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    1、( )9Did Tom do well in his subjects at school? A、Yes, he did. B、No, he didnt. C、We dont know.( )10What does Tom do? A、He is a singer. B、He is a teacher. C、He is a football player.三、语篇理解,根据所听内容,选出最佳答案。短文读两次(5分)( )11The speaker thinks that English is_. A、perfect B、useful C、easy( )12Whats the passage m

    2、ainly talk about? A、English-language websites. B、English learning. C、English cartoons.( )13Which is NOT mentioned in the passage? A、Grammar. B、Pronunciation. C、Spelling.( )14The speaker advises us to use English-language websites to_. A、listen to English songs B、learn English grammar C、read interest

    3、ing English information( )15What is the best way to learn English according to the speaker? A、To use it. B、To work hard at it. C、To remember more words. 、单项选择(15分)( )16Howdoyoustudy_atest?Istudy_readingthetextbook. A、for; for B、for; by C、by; for( )17Idontknow_. Cantellme_? A、howswim; whattodo B、hows

    4、wimwhatit C、how ( )18LiuXiangisoneof_runnersinworld. A、famous B、morefamous C、the most famous( )19My brother spends too much time_computergames. A、toplay B、play C、playing( )20IfI_a professional runner,what_. A、dont become;will happen B、didnt become;willbe happened C、will become;happen( )21Hangzhou is

    5、 well-known West Lake a tour city. A、as, for B、for, as C、for, in( )22When the public library in your city? A、was; builded B、was; built C、is; built( )23_thatriver_veryclean? A、Did, useto B、Did, usebe C、Does, usedto( )24It is that our team will beat theirs. A、believed B、to be believed C、believe( )25Ho

    6、wmanypeoplecomeBeijingnextyear?Ithardsay._people,Ithink. A、Millionof B、Millionsof C、Threemillions( )26Whoseguitarthis?Susanplaysguitar.Itmust_. A、belongher B、belongher C、belonghers( )27The fish nice, and I cant wait to eat it. A、sounds B、feels C、smells( )28As we know, tea was invented . A、by a mista

    7、ke B、by mistake C、with mistake( )29Wherewouldlikevisit?Idvisit_ A、warmsomewhere B、warmanywhere C、somewhere warm( )30The teacher told us that_. A、the earth goes around the sun. B、the earth went around the sun. C、the earth is went around by the sun.、完形填空(15分) Joe wanted a computer. He asked his 31 for

    8、 the money and they said he must get it himself. But how did he get it? He 32 about this when he walked home. Not many people wanted to ask children to work for them. Maybe he could take away snow for the neighbours(邻居). But this was not 33 . He had to wait a long time for that. He couldnt cut grass

    9、 for their gardens 34 he had no tools(工具) to do the work with. Then he saw one of his classmates, Dick, delivering(送) 35 . “I could do that”, he thought.“Maybe I could even get the computer 36 away. I could pay 37 it a little each week. ”He ran to 38 up with Dick. Joe asked him a lot of questions. H

    10、e learned that it was 39 to get twenty-five dollars each week. He learned that the job(工作) took 40 three hours each night. Dick 41 him the phone number of the newspaper manager(经理). Joe almost flew home. After he had told his mother 42 he thought, she 43 . I think it is a 44 idea, she said, Ill call

    11、 the newspaper. Wait, Mum, Joe said, ll call. After that, Im going to be a businessman now. “Joes mother smiled 45 .( )31A、teachers B、parents C、classmates( )32A、said B、told C、thought( )33A、spring B、summer C、winter( )34A、because B、when C、while( )35A、newspapers B、bikes C、computers( )36A、now B、right C、

    12、just( )37A、on B、to C、for ( )38A、take B、catch C、carry( )39A、friendly B、kind C、possible( )40A、at B、about C、before ( )41A、taught B、gave C、asked( )42A、that B、when C、what ( )43A、smiled B、shouted C、cried ( )44A、big B、large C、great ( )45A、sadly B、happily C、politely 、阅读理解(30分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个最佳

    13、选项。ATom was eight years old. He was a good boy. But he couldnt get up early. He slept until nine or ten oclock in the morning. He was often late for school. Toms mother didnt want him to be late for school. So she bought him an alarm clock. She said to Tom, “You must get up when you hear the clock r

    14、ing.” “Yes, Mum,” said Tom. After that Tom got up at seven thirty when he heard the clock ring. One day his mother forget to make the clock get ready to ring. And the next morning Tom didnt get up at seven thirty. It was time for breakfast. Mother went to see him. Tom was in bed and his eyes open. “

    15、Why didnt you get up?” Mother was angry. “You told me to get up when I heard the clock ring. So I am waiting for the bell.” ( )46Tom was a . A、teacher B、student C、worker ( )47Toms mother bought him a clock because . A、he couldnt get up on time B、it was very beautiful C、it was Toms birthday that day

    16、( )48The clock rang at . A、630 B、700 C、730( )49What happened that day? A、The clock was broken B、Tom was ill C、The clock didnt ring ( )50Tom didnt get up on time that day because he . A、was waiting for the bell B、didnt want to go to school C、didnt want to have breakfast BMr Smith was in trouble those

    17、 days. He drove a car for Mr Black, a rich businessman. He worked hard and the shopkeeper liked him. But he couldnt work when he drank too much. And once he almost fell into the river when he drove along the bridge. Mr Black became angry and was going to send him away. He had a big family and was af

    18、raid of it and promised(许诺) he would stop drinking at once. The man told him to wait to be dealt with(处置). One Monday morning Mr Smith came into the office with badly burned ears. “What happened to your ears?” asked Mr Black. “Well”, said the man. “I went to watch a football match yesterday while my

    19、 wife was ironing(熨) clothes. She had put the iron(熨斗) near the telephone before she went to cook supper. Our team lost the game and I felt sorry for it. As soon as I went in the sitting-room ,the phone rang and I answered the iron!”“And what happened to the other ear?” “When I put the iron down the

    20、 table, the telephone rang again!( )51_, so he almost drove the car into the river. A、Mr Smith was not careful B、Mr Smith drank too much C、Mr Smith forget they were on the bridge ( )52Mr Smith went to watch the football match on_. A、Monday B、Tuesday C、Sunday ( )53We can guess_. A、Mr Smith drank much

    21、 after the match B、Mr Smith was very angry with his team C、Mr Smith didnt drink those days ( )54The_badly burned Mr Smiths ears. A、telephone B、car C、iron( )55What would happen to Mr Smith? A、He would go on driving for Mr Black B、He would join his football team C、Mr Black would send him awayCMy grand

    22、father is an eighty-year-old man. He changed, and he often says that life used to be better. Families arent families the way they used to be. A lot of families have broke down. If husband and wife have problems with their marriage, they no longer stay together. And mothers used to stay at home and t

    23、ake care of their children, but now everyones working. No one has time to look after children at home. And the cars! No one walks any more: everyone drives. We used to walk five miles to school every day, even in winter. But now they dont. And in school. the children dont have to think any more. In

    24、math class, for example, we used to add, subtract, multiply and divide in our heads. Kids dont use their heads any more; instead, they use calculators(计算器). Most families have computers now. In the past we didnt have computers. We didnt even have lights. My mother used to spend all day cooking in th

    25、e kitchen. But now nobody eats home-cooked food any more. And people dont talk to each other any more. They are too busy to talk, too busy to eat, too busy to thinkLife used to be simple, but it isnt any more.( )56My grandfather thinks the life_. A、is better than it used to be B、is worse than it use

    26、d to be C、is as good as it used to be ( )57What does the underlined word “marriage” mean in Chinese? A、生活 B、家庭 C、婚姻 ( )58What changes have happened to some families?There are lights at home. People like to eat home-cooked food. Lots of families have computers Lots of couples live apart because of so

    27、me problems. A、 B、 C、( )59Which is TRUE according to the passage? A、People have too much time to talk with each other B、Life now is very simple C、Many families have broken down because of problems between husbands and wives.( )60Which is the best title for this passage? A、How life used to be B、The better life C、The changes in our life (主观卷)(45分)、听短文,根据短文内容完成表格,每空一词,短文读两次(5分)DifferenceThe hospital in the cityThe hospital in the to


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