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    1、商务英语翻译翻译技巧与文化交流的综合体ABSTRACTBusiness English Translation:A Composite of Translation Strategiesand Cultural CommunicationJia JingAlong with the fast development of the global business, English has been accepted asa common business language around the world, and Business English has drew moreand more a

    2、ttention from the linguists. As a relatively new academic subject, BusinessEnglish has its special characteristics. Accordingly, the translation of Business Englsihis different from the translations of other literary forms. This paper will discuss aboutthe stylistic characteristics of Business Engli

    3、sh, techniques in Business Englishtranslation, and the cultural elements influencing Business English.摘要随着全球商业的飞速发展,英语已成为了世界性的商业语言,而商务英语也引起了语言学家越来越多的注意。作为一个较新的学术课题,商务英语具有其特殊性。相应地,商务英语翻译也与其他文学形式的翻译有不同之处。本论文将讨论商务英语的文体特点、商务英语翻译的技巧、以及影响商务英语的文化因素。Key Words: business English, translation, stylistic charac

    4、teristics, translationteqhniques, culture, communication.关键词:商务英语,翻译,文体特点,翻译技巧,文化,交流。 AcknowledgementsI would like to take this chance to thank Professor Wang Songtao, for his valuablehelp, patience and encouragement. Also I would like to thank Mr. Jerome Vanachterand Ms. Zhu Xiulan for their great

    5、help and support during my work, and everyonewho provides me with valuable materials.Table of ContentsChapter OneSTYLISTIC CHARACTERISTICS OF BUSINESS ENGLISH11 .1 Introduction of Stylistic Characteristics of Business English.11.2 Characteristics of Business English at Lexical Level.21.2.1 Business

    6、terms21.2.2 Abbreviations31.2.3 Archaisms and those from other languages41.3 Characteristics of Business English at Syntactic Level61.3.1 Prescriptive Business English61.3.1.1 Statement and full sentence71.3.1.2 Adverbials71.3.1.3 Long sentences. .81.3.2 English used in business communication. .91.3

    7、.2.1 Shorter sentences10.3.2.2 Periodic sentences10.3.2.3 Positive sentences111.4 Characteristics of Business English at Textual Level12Chapter Two BUSINESS ENGLISH TRANSLATION172.1 Business English Translation.172.1 .1 Limited current studies of Business English translation .,182.2 Some Feasible Th

    8、eories of Business English Translation.192.2.1 Functionalism.192.2.2 Intertextuality.。. Intertextuality of genre. Intertextuality in topic and structure.242.3 Strategies and Techniques for Business Translation.252.3.1 Addition and amplification. Adding the subject.272.3.1.

    9、2 Adding the object. Adding the conjunction. Adding the preposition.282.3.2 Reiteration.282.3.3 Avoiding repetition.292.3.4 Omission.312.3.5 Combination.342.3.5.1 Combining words.342.3.5.2 Combining sentences or clauses.352.3.6 Inversion.362.3.6.1 Adverbials and Adverbial Clause of

    10、 Condition.362.3.6.2 Postmodifiers.382.3.6.3 Sentences introduced by it.392.3.6.4 Sentences introduced by should.40Chapter ThreeBUSTNESS ENGLISH IS A CARRIER OF CULTURE. .413.1 What is Culture.413.2 Translation Difficulties Resulting from Culture Differences.42 3.2.1 Culture-loaded terms may have no

    11、 equivalents in the target language.423.2.2 Culture-loaded terms with different associative meanings.423.3 Principles in Cross-Culture Business English Translation. .433.3.1 Exploration of principles .,.433.3.2 Faithfulness to the content of the source language.443.3.3 Cultural adaptation in Functio

    12、nal Equivalence Theory.443.3.4 Adaption of genre.453.4 Business Culture and Intelligibility of the Reader .453.5 Cross-Cultural Elements in Business Translation.463.5.1 Cross-culture elements influencing business communication.473.5.1.1 Understanding of material objects.,473.5.1.2 Understanding of c

    13、olors.473.5.1.3 Understanding of numbers.483.5.2 Handling the cultural elements in Business English translation3.6 Translation in Business Activities.493.6.1 Impacts of cultural differences on international business negotiation.503.6.1.1.Introduction of business negotiation.,.,.503.6.1.2.Cultural im

    14、pacts business negotiation.503.7 Translation in Logo and Advertisements.。.52Chapter Four CONCLUSION.54Chapter OneSTYLISTIC CHARACTERISTICS OF BUSINESS ENGLISHIn the last two decades, Business English has attracted increasing interest andawareness. Business English courses are offered by many languag

    15、e schoolsworldwide; there are more and more books about Business English; new types ofBusiness English examinations appear all the time. Yet despite this enormous interest,Business English is an area often neglected by many traditional linguistic researchers,for the difficulty to define its nature.B

    16、usiness English must be seen in the overall context of English for Specific Purposes(ESP), as it shares the important elements of needs analysis, syllabus design, coursedesign, and materials selection and development which are common to all fields ofwork in ESP. As with other varieties of ESP, Busin

    17、ess English implies the definitionof a specific languages corpus and emphasis on particular kinds of communicate in aspecific context.However, Business English differs from other varieties of ESP in that it is often a mixof specific content (relating to a particular area or industry) and general con

    18、tent(relating to general ability to communicate more effectively in business situations).The existed rigorous linguistic analysis on Business English is fragmented and ismore frequently based on the explicit forms of business languages such as contracts,correspondence, annual reports, and articles i

    19、n business journals. There are also someanalysis have been carried out with respect to the less explicit business language suchas of negotiations, discussions, and meetings, which carry more culturalcharacteristics; however, the analysis is still far from comprehensive.This paper will discuss in the

    20、 explicit forms of Business English, which distinguishesin its stylistic characteristics, and also in the less explicit forms of Business English,which carries more cultural characteristics in communication.1.1 Introduction of Stylistic Characteristics of Business EnglishIn Business English, languag

    21、e stylistic characteristics should be firstly paid attentionin fulfilling the proper functions. It is necessary to take these stylistic features into account when dealing with Business English Translation. Since Business English iscategorized as ESP, it has its distinct characteristics from other ki

    22、nds of EnglishLanguage such as literary English. Business English has its special features, which arecommonly known as seven Cs in Business English writing, which are Completeness,Concreteness, Clearness, Conciseness, Courtesy, Consideration and Correctness.However, in order to provide a more specif

    23、ic and practical research, this paper willanalyze the characteristics of Business English on the lexical, syntactic and textuallevels.1.2 Characteristics of Business English on Lexical Level1.2.1 Business termsBusiness terms are often used to express certain specific functions in businesstranslation

    24、s and explain all kinds of clauses and conditions. These words thus havecertain special meaning relating to business besides its usual meanings people getused to. They become idiomatic in the business field and tend to be called businessterms after repeated applications. These business terms constit

    25、ute the majority ofspecial English.Business terms come from ordinary English. However, a lot of them have changedtheir meanings during the process of language development. For example,acceptance as a common word in daily English, means The act or process ofaccepting and approval; but in business transactions, it is a formal indication by adebtor of willi


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