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    1、便条(NOTES) Dear liu, I have something important to tell you, please call me at 8 tonight. Wang 这是一张通俗的信息便条,Wang 有重要的事情要告诉Liu ,希望Liu与自己联系。该便条很明显没有写作时间和结束语。前面我们提到过单纯的通俗信息与感谢信息的传递不须注明写作时间,若非注不可,也就是即日,即收笺的那一日。 首句 I have句式表明“我”有一些,很自然地,明确地引出信息内容。使用了有说服力的词如:important,tell 等,突出表明了信息的重要性。四、练习 请以 Judy 的名义给 Ja

    2、ne 写一张便条,请 Jane 尽快把其工作计划告诉 Judy。Dear Jane, Please inform me as soon as possible your working plan. Thanks. Judy 通知(Notice)一、题型分析 英文通知的格式与中文通知格式大体相同,这一点考生容易把握。其内容简单,具体,要求写明具体事项,以便告知相关人员。二、应试技巧 1.注意中,英通知的细微差别 和中文通知一样,英文通知由标题,正文,落款(或时间)三部分组成。标题写在正文上方正中的部位,常以Notice作标题。落款既发出通知的单位和时间写在正文右下角,有时发出通知的单位可以省略,

    3、时间也可写在单位名称下一行的左下角。 2.书写正文时要注意的几点(1)内容要简洁,清楚。例如,会议通知要写清时间,地点,出席人员,必要时还可以写明会议内容。 (2)多采用被动语态 ,人称用第三人称。如: a. All the students of the Computer Department are required to meet b. A lecture on linguistics will be given by Professor Xiao (3)为了能引起广泛的注意,正文起首常以“ATTENTION”字样或以“Attention please”开头。如: ATTENTION,

    4、A visit to (4)放假通知应写明放假天数及收假日期。如: a. Tomorrow being National Day, there will be no work for seven days. b. Work will be resumed on Oct. 8.三、范文Sample 1通知 请学生会所有成员星期天晚七点半(三月十五日)到会议室开会,商讨有关运动会事宜。 学生会 2004.3.13 Notice All the members of the Students Union are requested to meet in the department conferen

    5、ce room on Sunday , March 15, at 7:30 p.m, to discuss the plan of the sports meet. Students Union March 13, 2004 请假条(Asking for Sick Leave or Business Leave)一、题型分析 在应用文能力考试中,请假条因篇幅短小,格式、内容较为容易掌握,故相对于推荐信、申请信等篇幅较长的应用文而言,其得分率要高,且该类型的应用文要求文体正式、语言得体,尤其是用礼貌的语言向领导讲述请假的理由。二、应试技巧 1.了解请假条的基本情况(内容) 请假条是便条的一种,主

    6、要用于因病或因重要事情向领导请示批准某一特定时间的假。根据其请假理由的不同,可把请假条分为病假条和事假条两种。但不管是那一种都应包括以下四部分内容: (1) 日期 日期通常应在正文右上角,因请假条涉及到的是最近时间内的事情,故可直接用几月,几日或星期几来表示,如 April 10 或 10 April 或 Thursday. (2) 称呼 称呼常用常规信中的称呼语,如 Dear, Mr , Professor , Dr 等.(3) 正文 正文是请假条的核心部分,主要涉及到请假原因,请假时间,结尾时需用一些表示感谢或请求批准的话语。切记理由要充分,在必要是应附上相应的证明。(4) 结束语的署名

    7、结束语常用 yours faithfully 或 yours sincerely 或 yours truly 等。三、范文 (事假条) April 25Dear Mr. Frick, As my brother is moving to Canada tomorrow, I shall be very much obliged if you will grant me my application for one days leave tomorrow. Yours respectfully, Robin Ford四、练习(1)以 Mary 的名义向 Professor John 写一张因病无

    8、法上课的请假条(注明缺漏的课日后补上)。 要求:不少于30 词(2)写一封因家父病重须回家探望,故请求给予三天假的请假条(注明起止时间)。 要求:60 词左右。 April4,2004Dear Professor John, Im sorry I cant come to your lecture today as I am running a fever. I should be very much obliged if you shall grant me the leave. Ill do my best to make up the lessons as soon as Im reco

    9、vered. Yours respectfully, MaryApril 4, 2004Dear Manager, Id like to apply for three days leave, starting from the 13th to the 15th ,in order to return to my hometown to see my father, who is seriously ill these days. I should be very much obliged if you grant me the leave. As to the duties to be mi

    10、ssed during my absence, I shall do my best to make them up as soon as I get back. Here I enclose a telegraph from my mother. Yours faithfully, Wang Fang 邀请信(A letter of Invitation)正文要求写清的几个方面 (1) 邀请信的正文 a) 直截了当地提出邀请并指出时间(年,月,日,钟点),场地,场合。b) 请对方确认或表示期待对方接受邀请。(2)表示接受邀请的复函的正文a) 感激对方的邀请(有时可省略)。b) 表示接受邀请并

    11、确认时间,地点,场合。c) 表达愉快的期盼之情。 (3)表示谢绝邀请的复函的正文a) 感激对方的邀请。b) 明确谢绝并给出合理的原因。三、范文 April 10, 2005Dear Peter, Would you like to come to my place to have dinner with me on Sunday, April 15, at 8:00 p.m. ? I havent seen you for a long time and Im looking forward to seeing you soon. Yours, Lucy以上是Lucy 写给 Peter 的一封

    12、共进晚餐的邀请信。由于是非正式场合,省略了写信人地址,收信人姓名及地址,正文开头提出了邀请,并讲明了具体的时间,地点 (on Sunday, April 15, at 8:00 p.m., my place )。最后表达了热切的期盼之情(looking forward to seeing you soon)。April 12, 2005Dear Lucy, Thank you for your kind invitation to dinner at your place on Sunday, April 15, at 8:00 p.m. I do accept it with great p

    13、leasure. It seems quite a long time since we met last. Im looking forward to seeing you. Yours, Peter以上是Peter 表示接受邀请而写的一封回信。正文开头对邀请表示感激,并确认了时间,地点。接着明确表示乐意接受邀请 (I do accept it with great pleasure)。最后表示了热切盼望那一天的到来。此信的关键是要写明接受邀请,而不能出现 “Ill accept if Im free” 这类模棱两可的句子。April 12, 2005Dear Lucy, Thank you

    14、 for your kind invitation to dinner at your place, but Im sorry that I have to decline it. Ill visit my former teacher that day. I do hope to see you when Im free. Yours, Peter这是一封Peter因故不能出席的谢绝邀请信。同样,正文开头表达了被邀请的谢意。接着明确地谢绝邀请并解释了原因(but Im sorry that I have to decline it. I;ll visit my former teacher

    15、that day)。April 20,2005Dear Li Min, It is really a long time since I saw you last. I miss you so much. Would you like to come to Hangzhou during International Labour Day? Hangzhou is a beautiful city. There are quite a lot of places of interest and shopping places. Youre welcome to stay as long as y

    16、ou like and Id like to be your guide. Im really looking forward to seeing you again. If you would tell me the time of your arrival, Ill meet you at the railway station. Yours, Wang Li请求信(A Letter of Request)正文要写清楚如下几点:1.可以开门见山地提出请求,但语气要有礼貌。2.简明扼要地解释提出请求的原因。3.无论结果如何,都向对方致谢,但客套语不宜过多。范文: No.3 Huangxing

    17、 Road Changsha, 410006 April 20, 2005Admission OfficeNanjing UniversityNanjing, 210008Dear Sir, I want to pursue a ph.D at your university. My intended of entrance is Autumn 2005. Your sending me application forms at your earliest convenience will be greatly appreciated. Sincerely yours, Li Mei练习 给某

    18、电脑公司的销售部经理写一封请求信,请求他给你寄该公司当天在北京周末报广告中的家用电脑的详尽说明。130 Baihai Road Shanghai, 200030 April 20, 2005 Sales ManagerXinnan Computer CompanyNo. 2 Leping StreetBeijing, 100082Dear Sir, Im interested in the personal computers which are advertised in todays Beijing Weekend. I want very much to get the informat

    19、ion about the various computers that you have. I should feel much obliged if you will kindly send me some details of your computers. Yours faithfully, Wang Lin 求职信(A Letter of Application)正文要写清以下四个方面的内容1. 具体指出所寻求的职位。2. 描述自己受教育的程度、以前的工作业绩和工作能力。3. 提供至少两个证明人及其联系地址和电话,放在“个人简历”中列出,否则在正文中体现。4. 请求对方给予面试的机会。范文 140Weymouth Street Charlottetown Price Edward Island Canada CIA 4z2


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