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    1、行测数量关系题库行测数量关系题库行测数量关系题库20天,行测83分,申论81分 (适合:国家公务员,各省公务员,村官,事业单位,政法干警,警察,军转干,路转税,选调生,党政公选,法检等考试) 知识改变命运,励志照亮人生 我是2010年10月15号报的国家公务员考试,职位是共青团中央国际联络部的青年外事工作科员,报名之后,买了教材开始学习,在一位大学同学的指导下,大约20天时间,行测考了83.2分,申论81分,进入面试,笔试第二,面试第一,总分第二,成功录取。在这里我没有炫耀的意思,因为比我考的分数高的人还很多,远的不说,就我这单位上一起进来的,85分以上的,90分以上的都有。只是给大家一些信心

    2、,分享一下我的经验,我只是普通大学毕业, 智商和大家都一样,关键是找对方法,事半功倍。 指导我的大学同学是2009年考上的,他的行测、申论、面试都过了80分,学习时间仅用了20多天而已。我也是因为看到他的成功,才决定要考公务员的。“人脉就是实力”,这句话在我这位同学和我身上又一次得到验证,他父亲的一位朋友参加过国家公务员考试命题组,这位命题组的老师告诉他一些非常重要的建议和详细的指导,在这些建议的指导下,我同学和我仅仅准备了20天左右的时间,行测申论就都达到了80分以上。这些命题组的老师是最了解公务员考试机密的人,只是因为他们的特殊身份,都不方便出来写书或是做培训班。下面我会把这些建议分享给你

    3、,希望能够对你有所帮助。 sites scattered work surface should be distributed. Brick masonry construction is mainly distributed in the factory, the factory works. 8.3.1 material dumps in masonry construction materials are piled up in batches in the vicinity of the construction, hand-to-mouth, and maintain a certa

    4、in reserve. 8.3.2 supply mortar HZS60 concrete mixing station after mixing with 5T dump truck transport to the surface of the construction. 8.3.3 masonry material transport transport 5T tipper with gravel and other materials transported to the surface of the construction. 8.4 8.4 masonry constructio

    5、n. . Stone), can be used to sew, but its amount shall not exceed the weight of masonry 10%. Stone masonry: according to the degree of smoothness of the work surface is divided into fine stones, semi fine stone, crude stone and stone wool in four. Stone processing requirements should be consistent wi

    6、th the surface GBJ50203-2002 6th. the provisions of article 3.2. 8.4.2 sand, gravel (1) sand and gravel quality shall conform to SD120-84 table 2.1.2 and 2.1.3 requirements. Mortar and smaller sand aggregate concrete used, required diameter of 0.155mm, fineness modulus for 2.53.0, laying stone morta

    7、r sand, its maximum diameter is not more than 5mm; stone mortar for masonry sand, maximum size less than 2.5mm; (2) with two-graded aggregate concrete, gravel size for 520mm and 2040mm. 8.4.3 cement and water (1) masonry engineering using cement and marking shall comply with the technical provisions

    8、 of section 8.4. the provisions of paragraph 3.1, arrival of the cement should be variety, grade, date of stockpiling separately, wet lumps of cement, the prohibition of the use. (2) water quality standards should be required, mixing mortar and small aggregate concrete. On mixing and curing of water

    9、 quality when there is doubt, mortar strength verification should be carried out, the compressive strength of the mortar if the water is below standard 28 days the compressive strength of mortar made of water below 90%, this water cannot be used. 8.4.4 small aggregate concrete and cement mortar (1)

    10、mix of cementitious materials must 在新员工见面会上,我又认识了23位和我同时考进来的其他职位的同事,他们的行测申论几乎都在80分以上,或是接近80分,我和他们做了详细的考试经验交流,得出了一些通用的备考方案和方法,因为只有通用的方法,才能适合于每一个人。 2010年国考成功录取后,为了进一步完善这套公务员考试方案,我又通过那位命题组的老师联系上了其他的5位参加过命题的老师和4位申论阅卷老师,进一点了解更加详细的出题机密和阅卷规则。因为申论是人工阅卷,这4位申论阅卷老师最了解申论阅卷的打分规则,他们把申论快速提高到75到80分的建议写在纸上,可能也就50页纸而

    11、已,但是,他们的建议比任何培训机构和书籍效果都好(我是说申论)。这一点我是深有体会并非常认同的。 最终我根据自己和23位80分以上同事的经验,还有6位命题老师4位申论阅卷老师给出的建议,总结出了这套国考(中央级)省考(省市县乡村级)通用学习方案。 在2011年4月份的省考和2011年11月的国考中,有1200多位考生使用这套方案,其中400多位参加国考的考生中有190多位录取,录取率48%,800多位参加省考的考生中有530多位录取,录取率67%,这样的效果,是在我的意料之中的。 下面是20天行测申论突破80分的详细方案: 在讲方案之前,我需要先和你分享4个理念,否则这些方案根本不会帮助到你:

    12、 第1个理念:你要相信你可以考上。我在家里举办的每期10个人的公务员考试培训班,他们第一次来到我家时,我问他们:“你们想考上公务员的请举手。”10个人都举手了,我又问:“一定要考上公务员,相信自己能考上的,请举手。”结果都不举手了,他们说:“考上公务员哪是那么容易的事,”各位朋友,当你在做一件事情时,你如果认为很难,甚至根本办不到,也许做了也不会有结果时,你还会不会去做,会不会付出100%的努力去做,所以,我首先要帮你建立信心,只有这样你都会付出100%的努力去学习和考试。我以我自己的经验和在家里以及网上指导过的1200多考生的经验,sites scattered work surface s

    13、hould be distributed. Brick masonry construction is mainly distributed in the factory, the factory works. 8.3.1 material dumps in masonry construction materials are piled up in batches in the vicinity of the construction, hand-to-mouth, and maintain a certain reserve. 8.3.2 supply mortar HZS60 concr

    14、ete mixing station after mixing with 5T dump truck transport to the surface of the construction. 8.3.3 masonry material transport transport 5T tipper with gravel and other materials transported to the surface of the construction. 8.4 8.4 masonry construction. . Stone), can be used to sew, but its am

    15、ount shall not exceed the weight of masonry 10%. Stone masonry: according to the degree of smoothness of the work surface is divided into fine stones, semi fine stone, crude stone and stone wool in four. Stone processing requirements should be consistent with the surface GBJ50203-2002 6th. the provi

    16、sions of article 3.2. 8.4.2 sand, gravel (1) sand and gravel quality shall conform to SD120-84 table 2.1.2 and 2.1.3 requirements. Mortar and smaller sand aggregate concrete used, required diameter of 0.155mm, fineness modulus for 2.53.0, laying stone mortar sand, its maximum diameter is not more th

    17、an 5mm; stone mortar for masonry sand, maximum size less than 2.5mm; (2) with two-graded aggregate concrete, gravel size for 520mm and 2040mm. 8.4.3 cement and water (1) masonry engineering using cement and marking shall comply with the technical provisions of section 8.4. the provisions of paragrap

    18、h 3.1, arrival of the cement should be variety, grade, date of stockpiling separately, wet lumps of cement, the prohibition of the use. (2) water quality standards should be required, mixing mortar and small aggregate concrete. On mixing and curing of water quality when there is doubt, mortar streng

    19、th verification should be carried out, the compressive strength of the mortar if the water is below standard 28 days the compressive strength of mortar made of water below 90%, this water cannot be used. 8.4.4 small aggregate concrete and cement mortar (1) mix of cementitious materials must 肯定地告诉你一个

    20、好消息考上公务员真的不难,你完全可以考上,特别是省考,比国考要竞争小得多。为什么我同学能考上,因为他到那位命题组老师的家里去了,手把手现场给他了详细的考试方案和建议,我同学相信,他可以考上,所以他用了20多天时间全力以赴地学习,考上了;我为什么能考上,因为我看到我同学能考上,我相信我用他的方法应该也能考上,所以我也是全力以赴,所以也考上了;为什么到我这里学习的那些人比我在网上指导的考生录取率高10%,因为这些到我家里来的人,都相信自己是可以考上的,所以全力以赴按我给他们方案去执行了。 第2个理念:不管你做什么事,一定有人可以帮你达成目标,而不需要你自己去摸索。公务员考试也是一样,谁最了解公务员

    21、考试,谁最能给你最大的帮助,第一类人是参加过命题组的那些人,还有申论阅卷老师,这一点上,我和6位参加过命题组的老师和4位参加过申论阅卷的老师做过详细的交流;第二类人是以高分考上公务员的人,如果你只找到1个这样的人,可能他的方法不适合你,最好是找到8到10个这样的人,找到他们在备考和考试中所使用的共同方法,我自己和23位同事行测申论几乎都在80分以上。2011年4月的省考和2011年11月的国考中,我通过家里的小型培训班和网上指导(主要以资料和方案的形式),已经帮助1200多位考生中的700多位成功考上了公务员。 第3个理念:不管发生什么事情,千万不要放弃,凡事要以积极的心态去面对。像爱迪生发明

    22、灯泡这样的例子太多了,我就不在这里和你重复了。马上就要考试了,不要慌,制订好自己的计划,按部就班学习就可以,你有20天时间要考试,就做一个20天的计划,有3天就要考试了,就做个3天的计划;考试过程中遇到不会的题目,不要慌,我们是有办法来大大提高不会做的题目的正确率的。不到最后交卷,就不要放弃。 行测20天突破80分方案: 行测短短120分钟时间,135道题,每道题花费的时间不能超过53秒更何况大部分需要通过大量文字阅读和数字计算才能够得出正确答案,所以行测要取得高分,就要使用技巧。公考成功的考生都在强调一个道理:做题必须要找对思路,使用技巧 sites scattered work surfa

    23、ce should be distributed. Brick masonry construction is mainly distributed in the factory, the factory works. 8.3.1 material dumps in masonry construction materials are piled up in batches in the vicinity of the construction, hand-to-mouth, and maintain a certain reserve. 8.3.2 supply mortar HZS60 c

    24、oncrete mixing station after mixing with 5T dump truck transport to the surface of the construction. 8.3.3 masonry material transport transport 5T tipper with gravel and other materials transported to the surface of the construction. 8.4 8.4 masonry construction. . Stone), can be used to sew, but it

    25、s amount shall not exceed the weight of masonry 10%. Stone masonry: according to the degree of smoothness of the work surface is divided into fine stones, semi fine stone, crude stone and stone wool in four. Stone processing requirements should be consistent with the surface GBJ50203-2002 6th. the p

    26、rovisions of article 3.2. 8.4.2 sand, gravel (1) sand and gravel quality shall conform to SD120-84 table 2.1.2 and 2.1.3 requirements. Mortar and smaller sand aggregate concrete used, required diameter of 0.155mm, fineness modulus for 2.53.0, laying stone mortar sand, its maximum diameter is not mor

    27、e than 5mm; stone mortar for masonry sand, maximum size less than 2.5mm; (2) with two-graded aggregate concrete, gravel size for 520mm and 2040mm. 8.4.3 cement and water (1) masonry engineering using cement and marking shall comply with the technical provisions of section 8.4. the provisions of para

    28、graph 3.1, arrival of the cement should be variety, grade, date of stockpiling separately, wet lumps of cement, the prohibition of the use. (2) water quality standards should be required, mixing mortar and small aggregate concrete. On mixing and curing of water quality when there is doubt, mortar st

    29、rength verification should be carried out, the compressive strength of the mortar if the water is below standard 28 days the compressive strength of mortar made of water below 90%, this water cannot be used. 8.4.4 small aggregate concrete and cement mortar (1) mix of cementitious materials must 1,言语

    30、理解与表达和判断推理:一定要掌握“快速识别考点”的方法,就是考试时,看到一个题,马上就能识别这个题目属于哪个考点,这类的题目应该怎么解。这样既能提高做题速度,又能达到非常高的正确率。虽然我在网上无法手把手地教你,但是我花了2980元加入了华图2012公务员考试培训班会员,下载到了这个培训班的全套视频课程,我发现华图培训班视频中的顾斐老师可以帮你快速掌握言语理解与表达,视频中的蔡金龙老师可以帮你快速掌握判断推理。这样,我在赠品里送你这套2012公务员考试培训视频,你就可以快速掌握言语理解与表达和判断推理了。 2,数量关系和资料分析:一定要掌握“快速解题法”,这些看上去需要数学计算的题目,事实上,

    31、在出题时已经设计好了,有80%的题目是可以不用计算,或通过简单计算就能直接得出答案的,而不需要你真正去按部就班做算数题。在我给你的赠品里这套培训班视频中的李委明老师可以帮你快速学会数量关系和资料分析中的“快速解题技巧”,让你80%的数量计算类的题目,不需要计算或是经过简单估算就能快速得出答案。 3,常识判断:绝大部分考点,教材上都已经有了,只要认真学习教材上内容就可以了,不需要特别的交待。 4,对于你不会做的题目,或者是没有时间做的题目,我这里有一套非常好的技巧,可以帮你大大提高正确率,如果你4选1,正确率只有25%,而事实上,根据2002年到2011年国考省考200多套真题的统计:行测考试中

    32、,5种题型,每1种题型,最少有5种规律可以帮你直接选出正确答案,或者帮你马上排除1到2个选项,每张试卷中,有60%的题目可以使用这些规律,正确率达到80%以上。我总结出来的这些规律和技巧,只需要2小时就可以看完一遍,3天时间就可以完全掌握,提高15分以上。 对于不会做的题目,你使用这些规律和技巧,3天内能帮你提高多少分呢,下面我帮你计算一下: 不使用规律技巧的情况: 你会的题目分数A分,不会的题目分数B分。对于不会的题目,你猜对的正确25%,因为是4选sites scattered work surface should be distributed. Brick masonry construction is mainly distributed in the factory, the factory works. 8.3.1 material dumps in masonry construction materials are piled up in batches in the vicinity of the construction, hand-to-mouth, and


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