些”等时:A certain Mr Green wants to see you. 有个叫格林先生的人想见你。Certain plants are good to eat but others are not. 有些植物好吃, 而其它一些则不好吃。 区别三在 Be sure (not) to do sth.(一定要或不要做某事) 结构中通常不用 certain (偶尔也用 certain

    13、,但学生不宜模仿)。如:Be sure not to forget it. 千万别忘记啦。Be sure to turn off the light when you go to bed. 上床睡觉时一定要关灯。 区别四用于 for certain /for sure, 意为“肯定地”、“确切地”等,两者可互换。如:I cant say for certain sure when he will come. 我不敢肯定地说他什么时候来。No one knows for sure certain what happened to her. 没有人确切地知道她出了什么事。 区别五用于 make c

    14、ertain / make sure,意为“弄清楚”、“弄得有把握”,两者可互换。如:They made certain sure (that) they werent late. 他们有把握不迟到。I think theres a train at 10:40, but youd better make certain sure (of it). 我想10:40是有趟火车,但你最好去核实一下。Some与certain的区别1.Some侧重说话人对所述之人或事不明确或一无所知,它只和单数名词连用,其前没有不定冠词。例如: Some person called on you when you w

    15、ere out.你出去时有个人来拜访你。There must be some reason for what hes done.他这么做一定有某种理由。2.Certain多表示说话人对所述之人或事或知之不详或知而不言,它与单数名词连用时,其前必须加不定冠词。另外,表达此意时,certain还可以同复数名词连用,表示“某些”。例如:A certain person telephoned you while you were out.你出去时有个人给你打过电话。For certain reasons Ill be unable to attend the meeting.由于某些原因我不能参加此次

    16、会议。3. 在单数普通名词前,a certain和some通常可以互换。在专有名词前通常用a certain,不用some. Some 可以和or,or other,or another连用,表示未知的对象,而(a)certain没有这样的搭配。如:Track , trace ,trail 的区别Track 1 (人踩出的)小道,小径 2(人,动物或车辆留下的)足迹,踪迹,车辙 3(赛车,赛跑等的)跑道Trace : a mark ,an object or a sign that shows that sb/sth existed or was present 痕迹,遗迹,踪迹Trail 1

    17、 ,a long line or series of marks that is left by sth as it moves and that shows where it has been .(长串的)痕迹,踪迹,足迹 2,(尤指打猎时跟踪的)踪迹,足迹,臭迹 3,(乡间的或森林里的)小路,小径Path a way or track that is built or is made by the action of people walking Feeling 和 sense 的区别两者之间的区别为:feelling侧重于我们自身的感觉是主观的that is a good feellin

    18、g是说那是一种好的感觉 sense侧重于道理,是客观存在的,例如make sense是说有道理1.sence of humor (幽默感) 2.sence of direction(方向感) 3.feeling of warmth(温暖的感觉) 4.feeling of excitement (刺激的感觉) 所以sence of一般是内在的,通常可以翻译为XX感 而feeling of 是一种外在的,而且是自身的感觉tremendous,vast,enormous,giant,gigantic,immense,huge的区别big, large, huge, great, vast, imme

    19、nse, enormous, giant, gigantic, tremendous, titanic1 colossal: large in size A ship Titanic was colossal. a colossal monument; a colossal statue2 big:大的,重要的 You give me a big surprise. He is a big person. The box is big.3 large:体积大,数量大 an empty large box a large number of people4 great: 伟大5 vast:辽阔,

    20、广阔 vast desert6 immense: immeasurable 不可测量的 an immense stadium, immense iceberg7 enormous 重点突出数量、程度、体积;强调程度时,语意强于big He made a big success. / He made an enoumous success.8 giant: 巨大的,高大的 a giant person 巨人 ; gigantic9 tremendous: big, fast, powerful The plane is traveling at tremendous speed.10 titan

    21、ic 用于修饰人和物,体积大、力量大 The ship is titanic.11 huge:强调体积大 a huge stone 数量巨大 a huge sum of money discover;find;find out的区别1find意为“找到、发现”,指找到或发现自己所需要的东西或丢失的东西,着重指找到的结果。2 discover意为“发现”, 表示“偶然”或“经过努力”发现客观存在的事物、真理或错误,即指发现原来客 观存在但不为人所知的事物,也可表示发现已为人所知的事物的新的性质或用途。 Columbus discovered America in1492 哥伦布1492年发现了美

    22、洲。 We soon discovered the truth 我们很快就弄清了真相。3 find out指经过研究或询问查明某事或真相。 Join take part in participate in attend 的区别一,join有两个用法: (1)指加入某个党派,团体组织等,成为其成员之一,意为:“参军、入团、入党”等。如: When did your brother join the army?你哥哥什么时候参军的? She joined the Young Pioneers.她加入了少先队。 (2)和某人一道做某事,其结构为:join sb. in (doing) sth.,根据

    23、上下文,in (doing) sth.也可以省去。Will you join us in the discussion?你参加我们的讨论吗? Hell join us in singing the song.他将和我们一道唱歌。 Were going to the East Lake Park on Sunday. Will you join us?我们打算星期天去东湖公园。你跟我们一道去好吗? 二, join in多指参加小规模的活动如“球赛、游戏”等,常用于日常口语。如: Come along, and join in the ball game. 快,来参加球赛。 Why didnt y

    24、ou join in the talk last night? 昨晚你为什么没参加座谈? 三, take part in指参加会议或群众性活动等,着重说明句子主语参加该项活动并在活动中发挥作用。 Well take part in social practice during the summer vacation. 暑假期间我们将参加社会实践。 We often take part in physical labor.我们经常参加体力劳动。 take part in是惯用词组,part前一般不用冠词,但part前有形容词修饰时,要用不定冠词。 Lincoln took an active p

    25、art in polities and was strongly against slavery.林肯积极参加政治活动,强烈反对奴隶制。 四,attend侧重参加或出席会议或学术活动等。 All whole1.all与whole都有“整个 ”“全部的”之含义。一般来讲, all可以修饰各类名词, 且限定词要放在all之后。 而whole 只能修饰具有整体意义的单数名词, 且限定词要放在whole 之前。 (1) all the money/ all the time/ all the country/all the students/ all my life/ all my books (2)

    26、 a whole roast duck/ the whole class/the whole city/the whole nation/my whole life 2.一般来讲,whole 不能修饰 复数可数名词, 但是若复数可数名词前有具体的数量词时, 则可以用whole 。 (3) three whole days / all three days 3. all与whole都可以用来修饰专有名词,但是用whole修饰专有名词时,一定要带of 。 (3) the whole of China/ all China (4) the whole of Chinese history/all C

    27、hinese history 4. all 独立使用时, 在句中,可以做主语,宾语和同位语。whole 独立使用时, 在句中可以做补语。 (5) All are present. (6) I have finished all today. (7) They are all teachers. (8) I like them all. (9) The man ate an egg whole. (10) Roast ducks are ducks that roasted wholea bit和a little的区别1)a bit和a little在肯定句中修饰动词、形容词、副词和比较级时可以

    28、互换,表示一点儿的意思。例如: The speaker spoke up a bit/a little so as to make himself heard more clearly. 演讲者把嗓门提高了一点儿,以便使别人听得更清楚。 2)a bit和a little在否定句中的意思恰恰相反,not a bit相当于not at all(一点儿都不);not a little相当于very(much)或extremely(很、非常)。例如: 1,She is not a bit tired.(=She is not tired at all.)她一点都不累。 2,I am so sorry

    29、to give you not a little trouble. 真抱歉给你添了这么多麻烦。3,She was not a little (very) worried about the expense. 她对那笔开支相当苦恼.3)a little可以直接作定语修饰名词,而a bit则要在后面加of构成短语才能作定语,两者都只能修饰不可数名词。例如: There is a little/a bit of food left for lunch. 午饭只能吃剩下的一点食品了。 4)a bit of的另一种形式是bits of,a little则没有这种变体。例如:Besides this,he

    30、 used part of an old army wireless set,and some bits of wood.除此之外,他还利用了一部分旧的军用无线电发报机的一部分零件和一些木片。a little 与 a little bit 两者相同,只是a little bit 是口语当中常用到的,外国人特喜欢说话时用到a little bit,书写中常用a little 两者都一样,如果是考试填了哪个都是对的Its a/my pleasure with pleasure 的区别1. Its a Pleasure./ A pleasure与You are welcome.等习语意义相同,用于当

    31、别人对你说Thank you. 时,即“不用谢”。例如: Thank you for coming to see me . Its a pleasure.谢谢你来看我不用谢。 2. With pleasure与All right, No problem. Id like to等习语意义相同。用于别人求你做某事,你很乐意去做的时候。例如: Could you post the letter for me ? With pleasure. 你能否替我把这封信寄走?愿意效劳。 简单讲,Its a pleasure用于事情发生之后,而with pleasure用于事情发生之前。 3. My pleasure 是相当正式的说法,意思是“我的荣幸之至”。你可以把它想成是It has been my pleasure to help you(能够帮助你是我的荣幸。)的省略结果。这个句子还能有如下的用法: Im glad


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