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    1、温家宝总理06年两会答记者问中英文对照口译学习必读温家宝总理06年两会答记者问 中英文对照 口译学习必读 姜恩柱: 女士们、先生们:上午好!我们非常荣幸和高兴邀请温家宝总理与前来采访十届全国人大四次会议的中外记者见面,并回答大家的提问。现在请温总理讲话。 Good morning, Ladies and gentlemen! We are happy and honored to have Premier Wen Jiabao with us today to meet with the Chinese and foreign journalists whove come here to co

    2、ver the fourth session of the tenth NPC and CPPCC and now Id like to handover the microphone to Premier Wen Jiabao温家宝:女士们、先生们,上午好!现在面对我的是记者,是少数,但是在会场外听我谈话的群众是多数,我必须向群众讲几句话。两会受到广大群众的关注,他们通过代表、委员、新闻媒体和信息网络,给政府工作提出了许多意见和建议。据人民网、新华网、搜狐网、新浪网和央视国际网不完全的统计,对政府工作提出的意见和给总理本人提出的问题,多达几十万条。我从群众的意见中感受到大家对政府工作的期待和

    3、鞭策,也看到了一种信心和力量。我们的国家和民族正站在历史的新起点上,面对新的任务,需要更加清醒、更加坚定、更加努力。清醒,就是要认识到我们已经取得的成绩只是在现代化进程中迈出的第一步势稍好,尤须兢慎。思所以危则安,思所以乱则治,思所以亡则存。今后的路还更长,更艰苦。形坚定,就是要坚定不移地推进改革开放,走中国特色社会主义道路。前进中尽管有困难,但不能停顿,倒退没有出路。努力,就是要准备应对各种困难和风险。困难和风险有些是可以预料到的,有些是难以预见的。我们民族生生不息,就在于她的刚健自强、百折不挠、艰苦奋斗。我们必须做长期努力奋斗的准备。谢谢大家!Ladies and Gentlemen, g

    4、ood morning. Today, I see the journalists, and I think you belong to the minority compared with the majority who are now watching this conference outside the Great Hall of the People. I would like to take this opportunity to say a few words to the general public.I can see that the general public hav

    5、e shown a keen interest in the proceedings of the two sessions, to the deputies, the members, the various news media, as well as to the Internet. The general public have made their comments and proposals on the work of the government. And I can see that on and Xinhua News Agencys website, as well as

    6、 the Sohu and Sina portals and the website of CCTV, there are the comments and proposals as well as questions asked by people who surf the Internet, in their hundreds of thousands.And some of the people who surf the Internet even ask questions directly to me, the premier of the country. I could sens

    7、e the peoples expectations from these comments and proposals. I could also see the confidence and power of the general public from those comments. Our country and our nation now stand at a new historical turning point. In terms of new tasks, we need to be even more sober-minded. We need to remain fi

    8、rmly on the right course, and we need to work even harder. By keeping an even more sober mind, I mean that we need to realize that the achievements we have scored so far are only the very first step in our modernization drive. The road ahead will be even longer and more arduous.We need to be cautiou

    9、s and prudent, especially when things are improving. To think about where danger looms will ensure our security; to think about why chaos occurs will ensure our peace; and to think about why a country falls will ensure our survival.On staying firmer on the right course, I mean we need to consistentl

    10、y and unswervingly press ahead with reform and opening up. We need to continue to adhere to the road of building socialism with Chinese characteristics. Although there will be difficulties on our way ahead, we cannot stop. Retrogression or back-peddling offers no way out. On working even harder, I m

    11、ean we need to be prepared for all kinds of difficulties and risks. Some of them may be predictable, and others may not. Our nation has constantly improved itself and remained a vibrant nation. The reason for this is that we have a resilient, unyielding and industrious spirit. We must remain fully p

    12、repared for a long-term and hard struggle. Thank you. 农民日报记者:在今年两会期间,代表委员以及社会各界关注度最高的一个话题就是建设社会主义新农村。我国的经济体制改革是从农村开始的,中央也一直非常重视“三农”问题,从今年起全部取消农业税,中央财政支农资金达到3397 亿元。请问总理,现在为何还要专门提出建设社会主义新农村?建设新农村与中央过去一贯的农村政策是什么关系? I would like to ask why it is necessary to specially set forth the policy of building a

    13、 new socialist countryside. What is the relationship between the policy of building a new socialist countryside and the previous and consistent policies of the central authorities towards rural areas?温家宝:农业、农村和农民问题是关系现代化建设全局的根本性问题。我想谈一下关于建设社会主义新农村的深层次的三点考虑。第一,建设社会主义新农村就是把农业和农村工作放在现代化建设全局的更加突出的位置。通过工


    15、验的标准。要讲求实效,不搞形式主义。The issues concerning agriculture, rural areas and farmers are fundamental ones bearing on the overall interests of Chinas modernization drive. To answer this question, I would like to share with you our three major considerations in establishing the policy of building a new social

    16、ist countryside. In terms of building a new socialist countryside, we mean to place agricultural and rural work more prominently on our modernization agenda. And also, we believe that we need to introduce a policy to make industries nurture the development of agriculture, and make cities support the

    17、 development of rural areas.This move will facilitate our efforts to build a moderately prosperous society in the countryside and modernize Chinas agricultural sector. This is a significant step in terms of the overall modernization of the country. I would also like to say that we need to strengthen

    18、 the development of the countryside and agriculture. This is a key and very significant step because if we can take this step, it will go a long way towards boosting domestic demand and consumption in the country. And that will certainly place Chinas economy and society on a more solid footing. In m

    19、odernizing Chinas agriculture sector, we need to start with the improvement of modern agricultural capacity as well as overall agricultural capacity. The very reason why we focus on the development of infrastructure and all kinds of social programmes in Chinas countryside is to improve Chinese farme

    20、rs living and working conditions.To build a new socialist countryside, we must adhere to the following two basic principles. First, we need to respect the democratic rights of farmers, especially their right to independently farm their contracted land. This means that we need to respect the will of

    21、the people in rural areas. And we need to refrain from coercion or using administrative means. Second, we need to deliver tangible benefits to farmers. We need to make a reality of our goal of improving farmers material and cultural existence. And we need to use this as a yardstick to measure our pr

    22、ogress and performance. We need to place emphasis on practical results rather than go in for formalism.温家宝总理06年两会答记者问 中英文对照 口译学习必读3 台湾TVBS记者:台湾领导人2月27日宣布终止“国统会”运作和“国统纲领”适用,同时表示在条件许可时,会推动台湾公众制定新“宪法”,一般认为这使两岸关系再次进入到比较复杂的局面,想请教你的是台湾当局的做法是不是已经冲撞了大陆对台问题的底线?在这样的情况下,大陆是不是还会和台湾的执政党进行接触,往来?大陆方面对台的基本立场和方针政策,是

    23、不是会做出新的调整和变化?我们还想了解在新的一年里,大陆在两岸交流方面还会不会有一些新的重要措施?I would like to know that whether the recent moves of the Taiwan authorities have reached the bottom line of the mainlands Taiwan policy. Whether the mainland remains ready or will have contacts with the ruling party in Taiwan, and what kind of new ad

    24、justments or changes will be made to the mainlands policies and positions towards Taiwan? What kind of new measures will the mainland take this year to develop cross-straits relations?温家宝:中国有一句古话,叫做“得道者多助,失道者寡助”。 台湾当局领导人阻挠开放“三通”,收紧以至限制两岸经贸往来,这不仅不利于台湾的经济发展,而且损害了台湾同胞的利益。台湾当局领导人制造麻烦,转移视线,造成岛内纷争和两岸局势的紧张


    26、分割。在一个中国原则的基础上,我们主张两岸进行协商与谈判。这是完全平等的,不存在谁吃掉谁的问题。我在这里再次重申:不管什么政党,什么人,不管它过去说过什么,做过什么,只要坚持一个中国的原则,我们就愿意同他进行对话与谈判。包括民进党,只要它放弃“台独”纲领,我们也愿意作出正面的回应,进行接触和协商。我们争取和平解决台湾问题的努力决不放弃,反对“台独”分裂活动绝不妥协,绝对不允许把台湾从祖国分割出去。An old chinese saying says that a just cause enjoys aboudant support, while an unjust one finds litt

    27、le support. The leader of Taiwan authorities tries to block the opening of the three direct links across the Taiwan Straits, and has taken measures to restrict the development of cross-straits economic ties and trade. This does no goof to Taiwans economic development, and it undermines the interests

    28、 of people in Taiwan.The leader of the Taiwan authorities keeps making trouble, creating disputes within the island and creating tensions across the Taiwan Straits. The leader of the Taiwan authorities is forgetting his own roots and attempts to sever the blood ties of the Chinese nation and ties of

    29、 kinship between compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Straits.Such acts by the leader of the Taiwan authorities not only run counter to the general aspirations of the entire Chinese people, including our Taiwan compatriots. At the end of the day, the leader of the Taiwan authorities will lose all

    30、 popular support for his unjust cause.The leader of the Taiwan authotities decided to cease the operation of the National Unification Council and cease the application of the National Unification Guidelines. He was brazenly provocative over the one-China principle, and seriously undermined peace and

    31、 stability in the Taiwan Straits. His moves are extremely adventurous, dangerous and deceptive.We need to stay alert to the fact that they are now intencifying their efforts to pursue secessionist activities and sa-called Taiwan independence. They are also going all out to pursue their goal of so-ca

    32、lled de jure Taiwan independence through the so-called constitutional re-engineering.We are now closely following the ongoing developments and are fully prepared for all eventualities.Our commitment to the one-China principle has been consistent and clear. That is to say, there is only one China in

    33、the world. Both sides of the Taiwan Straits belong to the one and the same China. Chinas sovereignty and territorial integrity should always be intact.On the basis of the one-China principle, we maintain that the two sides of the Taiwan Straits need to have consultations and negotiations. And consultations and neg


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