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    1、初中英语七年级英语上册阅读理解易错题精选初中英语七年级英语上册阅读理解易错题精选一、七年级英语上册阅读理解专项目练习(含答案解析)1根据短文内容选择答案。(A) There are four people in the twins family. They are the twins, their father and their mother. The twins names are Lucy and Lily. They are fourteen. They are in the same class in the NO.1 Middle School. They are very goo

    2、d students. They not only work very hard but also sing very well. They want to join the music club. Lucy wants to play the piano. Lily can play the guitar. Their father, Mr. King, is a teacher. He teaches English in a school near his home. Their mother, Mrs. King, is a teacher, too. She teaches Chin

    3、ese. Mr. and Mrs. King are in different schools. But they have the same hobby play the guitar.(1)Mr. King is a good _.A.driverB.workerC.teacherD.farmer(2)Lily can _.A.play the pianoB.draw horsesC.play the guitarD.play chess(3)Mrs. King is a _.A.Math teacherB.Chinese teacherC.English teacherD.doctor(

    4、4)Their parents work _.A.in the same schoolB.in the hospitalC.in the factoryD.in different schools(5)The twins are in the _ Middle School.A.No.5B.No.1C.No.4D.No.2【答案】 (1)C(2)C(3)B(4)D(5)B 【解析】【分析】(1)细节理解题, 根据文中语句“Their father, Mr. King, is a teacher.”理解可知,故选C。(2)细节理解题, 根据文中语句“Lily can play the guita

    5、r.”理解可知, 故选C。(3)细节理解题, 根据文中语句“Mrs. King, is a teacher, too. She teaches Chinese.”理解可知, 故选B。(4)细节理解题, 根据文中语句“Mr. and Mrs. King are in different schools.”理解可知, 故选D。(5)细节理解题, 根据文中语句“They are in the same class in the NO. 1 Middle School.”理解可知, 故选B。【点评考查对篇章的把握和对细节的识别能力,答题时注意紧扣问题中的关键词,在文章中寻找答案。2阅读下列短文,从下面

    6、每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 Money makes the world go around, yet the best thing in life is free. A penny saved ls a Penny earned, but you get what you pay for. Do you have your own ideas about spending money wisely? If no, now its a great time to learn how to spend it. Follow the steps below when you ar

    7、e considering buying something you want. How much do you really want? Seeing a $25 gum ball (口香糖球) machine, Ben wanted it at first. But after thinking about it, he thought that it would be exciting for only a day or two. Besides, its impossible for me to chew that much gum, he said wisely. Do you st

    8、ill want it a week later? If the thing passes the really-want-it test, try to wait for some time to see how strong the desire (欲望) is. This method works for grown-ups too! How will you pay for it? After the first two steps, Ben found he really wanted a toy pirate ship, but it cost $50. He had $23 in

    9、 his pocket and he got $1.5 a week from his parents. It would take Ben 18 weeks to save enough money to get the ship. Are there ways to earn money? Ben agreed to wash the downstairs windows at $2 each. So he got $10 for himself. Can you get it cheaper? After deciding to buy it, it is necessary for y

    10、ou to look for ways to buy it at lower prices: search for what you want on the Internet or in shops and flea markets (跳蚤市场). Sometimes you can find the same thing at a much lower price. If these suggestions work well, you can save a lot of money. You will be a really smart shopper.(1)What should peo

    11、ple do first when they have the desire to buy? A.They should think what is the best thing.B.They should learn how to make more money.C.They should consider if they really need it.D.They should ask advice from other people.(2)What should you do if you really want to buy something? A.Buy it immediatel

    12、y.B.Buy it after some time.C.Ask your parents to buy it for you.D.See how long the desire of buying it will last.(3)How many downstairs windows would Ben wash if he wanted to get $12? A.Five.B.Six.C.Eight.D.Ten.(4)What is the purpose of the passage? A.Tb explain the reasons of saving money.B.To intr

    13、oduce some tips about earning money.C.To give some advice about buying things wisely.D.To explain how to pay for things.【答案】(1)C(2)D(3)B(4)C 【解析】【分析】主要讲了怎样成为一个理智的消费者。(1)推断题。根据How much do you really want?Seeing a $25 gum ball (口香糖球) machine, Ben wanted it at first. But after thinking about it, he tho

    14、ught that it would be exciting for only a day or two. Besides, its impossible for me to chew that much gum, he said wisely.你真的需要多少?可知如果真的有欲望买,那么要考虑是否真的需要它,故选C。(2)推断题。根据Do you still want it a week later?If the thing passes the really-want-it test, try to wait for some time to see how strong the desir

    15、e (欲望) is. This method works for grown-ups too!可知努力等待一段时间看看这个欲望能有多强烈,即欲望能持续多久,故选D。(3)细节题。根据Are there ways to earn money?Ben agreed to wash the downstairs windows at $2 each. 可知Ben清洗楼梯每个2美元,所以12美元清洗6个楼梯,故选B。(4)主旨题。根据 If these suggestions work well, you can save a lot of money. You will be a really sm

    16、art shopper.可知主要讲了怎样成为理智的消费者,故选C。【点评】考查阅读理解。本文涉及细节题、推断题和主旨题三种常考题型,细节题要注意从文中寻找答案;推断题需要联系上下文,推断出需要的信息;主旨题需要通读全文,了解大意之后找出中心思想。3根据短文内容,选择正确答案。D Mr. King works very long hours every day. He usually gets up at 5:30. He brushes his teeth quickly and goes to his workplace (工作地点) at once. Then he runs with s

    17、ome kids. After that he takes a shower. He eats his breakfast at 7:00. His work starts at 8:10. He is good at math and many boys and girls learn math from him. All the kids like him very much. He often talks or plays games with the kids. He usually goes to bed after 22: 00. He is often very tired bu

    18、t he likes his job and loves the kids. He doesnt work on weekends. Mr. King likes reading at home on weekends. Sometimes some kids parents come to his home to talk about their kids. When Monday comes, Mr. King gets busy again. (1)Mr. King works _.A.on Monday and TuesdayB.on weekendsC.from Sunday to

    19、ThursdayD.from Monday to Friday(2)Mr. King has a shower _.A.at 5:00B.at 7:00C.after he brushes his teethD.after he runs(3)Mr. King is good at _.A.EnglishB.mathC.historyD.science(4)Which of the following is NOT true?A.Mr. King usually gets up early.B.Mr. King is usually goes to bed at 22:00.C.Mr. Kin

    20、g likes reading on weekends.D.Mr. King works at a school.【答案】 (1)D(2)D(3)B(4)B 【解析】【分析】短文大意:金先生每天工作时间很长,他早上5:30起床,迅速地刷牙,马上就去他的工作地点,然后带着孩子们跑步,之后淋浴,7:00吃早饭,8:10开始工作。他通常在22:00以后才上床睡觉。金先生经常很疲倦,但是他喜欢他的工作,也喜欢他的孩子们。(1)根据文章内容 Mr. King works very long hours every day. He doesnt work on weekends. 可知金先生周末不上班,故

    21、选D。(2)根据 Then he runs with some kids. After that he takes a shower. 可知金先生跑完步淋浴,故选D。(3)根据 He is good at math and many boys and girls learn math from him. 可知金先生擅长数学,故选B。(4)根据文章内容如 He usually goes to bed after 22: 00. 可知金先生22:00以后才上床睡觉,故选项B错误。【点评】本文浅显易懂,各个小题都能在文中找到适当依据。只要认真阅读短文,注意前后联系,就能顺利完成阅读。文章所设试题主要

    22、考查细节查找,做题关键是找出原文的根据,认真核查小题和原文的异同。4根据短文内容,选择正确答案。C Many children like collecting stamps. Stamps collecting didnt begin until 1854. As time goes on, there are more and more kinds of stamps. These stamps are very beautiful and interesting. There are many wonderful pictures on them. And there are more s

    23、tamp collectors. Not only children but also men and women collect stamps. In 1921, America began selling all kinds of stamps to the collectors. In some countries, there are even lessons on stampcollecting in school. People all over the world are becoming more and more interested in stamps. Each pict

    24、ure on a stamp has its meaning in it. It may be the head of a great leader, a famous scientist or a writer. It may be a beautiful bird or fish. It may be an interesting place. Every stamp tells us a story.(1)Stampcollecting started _.A.in 1845B.in 1921C.in 1854D.in 1912(2)Stampcollectors are _.A.chi

    25、ldrenB.menC.womenD.all the above(3)People can have lessons on stampcollecting _.A.in a few countriesB.in our countryC.in few countriesD.only in America(4)Every picture on a stamp _.A.is the head of a stampcollectorB.tells us something interestingC.has nothing to do with AmericaD.tells us a story abo

    26、ut some schools【答案】 (1)C(2)D(3)A(4)B 【解析】【分析】短文大意:很多孩子喜欢集邮,集邮这种活动直到1854年才开始兴起。随着时间的推移,邮票的种类越来越多,这些邮票非常漂亮也非常有趣。(1)根据文章第二句 Stamps collecting didnt begin until 1854. 可知集邮兴起于 1854年,故选C。(2)根据文章内容 Not only children but also men and women collect stamps. 可知集邮的人群有孩子,男人和女人,故选D。(3)根据文章内容 In some countries, th

    27、ere are even lessons on stampcollecting in school. 可知在一些国家开设集邮课程,some=a few,几个,一些,故选A。(4)根据文章内容 Each picture on a stamp has its meaning in it. 可知邮票上的每一幅图图片都有它的意义,故选B。【点评】要想答好题目,重在理解全文意思。这篇文章非常简单,先看问题,再带着问题阅读短文。这篇短文题目的设置大多是细节寻找题,只需在原文中找到与题目相关的句子或段落即可。5阅读短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 Dear Liz, My stay

    28、 in Thailand has certainly been the experience of my life. Life is busy and exciting. Bangkok is just like any other big city with a population of over 10 million and heavy traffic. Im very lucky because my host family is in a nice quiet area outside the city. There are Mr and Mrs Phairat, their son Sanan, who is 18, t


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