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    1、天津市中考英语试题天津市 2020 年中考英语试题学校 :_姓名: _班级: _考号: _1 Lao She is _ great writer. He s especially famous for Teahouseplay.A an; theB a; theC an; aD a; an2 I bought a present for _. I hope you like _.A your; thisB yours; thatC you; itD you; one3 This street is much _ than that one.A wideB widerC widestD the

    2、widest4 It is going to rain. Take an umbrella _ you.A withB atC inD from5 Lang Ping is a symbol of courage and success, and we _ her.A come fromB stand forC take pride inD get ready for6 In China, we use red paper for hongbao because red means good luck. That s interesting! I want to know all the Ch

    3、inese _.A traditions B sentences C notices D problems7 Because people can find information on the Internet, knowledge spreads _.A quicklyB loudlyC hardlyD nearly8 I _ be late, so don t wait for me to start the meeting.A mustn tB needn tC needD may9 I was busy this morning and didn t have time to _ m

    4、y email.A wasteB punishC believeD check10 You d better tidy up your room _ your father comes back.A soB orC beforeD but11 The book is popular. _ you _ it yet? Yes, I have.A Are; readingB Were; readingC Have; readD Will; read12 That machine is broken. It _ tomorrow.A repairedB was repairedC will repa

    5、irD will be repaired13 I ve just watched a TV programme about space. I hope _on the moon one day.A walkB walkedC walkingD to walk14 Do you know _ to see the Beijing Opera?试卷第 1页,总 9页 Yes, you can go to Mei Lanfang Theatre.A where can we go B where we can go C when shall we go D when we shallgo15 Let

    6、 s go shopping for some orange juice. _ And we can also buy some coffee for Mum.A Excuse me! B Good idea! C Never mind. D I m sorry.I have two older brothers, Matt and Martin. They love me very much. Perhaps it isbecause I am the 16 child and the only sister they have.Both Matt and Martin have thick

    7、 and dark hair. They look alike ( 相像 ) with 17short hairdos ( 发型 ) and big eyes. They are also very tan (晒黑的 ) because they enjoy outdoor18 . For example, Matt likes football and Martin is a tennis player. They are much taller thanme and I always have to look up when I 19 to them. They both love to

    8、20 , soMum often says that they could eat a horse.Their personalities ( 性格 ) are very21 . Matt is very active and lively. He oftentakes part in club activities and gets along22with people. He also likes to play jokeson others, especially Martin! Sometimes Mum is not very23with Matt because heplays s

    9、o much and does not listen to his teachers carefully when he is in class.Martin, on the other hand ( 另一方面 ), is the quiet one. He is less active than Matt,24he has a really close group of friends. He also does well in his25because he worksvery hard on his studies. Mum never has to worry about Martin

    10、.16 A fattestB youngestC rudestD strongest17 A theirB ourC yourD her18 A tripsB picnicsC sportsD risks19 A talkB writeC bowD fly20 A singB eatC laughD drive21 A importantB difficultC dangerousD different22 A loudlyB easilyC suddenlyD recently23 A nervousB honestC happyD angry24 A whetherB ifC orD bu

    11、t25 A examsB hobbiesC interviewsD adventuresDear Nicole,试卷第 2页,总 9页How are you? Do you enjoy your summer holiday? I m sure you do.It s been two weeks since I returned to New Zealand, but I m still thinking of the excitingcity life in Hong Kong. In New Zealand, life is totally different. I miss the d

    12、elicious sweet soupso much.The weather has been bad these days. Yesterday I got a cold and didn t go to school todaI hate taking medicine but I have to take it. I must get well soon because I will have tests onscience and geography next week. I must prepare for the tests this time so that I won taga

    13、in.I remember that you like our local hand cream ( 护手霜 ), but it is quite expensive in HongKong. I bought you some last weekend and I am sendin g it to you. It s much cheaper here thanin Hong Kong.It s almost the end of August. It 收s拾time)yourtopasckhool( bag and get ready forthe new school term. Ta

    14、ke good care.With love,Judy26 Judy thinks that life in Hong Kong is _.A boring B exciting C useful D powerful27 What does Judy miss about Hong Kong?A The stadium. B The zoo. C The sweet soup. D The school.28 What will Judy do next week?A She will go to hospital.B She will go shopping.C She will have

    15、 a picnic.D She will have tests on science and geography.29 If the hand cream costs $45 in New Zealand, it might cost _ in Hong Kong.A $70B $45C $40D$3030 When does Judy write the letter?A In May.B In June.C In July.D In August.Summer Fun at Happy Kids LearniCengtreAre you looking for something that

    16、 can add colour to your summer holiday? If yes, here are the summer courses that you cannot miss!试卷第 3页,总 9页Children Can CookThe course is to improve children s knowledge in the kitchen. They will learn basiccooking skills, kitchen safety, and how to buy proper ingredients ( 原料 ) and follow steps in

    17、 recipes (食谱 ). Children can sit comfortably and eat what they have cooked at the end of each lesson.Little WritersThe course is divided into two parts. In the first part, children are introduced to famous stories and their writers. In the second part, they are taught to write their own stories. Chi

    18、ldren also get the chance to write other text types, such as poems and plays.Acting for FunThis is a course that lets children enjoy the fun of acting. Through acting and speaking in front of people, children will be more confident. Parents are welcome to watch the performance ( 演出 ) given by the ch

    19、ildren at the end of the course.Watercolour PaintingThis course teaches children the basic skills of painting people and animals. We encourage children to watch, imagine and create their own works.31 What can children do in the cooking course?A Sell the food.C Learn how to cook.B Buy the bowls.D Eat

    20、 what teachers have cooked.32 How many parts are there in the writing course?A One part. B Two parts. C Three parts. D Four parts.33 Which course should children join if they want to be more confident?A Acting for Fun. B Watercolour Painting.C Little Writers. D Children Can Cook.34 What does the pai

    21、nting course teach?A The importance of acting.B How to buy proper ingredients. C Famous stories and their writers.D The basic skills of painting people and animals.35 The purpose of this passage is to encourage children to _. A cook a meal for their parentsB act with their parents in public试卷第 4页,总

    22、9页C join the summer courses at the learning centreD read more books during the holidayPeople depend on plants. We use plants for food, cloth, shelter ( 住处 ), and even the air we breathe ( 呼吸 ).Plants keep our air and water clean. Green plants give us oxygen (氧气 ). Oxygen is part ofthe air we breathe

    23、.Plants are also part of the water cycle (水循环 ). Most of the water that a plant takes in goesback into the air.Plants give us a lot of the food on the earth. Fruits, vegetables, and grains ( 谷物 ) comefrom plants. Without plants, we would not have bread, rice, carrots, apples, oranges, or bananas!Man

    24、y people are growing plants to eat in their own gardens at home. Having your own gardenhelps the earth as well.When you grow your own fruits and vegetables, you help cut down on pollution becausebig trucks don t need to take your food to shops. You also help reduce the amount of rubbishbecause you d

    25、on t need to use bags for packing your food. You cantpickjusit out of the groundor off a plant and put it into a basket!Trees are an important plant resource (资源 ). Trees provide wood to build homes andfurniture. Trees are used to make lots of things around your home and at your school. And treespro

    26、vide fruits that are good for you. Without trees, the earth would be a very different place.36 _ is part of the air we breathe.A Sunlight B Water C Food D Oxygen37 What happens to most of the water that a plant takes in?A It goes back into the air.C It goes into the ground.B It stays in the plant.D

    27、It stays in the river.38 What does the phrase“ cut down on” mean in Paragraph 5?A Cause.B Accept.C Reduce.D Expect.39 What is the best title of the passage?A A Different PlaceB The Uses of PlantsC Food on the EarthD Gardens at Home40 You would find the passage in _.A an interesting novelB a book abo

    28、ut animals试卷第 5页,总 9页C a popular play D a book about natureA:Are there any activities to do after class in our school, Liu Yan?B:Yes, we can join many clubs.A:Which club do you join?B:The English Club.A:41 B:We do many things, such as watching English films, listening to English songs and readingEnglish stories.A:42 B:That s right. I have improved my listening and speaking. I have gotto know a lot about the world through reading as well.A:Excellent! 43 B:There are twenty students.A:44 B:We go there once a week.A:45 B:Of course. Welcome


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