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    1、陕西省高考英语样卷2014年陕西省高考英语样卷一、英语知识应用(共三大题,满分50分)第一节 语音知识(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分) 从每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中,找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。例:have A. gave B. save C. hat D. made 答案是C1. garden A. forgive B. damage C. foreign D. general2. huge A. injury B. jungle C. rule D. amuse3. chance A. moustache B. teacher C.

    2、chemistry D. technology4. diet A. scientist B. believe C. movie D. tie5. desks A. animals B. radios C. lawyers D. maps第二节 情景对话(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 根据对话情景和内容,从对话后所给的选项中选出能填入每一空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。选项中有两个为多余选项。Sue: Hi,TomHow are you?Tom: Fine, thank you. 6 Sue: Everything is all right. 7 Tom: No, I dont

    3、think so.Sue: Would you like to come out for a drink?Tom: Yes, with pleasure. 8 Sue: How about the Kings Caf?Tom: OK. What time?Sue: 9 Tom:Its difficult for me.Idont get home until half past five. Could we make it a quarter past six?Sue: 10 A quarter past six at the Kings Caf. See you then.Tom: Bye.

    4、 AIts up to you. What about you?Thats fine with me. Where shall we meet?Say about six oclock? Are you free this evening?Are you doing anything this evening?第三节:语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从每小题的A,B,C,D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。例:We forget to bring our tickets, but please let us enter, ? A. do

    5、you B. can we C. will you D. shall we 答案:C11. It is the law in some countries to leave children under a certain age alone at home. A. byond B. for C. against D. within12. The teacher, as well as two students, invited to attend yesterdays reception for their outstanding performance in the competition

    6、. A. were B. was C. are D. is13. Why dont you make clear that you are eager to join their group? A. you B. it C. that D.this14. He was fined 200 yuan for speeding, we all thought he deserved. A. that B. where C. what D. which15. She watched the sunlight dancing on the water surface , in thought . A.

    7、 to lose B. lost C. losing D. lose16. -Im sorry you have to wait for another 15 minutes. - . I dont mind waiting . A. It doesnt matter B. You are welcome C. Thats no trouble D. You can never tell17. -Did you enjoy your camping trip? -Well , it would have been all right if it all the time . A. did no

    8、t rain B. had not rained C. should not rain D. would not rain18. Early it was , traffic A. to lose B. lost C. losing D. lose19. Some Chinese parents start _money for the education of their children when they are Born.A. setting off B. setting out C. setting aside D. setting up 20. As many as six mov

    9、ies are shown in the cinema at the same time , and you are free to choose_interests you most. A. whatever B. whichever C. whenever D. wherever 21. -It must be fun to travel alone in the Qinling Mountains. -_. It can be really dangerous.A. I guess so B. Thats a good idea C. Thats true D. You re jokin

    10、g22. He has no choice but extra hours to meet the deadline. A. works B. woking C. to work D. work23. The importance of a balanced diet be too strongly stressed when more and more teenagers become overweight. A. wont B. can C. can not D. will24.-Can I use your car from 10 to 12 oclock on Monday morni

    11、ng? -Im sorry, but I it to pick up my father at the airport. A. will be using B. will use C. use D. am using25. you call meto say you are not coming, I will see you at the theatre.A. Until B. Unless C. Once D. If第四节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。For the chil

    12、dren of Catarman Village in the Philippines, a visit to the Charbonneaus house on December 25 has been a Christmas tradition for the last 30 years. Hundreds of children in the neighbourhood line up _26_the house on Christmas morning to receive_27_from the old coupe.“We give gifts to everyone _28_and

    13、 they are all very 29_to see the candies and plastic toys inside the bags,” said the wife when once interviewed. “Im _30_ this not because I want to be Santa Claus but because I _31_love to see the smiles of the children .Im not_32_in becoming a hero, but I just want to make the kids happy. _33_, I

    14、show those who have more money that they too_34_help poor children,” Added the husband, Jean Paul Charbonneaus._35_the couple spends around2,000 on their _36_ Christmas giveaway , and they are no longer_37_-JEAN is 89 and his wife 68they have no _38_to slow down or stop. “Even if Im gone we have eno

    15、ugh _39_for my wife to continue the gift giving.”The _40_began when the couple moved to the village in December 1982. It was when they were _41_to move into their neo home that they _42_a lot of poor children around the neighbourhood. Out of_43_, they bought candies, cakes and simple plastic toys, a

    16、nd then _44_them into 25 bags. On December 25, they handed the bags out to the_45_kids of the village.26.A. within B. from C. towards D. outside27.A. gifts B. greetings C. suggestion D. cards28.A. nearby B. concerned C. present D. mentioned29.A. sorry B. amazed C. happy D. terrified30.A. getting B.

    17、doing C. taking D. making31.A. just B. already C. still D. almost32.A. confident B. successful C. interested D. experienced33.A. In addition B. However C. Otherwise D. On the contrary34.A. must B. shall C. need D. can35.A. Unless B. Because C. If D. Although36.A. purposeful B. limited C. annual D. a

    18、stonishing37.A. rich B. young C. free D. strong38.A. ambitions B. right C. plans D. time39.A. energy B. wisdom C. money D. experience40.A. marriage B. story C. interview D. tradition41.A. preparing B. agreeing C. failing D. hoping42.A. noticed B. invited C. dismissed D. gathered43.A. pride B. love C

    19、. interest D. curiosity44.A. brought B. turned C. broke D. packed45.A. disappointed B. surprised C. disturbed D. frightened第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分)第一节:( 共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分 ) 阅读下列四篇短文,从每小题后所给的A,B,C,D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。AWhat should your kids learn first? Parents all over the world agree with what t

    20、he well-known American musician Aretha Franklin says in one of her songs: E-S-P-E-C-T. In our latest poll(民意调查),people in 13 out of 16 countries-including the United States -say teaching respect should come before teaching kids patriotism(爱国主义),kindness, or a sense of humour. Meanwhile, China,German

    21、y, and Russian place kindness above the rest. Patriotism is the third for most countries, while humour comes last nearly everywhere.Respect your eldersGlobally, more poll takers over age 45 chose respect for their children than younger ones did. This id especially true in the Philippines, where 100

    22、percent of older poll takers say teaching respect is their main concern.Be humorous and nice Across the globe, more men are developing first a sense of humour in their kids. Compared with men, women consider kindness more important for their children.Wave the flagWhile China and Russia both chose ki

    23、ndness as tops for kids, they also gave patriotism higher percentages than any other country did. 46. What do parents in most countries expect their kids to learn first according to the poll? A. Respect. B. Patriotism C. Humor. D. Kindness.47. According to the charts, which of the following countrie

    24、s chose kindness as the first thing for kids to learn? A. The United States. B. Brazil. C. The Philippines. D. China.48. According to the poll, who would like to teach their kids humour first? A. Women. B. People over 45. C. Men. D. People under 45.BIt was a sunny Wednesday. As I approached my house

    25、, a basket in the driveway(私家车道)caught my eye. Coming nearer, I found it was filled with fresh lemons, with a sign reading“Free lemons-please take some.” Touched by the simple act of the generous neighbour, I took two of them and dropped a note of thanks in the letterbox of “the lemon house.”A few d

    26、ays later, I read a letter to the edition in the local newspaper:“This season I had more lemons than I could consume. So I put them outside my house with a notice, Later, I received a note of thanks. It was unexpected but much appreciated.”I knew this message was from my neighbour and my heart was w

    27、armed by such an exchange of kindness and thanks.One day, I noticed an elderly lady outside“the lemon house.” After an exchange of smiles I praised her beautiful house and garden. She told me she Grace and the house was built by her husband, who died six months ago.“I feel Bill is still with me when

    28、 I am in the garden,” she said. My eyes were wet and I wanted to tell her about the note of thanks. But I didnt and couldnt explain why.The following week, I noticed more activity at the house ; cars were coming and going. Days later, I was alarmed to see a removal truck in the driveway and beside i

    29、t a middle-aged woman was speaking on her phone. As I came closer, I heard her saying,“Mum would never have wanted me to sell this house, and I dont want to either.”I asked about Grace, and she replied,“Mum passed away in her sleep last week.”I could sense the pain in her eyes. I told her about the

    30、story of lemons.“So that was you!”she said loudly,“Youd be amazed how much it meant to her!”I attended the funeral and I am a close friend of Sarah, Graces daughter. Sarah didnt want to sell the house, so she hoped I could take care of it. Every year, when the lemon tree produces its fruit, a basket

    31、 of lemons sits in the driveway, but with a sign“please take some-in memory of Grace and Bill.”49. Grace placed a basket of lemons outside the house .A. as a sign for her grocery store. B. in memory her husbandC. to sell them to passers-by D. for her neighbours to take away50. Why did Grace write a letter to the editor? A. Because she had too many lemons for herself. B. Because she was moved by the note of banks. C. Because she wanted to sell her house. D. Because she expected to receive more appreciation.51. What can be inferr


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