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    Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804~1864)25页PPT.pptx

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    Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804~1864)25页PPT.pptx

    1、Chief works,The Twice-Told Tales(1837)Hawthornes first collection of short stories.It first brought his name to the attention of the public and the critical circle.Mosses from an Old Manse(1846)His second collection of short stories.Finished while he was working as a surveyor of the Customs House.Th

    2、e Scarlet Letter(1850)It proved a literary sensation which established Hawthorne as the great American novelist.,It received wide recognition and became Hawthornes masterpiece and one of the worlds classics in the end.,The House of the Seven Gables(1851)It is based on the tradition of a curse pronou

    3、nced on the authors family when his great grandfather was a judge in the Salem witchcraft.The Marble Faun(1860)a story on the theme that evil educates and the confrontation with evil will elevate your soul-the tragic rise is born out of fortunate fall.,Thematic Concerns,Hawthornes fiction shows the

    4、effect of time and history,esp.the relationship between the past and the present.His fiction explores the source of evil;the inner world of man and examines the effect of sin and guilt.His fiction reveals the moral isolation of the individual versus community.His fiction explores the tension between

    5、 the head(the intellect)and the heart(the feelings)as well as the destructive impulse of the human mind(id),His fiction highlights the holiness of the individual and the necessity of human relationship.StyleHawthorne wrote in the form of romance and allegory.Hawthorne used symbols and settings to re

    6、veal the psychology of the characters.Hawthornes style is soft,flowing,easy in transition.His touch is light,but his observation is somber.He used ambiguity to help the reader in a world of uncertainty.To create the ambiguity,he often employed the technique of multiple views.,Literary Terms,Romancea

    7、 form of narrative writing originated from the medieval time that deals with exciting and chivalric adventures by heroes.In modern times a romance is usually a love story,esp.a sentimental one,but it can also be any adventures that include a long theme.Allegorya form of narrative writing in which th

    8、e people,objects or events are used symbolocally to put across a particular meaning(usually moral or religious),The Analysis of Young Goodman BrownIts an allegory about the moral condition of man.Its symbolic of the universal process of mans initiation from innocence to maturity.It best exemplifies

    9、Hawthornes views of evil and its dominance over human souls.,Analysis of Scarlet Letter,Para 1Whats Hesters reaction to the confronted shame?What would sustain her to survive the torture?Whats her attitude to law?Whats her anticipation for her future life?,Analysis of Scarlet Letter,Paragraph 2-3Wha

    10、ts the authors rationalization of her choice to remain in England?What does this show about Hawthornes view of sin and penance?Another reason for her to remain in England is secret.What is it?Paragraph 4.Whats Hesters dwelling place like?What atmosphere is created through the description of the surr

    11、oundings?Para.5How does Hester manage to support herself and her children?,Analysis of Scarlet Letter,PARA.6How popular is Hesters sewing?Why is there an exception?Para.7What kind of life does Hester lead?What special meaning is endowed upon Hesters needle work?,Analysis of Dr.Heideggers Experiment,

    12、Heideggers study:If all stories were true,Dr.Heideggers study must have been a very curious place.It was a dim,old-fashioned chamber,festooned with cobwebs,and besprinkled with antique dust.Around the walls stood several oaken bookcases,the lower shelves of which were filled with rows of gigantic fo

    13、lios and black-letter quartos,and the upper with little parchment-covered duodecimos.Over the central bookcase was a bronze bust of Hippocrates,with which,accordingto some authorities,Dr.Heidegger was accustomed to hold consultations in all difficult cases of his practice.In the obscurest corner of

    14、the room stood a tall and narrow oaken closet,with its door ajar,within which doubtfully appeared a skeleton.Between two of the bookcases hung a looking-glass,presenting its high and dustyplate within a tarnished gilt frame.Among many wonderful stories related of this mirror,it was fabled that the s

    15、pirits of all the doctors deceased patients dwelt within its verge,and,Analysis of Dr.Heideggers Experiment,would stare him in the face whenever he looked thitherward.The opposite side of the chamber was ornamented with the full-length portrait of a young lady,arrayed in the faded magnificence of si

    16、lk,satin,and brocade,and with a visage as faded as her dress.Above half a century ago,Dr.Heidegger had been on the point of marriage with this young lady;but,being affected with some slight disorder,she had swallowed one of her lovers prescriptions,and died on thebridal evening.The greatest curiosit

    17、y of the study remains to be mentioned;it was a ponderous folio volume,bound in black leather,with massive silver clasps.There were no letters on the back,and nobody could tell the title of the book.But it was well known to be a book of magic;and once,when a chambermaid had lifted it,merelyto brush

    18、away the dust,the skeleton had rattled in its closet,the picture of the young lady had stepped one foot upon the floor,and several ghastly faces had peeped forth from the mirror;while the brazen head of Hippocrates frowned,and said,-Forbear!,Analysis of Dr.Heideggers Experiment,倘种种传言无误,海大夫的书房一定非比寻常。

    19、这屋子阴暗破旧,蛛 网垂垂,灰尘厚厚。沿墙一溜橡木书橱,底层挤满巨大的对开本与黑 体字的四开本。上层是羊皮纸封面的十二开本。中间的书橱上摆一尊希波克拉底的铜像,据可靠消息,海大夫每遇疑难病症就向这位医 家鼻祖讨教。屋子最阴暗的角落,立着一只又高又细的橡木柜,柜门 虚掩,里头多半是具骷髅。有两只书橱之间挂着块镜子,高大的镜面 盖满灰尘,镜框的镀金业已褪色。与这镜子相关的奇谈之一是,被海 大夫治死的病人亡魂就住在镜子里,只要他朝镜子瞧一眼,亡魂们就 对他怒目而视。书橱对面装饰着一幅全身画像,画中人是位年轻女郎;浑身绫罗绸缎,容颜与那身华服一样日久褪色。半个多世纪以前,海 大夫差点儿就娶了这位姑娘,

    20、可惜由于忙中出错,小姐误吞恋人一剂 药,婚礼前夜芳魂悠悠出窍。这座书房怪中之怪还没说呢。那是一部 笨重硕大的对开本书籍,黑皮装帧,巨大的银搭扣。封面无字,无人 知晓此书标题。但谁都知道此书具有魔法。有一回,女仆抬起它来,不过想刷刷灰尘,木柜里的骷髅便格格乱响,画中女郎也抬起一只脚走下地板,大镜子里探出好几张鬼脸,而希波克拉底的铜像则眉头一 皱,斥道:“别动!”,Analysis of Dr.Heideggers Experiment,section IWhat importance does a rose play in the story?Who was Sylvia Ward?Where

    21、did Dr.Heidegger get the water in the vase?Describe the“magic”water.Why doesnt Dr.Heidegger wantto be young again?How did the guests react to Dr.Heideggers suggestion that they draw up a few general rules for their guidance?,Analysis of Dr.Heideggers Experiment,section IIWhy did the characters have

    22、to be the kind one could not admire?Did their actions after drinking the magic liquid impress you as funny or sad?What is Hawthornes answer to the question on which the story hinges:would we live our lives differently if we could live them over?Do you agree with his conclusion?What value is there in

    23、 speculatingon a situation that could not happen in actual life?,Analysis of Dr.Heideggers Experiment,What is the function of the mirror in the story?Do you feel that this manipulation adds to or detracts from the effectiveness of thestory as a whole?Which elements in the story are romantic?Which ar

    24、e realistic?Was it good to have a ratio of three men to one woman?Why not two men and two women?Why do you think Hawthornechose a woman who in her youth had been courted by the men?,Analysis of Dr.Heideggers Experiment,Is the story an allegory?If so,in what way?What symbols,if any,are used?How does

    25、this story illustrate Hawthornes writing in terms of theme and techniques.Analyze this story in terms of the related principles of short story writing formulatedEdgar Allan Poe.(refer to page 69Highlight),Review of Poes Formulation of Short Story,According to Poe:the primary purpose of a short story

    26、 is to create an effect,then the writer may proceed to find the events and characters in aid of constructing the effect.The very first sentence of the story should bring out this effect.A short story must be work of brevity-to be read at one sitting.It should be the work with totality of effect-the

    27、unity of tone,setting,characters etc.No word should be used which doesnt contribute to the“pre-established design”of the work.It is the work of authenticity and finality-the last sentence should leave the reader with a sense of finality.,Analysis of Dr.Heideggers Experiment,PlotAn eccentric aging ph

    28、ysician,Dr.Heidegger,calls together his old friends and contemporaries to test his waters of the fountain of youth.As the doctor himself sits by to enjoy the show,each of his four aged friends eagerly quaffs more and more of the magic potion,each draught further carrying them backwards into their sh

    29、ared youth.Having grown young,smooth-skinned and agile again,the three men begin to fight for the favors of the fourth compatriot now restored to her former beauty.,Analysis of Dr.Heideggers Experiment,In the heat of the fracas,they begin to grow tired and knock over the glass and splash the magic w

    30、ater.Within minutes the effect of the water has worn off.The participants in the brief respite from old age are devastated by the transience of the experience.Despite Heideggers warning that he has learned to appreciate the advantage of age by watching the four of them make themselves fools,they lea

    31、rned no such lesson and resolve to make a pilgrimage to Florida to seek the Fountain.,Analysis of Dr.Heideggers Experiment,Characters,Dr.Heidegger-a scientist who is the protagonist of the story.Colonel Killigrew-a man who throughout his life has had many different sexual partners and many different

    32、 pleasures.Mr.Medbourne-once a rich merchant who lost most of his money gambling,but claimed that he lost it in a stock investment.Mr.Gascoigne-a politician whose career was cut short.Widow Wycherly-formerly a beautiful woman loved by the three gentlemen.When the four drink the liquid,she becomes be

    33、autiful again and everybody starts to compete for her hand.,Analysis of Dr.Heideggers Experiment,CommentDr.Heideggers Experiment is a short story written by Nathaniel Hawthorne and published in 1837.In the allegorical tale,Dr.Heidegger experiments on four of his friends by offering them water from the fountain of youth.This gives them the ability to grow young once again.All four,who have led wast


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