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    1、大学英语一第一次作业答案一、单项选择题。本大题共40个小题,每小题 2.5 分,共100.0分。在每小题给出的选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。1.? Hi! How do you do, Zhang? _A.How are you?B.?Good afternoon.C.How do you do?D.?Very fine.2.? Jane, Im coming to say good-bye. Im leaving tomorrow. _A.Im sorry.B.Oh, no. Why?C.Go slowly.?D.Why soon? Cant you stay a few days lo

    2、nger?3.?Sam, this is my friend, Jane.?_A.?Im Sam.?B.How are you?C.Glad to meet you, Jane.?D.Very well, thank you.4.? May I know your name, please? _A.Id rather not.B.Yes, you may.C.Jane Edwin.?D.No, please dont5.? Havent seen you for ages. How are you? _A.Thank you a lot.B.Its several years.C.Long t

    3、ime no see.?D.Just so-so.?6.Were glad that something _ has come out of the situation.A.positive?B.negativeC.positionD.negation7.Well discuss the problem later _ detail.A.of?B.onC.at?D.in?8.Each member is given a special exercise routine that is _ for his or her needs.A.constant?B.appropriate?C.badD.

    4、hopeful9.Mrs. Black became a(n) _ at making desserts.A.expert?B.worker?C.hostD.?specialist10.Hurry up, _ youll be late.A.and?B.butC.soD.or?11.Theres something important in _.A.paper of todayB.today newspapersC.today newspaperD.todays newspaper?12.She volunteered to take care of _ wounded and _ dying

    5、.A.?the, /B.the, the?C./, theD./, /13.Hes a shy boy who cant _ with others very well.A.say?B.talkC.communicate?D.speak14.Im?_?of the package thats been left in the corridor.A.worriedB.sharpC.aggressive?D.suspicious?15.Youre required to _ your name at the end of this form.A.spellB.sign?C.tellD.mark16

    6、.?Peter, my English teacher always?_?me to study hard.A.occupied?B.challenged?C.encouraged?D.convinced17.?Mr. Smith raises many _ on his farm.A.deersB.sheeps?C.oxesD.chickens?18.Theyre _ vacation for the next two weeks.A.fromB.on?C.?with?D.off19.?We often have sports after class, and I like to play

    7、_ basketball.A.aB.anC.theD.?/20.?The police asked me to?_?exactly how it happened.?A.express?B.draw?C.describe?D.?imagine21.?It took him a long time to _ the skills he needed to become a professional artist.A.acquire?B.require?C.inquire?D.remain22.The islands _ is similar to Hawaiis, which attracts

    8、more and more tourists every year.A.peopleB.areaC.customD.landscape?23.?Some friends of _ joined the political party.A.my father?B.my fathers?C.my fathers?D.?my fathers24.?Mrs. Lenny gave us _ on how to learn English well.A.some advices?B.many advicesC.some advice?D.an advice25.?All the _ in the hos

    9、pital will get a rise tomorrow.A.women-doctorsB.woman doctorsC.women doctors?D.?doctors of women26.?After the accident it took a long time before she had the _ to get back in a car again.A.timeB.confidence?C.opportunity?D.?ability27.?I could hear them talking but I couldnt figure _ what they were sa

    10、ying.A.?out?B.atC.to?D.?about28.The _ of doctors agree that smoking is extremely harmful to health.A.?major?B.majority?C.minor?D.minority29.He is learning to playing _ guitar.A.aB.anC.the?D.?/30.?Ive lost _ with George in the last few months.A.letter?B.message?C.contact?D.?news31.?My son is already

    11、showing an interest _ music.A.?onB.?to?C.?in?D.?at32.?If you meet a new word and you are not sure what it means, _ it _ in a dictionary.A.look atB.look forC.look afterD.look up33.?Old Mr. Carter was convinced that women doctors were _ to men.A.superiorB.inferior?C.superiority?D.?inferiority34.?No co

    12、untry can afford to neglect _.A.an educationB.educations?C.education?D.the education35.?Millie has _ e-dog and its name is Hobo.A.?a?B.an?C.theD./36.?Tom felt his mother knew he was lying when she looked him in the eye.A.汤姆觉得妈妈在撒谎,当妈妈看他的眼睛时。B.当妈妈看汤姆的眼睛时,汤姆觉得妈妈在撒谎。C.汤姆觉得妈妈知道他在撒谎,当妈妈正视汤姆的眼睛时。D.当妈妈正视汤姆

    13、的眼睛时,汤姆觉得妈妈知道他在撒谎。?37.?Id like to have some fish rather than beef.A.我想吃牛肉,不想吃鱼。B.我不想吃牛肉,也不想吃鱼。C.我想吃鱼,不想吃牛肉。?D.我想吃牛肉,也想吃鱼。38.?昨天雨下的很大,但是我们不管怎样都去了音乐会。A.It rained heavily yesterday, for we went to the concert anyway.B.It rained heavily yesterday, and we went to the concert anyway.C.It rained heavily ye

    14、sterday, but we went to the concert anyway.?D.It rained heavily, however we went to the concert anyway.39.?亨利向几家大公司递交了求职申请。A.Henry sent out applications to several big companies.?B.Henry sent out application several big companies.C.?Henry sent out several big companies to his applications.D.Several big companies sent out applications to Henry.40.?他对陌生人不太友善。A.He is not very friend to strangers.B.He is not very friendless to strangers.C.He is not very friendship to strangers.D.He is not very friendly to strangers.?


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