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    1、MPA英语写作范文模板MPA英语写作范文模板MBA/MPA联考英语写作模板 一观点类These days/Nowadays, there is an increasingly hot topic among the general public concerning the phenomenon that_. When it comes to this issue, peoples views vary from person to person. Some people are in favor of _, while still some others hold a negative at

    2、titude to it. From my point of view, it is more reasonable to support the first opinion rather than the second. Itisnotdifficultformetoputforwardsomeargumentstoillustratemystandpoint. To begin with, _. (Based upon a recent Internet survey, about _% of _) Whats more, _. One more point that cant be ig

    3、nored is that _. Based upon what has been discussed above, I do hold that _should be discouraged rather than encouraged. The relevant authorities should take immediate measures to put an end to this trend. Only in this way, I firmly believe, will our life and society be made better. (反对的结尾段)第一段第二句替换

    4、句Whenever it comes to this issue, there will spring up a wide variety of voices.Whenever it comes to this issue, different people hold different opinions due to their distinct backgrounds and values. 第一段最后一句替换句As far as I am concerned, I am inclined to support the former/latter view. As far as I am

    5、concerned, the latter viewpoint seems more convincing and more appealing to me.第二段第一句替换句To prove my viewpoint, some significant arguments can be summarized as follows.My arguments can be summarized as follows.如果第一句话填入的是一个名词,则可以用下面这两三句话。These days, one of the hottest topics arousing general concern i

    6、s drive after drinking.These days, there is an increasingly hot topic among the general public concerning drive after drinkingNowadays,there is a widespread concern in our society about the widening income gap.最后一段替换段Based upon what has been discussed above, I do hold that _should be encouraged rath

    7、er than discouraged. The relevant authorities should play a positive role in guiding this trend. Only in this way, I firmly believe, will our life and society be made better.(支持)There is no doubt that people will have diverse views on the same issue, but my standpoint is clear and well founded in th

    8、e preceding discussions. Therefore, I believe that _ be encouraged rather than discouraged or even banned. Only in this way, I firmly believe, will our life and society be made better.(支持)There is no doubt that people will have diverse views on the same issue, but my standpoint is clear and well fou

    9、nded in the preceding discussions. Therefore, I believe that _ be discouraged or banned rather than encouraged. Only in this way, I firmly believe, will our life and society be made better.(反对)范文:These days, there is an increasingly hot topic among the general public concerning the phenomenon that p

    10、rivate cars are becoming more and more prevalent in China. When it comes to this issue, peoples views vary from person to person. Some people are in favor of the rapid development of private cars, while still some others hold a negative attitude to it. From my point of view, it is more reasonable to

    11、 support the first opinion rather than the second. Itisnotdifficultformetoputforwardsomeargumentstoillustratemystandpoint. To begin with, it goes without saying that developing private cars can boost and prompt the local economy to develop more rapidly. Whats more, if conditions permit, owning a car

    12、 can make us work more efficiently. One more point that cant be ignored is that private cars will make our life become more convenient. With a car we can go to places where the regular buses and trains cannot get. Based upon what has been discussed above, I do hold that the rapid development of priv

    13、ate cars should be encouraged rather than discouraged. The relevant authorities should play a positive role in guiding this trend. Only in this way, I firmly believe, will our life and society be made better.练习: 如今,名人(celebrity)在大学里当客座教授或兼职教授的现象很普遍,对于这种现象,不同的人持有不同的看法,请发表你的观点。提高版These days, one of th

    14、e hottest topics arousing general concern is drive after dinking. According to the data given by the relevant government, about 89% of the drivers have such experiences. Some really keen enthusiasts go so far as to make a habit of it. Needless to say, this phenomenon will continue for a while in the

    15、 future. When it comes to this issue, peoples views vary from person to person. Some argue that its normal and acceptable to drive after drinking . They believe that they are able to drink much wine and a little cannot make them stoned. In addition, they hold that they own excellent driving skills a

    16、nd wine will not influence their performance in the slightest. However, there are other people who look at this phenomenon in quite another way. For them, it is of utmost danger to drink before doing such a thing as driving. Besides, drunken drivers can bring about much harm to themselves or some ot

    17、her social problems. Therefore, immediate measures should be taken to put an end to the current situation.Just as a coin has two sides, so its natural for people to have diverse ideas as regards the same issue. So far as Im concerned, the latter viewpoint seems more convincing and more appealing to

    18、me. In other words, drink before driving should be discouraged or even banned in our society. The authorities concerned should play an active role in eliminating this phenomenon. 附加版(适合两个事物之间选择)These days, one of the most controversial topics arousing general concern is the choice between _ and _. W

    19、hen it comes to this issue, peoples views vary from person to person. Some people prefer_, and regard it as the most important part of life. But other people deem _ their first choice to be made. So far as Im concerned, the first/second viewpoint seems more convincing and appealing to me.Itisnotdiff

    20、icultformetoputforwardsomeargumentstoillustratemystandpoint. To begin with, _. (Based upon a recent Internet survey, about _% of _) Whats more, _. One more point that cant be ignored is that _. Though, as every coin has two sides, its hard to deny the other choice, my choice is still clear and well

    21、founded in the above discussions. Therefore, I hold it beneficial and imperative to maintain that choice, and thus our life and society will be made better. 二 原因/利弊/措施分析类These days, there is a hot topic among the general public concerning _. According to the data given by the relevant government, ab

    22、out _ percent of _ (have such experiences). This phenomenon, without question, has aroused wide concern. Among the media, we can find a lot of relevant discussions. Some driving factors that contribute to the above-mentioned phenomenon may be summarized as fallows. First and foremost of all, _. (Bas

    23、ed upon a recent Internet survey, about _ % of _) Whats more, _. One more point that cant be ignored is that _. Based upon what has been discussed above, I do hold that this phenomenon should be discouraged rather than encouraged. The relevant authorities should take immediate measures to put an end

    24、 to this trend. Only in this way, I firmly believe, will our life and society be made better. (反对)Based upon what has been discussed above, I do hold that this phenomenon should be encouraged rather than discouraged. The relevant authorities should play a positive role in guiding this trend. Only in

    25、 this way, I firmly believe, will our life and society be made better.(支持)第一段第一句替换句 Nowadays,there is a widespread concern in our society about the widening income gap.第一段替换段(1) As we can see from the situation, job-hopping has become a common phenomenon among the general public. According to a news

    26、paper survey, about 55% percent of the graduates have changed their job in the first years of their employment. Some really keen enthusiasts go so far as to make more than one changes. Needless to say, this trend will continue for a while in the future.(2) These days, one of the hottest topics arous

    27、ing general concern is drive after dinking. According to the data given by the relevant government, about 89% of the drivers have such experiences. Some really keen enthusiasts go so far as to make a habit of it. Needless to say, this phenomenon will continue for a while in the future. (3) These day

    28、s, there is a hot topic among the general public concerning _. When it comes to this issue, peoples views vary from person to person. Some people are in favor of _, while still some others hold a negative attitude to it. From my point of view, this phenomenon is quite normal (abnormal). 第二段第一句替换句 Th

    29、ere are many factors contributing to the above-mentioned phenomenon, but in general, they may come down to three major ones.第二段如果写的是危害,第一句可以用下面这句: There is no doubt that this trend/phenomenon may have some negative effects on our society.It goes without saying that the negative effects of _ can be s

    30、een clearly in the following aspects.So far as Im concerned, I believe that this trend will result in some negative consequences第二段如果写的是好处,第一句可以用下面这句: There is no doubt that this trend/phenomenon may have some positive effects on our society. It goes without saying that the positive effects of _ can

    31、 be seen clearly in the following aspects. 第二段如果写的是措施,第一句可以用下面这句:Considering the possible negative aspects of this phenomenon/trend, we should take some effective measures as follows.第二段如果同时写利弊两个方面, 则可以用下面这个段落:It is obvious that _ has advantages as well as disadvantages. Generally speaking, the adva

    32、ntages can be listed as follows. First of all, _makes peoples everyday life more convenient. In addition, _ connects its users with the outside world. With a _, peoples life will be greatly enriched. Nevertheless, it is a pity that every coin has two sides and the disadvantages of _ cant be ignored. To begin with, _. To make matter worse, _ is most likely to add


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