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    1、重点高中高一新生分班考试英语卷及答案2019年重点高中高一新生分班考试英语卷考生须知:1、本试卷分试题卷和答题卷两部分,满分120分,考试时间100分钟。2、答题前,必须在答题卷的密封区内填写校名、姓名和准考证号等三项个人信息。3、所有答案都必须做在答题卷标定的位置上,务必注意试题序号和答题序号相对应。4、考试结束后,上交试题卷和答题卷。第I卷第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置,听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题,每

    2、段对话仅读一遍。1. Which subject is Jacks favorite ? A. Chemistry. B. Geography. C. Chinese.2. Who is the boy in the white hat? A. Anns brother. B. Tims brother. C. Tim.3. How often did the boy use to play the piano? A. On weekends. B. Every day. C. Twice a week.4. When will the film start? A. 7:30. B. 7:15

    3、. C. 7:45. 5. Where does the conversation probably take place? A. At school B. A restaurant C. A theater第二节(共10小题,每小题2分,满分20分)听下面3段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试题的相应位置,听每段对话或独白前,你有时间阅读各小题,每小题5秒钟,听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间,每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第6至第8三个小题。6. What is the man? A. A policeman. B.

    4、A car seller. C. A repairman.7. When will the woman use the car? A. Tomorrow. B. This evening. C. This afternoon.8. When will the woman give the man a phone call? A. At about 5 p.m. B. At about 5 a.m. C. At about 4 p.m. 听下面一段对话,回答第9至第11三个小题。9. What does the man want to do? A. To sell the house. B. T

    5、o buy the house. C. To rent the house.10. How much does the flat cost a month? A. $315. B. $350. C. $305.11. When will the mans wife have a look at the flat? A. Tomorrow. B. This weekend. C. This evening.听下面一段独白,回答第12至第15三个小题。12. Whats John talking about? A. Christmas party. B. English club. C. scho

    6、ol camping.13. When will the speech competition end? A. In February. B. In April. C. In March.14. Which activity will John organize? A. A field trip. B. A writing group. C. A Christmas party.15. How many activities are mentioned in the speech?A. Two. B. Three. C. Four.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节:(共15小题,

    7、每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。AIslands of Adventure at Universal Orlando in FloridaPeople say that it is the home of the “Harry Potter Theme Park”. The Wizarding World is the most popular part of the park. Other popular rides include the Adventures of Spider-Man, Popeye & Blutos Bil

    8、ge-Rat Barges and the Jurassic Park River Adventure.It is open from Monday to Saturday. $15.95 for children, 3 to 13 years old; $29.95 for ages 14 and over.PI-O Indoor Theme Park in LongueuilThe PI-O Indoor Theme Park features 16 rides, a small sea train, a kid-sized bowling alley, a mirror maze(迷宫)

    9、, theme rooms which include the Christmas room on-the-sea, and a private reception room.“I wanted to create a safe environment for kids aged 1 to 10,” explains owner Jocelyne Pinard. She noted how many competing amusement parks have sections that can be unsafe for young kids such as the “ball rooms”

    10、 full of loose plastic balls. So this is how it is different from other amusement parks.Open seven days a week. The admission fees are $16.99 for individuals and $64 for families.Legoland Windsor Theme Park in LondonLegoland Windsor is the best choice for young families. The park is designed for chi

    11、ldren from 3 to 12. There are over 50 rides as well as live shows, workshops, and other attractions aimed at younger children, and particularly, those who are already fond of building-block(积木) toys.The park is open every single day. Adults: $35; Ages 3-15 and 60+: $26. Buy online and save $3 per pe

    12、rson.Wonder La Theme Park in IndiaWonder La is a world-class amusement park. Its modern, clean and green, and has all kinds of attractions. There are over 50 rides, 12 of which are water based and 9 particularly for small children. If you love getting wet, dont miss the Rain Disco an indoor dance fl

    13、oor with a rain system that provides showers of warm water to the music.Monday to Friday 11 a.m. until 6 p.m. Saturday, Sunday, Holiday and Festival seasons 11 a.m. until 7 p.m. Single adult / child $13.50; Family ticket (for any four people) $50.00; Children 3 and under Free.16If Jim is free this S

    14、unday, he can choose to visit the following parks EXCEPT_. A. Islands of Adventure B. PI-OC. Legoland Windsor D. Wonder La17How is PI-O Indoor Theme Park mainly different from other parks? A. It is much safer. B. It features more rides.C. It is much cheaper. D. It offers more activities.18. If a cou

    15、ple want to visit Legoland Windsor Theme Park with their 5-year-old son, how much do they need to pay when booking online? A. $70. B. $87. C. $93. D. $96.19Where is the passage most probably taken? A. A science magazine. B. A text book.C. A travel guide. D. A local newspaper.B NewpaymentMethodsforon


    17、s1805911Thenumberofusers30,000,0003,000,000100,00030,000,00020Accordingtotheformabove,wecanknowsomeinformationaboutAonlineshopping Bonlinestores Cnewpaymentmethods DtheusesofInternet21_arefromthesamepaymentservicecompanyATenpayandWeChatpay BYeepayandWeChatpayCAlipayandTenpay DTenpayandYeepay22Where

    18、does your money go first when you buy something on Taobao with Aliplay? A. The seller directly. B. A third account C. A bank D. The sellers mobile phone C Florida teen band The Garbage-Men is performing on the stage. The band has five members. They are Jack Berry, Ollie Gray, Harrison Paparatto, Aus

    19、tin Siegel and Evan Tucker. The five teens are making music from waste. The Garbage-Men bands instruments are made from recycled things. The guitars are boxes. A horn(号) is made from pipes. The keyboard is formed from old bottles.The band started about two years ago. Jack Berry who was in eighth gra

    20、de at the time decided to make a playable, home-made guitar. After some trial-and-error(反复试验), he ended up building it from a cereal box, a yardstick and toothpicks. After Jack showed his creation to his friend Ollie Gray, Ollie had the idea to form a band using other home-made instruments as a way

    21、to improve recycling. “We want to show people there is more to recycling than throwing things away in the bin.” Jack, 16, told TFK. “You can actually reuse materials.”Last year, the Garbage-Men played at local events, including festivals, farmers markets. Typically, the teens set up on the street an

    22、d performed popular songs from the 1960s, including classic Beatles and crowd favorite “Wipe Out”. They talked about recycling and offered tips for how to improve the environment. While they were performing, Jacks little brother Trent, 11, gave out leaflets about recycling and helped sell the bands

    23、CDs and other musical products. The band donated the money from sales to charity. They have raised more than $2,500 for Heifer International. The organization gives farm animals, seeds and agricultural training to people in poor countries to help end poverty and hunger. “Its a good, sustainable-deve

    24、lopment (持续发展的)charity,” Jack says, “By donating one animal, you help the whole community.”The band, all tenth graders, tries to play a show every week. Theyve also played on a Florida radio station. The teens hope to take their shows on the road by touring in other states. “Music is a really good w

    25、ay to get a good message across to people because its really close.” Jack says. Their instruments may be rubbish, but their message isnt. 23Who is not a member of the Garbage-Men band? ATrent Berry BOllie Gray CEvan Tucker DJack Berry24Which of the following is the correct order of what the teens ha

    26、ve done? The Garbage-Men played at local events.Jack Berry made a playable,home-made guitar.The band donated the money from sales to charity.Ollie decided to form a band using home-made instruments.A B C D 25What did the Garbage-Men mainly do according to the passage? AThey collected the rubbish in

    27、communities and cleaned up the markets.BThey told people how to protect the environment and do some charities.CThey joined the Heifer International and made their own musical CDs.DThey raised money for the old people how to protest the environment and do some charities.26The five teens formed the ba

    28、nd with the purpose of _.Amaking musical instruments from rubbish.Bearning more money to help support their own families.Casking more people to recycle daily rubbish around them.Dmaking their musical products known all around the world.D Have you ever experienced the feeling of falling as you start

    29、to fall asleep? Sometimes you may come to realizethis feeling. If so, dont worry. Many people have felt the same thing.In fact, these muscle twitches (肌肉抽搐) in the arms, legs or other parts of the body are called hypnic jerks (入睡抽动) or sleep starts. And they are very common. Up to 70 percent of peop

    30、le experience them sometimes, Huffington Post reported. But what causes it? There are some theories(理论). Some scientists believe that the feeling of falling comes from the body relaxing itself, especially if the person is anxious or unable to get comfortable. As youre about to sleep, your muscles be

    31、come relaxed. But your brain stays awake. It misunderstands the relaxing of your muscles as a sign that youre falling. Then the brain jerks the body awake as if its trying to protect you. Other scientists believe that different phases of sleep might cause the hypnic jerks. When we sleep, we experience two phases: non-rapid eye movement (NREM) and rapid eye moveme


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