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    1、高考英语语法形容词及副词 Adj& AdvUnit 1 Exercise 1: Multiple Choice1 Physics is _ to the science which was called natural philosophy in history.A. alike B. equivalent C. likely D. uniform2 The football game comes to you _ from New York.A. lively B. alive C. live D. living3 We are all impressed by his _ solution

    2、 to the problem.A. imaginary B. imaginable C. imagining D. imaginative4 My secretary is perfectly _, but she does not have much initiative.A. able B. competent C. capable D. skilled5 I was _ to see how skillfully the old craftsman worked.A. satisfied B. absorbed C. discontented D. fascinated6 Weeks

    3、later the young man had still not found a job and he began to feel somewhat_.A. disgraced B. displeased C. despaired D. disengaged7 Everyone can see that Mary is a (n) _ secretary.A. effective B. sufficient C. respective D. efficient8 Writing is a slow process, requiring _ thought, time, and effort.

    4、A. enormous B. considerable C. significant D. numerous9 He made such a _ contribution to the university that they are naming one of the new buildings after him.A. genuine B. minimum C. modest D. generous10 Free medical treatment in this country covers sickness of mind as well as _ sicknesses.A. norm

    5、al B. average C. regular D. ordinary11 I dont think they will be _ to arrive in time. There is a heavy traffic.A. surely B. likely C. possibly D. certainly12 Its quite _ that until now we didnt receive her reply.A. odds B. queers C. peculiar D. odd13 It was _ of you not to play the piano while your

    6、mother had a bad headache.A. considerate B. considering C. considerable D. considered14 The sound we heard was very _ and hard to recognize, as if it were very far away.A. invisible B. faint C. perfect D. instant15 I was held up by the traffic and _ I was late.A. constantly B. continuously C. consis

    7、tently D. consequently16 Its _ of you to get rid of the bad friends.A. sensible B. sensitive C. sense D. sensed17 To drive a car safely it is _ to have a good brake.A. additional B. enough C. ideal D. essential 18 He is one of those who regard the Japanese Invasion of Asian countries as the most _ p

    8、age in the history of their country.A. ashamed B. shame C. shameful D. shameless19 Inside is _ Chinaware (瓷器制品). Please handle with care.A. delicious B. democratic C. demonstrate D. delicate 20 In general, the _ amount that a student spends for housing should be held to one- fifth of the total for l

    9、iving expenses. A acceptable B advisable C available D applicable21 It is one of the best equipped and most _ schools in the country. A. prestigious B. permanent C. constant D. innocent22 Some smoking and alcoholic drinks are a(n)_taste and are not in born. A. acquired B. accumulated C. humiliating

    10、D. sobering23 It may seem _ to lay such stress on being conventional in the use of English when we may well feel that the big prizes go to people who are original and unconventional in their English. A. competitive B. paradoxical C. controversial D. contentious 24 Ice erosion has played less part th

    11、an has water erosion in changing the contours of the earths surface because the activity of ice erosion, both temporally and spatially, has been more _.A. noticeable B. devastating C. restricted D. permanent25 Attendance at his lectures has fallen off _ and only one few old ladies presented themselv

    12、es at his todays lecture.A. considerately B. considerably C. slightly D. slim26 The banks are lending money at a _rate of interest.A. competent B. competitive C. harsh D. sharp 27 He was taken on for a three-month trial period before being accepted as a _ member of staff. A. contemporary B. temporar

    13、y C. permanent D. constant28 Zhang Xiong, an associate professor at East China University of Science and Technology, said young couples “imprudently reached the divorce decision”, a _ factor to the year-on-year divorce rate increase. A. contributing B. distributing C. attributing D. constituting29 A

    14、ll this imposes a _ pressure and strain of work, but in spite of this some students still find time for great activity in student affairs. A. instant B. constant C. consistent D. persistent30 The human vocal apparatus is equipped to produce only a certain number of sounds. A comparison of any two la

    15、nguages will reveal sounds that are _.A. similar B. difficult C. different D. harsh31 The distance of Hawaii from Japan makes it obvious that the attack was _ planned, many days, or even weeks ago. The next day after Pearl Harbor attack, American president Roosevelt declared the war against Japan. A

    16、. delicately B. deliberately C. accidentally D. incidentally32 Instead of having formal dinners followed by prolonged speeches, why do we not reverse the order of events? Then the speaker would not want to talk _.A. formally B. loudly C. indefinitely D. pompously33 Black people from Africa were tran

    17、sported, irrespective of age and sex and in condition of _ horror and brutality, to America.A. appalling B. appealing C. thrilling D. applying34 Your wish to establish long-term _ relations coincides with ours.A. corporate B. collocate C. cooperative D. correlate35 Without international cooperation,

    18、 developing countries cannot prosper, nor will _ development be possible.A. maintainable B. retainable C. sustainable D. detainable 36 Apparently, other winos, who are notorious thieves among one another, had _him of all his clothes except his windbreaker, which they had tried to pull off him, but o

    19、nly managed to rip the sleeves off, and left him there passed out on the bench, but in a gentlemanly posture. A. naked B. striped C. stripped D. taken off37 The most _study I ever made of tourists was at Torcello, where it is impossible to avoid them. A. intensive B. tense C. intense D. attentive38

    20、In the Charter of the United Nations, the peoples express their determination to save _ generations from the scourge of war which has brought untold sorrow to mankind. A. successor B. succeeding C. successive D. consequential 39 Visitors were asked to write their names in the _ space at the top of t

    21、he pageA. empty B. hollow C. blank D. vacant40 The fact that something is cheap doesnt _ mean it is of low qualityA. necessarily B. especially C. essentially D. practically41 The new secretary has written a remarkably _ report only in a few pages but with all the details.A. concise B. clear C. preci

    22、se D. elaborate42 Im _ of his purpose in saying those words, but I dont want to argue with him.A. careless B. conscious C. content D. confident43 Angela told me a while ago that she couldnt wear her _ sweatshirt because it doesnt go with anything else she has.A. green comfortable dark B. dark green

    23、comfortable C. comfortable dark green D. dark comfortable green44 When I saw her, she was reading _.A. an exciting, old, detective story B. an old, exciting, detective storyC. an exciting, detective, old story D. a detective, old, exciting story45 The companys employment policy makes it clear that m

    24、en and women have _ opportunity.A. equivalent B. identical C. balanced D. equal46 He is so _ to believe everything he hears.A. innocent B. confident C. arrogant D. warm-hearted47 The man worked _ to the waist in the sun.A. bare B. empty C. blank D. vacant48 One of the responsibilities of the Coast G

    25、uard is to make sure that all ships _follow traffic rules in busy harbors.A. cautiously B. dutifully C. faithfully D. skillfully49 The manager gave a very _ explanation of his plans for the development of the newly-built company.A. contemporary B. comprehensive C. extensive D. complex50 The years fr

    26、om now through 2010 are _ for the realization of the long term plan.A. crude B. critic C. crucial D. current51 If you go to the park every day in the morning, you will _find him doing physical exercise there.A. ordinarily B. invariably C. logically D. persistently52 John doesnt believe in _medicine,

    27、 he has some remedies of his own.A. standard B. regular C. routine D. conventional 53 Your story about the frog turning into a prince is _nonsense.A. sheer B. shear C. shield D. sheet54 In order to make things convenient for the people, the department is planning to set up some _shops in the residen

    28、tial area.A. flowing B. drifting C. mobile D. unstable 55 Some educators try to put students of similar abilities into the same class because they believe this kind of _grouping is advisable. A. homogenous B. instantaneous C. spontaneous D. anonymous Exercise 2: Filling each blank with the proper fo

    29、rm of the words given in the brackets. 1 In the past two years, Myra has come to see her mother only _ (occasion).2 The old lady looked at her daughter with _ (evidence) pride.3 Freezing is at present one of (widely used) _methods of preserving meant and vegetables. 4 Women are often said to be more _ (emotion) than men.5 In the end he _ (reluctance) agreed to go with us.6 In 1972, Japan and China sig


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