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    1、2017 政府工作报告英文版学习笔记 CATTI考试资料与资讯2017.10.22 往年基本没有直接考过政府工作报告。但许多年份的政治类考题,基本都是政府工作报告风格(考过的有中国梦、大国关系、供给侧改革等)。政治性太强、专业性太强的内容略去不选。笔记可能有很多主观看法,词汇请大家自主多做查询。学习建议(仅供参考):1、不盲目求快。学得越细,收获越多。只求快难深入。2、勤查资料。生词多查多记。3、热点、新词多关注(新动能、放管服)。4、打印出来做笔记。电脑干扰多,手机干扰更多。5、精选个别片段和常用句型背诵。节省体力,不用太多。6、不唯权威。时刻动脑,思考原因,总结规律。7、勤动笔,形成自己的

    2、翻译思路和方式。8、学英文同时,也学中文凝练表达。9、建议至少学习两遍。2017 政府工作报告 | 百度网盘百度网盘:在线阅读:CGTN-同传: (01)过去一年,我国发展面临国内外诸多矛盾叠加、风险隐患交汇的严峻挑战。In the past year, Chinas development hasfacedgravechallengesposed by a great many problems andinterwovenrisks and dangers both at home and abroad.精简、合并重复信息:叠加、交汇 interwoven突出逻辑关系:(来自)的挑战经济运行

    3、缓中趋稳、稳中向好。国内生产总值达到74.4万亿元,增长6.7%,名列世界前茅,对全球经济增长的贡献率超过30%。居民消费价格上涨2%。The economy hasregistereda slower but stable performance with good momentum for growth. GDP reached 74.4 trillion yuan, representing 6.7-percent growth, and seeing China outpace most other economies. China contributed more than 30 p

    4、ercent of global growth. The CPI rose by 2 percent.名词化,压缩动词使用数量:缓中趋稳、稳中向好 a slower but stable performance with good momentum数据表述常用词:register,reach,contribute,represent, report, stand at工业企业利润由上年下降2.3%转为增长8.5%,单位国内生产总值能耗下降5%,经济发展的质量和效益明显提高。With an 8.5-percent increase in profits, industrial enterpris

    5、es reversed the previous years negative growth of 2.3 percent. Energy consumption per unit of GDP fell by 5 percent. Economic performance improved markedly in quality and returns.就业增长超出预期。全年城镇新增就业1314万人。高校毕业生就业创业人数再创新高。年末城镇登记失业率4.02%,为多年来最低。13亿多人口的发展中大国,就业比较充分,十分不易。Employment growth exceeded project

    6、ions. A total of 13.14 million new urban jobs were added over the course of the year. The number of college graduatesfinding employment or starting businessesreached another record high. The registered urban unemployment ratestood at4.02 percent at year-end 2016, the lowest level in years. For China

    7、, a large developing country with a population of over 1.3 billion, attaining this level of employment is no easy task.句型搭建:_ exceeded_ ._ were added_ ._reached_ ._stood at_, the lowest. For China,_(插入成分) ,_is no easy task.关键还是动词活用。改革开放深入推进。重要领域和关键环节改革取得突破性进展,供给侧结构性改革初见成效。对外开放推出新举措,“一带一路”建设进展快速,一批重大

    8、工程和国际产能合作项目落地。Continued advanceswere made in reform and opening up. Breakthroughs were made in reforms in major sectors and key links, andinitial successwas achieved insupply-side structural reform. New measures were introduced for opening China up, rapid progress was made in pursuing the Belt and R

    9、oad Initiative, and a number of major projects andindustrial-capacity cooperation projectswith other countries were launched.这段基本全是被动。实际自己翻译时可以适当调整。opening China up,属于学习这类材料时可能不太习惯的表达方式。如果心理上不能完全接纳,不建议硬记。可以选择其他词替换。经济结构加快调整。消费在经济增长中发挥主要拉动作用。服务业增加值占国内生产总值比重上升到51.6%。高技术产业、装备制造业较快增长。农业稳中调优,粮食再获丰收。Econom

    10、ic structural adjustment was stepped up. Consumption wasthe main driverof economic growth. The value created by the service sector rose to 51.6 percent of GDP. High-tech industries and equipment manufacturing grew rapidly. In agriculture, production was stable and structural adjustments were made, a

    11、nd we had continued good grain harvests.the main driver 就是所谓的英语多用名词案例。driver 或者 a good swimmer 表动词含义,与滥用抽象名词(characterization等)不是一回事。另外学习这类材料,要区分哪些词有实质性含义,哪些是表达需要。附网上流传的常用词大家可以对着这个列表做下测试(没有答案):动词推进,推动,健全,统领,协调,统筹,转变,提高,实现,适应,改革,创新,扩大,加强,促进,巩固,保障,方向,取决于,完善,加快,振兴,崛起,分工,扶持,改善,调整,优化,解决,宣传,教育,发挥,支持,带动,帮助



    14、利益,权威,氛围,职能,作用,事权,需要,能力,基础,比重,长效机制,举措,要素,精神,根本,地位,成果,核心,精神,力量,纽带,思想,理想,活力,信念,信心,风尚,意识,主旋律,正气,热点,情绪,内涵,管理,格局,准则,网络,稳定,安全,支撑,局面,环境,关键,保证,本领,突出,位置,敏锐性,针对性,有效性,覆盖面,特点,规律,阵地,政策,措施,制度保障,水平,紧迫,任务,合力。(2)发展新动能不断增强。创新驱动发展战略深入实施。科技领域取得一批国际领先的重大成果。新兴产业蓬勃兴起,传统产业加快转型升级。New drivers of growthgained strength. Furthe

    15、r progress was made in pursuingthe innovation-driven development strategy, and a number of world-leading achievements were made in science and technology. Emerging industries were thriving, andthe transformation and upgradingof traditional industries accelerated.gain strength,gain momentum,accelerat

    16、e,pick up pace和 enter service, come into service这类词都有一种“主动”的感觉,直观感觉上比 “was made”“is increased”is put into service 更有力。近几年常用的新提法需要适当记忆,哪怕这个提法没有固定下来,至少也要知道一种可以接受的译法。其他词汇同理。很多理论家和学者对于当前一些词,特别是中国特色词汇的译法有很多争论,例如“精神文明”、“中国梦”等等。多关注这些探讨的同时,也最好广泛接触,多了解更多词汇的基本译法。不然,就可能出现一篇文章有一两个词自己译得特别好,而其他的词甚至一点儿不会的情况。有条件讲究,

    17、没条件也可以适当将就。大众创业、万众创新广泛开展,全年新登记企业增长24.5%,平均每天新增1.5万户,加上个体工商户等,各类市场主体每天新增4.5万户。新动能正在撑起发展新天地。People were busylaunching businesses or making innovations, with a 24.5-percent year-on-year increase in the number of new businesses registered - an average of 15,000 new businesses daily. With self-employedtr

    18、adersand other market entities included we had an average of 45,000 new market entities launched per day. New growth drivers are opening new prospects for Chinas development.工商户trader大众创业、万众创新在这里的翻译很灵活,launching businesses or making innovations 感觉上比以前的更自然。很多中文表达,切换成英文就是要突破字面才能对等。字对字不仅生硬而且会给自己增加很多负担。

    19、基础设施支撑能力持续提升。新建高速铁路投产里程超过1900公里,新建改建高速公路6700多公里、农村公路29万公里。城市轨道交通、地下综合管廊建设加快。新开工重大水利工程21项。新增第四代移动通信用户3.4亿、光缆线路550多万公里。Infrastructurebecame ever-better able to sustain development. Over 1,900 kilometers of new high-speed rail linescame into service, and more than 6,700 kilometers of expressways and 29

    20、0,000 kilometers of rural roads were built or upgraded. Constructionpicked up paceon urban rail transit facilities and underground utility tunnels. Construction began on 21 major water conservancy projects. The number of 4G mobile communications subscribers grew by 340 million and over 5.5 million k

    21、ilometers ofoptical fiber cableswere added.“基础设施支撑能力持续提升”的翻译体现了偏正短语的一种处理方法,“XX的能力提升”转换为“XX提升了XX能力”等表达,好处就是避免泛滥使用 of 这类结构。城市轨道交通urban rail transit facilities地下综合管廊underground utility tunnels移动通信mobile communications水利工程 water conservancy projects光缆线路optical fiber cables以上这几个词,属于轻度专业词汇,但是也说不上生僻,类似之前的二

    22、三级笔译实务,“机械加工”、“电解铝”、“勘探”、“抗生素”、“集成电路”、“火力发电”、“针灸拔罐”这类词,即便考试不考,一些工作中也会经常遇到。查词典当然可以,但如果是做口译恐怕现准备是来不及。人民生活继续改善。全国居民人均可支配收入实际增长6.3%。农村贫困人口减少1240万,易地扶贫搬迁人口超过240万。Living standards were improved.Personal per capita disposable incomeincreased by 6.3 percent in real terms. The number of people living in pove

    23、rty in rural areas was reduced by 12.4 million, including more than 2.4 million peoplerelocatedfrom inhospitable areas.棚户区住房改造600多万套,农村危房改造380多万户。国内旅游快速增长,出境旅游超过1.2亿人次,城乡居民生活水平有新的提高。More than 6 millionhomesinrundown urban areasand over 3.8 milliondilapidated rural houseswere renovated. In tourism, d

    24、omestic trips showed rapid growth, and overseas trips exceeded 120 million. People in both urban and rural areas saw arise in living standards.棚户区rundown urban areas农村危房dilapidated rural houses国内旅游快速增长,译法和之前的 “农业稳中调优,粮食再获丰收In agriculture, production was stable and structural adjustments were made, a

    25、nd we had continued good grain harvests”一样,补充了合适的逻辑主语。“国内旅游快速增长,出境旅游超过1.2亿人次,城乡居民生活水平有新的提高。” 整个句子拆开翻译,是对原文逻辑的重新梳理。有一说一,二要另说。我国成功主办二十国集团领导人杭州峰会,推动取得一系列开创性、引领性、机制性重要成果,在全球经济治理中留下深刻的中国印记。China successfully hosted the G20 2016 Hangzhou Summit, and helped todelivera number of important pioneering, leadin

    26、g, and institutionaloutcomes, thus doing its part for global economic governance.成果:achievement, outcome,resultdeliver: 时政类资料常见词汇,常表示实现、践行、取得Medicine needed to be disrupted, Kenagy realized, to deliver the simultaneous goals of higher quality and lower price.回顾过去一年,走过的路很不寻常。我们面对的是世界经济和贸易增速7年来最低、国际金融

    27、市场波动加剧、地区和全球性挑战突发多发的外部环境,面对的是国内结构性问题突出、风险隐患显现、经济下行压力加大的多重困难,面对的是改革进入攻坚期、利益关系深刻调整、影响社会稳定因素增多的复杂局面。2016 was an unusual year in our countrys development. China was confronted with an external environment in which the worldsawthe lowest economic and trade growth in seven years, growing volatility in glo

    28、bal financial markets, and sudden and frequent regional and global challenges.Domestically, China faced multiple difficulties: major structural problems, prominent risks and dangers, and mounting downward pressure on the economy. Chinafound itself in a complex environmentas reform entered a critical

    29、 stage, profound changes took place affecting interests, and factors impacting social stability grew.Domestically,副词活用在这种情况下,经济能够稳住很不容易,出现诸多向好变化更为难得。这再次表明,中国人民有勇气、有智慧、有能力战胜任何艰难险阻,中国经济有潜力、有韧性、有优势,中国的发展前景一定会更好。Given all these factors,it was not easy for us to maintain stable economic performance. And

    30、yet we succeeded, and even managed tomake progress on many fronts. Once again,this shows thatwe the Chinese people have the courage, ingenuity, and ability to overcome any difficulty or hardship.It also shows thatthe Chinese economy possesses potential, resilience, and strengths, so we can be sure t

    31、here is even better development ahead for China.(3)一年来,我们主要做了以下工作。I will now move on to discuss our main work last year:一是继续创新和加强宏观调控,经济运行保持在合理区间。First, we continued to develop new and more effective ways of carrying out regulation at the macro level, thus keeping the economy performing within an appropriate range.增译主语(we),凸显逻辑(thus)动词转换成形容词:创新和加强 (new, more effective)转换为更利于外国人理解的表达方式去年宏观调控面临多难抉择,我们坚持不搞“大水漫灌”式强刺激,而是依靠改革创新来稳


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