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    1、高中英语必修一综合测试人教版 必修一综合测试第一节 单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21 Is it all right if I take the book out of the library? _.A. No, you dont B. Dont take itC. Im afraid not D. No, it shouldnt 22- Liu Yi, do you miss your parents? I hear that you go back home once every m

    2、onth. -Of course. You know this is the first time I_ in the dormitory at school, far away from my hometown, Luoyang. A. have stayed B. stayed C. stay D. am staying 23.Only when I left my parents for Italy _ how much I loved them . A . I realized B. I had realized C. did I realized D. had I realized2

    3、4.Though we hadnt seen each other for ten years, I _ him as soon as I saw him.A. realized B. recognized C. learned D. knew25 Have you finished reading Jane Eyre? No, I _ my homework all day yesterday.A. was doing B. would do C. had done D. do26 What a pity! The car ran away before I _ its number.A.

    4、set up B. calmed down C. set down D. added up27 My son has always preferred meat _ vegetables, which is not good for health.A. over B. with C. than D. to28. While shopping, people sometimes cant help _ to buy something that they dont really need. A. persuading B. being persuaded C. persuaded D. to p

    5、ersuade29.After the earthquake, workers built shelters for survivors _ homes had beendestroyed. A. which B. who C. whom D. whose30.Can you tell us _ you are getting along with your classmates?A. whether B. what C. that D. how31.The reason _ Obama is becoming less popular is that he hasnt improved th

    6、e situation in the U.S.A. A. which B. that C. because D. why 32. He suggested that the class meeting _ on Sunday . A. would not be held B. not be held C.would hold D didnt hold 33. Life is so short that we do need to _ full use of it.A. do B. spend C. take D. make34. Different people have different

    7、_ towards money. Some spend too much while some prefer to save. A. attitudes B. advice C. minds D. qualities35.She finds _ difficult to express herself freely in English.A. this B. it C. that D. one第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。One day, my daugh

    8、ter Jericha asked me, “Are all people the same even if they are different in color?”I thought for a minute, and then I said, “Ill explain, 36 you can just wait until we make a quick 37 at the grocery store (超市). I have something 38 to show you.”At the grocery store, we 39 some apples - red, green an

    9、d yellow ones. Back home, I told Jericha, “Its time to 40 your question.” I put one apple of each 41 on the table. Then I looked at Jericha, who had a 42 expression on her face.“People are like apples. They come in all different colors, shapes and sizes. On the 43 , some of the apples may not even l

    10、ook as delicious (美味) 44 the others.” While I was talking, Jericha was 45 each one carefully.Then I took each of the apples and peeled (削皮) them, 46 them back on the table, 47 in a different place.“Okay, Jericha, now tell me which is which.”She said, “I 48 tell. They all look the same now.” “Take a

    11、bite of 49 . See if that helps you 50 which one is which.” She took 51 , and then a huge smile came 52 her face. “People are 53 like apples! They are all different, but once you 54 the outside, theyre pretty much the same on the inside,”She totally understood it People in the world are actually the

    12、same if you 55 their colors and races. I didnt need to say or do anything else. 36. A. becauseB. although C. ifD. while37. A. stopB. journeyC. startD. leave38. A. strangeB. beautifulC. shockingD. interesting39. A. bought B. sawC. foundD. collected40. A. talk B. answer C. checkD. request41. A. sizeB.

    13、 shape C. color D. class42. A. worriedB. curiousC. concernedD. calm43. A. outsideB. insideC. wholeD. table44. A. veryB. as C. likeD. too45. A. packingB. pickingC. examiningD. settling46. A. keepingB. pushingC. givingD. putting47. A. so B. butC. orD. and48. A. mustnt B. shouldntC. cantD. neednt49. A.

    14、 each otherB. the otherC. another oneD. each one50. A. voteB. decideC. believeD. see51. A. big bitesB. deep breathsC. a holdD. a look52. A. upB. acrossC. downD. along53. A. always B. neverC. onlyD. just54. A. give upB. go throughC. dig outD. take off55. A. judgeB. knowC. ignoreD. express第三部分 阅读理解 (共

    15、20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)第一节:阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。ASusan Boyle, the Britains Got Talent singing star appeared on the popular American show, Oprah. Together with her was Simon Cowell, one of the judges of Britains Got Talent, who spoke of his shock over Susans voice.He told Oprah, “Th

    16、is lady came up, and Im thinking,This will take five seconds and I can go have a cup of tea.”“That changed when she began to sing I Dreamed a Dream from Les Miserables.”“She knew we were going to be shocked and just to see the happy look on her face-it was one of my favorite moments,” Cowell said.Th

    17、e performance was posted on Youtube and soon after that, the 47-year-old Scottish lady became a worldwide phenomenon (奇才).Speaking from her home in Scotland, Susan Boyle said she doesnt want to change her appearance although people think she is not beautiful as a famous star.Susan also spoke of the

    18、reason why she first began to explore her singing talent, “I was slow at school, so singing was a good way of hiding behind it and so improving my confidence.”Cowell said, “TV talent shows give the underdog a chance to shine, and I think its great.”56. What did Simon Cowell mean by saying “This will

    19、 take five seconds and I can go have a cup of tea”? A. He thought highly of Susans voice. B. He thought Susan was not beautiful at all. C. He didnt think highly of Susan at first sight. D. He was tired at that time and wanted a rest.57. Susan was made a worldwide phenomenon soon after _.A. she appea

    20、red on Oprah B. her performance was posted on YoutubeC. she changed her appearance D. she explored her singing talent at school58. Susans home is in _. A. Scotland B. America C. England D. Wales59. You can possibly read the passage in _. A. a textbook B. a newspaper C. an advertisement D. a diaryBIt

    21、s one school where teachers will not be able to send dunces (后进生) to stand in the cornerbecause every classroom is round. All eight classrooms at the new school are built round. Teachers will stand in the middle with students sitting in a circle all around them. And instead of an old-fashioned black

    22、board, a projector (投射器) will bounce (反射) words and pictures onto the classroom walls. The $ 4 million-school is being built in the former mining village of Abergwynfi, near Neath, South Wales.Teachers believe that the classroom will be a success. They think the 360-degree classrooms will give stude

    23、nts a new learning experience and no chance to hide behind their desks in the back row. Neath Port Talbot Council spokesman said, “The teacher is in the center of the classroom among the pupils. No one is at the back of the class and no one is at the front.” The classrooms, all grouped around a circ

    24、ular main building, make it look as if a flight of UFOs has landed in the village. Local schoolboy Morgan Jones, 10, said, “It looks coola lot better than old-fashioned schools.”Some parents have different opinions from the teachers. One parent said, “I have lovely memories of going to the old schoo

    25、l in the villageit was a happy place with good teachers. The classrooms were square and the desks all lined up in rows with the best children in the front and the worst at the backwhat was wrong with that? Everyone knew where they were then. The shape of the classroom is not a big deal, but the teac

    26、her who gives the lessons is really important anyway.”60. When having classes in the new classroom, the teachers can _. A. stand in the front of the classroom B. ask some students to stand in the corner C. write the words on the blackboard D. teach without drawing pictures61. The writer mainly wants

    27、 to tell us_. A. why dunces dont have to stand in the corner. B. how the teacher will teach in the new classroom. C. what the new kind of classroom will be like. D. what teachers think of the new kind of classroom62. According to the teachers, this new kind of classroom will_. A. cost too much money

    28、 B. be needed only in villages C. give students the chance to hide D. become very popular63. Whats the opinion of one parent? A. The best children had better not sit in the front. B. The shape of the classroom is very important for the students. C. The teachers teaching plays an important part in sc

    29、hool. D. The desks shouldnt be lined in rows.CXICHANG, Sichuan, Oct. 1 (Xinhua) - Change-2, Chinas second moon probe, has entered the earth-moon transfer orbit (轨道) as it separated from the carrier rocket, the control center said Friday.Named after a legendary goddess who flew to the moon from her h

    30、ome on the earth, Change-2 took with her Chinas dream of finding more and knowing more about the earths closest companion in the universe.The missions of Change-2 include testing key technologies, collecting data for future landings and providing high-resolution photographs of the landing area. Laun

    31、ched on the 61st National Day of China, Change-2, was built as an alternative to Change-1, which was launched 3 years ago and maintained a 16-month lunar orbit.The successful launch of Change-2, marks China becoming another step closer to landing on the moon.64. Whats the main idea of the text? A. Change-2 entered the


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