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    1、初一英语第一学期基础练习题初一英语第一学期基础练习题 (一 )- 方框填词一、根据句意,用方框中所给的词填空。name,in the morning,spell,where,is late for1.-whats his ? -Mike.2.She goes to school at 7:00 .3.Steve his class again. The teacher is not happy about it.4.-_is Linda from? -Shes form Canada.5.-How do you that? -S-T-E-V-E-N.welcome,favorite,turn

    2、left,is good at,is from1.-Where is the library? -Go straight and_.2.My_subject is science. I like it very much.3.Jeff_sports.He runs fast.4.-Thank you very much! -Youre_.5.Linda is a new student in our class. She_Englandmember, doctor, work, ride, let1.-What does he do? -He is a_.2.Dont_bikes on the

    3、 school playground.3.He is a_of the art club.4.Please_me introduce my family.5.They_ in a hospital.classroom,look at,next to,watch, pictures, coat 1.Our is big and clean. There are forty desks and chairs in it.2.There are two on the wall in our classroom.3.My home is my school, so I often go to scho

    4、ol on foot.4.Dont forget to wear the .5.Dont too much TV. Its bad for your eyes.6.Please the girl in red. She is my sister.bedroom,computer,lamp,socks,baseball,over there1.Mike is lazy. He often throws his clothes about in his .2.There is a on my desk, so my bedroom is bright.3.I like wearing a pair

    5、 of cotton .They are comfortable.4.Dont play too many games. It is not good for your eyes.5.Bod always plays with his friends after school.6.Who is the woman ?Do you know her?his, that, like, doesnt want, gets1. I have one brother. _ name is Peter.2. My sister _ a present from my dad on her birthday

    6、.3. Betty_ to be a doctor.4. Helen and Mark_ pop music.5._ is my father. He is a policeman.pretty, singing, young, short, cooks 1. My mum _ dinner for us every day.2. Lily is very _. She cant get the pen on the desk.3. Wang Dong is four years old. He is too _ to go to school.4. This is my sister. Sh

    7、e is _ and clever. 5. Linlin likes music. She is good at_.whose, this, pretty, want, talk1. I _ to give my grandma a present on her birthday.2. is _your pen? No, that is my pen.3. _ pencil is this? Its Anns.4. The little girl looks _ with the lovely hat on.5. The baby is three months old. She cant _

    8、.maps, take out, CDs, heavy, pencil case, use, 1.Jenny puts hers pens in her_.2.Three workers lifted the_box from the truck.3.May I_your telephone?4._a sheet of paper and make a list.5.I often listen to my favorite music _in spare time.6.How manyare there on the Wall? There are two. find , excuse me

    9、, upstairs,direction,sure,help with 1. I am _you can get with it if you try.2. The teacher needs someone to _ the heavy boxes.3. On your way to success you must keep your _.4. _Where us the school library?5. its your bedtime. GO _and go to bed.6. Keep by this way and you ll _ the village.Music Club

    10、, start , Thursday , July , lessons , next 1. The day after Wednesday is _.2. We have science _on Monday afternoon.3. Now lets talk about our _plan.4Jane likes singing. She goes to the _every Tuesday.5. Finish this task so that you can _another。6. Students in China usually have summer vacation in _.

    11、1.Im on my bed and my socks are me.2.My room is messy. Its time to our bedroom.3.I can see cars and planes on the desk.4.I have looked out I cant find the cap.5.Its raining outside. Take the with you.6.There is a sofa and a television in the .7.In our bathroom room,there is a and a toilet. 1. Did yo

    12、u put the meeting date in your .2.This is our classroom, are on the second floor.3.I will go to the store to buy shoes this afternoon.4.I know I have got the number, so nobody answered me just now5.You need to change your after you have used it for two months1.My father likes to in the river on Sund

    13、ays.2.He loves his children very much. They means for him.3.I need to at night because there will be an exam tomorrow.4.The school is quite near form his home so he walks to school5.My school is very big. we often do sports and play games there.Club,paint, swims, basketball, which1.Nancy is good at

    14、art. She can_very well.2.Gary is a basketball lover. He often plays_after class.3.I like pop music. I want to join the singing_.4.Lucy usually_in the swimming pool near her house.5._sport do you like better, running or skating?Survey, French ,people ,Toronto, Olympics 1._is a big city in Canada.2.Th

    15、ere are many _ in the park on weekends.3.The _are held every four years.4.The man is from France. He can speak_very well.5.Can I ask you a few questions for our sport_?winner,guitar, ability, each other, of course, allover the world 1.Li Wei is well-known_.2.Hes the _ of Chinas Got Talent 20103.Peop

    16、le should help_ to make our world better.4.He enjoys playing the_a lot.5.-Can I ask you some questions?-_.6.Mark is very clever. Im sure he has the_ to finish the work.初一英语第一学期基础练习题( 二 )- 填单词二、根据句意及所给的首字母补全单词。1.Im John. Nice to m t you.2I say high. You say l_ _.3The name of my c_ _ntr_ is China.4I l

    17、ike the Beatless s_ ng hello, Goodbye.5I dont kn_ _ why you say that.1.China is a country of a long h_st_ry.2.His f_v_ _r_t_ subject is science.3.We need some balloons for Moms b_ _thd_ _ party.4.The word little has the same s_ _nd/i/as the word geography.5.Our class is like a big f_m_l_.1.Those are

    18、 my father and m_th_ _ on the bikes.2.His uncle is a f_ct_r_ worker.3.Its 7 oclock in the morning. Its time for br_ _kf_st.4.Bens bed time is b_f_ _ _9 oclock.5.She is a really k_nd teacher. The students all like her1.My father likes r ding newspapers for a while after dinner every day.2.The dentist

    19、 tells us that we should br sh our teeth twice a day.3.Mike likes f shing in the river,abut he isnt good at it.4.Dont talk with your m th full of food.5.Grandpa often sits in his favorite ch by the fireplace in his house.6.There is a p ct re of my family on the wall of my living room.1.The girl is s

    20、hy. Her face always turns r d when she speaks in public.2.John usually has a q ck meal and the goes out.3.He calls himself Peter Jones,but its not his r l name.4.The mother often buys some t ys for her child on his birthday.5.Burell is the f test runner in the world.6.Its too h t hereshall I open a

    21、window?1. Your aunts son is your c sin.2. There is a bookshop n r the hospital.3. My grandparents have three children. They are my f ther and my two aunts. 4. How many uncles and aunts do you h ve? I have three.5. My father is my grandparents s n.1. Joe is a b sketb ll fan. He likes Yao Ming very mu

    22、ch.2. I have two good friends. Alice is th n , but Ann is chubby.3. Mr. Black is t ll. He can reach the apples on the tree.4. The cat sleeps all day but works all n ght. 5.Linda likes drawing. She wants to be an rt teacher.1. My little brother likes c mp ter games.2. Mary has a p t dog .3. I want to

    23、 listen to pop m s c.4. Lets go to see a f lm this weekend. 5. - Lets go to the park. Thats a good id .1.He based the book on his own l_ f _.2.They learn how to _se computer room on Fridays.3.So we are r_ _dy for anything he can do.4.Copy this page in your n_t_b_ _k.5.If you dont know the meaning of

    24、 words, you can look them up in the d_cti_n_ry.6.If you want to go _ _t and talk to people , then do so.1.Could you l_nd me your dictionary.2.The ants find the food and c_rr_it back to the nest.(巢)3.She stopped,and th_n she smiled at him.4.Lisa and her friend like reading. They often b_ rr_ _books f

    25、rom the library,5.After she finishes her h_m_w_ _k she often helps her mother with cooking.1. Mark lies playing ch_ _ss with his friend after school.2. The third day of the week is T_esday.3. Greg has football pr_ct_ce on weekends.4. Our teacher gives us homework at the end l_ss_n.5. - How long do y

    26、ou w_ _t for a buy every morning? -For about twenty minutes.6. - When did you f_ _st come over to China? - About two years ago.1.My mom cant find the cat.It is b h nd the door.2.Look!This is my p son l computer.3.I often fly k tes with my friends on Sundays.4.Janes shirt and sw ter are in the drawer

    27、 in the bedroom.5.There are two pictures of movie stars ab ve Peters bed.1.He p t the coffee on the table and give a talk.2.Is it OK if I b on g some friends to the party?3.Its hot today. Pass me a gl ss of ice water please.4.I cant get in the house because I lost my house k y.5.The plane m v d slow

    28、ly along the runway, then stopped.6.I want to the sh p to buy some pens and notebooks last night.7.The students often sw m in the swimming pool after school.8.My new h se is near my school. I go to school on foot every day.6.There is a small r ver near the factory .There are many trees around it.7.What are you going to do on Sunday? Im going to the park to climb a h ll.1.-I think coo


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