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    1、最新初中英语情景交际初三英语情景交际专项(良田七中初三英语科) 一 问候: 与英美人士见面时切忌问对方的家庭、子女、职业、 婚姻、年龄、工资等。因为这是他们的隐私 。不要谈论对方不开心或尴尬 的事情如;失业、离异、考试不及格、身体发胖、瘦等。中国人见面时。一般问:where are you going /have you had your breakfast 而西方人则说hello! /hi, how are you ?/good moring /glad to see you .不要明知故问,看见别人在做某事是,则用 hello!/hi!/can I help you ?/why not h

    2、ave a rest? A(每空一词)B: Good evening, Kate.K : _ _, Ben.B : _ are you?K: Not bad._ _.I have made some chinese friends these days. And you?B: I know two chinese boys. They study in the same schoool with us. look! They come, _, Wang hai and li ming.W: Hello, Ben.B: Nice to _ you again! Id like you to me

    3、et my friend, Kate Green.We studied togeher for many years in America.Kate, this is Wang Hai .and this is Li Ming.W: Im glad to _ you .Are you a new student in our school?K: _, Ben and I will be in the same class.L : _,then we are classmates, Kate.K: That s great二:看病 询问病人哪儿不舒服的常用语: What is the matte

    4、r with you? What is the matter with your +部位(leg) What is wrong? What is the trouble with sb? What is your trouble, young man? Is there anything wrong with sb/sth?(him/his left hand)医生问病人是否已量体温及回答:Have you taken your temperature?My temperature seems all rightWhat is your temperature?病人谈论病情通常为:I dont

    5、 feel wellI have a (bad) headache.I have got a (bad)cough.I have got a bad cold ./I have (got )a fever./I have got a pain here. There is something wrong with my eyes.Im not very well./I dont feel very well/Im not feeling very well./I feel terrible(bad/ill)I feel tired all the time./I feel very weak.

    6、医生询问病人病情像这样有多久的用语:How long have you had a cold?How long has he been like this?/How long have you been like this?Ever since yesterday./For about +一段时间医生安慰病人的常用语:Its nothing serious./nothing serious.You ll be well (fine /OK)again in a few days.You ll be all right soon.Dont worry, you ll be well soon .

    7、 医生吩咐病人吃药用语:Take this medicine three times a day Take this medicine,and then maybe youll be better.You may take some medicine.Take the medicine after meals. try this medicine.Here is your medicine ,please take this medicine every four hours.Take this medicine and drink a lot of water.医生嘱咐病人要干什么/注意什么

    8、的用语:Have a good rest.Drink plenty of/more water and have good rest, you ll be all right in a few days(soon).You must stay in bed for two or three days and take this medicine on time , then you ll be all right.Please be careful with your heal from mow now on.Please stay at home and lookafter yoirself

    9、 wellIf you want to be healtier and thinner, you have to eat less food and take more exercises.Doing moring exercise is good for your health.Doing eye exercise is good for our health.Taking a walk after supper is good for your health. Eating too much /playing basketball after lunch /going to bed too

    10、 late in the evening is bad for your health. Read in bed /in the sun is not good for your eyes.病人谈论自己的感受用语:Are you feeling a little better?I feel fine ( all right /well /better)I m feeling much better than before.I feel very terrible.I feel even worse. A (分类102)A:What is your trouble ?B: _.A: How lo

    11、ng have you been like this ?B: _A: Have you taken your temperature?B: _A: let me examine you. Open your mouth and say “ah”.B: _?A: Youve just got a cold .Its nothing serious. Take this medicine three times a day and drink more hot water.B: _. B: (分类109)A: Good moring , doctor .B: Good moring , _, yo

    12、ung man ?A: I have got a headache and a running nose.B: _ have you been like this ?A: For about a week .B: I see . let me _ you carefully.A: Is it serious, doctor?B: No , there is _,but youd better take some medicine or get an injection(打针).A: Injection? Oh ,no ! Its painful. I prefer to take medici

    13、me.B: OK.Take the medicine three times a day and youll be _soon. C(分类112)A: _,boy?B: I hurt my left arm on my way to school.A: let me have a check.B: _, doctor?A: Yes, Im sorry to say you need to have an X-ray taken.B: Oh,dear! D(攻略) A: Good moring, doctor. B: Good moring ,_A: I have got a headache

    14、and a running noise.B: _A: Yes, I have. But I haven got a fever(发烧).B: _A: Ever since since last night.B: let me look over you .Mm-A: _B: Dont worry. Its nothing serious, just a cold .take this medicide three times a day and drink more water. _A: Thank you.doctor. Goodbye! EA: What s your _, Madam?B

    15、: I _very weak.I can hardly do any work,doctor.A: How long have you like this?B: Ever _last month.A: Have you _a headache?B: No, I_.A: Do you _well at night?B: Yes, I sleep very _.B: Do you often have breakfast?A: No, I have _ had breakfast. And I have a litte food for lunch _I want_ thin.B : Oh, I

    16、see. Theres _much wrong with you.You _to take more food and have three meals a day. And do some_ every day. Then you will get better _. FA: My head hurts, doctor.B: _your mouth and saay “ahh-”A what is _me?B: Youve a _ cold . _this medicine And _bed for two days and youll be _ soon.A: Thank you .by

    17、the way , how much _the mdicine?B: How much money? Look, dont you know me?A : Ha, ha! _you , my uncle.I dont know you were here. How are you , uncle?B: _,thank you .and you have to look after _.A: Yes, I _. Thanks _ _. 三问路与应答问路前先道一声“Excuse me”显得比较礼貌。对方指路时,假如没有听懂,可以说/pardon?/Excuse me. /would you say

    18、 it again?恳求对方说一次。问路常用语:Excuse me,How can I get to/reach the hospital?Excuse me,which is the way to the hospital?Excuse me,where is the hospital,please?Excuse me ,could you tell/show me the way to the hospital?Excuse me,could you tell me how I can get to the hospital?Excuse me,could you tell me how

    19、to get to the hospital?Excuse me ,Is there a hospital near here?(Yes,there is./No,there isnt)Is this the right way to the bookshop?/Does this/the bus go to the bookshop?指路的常用语:Walk along this road, and take the first turning on the right .Go/Walk down the street, and turn right at the first turning.

    20、Go down this street and you can see it./Go along this street and turn left.Its over there./Its not far from here.Go straiight along the road to the traffic lights.turn left.Its between the post office and the hospital, you cannt miss it./dont miss it.Go across the bridge , you ll find the museum on

    21、the left.Go on /walk on until you reach the end of the road ,youll find the park in front of you.询问路程有多远的用语:How far is the hospital (from here)?How far is it from A to B?How far away is the hospital?How many metres (kilometres) is it from here to the hospital?回答一般用:Its +距离Its only a few kilometres./

    22、Its half an hours walk (from here to -)The hospital is about half an hours ride by bike/by car.建议问路者乘交通工具去的常用语:You d better take a bus there.What shall I take to there?Can I take a bus to get there?Which bus shall I take( to get to -)?Bus No.4 will take you to get to -问路者应该用的道谢语:Thank you /thanks /t

    23、hank you very much./thanks a lot.Thank you all the same .Im sorry, I dont know the way, either. You d better go and ask the policeman over there.I m not sure./sorry Im new here ,too.A A: Excuse me , sir. Could you please tell me how to get to the zoo.B: Sorry ,_.Im new here._.A: Excuse me , could yo

    24、u tell me the way to the zoo?C: Go along this street until you reach the second traffic light, then turn left.At the end of the street, you ll see the zoo.A: _?C: Yes, you can.A: _?C: You can take the No.6bus.A: Thank you very much.C: _. BA: Excuse me , _ the library?B: Go down this street and turn

    25、right at the second crossing. Go up the road to the end, you ll find it.A: _?B: Its about 1000 metres away from here.A: Oh, That s quite a long way.B: Yes. _take a bus.A: _?B: It takes about fifteen minutes.A: Thanks very much.B: Its a pleasure.四:打电话1.想找某人听电话常用:Hello! May/could I speak to sb(Lucy) ,

    26、please?I would like to speak to sb (lucy).2. 如果要找的人刚好是接电话的人,常会说: Speaking,please!/speaking!3如果要找的人在附近。接电话者需要时间帮你叫来,需要你稍等一下,常会说:Hold on for a moment, please.Hold on, please.4. 如要找的人不在或外出了常用: Sorry, she/he isnt here right now. Im sorry, she/he isnt in. Im afraid, she/he is out.5. 接电话者自我介绍常用:(不可用I am/I

    27、m -) This is lucy (sb) speaking. Lucy (sb) speaking. Lucy here.6. 接电话者询问对方是谁常用:(不可用Are you - ?) Whos that speaking? Whos calling?7. 询问对方是否留言常用: Can I take a message for you/ Will/would you please give a message to him? Can I take a message ? Can you take a message for me ?8. 打错电话时,接电话者常会说: You have got the wrong number. AM: Hello!W: Hello!_?M: Speaking!W: Hi! Sandy, how are you?M: _?W: Im fine, too.M: What can I do for you?W: _.M: Homework?W: _?M: OK.She asked us to do Exercise 3 on page 90.W: Thank you , Sandy.M: _. B:A: Hello!_


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