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    1、上海初三英语二模基础部分易错题2014 二模易错题IChoose the best.1.Do you have to wear _ uniform if you work at McDonlds?(杨浦)a)a b)an c)the d)/2.The Chinese _ the first to use paper money, probably as early as the eleventh century.a)is b)are c)was d)were3.They are looking for someone who is familiar _ computers.a)to b)wit

    2、h c)at d)for4.-_do you go to the after-school activity centre?-Once a week.a)How long b)How often c)How soon d)How many times5.This pair of shoes is too small for me. Can you show me _ pair?a)other b)others c)another d)the others6.If I cant finish _my homework now, Ill go on with it after supper.a)d

    3、o b)doing c)did d)to do7.Over 20 countries joined to search _ Flight MH370 in the southern Indian Ocean.(黄浦) a)of b)for c)in d)from8.-Did you see Mary and her sister this morning?-Yes, I saw _ girls playing in the playground.a)either b)neither c)any d)both9.This summer vocation I am going to do a lo

    4、t of _ to prepare for the senior high school.a)job b)work c)invention d)service10.It is said that a wooden bridge _ over the river in the mountain village soon.a)build b)will be built c)will build d)built11.-_ will your parents come back to Shanghai?-Maybe in a month. a)How far b)How many c)How soon

    5、 d)How often12.At the meeting the boss was explaining his plan while his secretary _ the notes.a)is taking b)was taking c)has taken d)takes13.Some naughty boys like to play _ trick on their classmates on April Fools Day. (虹口)a)a b)an c)the d)/14.We were all _ favor of this plan after we discussed fo

    6、r about two hours. a)at b)in c)to d)on15.While in college, Mak never minded _ extra work for his class.a)to do b)doing c)do d)extra16.Get prepared _ you can set out immediately if something happens.a)after b)since c)while d)so that17.My little brother hopes _ the film Dad, Where are WE Going, though

    7、 he has seen it twice. a)to see b)see c)to seeing d)saw18.Its not safe for you to go to the forest alone, for you _ lose your way in it.a)need b)must c)should d)may19.What are you hoping to do when you leave _ school?a)the b)/ c)a d)an20.The reports says _of the two countries in Asia supports the wa

    8、r.a)neither b)none c)both d)all21.Please hold _ a minute. Let me get a pen to write down your message.a)at b)in c)with d)on22.The pack of pencils to our school wasnt delivered, _ it?a)did b)didnt c)was d)wasnt23.-_ have you talked with your friends on WeChat?-Since this morning.a)How far b)How tall

    9、c)how soon d)How long24.Look at the crowded cinema! The film _ be popular. Shall we go and see it?a)need b)ought to c)must d)has to25.-Hows everything going? - _.a)Thats all right. b)Fine. Thanks. c)I dont know d)Nothing.26.Jim is an engineer to take care of the environment. Today he has a new proje

    10、ct _.a)to do b)do c)doing d)does27.You can close your eyes for _ seconds after watching TV for too long.a)a few b)few c)a little d)little28.It sounds really _ that there are aliens living on the earth now.a)well b)rough c)beautifully d)impossible29.Let me share a true story with you, which happened

    11、_ days ago. (长宁)a)a small amount of b)a couple of c)a little d)much30.They think my ways to studying English are different from _.a)you b)your c)yours d)yourself31.Thomas _ three tickets for the concert before Lily called him.a)had booked b)books c)has booked d)is booking32.Many Children in Britain

    12、_ to have their own bank cards nowadays.a)allow b)allowed c)are allowed d)were allowed33.Professor Li gave us a very useful _ on how to prepare for the exam. (徐汇)a)advice b)information c0experience d)suggestion34.Children are often warned _ with fire.a)not to play b)to play c)dont play d)doesnt play

    13、35.I have got two tickets _ tomorrows evening show. Would you like to come with me? a)in b)by c)from d)for36.Mother came into my study with a cup of milk in one of her hands, and an apple in _.a)the others b)other c)the other d)another37.Sometimes parents find _ hard to communicate with their childr

    14、en.a)this b)that c)it d)one38.Well make laws _ our environment.a)protected b)protecting c)to protect d)protect39.The weather there isnt nice, _? (宝山)a)is there b)is it c)isnt there d)isnt it40.Some questions _ at their class meeting last week.a)raised b)rose c)were risen d)were raisedII Complete the

    15、 sentences with the given words in their proper form. 1.The club organizes short trips to the mountains, _, museums and so on. (beach)(杨浦)2.They have decided to _ the road where lots of accident happened. (wide)(静安)3.A number of famous singers, _ Shila Amzah, joined in the singing contest. (include)

    16、4.Joining in the Winter Olympic is a(n) _ experience for Chinese sportsmen.(forget)5.The restaurant on the _ floor has a nice view of the HuangpuRiver. (twenty)6.Lets exercise more because taking too much _isnt good to our health. (medical)(黄)7.Peter felt _ sick yesterday so he asked for leave. (ter

    17、rible) (奉贤)8.The government in Fengxian is planning to _ the roads to solve the heavy traffic.(wide)9.My mother asked me to buy two _ on my way back home. (tomato)10.Please help _ to the fruit on the plate, children. (you)11.Its not polite to ask about other peoples _ matters in England. (person)(虹口

    18、)12.The government has decided to _ the ancient temple next month. (building)13.The survey shows that customers are very _ with the service of the 5-star hotel. (satisfying)14.I think it helpful to keep several _ by me to look up new words.(dictionary)15.I plan to travel to several _ countries such

    19、as France and Germany next winter holidays. (Europe)16.Shanghai Disneyland will bring _ to the tourist in the near future. (happy)17.A friendly lady greeted me in a _ voice as soon as I got into the shop. (gentle)18.It was _ for a girl to learn Spanish well at the age of five. (usual)19.It is becomi

    20、ng more and more common for people to _ family cars. (owner)(普陀)20.Simons parents gave him Chinese _ as birthday presents. (paint)21.As the road was covered with a lot of snow, he fell _ on the ground. (heavy)22.He felt better, Mike searched for work at _ companies. (variety) (长宁)23.It was _ of you

    21、to leave the door open when you were off. (care)24.We can learn a lot from _ events.(history) (金山)25.In order to be safer, we have to _ that bridge. (build)26.If people still dont care enough for the environment, the air will become much _. (bad)27._ food in small packages has a great variety, so pe

    22、ople like to buy it. (freeze) (松江)28.Tim is really _ because he always tells us the same thing whenever he meets us. (bore)29.Take care of yourself,” my mother said _ to me. (gentle) (宝山)30.They wont publish Johnsons report unless he _ it. (write)31.Please _ the milk in the microwave before you drin

    23、k it. (heat)32.The soup is good for you. It is a _ of different kinds of vegetables. (mix)III. Rewrite the following sentences as required.1.There is no juice in the fridge, _ _? (宝山)2.Its great fun to ride on a camel in the desert!(改为感叹句) _ _ it is to ride on the camel in the desert!3.They went hom

    24、e after they had finished cleaning their classroom. (保持句意基本不变) They _ go home _ they had finished cleaning their classroom.4.Doris usually does online shopping twice a week. (金山)_ _ does Doris usually do online shopping?5.”Are you waiting for anybody here?” she asked the man. She asked the man _ he

    25、_ waiting for somebody there.6.We can open the door to the safe with the key Tim gave us. (徐汇)_ _ we open the door to the safe?7.In the end, the team succeeded in finding a good place to camp. (保持句意基本不变) In the end, the team _ _ find a good place to camp.8.”When did Bill Gates begin to play with com

    26、puters?” Tom asked. (改为宾语从句) (长宁) Tom asked _ Bill Gates _ to play with computers.9.Miss Johns became a manager in a local chemical factory last year.(保持句意基本不变)Miss Johns _ _ a manager in a local chemical factory for a year.10.Jack will return to his hometown in a month. (对划线部分提问) (闵行) _ _ will Jack

    27、 return to his hometown?11.You should say sorry to your neighbour for breaking his window. (保持句意基本不变) You should _ _ your neighbour for breaking his window.“12.Nancys sister likes the dress with the belt better. . (普陀) _ _ does Nancys sister like better?13. “I will give you a ring as soon as possibl

    28、e,” the agent said to me.(改为宾语从句) The agent told me that he _ _ me a ring as soon as possible.14.Mr Robinson will leave for Paris to attend a business conference. (保持句意基本不变) Mr Robinson will _ _ for Paris to attend a business conference.15.Careless drivers caused a large number of accidents last year. (改成被动语态) A large number of accidents _ _ by careless driverslast year.16.The short play about The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer is really humorous. (改为感叹句) _ _ the short play about The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer is!17.Many flights at this international airport had to be delayed


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