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    1、Unit 3 Conference Program,IntroductionRole ContentsWhen is it deliveredFormatWords to be used in a conference programA sample program,Introduction of a conference program,A conference can be explained as a meeting of numerous people to discuss a particular topic,issue or problem.Conferences can be c

    2、onducted for a variety of reasons in almost all walks of life.A conference can be big or small based on the number of people or persons taking part in.A conference program is made ahead of time to carry out the conference in an organized and meaningful manner.,Role of a Conference Program(1),Acting

    3、as a guide to the conference participants.listing a series of activities to be done at a definite time and place.helping participants fulfill their activities in accordance with its plan.Further details in the next page,Role of a conference program(2),A successful conference always has a productive

    4、conference program.Conference program,conference agenda and conference schedule are different names of the same document.A detailed and carefully made conference program provides basic details and info about the conference to people going to attend it.A conference program can be a single sheet of pa

    5、per or a small booklet loaded with details about conference such as title of conference,date,time,venue,issues or topics to be discussed during the conference,names of attends and other relevant data.,Contents of a conference program,Usually it contains the following information:the agenda,the arran

    6、gement of paper presentation,material distribution,secretarial sections and other facilities.All this information,if possible,should be acquired beforehand.,Information concerning time and dates,activities and location,speeches and presentations should be made clear on the conference program.The pro

    7、gram usually takes the form of a table.A schedule is usually part of a program.An example will be shown in the next page.,When is the conference program delivered,After the second or third conference notice or announcementTogether with the invitation letter;orWhen calling for papers,Format,In the fo

    8、rm of a tableLiteral description,Global Conference on Sustainability and ReportingAmsterdam|22-24 May2013,The Conference Program The 2013 Global Conference on Sustainability and Reporting is a three-day event that included training sessions,workshops and networking time.A year-long process of commun

    9、ity-building activities preceded the Conference,engaging business leaders and other stakeholders globally to develop a compelling agenda.,GLOBAL CONFERENCE 2013 PROGRAM,The Conference FormatThe Conference maximized interaction and networking between participants:*Plenary sessions featured inspiring

    10、and knowledgeable speakers who discussed key global and regional issues.*Breakout sessionsinvolved expertly moderated debates on specific issues,and generated results to be fed back to the plenary session.*Regional presentations at lunchtimes showcased the sustainability and reporting situation in d

    11、ifferent countries and regions,covering regulatory developments and other current issues like integrated reporting in the following countries/regions:Australia,Brazil,China,France,Hispanic Latin America,India,Japan,MENA,Republic of Korea,South Africa,Turkeyand the USA.Download the Conference program

    12、 here,andlearn more about the Conference sessions here.,Wednesday 22 May 2013The opening plenary defined the global context for the issues,challenges and opportunities faced by society,and explored the roles of different actors for driving change.The session reviewed the progress since GRIs 2010 Con

    13、ference,and proposed future steps.A subsequent plenary explored sustainability around the world,and celebrated the launch of the next generation of GRIs Guidelines G4.The G4 development process was explained,and diverse stakeholders gave their opinions on how the new Guidelines will contribute to th

    14、e advancement of reporting.Thursday 23 May 2013The second day began with a plenary briefing on G4.Parallel sessions in five tracks followed:The trends in reporting track included panels on recent developments in the fields of sustainability reporting,such as:The role of assurance Sustainability data

    15、 accessibilityHarmonization of sustainability frameworksIntegrated Reporting,The G4 track covered the profound change areas in the new generation of GRIs Guidelines,including:Defining material report content Disclosure on management approach Anti-corruption Governance and remuneration Supply chainTh

    16、e policy track highlighted the perspectives of policy makers and report users,like governments,regulators,investors and stock exchanges.Topics included:The impact of reporting on poverty and competitiveness Policy shaping the future of reporting Financial markets and sustainability reporting Reporti

    17、ng for Sustainable Development Goals(SDG),The learning track focused on individuals relatively new to the field of sustainability reporting.The sessions featured a GRI speaker as well as reporters sharing their experiences.Topics included:How to get started as a first time reporter Reporting for Sma

    18、ll and Medium EnterprisesThe academic track gathered prominent researchers from around the world to discuss:Public policy AssuranceThe day closed with a plenary session looking into the future of reporting.,Friday 24 May 2013The third day commenced with parallel sessions on the following:Trends in r

    19、eporting track:Global and local developments from the GRI Focal Point perspective G4 track:Greenhouse Gas Emissions Policy track:Sustainability reporting regulation today and tomorrowLearning track:How to report on human rights Academic track:Integrated reportingThe program continued with a debate o

    20、n short-termism and the world economy.Finally,the closing plenary outlined a new mandate for GRI,reflecting on the key issues and messages arising at the Conference,and how to progress them.The last sessions sought to inspire all participants to further drive change to a more sustainable global econ

    21、omy.Additional ContentExclusive Organizational Stakeholder(OS)SessionsFor GRIs core supporters-Organizational Stakeholders-there were exclusive content sessions on the morning of Wednesday 22 May and the afternoon of Friday 24 May.The sessions focused on G4 developments and best practice from peers.

    22、This is the perfect time to join the Organizational Stakeholder program-in addition to these exclusive sessions,OS also benefit from a special discount for Conference registration.,Words to be used in a conference program,program,schedule/timetable,agendaregistration,check in,reception,badgeceremony

    23、,concurrent,plenary,under the auspices of tea/coffee break,etc.address,speech,remark,talk,discussion,presentation,lecture,breakout groupsession,briefing,tutorial,symposium,seminar,workshop,panel,colloquium,track,satellite meetingchair,undertake,moderator,panelist,track,program,schedule/timetable,age

    24、nda,program:a plan of activities to be done or things to be achieved Who is organizing the conference program?schedule(US)/timetable(UK):a list of planned activities or things to be done showing the times or dates when they are intended to happen or be done The meeting will be held according to sche

    25、dule.agenda:a list of matters to be discussed at a meeting There were several important items on the agenda.,registration,registration:the act of making an official record of ones name or information.It is the provision of personal data by an applicant,guest,visitor,etc.注册;登记Registration should be d

    26、one every day when the conference or session begins.(1)Conference Registration includes admission to all the technical sessions on April 26-27,conference kit(name badge&conference bag),welcome Reception&Site demo,lunch and coffee breaks.Banquet must be purchased separately.(2)Late registration and p

    27、ayment will cause paper exclusion in the proceedings and final program.,check-in,check-in:the act or process of reporting who you are when you arrive at the conference reception desk 签到;报到 At hotels or the reception desk,guests are usually required to check in(also called register or sign-in),which

    28、involves providing or confirming the guests personal information and providing a signature.,预备会议,会议报到,(welcome)reception,(welcome)reception:a formal social occasion held to welcome someone or to celebrate a social event(欢迎)招待会The 2018 Annual Conference Welcome Reception will be held at the Downtown

    29、Aquarium,Denver!reception:(a)the act or process of receiving,welcoming,or accepting something or someone接待(b)a room or area where visitors(1)first go after entering,(2)register to stay in a hotel接待处conference reception 会议接待Julia is in charge of the conference reception.Check in at reception when you

    30、 arrive.,(conference)badge,name badge/tag or ID card of the attendee for the conference胸牌;代表证At any professional event with more than fifteen people,we wear some sort of name tag.Always wear your badge and lanyard(系带).You will need your badge to attend the conference,dinner(if pre-ordered),and any o

    31、rganized social events in the evening.,ceremony,opening ceremony/welcoming ceremony:Opening Remarks by Conference Chair,Welcome Remarks by host party/mayor,Remarks of Representatives,Remarks of Guest Speakers,and Keynote Speech(note the order)closing ceremony(usually with a banquet)ceremony address:

    32、a formal speech at a ceremony,concurrent,happening or existing at the same time平行的concurrent sessions:平行会议;分组讨论Three concurrent sessions will be held at the symposium.The concurrent sessions will also include facilitated discussion,where participants share insights and seek answers to the following

    33、questions.,plenary a.;n.,(a meeting or a part of a conference that is)fully attended by all qualified members全体参加的(会议)Plenary session or meeting:a session of a conference which all members of all parties are to attend.Such a session may include a broad range of content,from keynotes to panel discussions,and is not necessarily related to a specific style of presentation or deliberative process.全体会议


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