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    1、专四听写训练20篇1. The population Explosion in ChinaChina has the largest population in the world, about 1.2 billion people. Before Liberation there were only 40 million people. But shortly after Liberation in 1949, China began to have a population explosion. The standard of living has been rising and peop

    2、le have obtained better and better housing, while medical care and job security have been improved. As a result, the average life expectancy of our nation is going up rapidly, as well as the birth rate. With a population explosion, a series of other problems will emerge. There will be a lack of land

    3、, food supply, water, fuel and son on in our country. The consequence of the problems will threaten human life.Therefore, in order to stop these terrible consequences, we have used family planning to control the birth rate. At the same time we should take other effective steps to make sure people ev

    4、erywhere continue to limit their families through birth control.2. ClothesClothes are of great use to people. For one thing, they can make ladies prettier and gentlemen more handsome. For another, they can help protect people from wind and cold and so on. In a word, they have a variety of uses.Women

    5、 pay more attention to clothes than men. Some girls think more about them and try their best to keep up with the latest fashions, while some young men just buy what suits them and what they can afford. In China, even some old women nowadays also care deeply about the style of their clothes.My opinio

    6、n of clothes is this: to be well dressed neednt mean beaning luxuriously dressed, though I work hard to earn as much money as possible to dress myself up. I like to dress in my own style. As long as something suits my style, it is fine for me.3. Thrift Thrift is a good habit for everyone, especially

    7、 students who are still supported by their parents. For it is by no means easy for their parents to earn money in the present day. There are many English proverbs which set forth the advantages of thrift. One of the best known is: Take care of the pennies, and the pounds will take care of themselves

    8、. It is thrift that makes us rich or successful in life.However, there is a popular belief among people that students have formed wasteful habits. When you go into the dining hall, you will find out they waste a lot of rice. Moreover, wasting time, effort and money are common among them. Those who s

    9、poil the pages of their books are not cultivating thrifty habits. In a word, waste is becoming a big problem at universities, so we should take steps to bring it under control.4. Cheating in TestsMore and more students are cheating in exams. It is now considered to be a major problem at colleges and

    10、 universities. In every exam, some students feel the temptation to sneak a look at their neighbors tests, or at textbooks. Some students even take tests for other ones. According to a recent poll, 40 percent of students have admitted to cheating in exams at least once during their college life. Ther

    11、e are indications that such dishonesty is on the increase.Colleges and universalities across our country have decided to take steps against students cheating, For instance, students cheating are not given marks, or some of them are criticized publicly. But none of these measures work effectively. We

    12、 ought to make all students realize that if they cheat on exams, they will be dishonest in their future work, and in the end, they will be entirely dishonest men.5. RecreationWe all regard recreation as part of our life, for it is impossible to keep in good health unless we take sufficient relaxatio

    13、n. The mind, too, requires change to make it acute and vigorous. There is much truth in the old proverb, “all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.”Of course, everyone should relax according to his own circumstances. People who sit a lot at work should choose a kind of recreation that will exercis

    14、e their muscles. Some examples are: football, tennis, kite-flying, boating, cycling, and dancing. Those who spend most of their time in the open air and constantly employ their muscles should adopt reading or some other quite form of recreation.However, some young men spend their leisure hours indul

    15、ging themselves in gambling, drinking or other bad activities. Improper means of killing time not only waste valuable time, but also do great harm to the person concerned.Dictation 6-106. Education in ChinaEducation is highly valued in China. According to the law, everyone must, as a minimum, attend

    16、 elementary and middle schools. And colleges, universities and special schools have been established for students to study in. In addition, we have sent many students abroad so that they can absorb more advanced science and technology, and improve and develop our countrys economy.In our times, consi

    17、derable education is indispensable for anyone who wishes to play a role in society. With the development of science and technology, more and more courses are being offered, even at primary and secondary levels. And greeter emphasis is put on the practical side, as compared with education in the past

    18、.However, there are still some problems in our country. For example, in the countryside, a large number of people can not read and write, even not knowing how to write their names and so on. Our government and all the people are making efforts to wipe out illiteracy.7. HobbiesDifferent people may ha

    19、ve different hobbies. Some like reading novels, painting pictures or listening to music; some like traveling around, playing ball, climbing mountains and some enjoy collecting things, such as stamps, books, shells and insect specimens.Why do people like taking up hobbies? It is because hobbies can p

    20、rovide people with knowledge and enjoyment. They can also help you feel relaxed after your busy day at work. Anyone, young or old, can develop a satisfying hobby.Today people have more time than even before for hobbies. With the development of science and technology, machines have reduced the amount

    21、 of time people have to spend on their jobs and their housework. They can save more time for hobbies and enjoy themselves in their spare time now.8. Health Health is the foundation of ones future success. This is because health gives us strength and happiness. If you are healthy, you can do whatever

    22、 you need to do to realize your hopes. On the other hand, if you are sick, it is impossible for you to go on with your work or studies.How can we have good health? Firstly, forming good habits is very important, including getting up and going to bed early. Secondly, doing exercise every day will hel

    23、p to strengthen you not only physically, but also mentally. Thirdly, a proverb says “prevention is better than cure”. Try your best to keep fit and avoid getting sick, or cure yourself of a disease while it is still at an early stage.In conclusion, nothing is more valuable than health. With good hea

    24、lth, you can study and work efficiently; you can achieve more success and make a greater contribution to society.9. FriendshipFriendship is very important in ones life. A good friend is truly a person of the highest value. Many of us may have several friends, but true friendship is not easy to achie

    25、ve.There is a saying “A friend in need is a friend indeed.” A good friend is always there when you need him. He will try every effort to help you if he can.We know friendship works in two ways. If you want live and respect from your friends, you must give them your love and respect. You should also

    26、help them when they are in trouble, encourage them when they need it, and cheer them up when they are sad.Nothing in the world is more treasured than a true friend in ones life. If you have made a good friend, put every possible effort into keeping and developing your friendship 10. How to improve y

    27、our spoken EnglishMany English learners have found that speaking is the most difficult aspect of learning English. They seem to know the Basic English language structures, but feel awkward and embarrassed in situations where a conversation in English is needed.This does not mean that those learners

    28、are unable to organize their ideas in English. The problem lies in their lack of confidence and practice. They are afraid of making mistakes and losing face.The best way to improve your speaking is to build up confidence in yourself and open your mouth whenever you get the chance. Everyone makes mis

    29、takes when he or she is learning a language. Dont be shy. Only by speaking more can you speak better English.Dictation 11-1511. Mothers kitchenMy mothers kitchen is not large, but it is clean. It faces north and is next to our sitting-room. The walls of the kitchen are spotless with snow-white china

    30、-bricks. A well-designed cabinet hangs over head. All the cooking utensils, such as bowls, plates, pots and a gas-stove, are polished. Knives, spoons and brushes are hanging in their places on the wall.The kitchen is my mothers favorite place, in which she cooks delicious food for us everyday. Every

    31、 morning, the savory smell from the kitchen wakes me up. I like the familiar smell from mothers kitchen, and I love my mother.12. Spring TimeSpring, the loveliest and most welcome of the four seasons, has come again. The sprouts of willows are coming up. The grasses and the leaves are green and full

    32、 of fresh scents. Everything has come to life again after long suffering from the cold and dreadful winter. Spring is also a season which prepares us to do our work. But some young men are apt to spend this good time in pleasure and idleness. They have no desire to study so as to widen the scope of their knowledge during this season. It is a pity that they do not know the famous saying that the plan for the year should be made in the spring, and we should make full use of our time to prepare for the whole year.13. Sports in Our CountryTennis is the most popu


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