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    1、写作及万能模块写作及万能模块一 写作作文构思及列提纲考试作文一般要求考生在30分钟内写出一篇完整的作文。考生首先要仔细阅读题目要求,用5分钟时间构思内容、写出提纲,再用25分钟写正文。一般的作文题目(如说明文)是要求考生对某问题进行说明,运用某些方法加以解释。考生应考虑如何使读者了解你所说明的问题。议论文则常常是要考生比较和证明两种对立的观点,考生要支持一种观点,反驳另一种观点。考生应考虑举出什么论据才能说服读者接受你的观点或劝说。图表作文则要求考生对图表加以描述和解释。作文是考核学生逻辑思维、展开和理清思路、以充分论据证明、并用规范英语进行写作的能力。例如:人们在业余时间喜欢从事各种不同的活

    2、动。有些人喜欢动,如跑步、打篮球、踢足球或游泳;有些人则喜欢静,如绘画、读书看报、听音乐。比较一下这两种业余活动方式。问题:Which type of activity are you likely to choose? Why?显而易见,该问题要求你说明这两种活动方式的特点或利弊,然后提出你的观点并说明理由,举出例证。第一步:尽快写下你所能想到的有关这个话题的所有想法。暂不考虑这些想法的好与坏,可用词、短语、或缩略形式,暂不加以组织。如:Active activitiesjogging football swimming make body strong good for heart and

    3、 healthMany people do exercise to keep fitmake friends work together,therefore teamworkQuiet activitiescalm relax therefore good for the minddiscussing listening to music interesting going to movies,concerts etc. wonderfulindividualmy preferred type of activityreasonsexamples第二步: 看一下所写出的词或短语, 再看一下问题

    4、, 对所写的文字进行组织、分类、分层次,剔去无关的。第三步:写出提纲I. Active activitiesA Healthy for body1 Good for heart2 Makes you strong B Group activities1 Make friends2 Learn to work togetherteamworkII. Quiet activitiesA. Healthy for the mind1.You can be calm2.You can relax3.Enrich your knowledge 4.Improve your moralityB. Exam

    5、ples 1.Listening to music is interesting2.going to movies, and concerts is wonderfulIII. My preferred type of activityA. Reasons B. Examples 第四步: 展开提纲, 写成完整作文。构思在作文过程中十分重要,这是制订计划的过程,不要误以为是浪费时间。古人云“磨刀不误砍柴功”, 说的就是这个道理。句子写作句子是构成段落、文章的基本单位。首先,一个句子要表达一个完整的意思;其次句子要符合语法规则;再其次句中词语搭配要符合习惯用法,力避出现Chinglish(中文式

    6、英语)。句子结构要完整(即:符合五大基本句型1.主语+系动词+表语; 2.主语+谓语(状语) 3.主语+谓语+宾语(或: 间接宾语+直接宾语)) 4.主语 +谓语+宾语+宾语补足语 5.There be +主语+状语),努力避免句子成分残缺不全。造句时力求简洁明瞭,能用单词表达清楚的就不用短语,能用短语表达清楚的就不用句子,能用简单句表达清楚的就不用复杂句。在写句子时,下列错误应力求避免:1 残缺不全句 如:1) The football game was cancelled. Because most of the players were in bed with flu. 应改成: The

    7、 football game was cancelled, because most of the players were in bed with flu.2) The film star is famous not only for her attractive appearance but for her successful performance in the play. 应改成: The film star is famous not only for her attractive appearance but for her successful performance in t

    8、he play as well.3)Such comments neither contribute nor detract from his reputation. 应改成: Such comments neither contribute to nor detract from his reputation.4)The receptionist places a single room for me to live. 应改成: The receptionist places a single room for me to live in.5)He had a need and an int

    9、erest in learning a second foreign language. 应改成: He had a need in and an interest in learning a second foreign language.6)He likes his dog more than his wife. 应改成: He likes his dog more than his wife does.7)Suzhou is nearer to Hangzhou than Nanjing. 应改成: Suzhou is nearer to Hangzhou than Nanjing is

    10、.2. 连写句 1) He came to class late this morning, his mother suddenly fell ill, he had to look after her. 应改成: He came to class late this morning because his mother suddenly fell ill, and he had to look after her. 2)I didnt want to talk to my brother I pretended to be asleep. 应改成: I didnt want to talk

    11、to my brother so I pretended to be asleep.3. 悬垂修饰语(非谓语动词短语与形容词短语的逻辑主语与句子主语不一致) 1)After graduating from middle school, my parents sent me to Britain to receive college education. 应改成: After I graduated from middle school, my parents sent me to Britain to receive college education. 或改成: After graduati

    12、ng from middle school, I was sent to Britain to receive college education. 2)I failed the exam last month, consequently, causing me to feel sad for a week. 应改成: I failed the exam last month, which caused me to feel sad for a week. 3)Seeing from the surrounding mountains, the lake down below is like

    13、a new moon. 应改成: Seen from the surrounding mountains, the lake down below is like a new moon. 4)Returning to his apartment, his wallet was found missing. 应改成: Returning to his apartment, he found his wallet missing. 5)To learn English well, much practice is necessary. 应改成: To learn English well, we

    14、need much practice6)Afraid to eat any more food, the waiter removed it from his table. 应改成: Afraid to eat any more food, he asked the waiter to remove it from his table.4.赘词句(即: 句子不够简洁明快) 1)In my opinion, I think your plan is feasible. 应改成: I think your plan is feasible. 或者: In my opinion, your plan

    15、 is feasible. 2)Learning a foreign language is important to us who are students. 应改成: Learning a foreign language is important to us students. 3)My sister accompanied me to go to the airport. 应改成: My sister accompanied me to the airport. 4)We find the situation that exists at the moment is urgent. 应

    16、改成: We find the situation at the moment is urgent. 5)The chairman will give the explanation of the reason for the delay of it. 应改成: The chairman will explain the reason for its delay. 6)The government has decided to improve the living conditions of the people better. 应改成: The government has decided

    17、to improve the living conditions of the people. 7)The factory was close to the point of being at bankruptcy. 应改成: The factory was almost bankrupt. 8)It is a good idea to be careful in buying or purchasing magazines from sellers who may come to your door. 应改成: It is a good idea to be careful in buyin

    18、g magazines from sellers who may come to your door.此外, 写句子时, 要尽量多用常用词, 避免使用没有把握的词。平时养成抄写、熟记名言警句及精彩表达句子的好习惯。例如: Failure is the mother of success.Well begun is half done. More haste, less speed. Haste makes waste. Health is not valued till sickness comes. Genius is one per cent inspiration and ninety-

    19、nine per cent perspiration. A good book is a best friend who never turns his back upon us. Actions speak louder than words. Alls well that ends well. All work and no play make Jack a dull boy.Beauty is but skin-deep. Beggars cant be choosers.Better be the head of an ass than the tail of a horse.A bi

    20、rd in the hand is worth two in the bush.Birds of a feather flock together.A burnt child fears the fire.Easy come, easy go.Where there is a will, there is a way.A friend in need is a friend indeed. Honesty is the best policy.If you want peace, prepare for war.Its never too late to mend.Look before yo

    21、u leap.Out of sight,out of mind.Still waters run deep.A barking dog seldom bites.We know not what is good until we have lost it. Money makes the mare go.Love is blind.Money is the root of all evil.Never do things by halves.One mans meat is another mans poison. 名言警句用词简洁、结构严谨、寓意深刻,可作为说服力很强的论据。 学会使用关联词

    22、。关联词语是将文章前后连贯一致的手段。它的作用就是使相互关联的词与词、句子与句子、段落与段落自然衔接起来。读者可根据它们准确地理解作者所要表达的意思。例如: He works hard at mathematics. He is not interested in it. 改成: Although he works hard at mathematics, he is not interested in it. 或者, He is not interested in mathematics. However, he works hard at it. 表示相同的或类似的逻辑关系, 还可以用不同

    23、的关联词语。如: (1) The river is polluted. (2) All the living things in it have become extinct. (1)表示原因 cause(2)表示结果 effect 可连接如下: as a result of which consequently so therefore thusThe river is polluted, as a result, all the livings have become extinct. because of this for this reason hence owing to which

    24、段落写作 段落是由句子组成的。构成段落的句子有三种:1 主题句(The topic sentence):表示该段的中心思想(the main idea),特点是概括性。一个段落一般只有一个主题句,主题句位置一般在句首。2 扩展句(Developing sentences):对主题句起支持或说明作用的句子(supporting details)。其特点是表义较具体;3 结尾句(The concluding sentence):也叫结论句,总结段落主旨大意的句子。由上述可知,段落的基本结构如下图所示:主题句(1) 扩展句(2) 扩展句(3) 扩展句(4) 扩展句 结尾句例如:主题句: There

    25、are various reasons why people are fond of challenges.扩展句(1): What often attracts one is curiosity.扩展句(2): Usually people show a strong interest in anything unknown to them.扩展句(3): The next reason is that people are motivated by the attempt of makingachievements. 结尾句: Many people often take a great

    26、pride in their power of rising to challenges.段落结构应严谨。主题句应具高度概括性,着墨可以不多,但应开明宗义地提出论点,此即所谓开门见山;扩展句之间应连贯、流畅,并与主题句关系密切,围绕主题句展开,起到支持主题句的作用。结尾句应自然顺势,既不能太突然结束,草草收场,也不能偏离正文主题,来个画蛇添足,尤其不能与全篇发生矛盾,难以自圆其说。整段应浑然一体,条理清楚,逻辑性强。文章写作 初学写作者可用三段式来练一般题目的写作。各部分功能如下:I 引言(Introduction):提出或者引出话题、论点。文字要简洁,通常用一到三个句子即可。开头要写得新颖得

    27、体,富有吸引力,才能勾起读者的阅读兴趣。 以下为引言段的常用写作方法(1)引语。如: A proverb says:“Time is money.” But in my opinion, time is even more precious than money. Why? Because when money is used up, we can earn more. However, when time is gone, we will lose it for ever. This is the reason why we must value time. (2)提出别人的观点及论据,以便

    28、在正文中通过驳论、对比的方式来证明自己观点的正确性。如:Some people think that the urgent task is to develop economy on a large scale. Many people, especially in rural areas, are living in poverty. Many children cannot afford to receive the compulsory education. They believe that the only way to get rid of poverty is well-deve

    29、loped economy that is bound to bring prosperity. (3)定义法和举例法。如: Pollution refers to all the ways by which man pollutes his surroundings. Man pollutes surroundings in various ways. Man dirties the air with gases and smoke, poisons the water with chemicals and other substances and damages the soil with

    30、 too much fertilizer and pesticide. Nearly everyone causes pollution in some way. With the rapid development of modern cities, urban vegetation has been greatly reduced. For example, trees have been cut down to make room for new apartment blocks. For another example, public gardens and grassland hav

    31、e been replaced by parking lots. As a result, cities are no longer as green as before. II正文(Body):说明或论证部分。作者运用某些方法对所提出的问题进行说明,或对所提出的观点,举出充分的论据进行论证。正文部分要注意合理安排层次,使文章内容上下连贯前后呼应,脉络清楚,结构严谨,浑然一体。 III结尾(Conclusion):通过论证而得出的结论。结尾要简短,通常用一、两个概括性的句子即可。结尾要写得简洁、巧妙,才能令读者思索回味,加深印象。开头、结尾的写法可能会多种多样,但都是为了表现与深化主题,为了增

    32、强文章的表达效果。二 英语写作速成模块Models for English Writing模块作文快速写作流程: Step 1: 解读题意, 确定主题, 勾画简图(根据题目提纲段首句确定命题形式,确立观点论据,罗列提纲或关键词);Step 2: 选择模块(依据命题形式快速选定合适模块);Step 3: 依图填空, 丰富细节(将具体内容有选择的填入模块。注意多种句式运用,长短句交替出现,连接词的运用,恰如其分地运用修辞手段使文章有闪光点);Step 4: 修改文章, 杜绝错误(避免语法错误,如:主谓是否一致,时态是否对头,语态、语气是否正确,词组搭配是否合乎习惯等);A. 观点类模块1 对立观点类模块Different people


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