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    1、八年级英语上册110单元复习精析精炼新版新目标八年级英语上册1-10单元复习精析精炼(新版新目标)Unit 7 Will people have robots? 短语:uaper live to be 200 years olddangarth play a paace staluter prograuture huandredameas over and over again get bored wake up look like fall down 用法: will + 动词原形 将要做 fewer/more + 可数名词复数 更少/更多 less/more + 不可数名词 更少/更多do

    2、 sth. 尽力做某事 have to do sth 不得不做某事 agree with sb. 同意某人的意见 suc h + 名词(词组) 如此 play a part in doing sth 参与做某事 make sb do sth 让某人做某事 help sb w帮助某人做某事 There will be + 主语 + 其他 将会有. There is/are + sb. + doing sth 有正在做 It is + 形容词 + for sb + to do sth 做某事对某人来说的 语法: What will the future be like?will blluted.

    3、And there will be fewWill people u00 years? Nwont. Everything will bWill there be world peace? Yes, Ids will stuffy auters. They wont gluntable nouns Uncountable nouns There will ble. There will blluThere will be fewThere will be l对话: Nick: What are you reading, Jill? Jill: Its book about futuNick:

    4、Sounds cool. So what will the future be like? Jill: Wellwill bwded and polluted. There will be fewand the envwill be in great dangNick: That sounds bad! Will we have to movlall: Maybe. But I want to livaNick:Then what can we do? Jill: We can use less water and plavuld play a part in saving the ea用mo

    5、re, less,fewer 填空。 1.In the futuwill be _fresh water becauwill be _pollua. 2.In 100 yeawill be _cars becauwill be _peoplThere will be _joble because _ robots will do the same jobs as peoplIwill be _cities because people will build_buildinguIn 50 yeale will have _becauwill be _things to do. 读文章并把每段与其

    6、讨论的问题答案搭配。 Paragraph 1 Will roblike humautuParagraph 2 What will robots be luture? Paragraph 3 What can robots do today? Paragraph 4 What are robots lvies? Do You Think You Will Have Your Own Robots? When we watch movies about the future, wbots. They are usually like human servants. They help wusewo

    7、rk and do jobs like working in diary or dangerous plaTodaare already robots working in faabuild cars, and they do simple jobs over and over again. Fewer people will do such jobuture becauare boring, but robots will never get boredare now trying to make robots look like humans and do the same things

    8、as we dbapan can walk and dance. They are fun to watch. Howevbelieve that although we can make robots move lle, it will be difficult to maalllike a human. For examplames Wat robots will never be able to wake up and know ware. But madisagree wWhite. Tat robots will even be able to talk like humans in

    9、 25 to 50 yeabelievwill bbuture. Howevagay take hundreds of years. These new robots will have many dawill look like humans, andght look like animals. In India, for examplade robots that look like snakes. If buildings fall down wlake robots can help lle under the buildings. This wable 20 years ago, b

    10、ut computers andaldble 100 years ago. We never know what will hauture! 用短文的单词填空。bots are very human-like. They can walk and _peoplautuwill _roblike humans. This may not _ar future, but abots will even be able to _ lle.Howev_. James White believes that robots will not be able to do the _things as we

    11、can. For examplat robots will _ be able to wake up and know ware. Which side do you _with? 读“What will your life be luture?”短文,用所给单词填空。work live lwear more less fewer take In 20 years, I think Ill be a newspaIll _in Shanghai, becauwill be _jobs in thaAs aI think I will _lg people, so Ill havds. Ill

    12、have _ pets, because itll ball. So Ill probably just _a bird. During the week, Ill_smart clweekend, Ill _less smart but Ill bable. In the futule will _ll probable have fewer vacations, but I think Ill _a holiday in Hong Kong wble. One day Ill even go to Australia. 补全对话: Girl: Mon, what will the futu

    13、re _like?: Wellws what the future will be _. Girl: But _ I be beautiful like you?_I be a pilot? I want to fly u: Youre already beautiful. And you should study hard. Then you _be a pilGirl: OK,I must study hard: But you should alber that _ will _ both good and bad things in lGirl: Oh, but Iared. Mom,

    14、 because you _ help me! 词语辨析:very 与 each 的区别: every 用来表整体,each 用来表个别。each 最低需是两,every 最低需是三。every advery 作主用单数,each 可单也可复,作主、作定用单数,其他情况用复数。 each adj./very teawThere are lach sidad. Eaad has a dictiona2arth 在地球上,作地点状语,位于句首或句末。 on earth 究竟,到底。用于疑问句或副词后,加强语气。 All the living thingarth dependun. / What o

    15、n earth do you mean?uman, 指包括男人女人孩子的“人,人类”,有别于动物,自然景物,机器等的特殊群体,也可指具体的人。无性别之分,常用于数目不太大,而且数目比较精确的场合。le, 泛指“人们”,表示复数概念。 man,前不带冠词而且单独使用时,指“男人”,a man 可指“一个人/ 一个男人”,复数形式为He waly humaland. There are onlThere are many peoplager than woma连系动词,好像,似乎,看来。有下面几种用法:+ 名词 看起来。Ha nice malike 好像,似乎。 It seemed like a

    16、good idea ado sth. 似乎/看起来/好像做某事。 Iave left my book aIt seems/seemed that 看起来好像, 似乎. He was very habe + 形容词/名词+ 形容词/名词。be haabably ad. maybe 相当于 perhaps. 也许,大概,可能。作状语bably 用于句中,可能性最大。 He will probablw. maybe/perhaps 用于句首。 Maybe/Perhaps you are rigduring / for / in 介词,在期间。说到某事是在某一段时间之间发生的用during; 说到某事

    17、持续多久则用for; 说到某事具体发生的时间用We visited many pladuring the summer holiday. Ive bwo wThey usually leave school in July. 一般将来时结构: 肯定式: 主语 + will/shall + 动词原形 + 其他 will 用于各种人称,shall 用于第一人称。 主语 + be going to + 动词原形 + 其他 be 随人称、数和时间的变化而变换。 否定式: 在will/shall/be 后面加 not. will not = won一般疑问句: 将will/shall/be 提到主语前面

    18、。 There be 句型的一般将来时: There will be + 主语 + 其他 ,意为 :将会有。一般疑问句形式为: Will there be + 主语 + 其他。 肯定回答是:will. 否定回答是: Nwont. 否定形式是:There wont be + 主语 + 其他, 将不会有Xkb特殊疑问句是: 疑问词/ 词组 + 一般疑问句? When will there be a nice basketball match? Traveling to spalonger just a dream. Russia_l in spaar future. A. builds B. wi

    19、ll build C. built D. has built There _ a football maTV-5 aw evening. A. will have B. is going to baving In 50 yea_more robleA. were B. will have C. will be D. have -Will people live to be 300 years old? -_. A. Narent B. Nwont C. Ndont D. Nant They _any classes next week. A. will have B. wont have C.

    20、 have D. had Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake? 短语: milk shake tuur into a cup of yogurt a good ideaaturday cut up pug aaa few fillwith coverwith one ba long短语用法: How many + 可数名词复数 How much + 不可数名词 let sb. + dwant + to dget + to dw + to dThere are many rea一段时间 +ago by + doingd + to dake + 宾

    21、语 + 形容词 Its time(for sb) + to dFirstNextThenFinally 句型: Tublender. How do you make a banana milk shake? How many bananas do we need? How much yogurt do we need? Now, itdles! 语法: How do you make a banana milk shake? Fl the bananaNext, put the bananablendThen, poulblendFinally, tublenduntable nouns Un

    22、countable nouns How many bananas do we need? How much yogurt do we need? We need three bananas. We need one cup of yogu主谓一致判断法: 1.不可数名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数。 2.动名词或动词不定式作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。ornorlybut also.连接两个名词或代词作主语时,谓语动词与邻近的名词或代词在人称和数上保持一致。 4.在开头的倒装句中,谓语动词与后面的名词在数上保持一致。 对话: Anna: Sam, I want to make Russia sou

    23、p for a paaturday. Can you tell me how? Sam: Sure. First, buy some babbage, four caatoes,five tomatoes andThen,cut up the vegetablAnna: Whats next? Sam: Next, put the beef,carrots and potaa pot and some water. After tha0 minutes. Then, and the cabbage,tomatoes and onion and0 minuAnna: OK,thats it? S

    24、am: Ng.Finally, dont forget to add some salt. 完成句中并配对。_do you maa. Half a cup. 2. _corn do we do next? b. _,pua_do we do next? c.Yes,we ca_salt do we need? d. Next, _achine, _, add the salNow can we eat it? e. ju阅读短文回答问题。 ThanksgivingUnited StaIule usually eat traditional foodal holidays. A special

    25、daUnited States is Thanksgiving. It is alwaurth Thursday in November, and is agive thadautumn. Ale albavelgland who came to live in America about 400 years ago.These travelers had a long, hard winner, and madied. Ixt autugave thalife and foodw home.These daAmericans still celebradea of giving thanks

    26、 by having a big meal at home wamily. The man dal is almost always turkey, a large bird. Making a turkey dHway to make tua Thanksgiving dFx togbreadalt andNext, fill the turkey wbread mix. Then, put the tua bot oven anda few houWady,plaua large plate and cover it with gravy. Finally, cut the tuand e

    27、aat with vegetables like carrots and potaWhere do people celebrate Thanksgiving? 2.When do people celebrate it?Why do people celebrate it? 4.How do people celebraw? 5.Whaain dThanksgiving meal? 阅读短文用所给单词填空:xt wash finally havut Yunnan Rice Noodles In Yunnan, many people eadles for breakfast, and eve

    28、n for lunch and dinner. To maal food, you need to _dlulettuce and eggs. (Of couu can also havgs land dvegetables.)_._the lettuce and cut it up. _, _Then, mawoup vver 100. Then, _ the eggs, meat and lettuup. Now, it_dles! 词语辨析:urn on 打开,接通(电源,气,水),反义词是tuurn up/turn down 调高/低音量。 2.pourinto 将倒入/灌入 into

    29、 是:进入 in 是:在内。 在put, throw, break, lay, fall 等动词之后,既可用in,也可用into。但in可作副词,into不能。 He put all the books in/bag!有关make 的短语: make the bed 铺床 make tea 沏茶 make trouble 惹麻烦 ma赚钱 make a d做决定 make a telall 打电话 make a visit 拜访 make a mistake 犯错误 make a noise 弄出噪音 make a living 谋生 make sure 务必g = ag 基数词 + more

    30、 + 名词 = another + 基数词 + 名词ll with 用填充 be filled with = be full of 充满. The boy filled the bottle with sand. / The bag was full of clverwith 用把覆盖 be covered with 被所覆盖。 cover n. 封面,盖子。 Ann covered her face wands. / The covagaIts time (for sb) to do sth. 到某人做某事的时候了。 It到做某事的时候了。 Unit 9 Can youarty? 短语:aturday aavare for gdave the flu help my paad gauch homework gvies alast fall hang out alweekend study for avisit grandpaday bday the day aw have a piano lesson look after accept an invitation turn down an invitaake a trip adlook forwardgly in writing gg do homework guntil 短语用法: invite sb. to do


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