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    1、外研版三起小学英语四年级下册期末考试复习精外研版(三起四年级英语下册期末试卷一、选择题专练1.( - What language(语言 do they speak in America? -They speak_A. ChineseB. EnglishC. American2.( Lets _ an English newspaperA. make B .made C. making3.( This planet is near to the sun, its _A. hotB. cold C big4.( Will you see Big Ben? _A. Yes, h e willB. Y

    2、es, I willC. Yes, I will not5.( He is going to_ to EnglandA.goB. went C .going6.( Hainan is in the_ of ChinaA. eastB. southC. north7. ( -Where is Shanghai? - Its _ the south of QingdaoA. toB. inC. on8.( I _ going to visit Grandpas farm.A. isB. amC. are9.( Dont _ on the grassA. walkB.walkedC.walks10.

    3、( -Where will you go? -I _A. going to AmericaB. will go to CanadaC.am going to go to America11. It is a book _London.A inB ofC about12. Beijing is the capital _ ChinaA ofB aboutC in13. Will they take the ball?A Yes, I will.B No, I will.C No ,they wont.14. I_go swimming _Monday.A will ;inB am;onC wil

    4、l; on15. I t will be _in Beijing.A windB windyC rain16. Will it be sunny in Hangzhou ?A Yes ,it willB No, it won”t17._is Beijing ? It is in the north .A WhereB WhoC What18.He _tall then, he was shortA wasB wasntC is19. _ Monday he will go to the parkA OnB InC A t20 Was Sam fat then ?A Yes ,he wasB N

    5、o,he wasnt C,Yes ,she was21. _is that girl ? It is Ling lingA WhoB WhatC Where22. It is also _the USAA callB called C.calls23. My cousin Dalong _thereA liveB lives C.lived24.They_young then, now they _oldA are wereB were areC was is25. We went _a bike ride yesterdayA ofB for26. He fell_the bikeA off

    6、B of C.down27.He had two watermelons yesterday,_today he had a stomachacheA andB soC too28.We listened _music yesterdayA toB onC in29.What happened _your head ?A inB toC at30.Did you cook fish yesterday?A Yes, I didB No ,I didnt C. No,.I did.31.I _ten then, .Now I _13A am; wasB was;amC were ;am32.I

    7、can play _table tennis , but I cant play _ zither .A. the /B. the theC. / the33. Today is Monday . Tomorrow is _.A. WendesdayB. TuesdayC. Sunday34.- Did Sam help mum? - .A.Yes , he didnt.B. No , he dont.C. Yes , he did.35. Mount Qomolangma is _ than Mount Tai.A. higherB. smallerC. longer36. - _the l

    8、ittle boy in the photo? - Its me.A. WhereB. WhoC. Whose37. This is a new book _food .A. fromB. aboutC. for38. - People speak English in America. - .A.Thats rightB. Youre welcomeC. Sorry , I cant.39. We sang and danced. And then we _ .A. to stopB. stoppedC. Stopped40.- I think this girl is better tha

    9、n the first girl. - Yes , _.A. I amB. I dont think so .C. I agree.41.I am going to play football_ Saturday.A inB onC at42. It will _ in Beijing tomorrow.A windyB coldC rain43. Tom is _ than Daming.A higherB tallC shorter44 .Tony cant play _ guitar, but he can play _ table tennis.A the , /B /, theC t

    10、he , the45 .People speak _ in Sanya.A JapaneseB ChineseC English46. _ they have a picnic tomorrow?A DidB AreC Will47. I think the girl is _ than the boy.A baderB worseC good48 .Yesterday, Amy _her mum cook.A helpedB will helpC is helping (49. Next week(下周 , Sam and Daming _ for a bike.A wentB is goi

    11、ngC will go50. Did you _ a watermelon yesterday?A hadB buyC bought51、Beijing is the capital _ China.A、inB、offC、of52、-Will robots do everything? -No, they _.A、wontB、willC、arent53、Both Amy and Tom like playing the zither, but Amy is much _ than Tom.A、goodB、betterC、best54、Peter _cute then and he _two y

    12、ears old.A、was, wasB、is, wasC、was, is55Yesterday, I _ an accident on the way to Super Park.A、haveB、hadC、has56、Look at _ little sister, she is so cute.A、AmyB、AmysC、Amys57、I _take my kite and my ball on SaturdayA、amB、willC、was58、We _ our grandparents last weekend.A、visitsB、visitC、visited59、Young Sam f

    13、ell _ his bike.A、ofB、offC、on60、The watermelon on Toms bike _ my head yesterday.A、bumpB、bumpedC、bumping61、We _ for a bike ride last night.A、goB、goesC、went62、It _ at last night.A、happenB、happenedC、happens63、The day after Saturday is _ .A、ThursdayB、FridayC、Sunday64、Sam is _ than Lingling.A、tallB、taller

    14、C、tallest65、It _be windy in Beijing.A、goingB、isC、will66、We are _ to have a picnic.A、goB、goingC、goes67、Tian an men Square(天安门广场 is in Beijing. Its very _.A、longB、newC、big68、I will go to play basketball tomorrow, because it will be _.A、coldB、windyC、sunny69. Amys house is small_ very beautiful .A. orB.

    15、 butC. of70.They young then,they old.A.was; wereB.were ;werentC.wasnt:;was二、翻译下列短语:1 、做家务2、做蛋糕3、在北京4、帮助孩子们学习5、做我们的作业6、The Weather Tomorrow7、be hot8、listen to music9、I dont know 10、be cloudy 11.去野餐 _ 12 拉二胡 _ 13得了感冒 _ 14总有一天 _ 15 和-玩耍_ 16 长城 _ 17长江_18请安静 _ 19有一点 20.读书21 去公园21 a naughty boy _ 22 a bea

    16、utiful house _ 23 help children learn _ 24 cloudy clouds _ 25 fall off _26 长城_ 27患感冒_三、连词成句1、will What weather the tomorrow be ?2 、it Will hot today be ?3 、wont do They homework our .4 、can play Robots football now5、in be Harbin It cold will .6 a bike ride Sam and for I went yesterday7 to some you t

    17、alk did friends yesterday ?8 girls is worse Tom than the9 what you do on Monday will ?10 will one day do they everything ?11 mum, his , Sam, help ,did ?12 America , is .capital, Washington D.C. the , of13 wasnt, She , young, then14 one , I , this , better , first , the , think , girl, is , than15 ra

    18、in , Tianjin , in , It will16.east、beautiful、the、is、house、the、in、.17.longer, train, the, than, bus, the, is , .18.will, Thursday, what, do, on, Daming , ?19 England, is, London, capital, the, of , .20. fish, mother, did, for, your, yesterday, cook, dinner, ? .21. Kite, tomorrow, you, your, will, tak

    19、e. ?22 . go, Ill , swimming, Monday, on. .23 . capital, England, of, is , London, the. .24 . teacher, a , nice, she, is. .25 . on, do, my, Ill, Thursday, homework. .26is, This , my , mother (.27. can, walk , It (.28.go swimming, Ill , on Monday(. 29.Lingling , taller , than , Amys. 30.it ,Will , in

    20、Beijing, be windy, ?31 a, boy, nice, very, Xiaoyong, is.32 is, England, the, of, London, capital .33 on, have, we, a, picnic, are, to, Saturday, going .34 you, play, football, will, on, Monday, wont, no, I, .35 speak, in, people, New York, English .36 will What weather the tomorrow be ?37 it Will hot today be?38、in be Harbin It cold will .39、can play Robots football now .40、wont do They homework our .


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