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    1、全国高考英语语法填空练习文学有答案2021语法填空训练第8天语法填空1. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Freyja is furious, and says people will think she is1._ (absolute) man-crazy if she agrees to marry a giant.Then the god Heimdall has2_ idea. He suggests that Thor dress up as a bride. With his hair up and two stones under his tun

    2、ic he will look 3._ a woman. Understandably, Thor is not wildly enthusiastic about the idea, but he finally accepts that this is the only way he will ever get his hammer back.So Thor allows 4._ (him) to be attired in bridal costume, with Loki as his bridesmaid.To put it in present-day terms, Thor an

    3、d Loki are the gods anti-terrorist squad. Disguised as women, their mission is to breach the giants stronghold and recapture Thors hammer.When the gods arrive 5._ Jotunheim, the giants begin to prepare the wedding feast. But during the feast, the bride-Thor, that is-devours an entire ox and eight sa

    4、lmon. He also drinks three barrels of beer. This6._ (astonish)Thrym. The true identity of the commandos is very 7._ (near) revealed. But Loki manages to avert the danger by 8._ (explain) that Freyja has been looking forward to coming to jotunheim so much9._ she has not eaten for a week.When Thrym li

    5、fts the bridal veil to kiss the bride, he is startled to find himself looking into Thors 10._ (burn) eyes. 1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ 6._ 7 ._ 8._ 9._ 10._2. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Once again Loki saves the situation by explaining that the bride has not slept for a week because she is so 1._ (exc

    6、ite)about the wedding. At this, Thrym commands that the hammer be brought forth and laid in the brides lap during the wedding ceremony.Thor roars with laughter when he 2._ (are) the hammer. First he kills Thrym with it, and then he wipes out the giants and all their kin. And thus the gruesome hostag

    7、e affair has a happy3._ (end) . Thor-the Batman or James Bond of the gods-has once again conquered the forces of evil.So much for the myth itself, Sophie. But what is the real meaning behind it? It wasnt made up just for 4._ (entertain). The myth also tries to explain something. Here is one possible

    8、 interpretation:When a drought occurred, people sought an explanation of why there was no rain. Could it be that the giants had stolen Thors hammer?Perhaps the myth was 5._ attempt to explain the changing seasons of the year: in the winter Nature dies because Thors hammer is in jotunheim. But in the

    9、 spring he succeeds in 6._ (win) it back. So the myth tried to give people an explanation for something they could not understand.But a myth was not only an explanation. People also carried 7._ religious ceremonies related to the myths. We can imagine how peoples response8._ drought or crop failure

    10、would be to enact a drama about the events in the myth. Perhaps a man from the village would dress up 9._ a bride-with stones for breasts-in order to steal the hammer back from the giants. By 10._ (do) this, people were taking some action to make it rain so the crops would grow in their fields.1._ 2

    11、._ 3._ 4._ 5._ 6._ 7 ._ 8._ 9._ 10._3. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。There are a great many examples from other parts of the world of the way people dramatized their myths of the seasons in order to speed up the processes of nature.So far we 1._ ( take) a brief glimpse at the world of Norse mytho

    12、logy. But there were countless myths about Thor and Odin, Freyr and Frey a, Hoder and Balder and many other gods. Mythologica notions of this kind flourished all over the world until philosophers began to tamper with 2._ (they).A mythological world picture also existed in Greece when the first philo

    13、sophy was evolving. The stories of the Greek gods had been handed down from generation 3._ generation for centuries. In Greece the gods were called Zeus and Apollo, Hera and Athene, Dionysos and Ascle-pios, Heracles and Hephaestos, to mention only a few of them.Around 700 B.C., much of the Greek myt

    14、hology 4._ (is) written down by Homer and Hesiod. This created a whole new situation. Now that the myths existed in 5._ (write) form, it was possible6._ discuss them.The 7._ (early)t Greek philosophers criticized Homers mythology because the gods resembled mortals too much and were just as egoistic

    15、and treacherous. For the 8._ (one) time it was said that the myths were nothing 9._ human notions.One exponent of this view was the philosopher Xe-nophanes,10._ lived from about 570 B.C. Men have created the gods in their own image, he said. 1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ 6._ 7 ._ 8._ 9._ 10._7选5Theres been in

    16、creased attention on this in recent weeks, with the unsettling spread of the coronavirus around the world. When a video of Naomi Campbell cleaning her airplane seat and wearing a mask and gloves was shared online last year, it made the rounds because her behavior seemed exaggerated. “ 16 And we know

    17、 that germs can live on surfaces for a long time, so it doesnt hurt to clean it, said Aaron Milstone, an epidemiologist at the Johns Hopkins Hospital. Here are some tips for cleaning your area of a plane and keeping healthy on a flight.Keep your hands clean and stop touching your faceWiping down sur

    18、faces on a plane wont hurt, as long as it doesnt give you a false sense of security,” Andrew Mehle, associate professor of medical microbiology said, stressing that cleaning your space on a plane should be done in conjunction with washing hands and following other best practices. Good habits are not

    19、 easily formed. 17 Doing so after touching a surface where droplets from when someone sneezed or coughed can lead to the virus being passed on 18 A study from Emory University found that during flu season, the safest place to sit on a plane is by a window. Researchers studied passengers and crew mem

    20、bers on 10 three-to-five-hour flights and observed that people sitting in window seats had less contact with potentially sick people.Disinfect hard surfacesWhen you get to your seat and your hands are clean, use disinfecting wipes to clean the hard surfaces at your seat like the head and arm rest, t

    21、he seatbelt buckle(带扣), the remote, screen, seat back pocket and the tray table. If the seat is hard and nonporous (无孔的)or leather, you can wipe that down too. 19 In addition, pay attention to your disinfecting wipes, which would typically say on the packaging how long a surface needs to stay wet in

    22、 order for them to work. 20 In order for the wipes to work, you need to follow those time requirements.A. Choose a window seat.B. A window seat is the best option.C. The airplane and airplane scat is a public space.D. Good habits arc essential in this particular time.E. That time can range from 30 s

    23、econds to a few minutes.F. Most people tend to touch their faces more often than they realize.G. However, using wipes on cushions could lead to a wet scat and spreading of germs,语法填空第一篇absolutelyanlikehimselfat astonishes nearlyexplaining that burning第二篇excited is givenendingentertainmentanwinningoutto as doing第三篇have takenthem towaswrittentoearliesfirstbut who第四篇1. C 2.F 3.A 4.G 5.E 2. 3.


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