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    1、英语总复习修改版 五年级英语期末复习-完型填空及阅读短文并填空 一 完型填空:(一) I am a primary school student. Now let_1_ tell you something_2_ our classroom. It is very _3_.There are two maps _4_ the wall._5_is a map of China. _6_ is a map of the world. There are_7_ desks and chairs in our classroom. There is a big desk _8_ the teache

    2、r in the front of it. We _9_ four classes _10_ and two in the afternoon.( )1.A. my B.we C. I D. me( )2.A. at B.in C. on D. about( )3.A. big B.small C. biggest D. bigger( )4.A. on B.under C.in D. over( )5.A. It B. One C. Its D. The one( )6.A. Others B. Other C. The other D. Another( )7.A. fourteen B.

    3、forteen C. forty D. fouty( )8.A. for B.to C. about D. of( )9.A. have B.has C. there is D. there are( )10.A. at morning B.morning C.on morning D. in the morning(二) Look _1_ this girl. _2_ name is Betty. _3_ is American. She is_4_ No.7 Primary School. Her English _5_ is Miss Liu. Betty has _6_good fri

    4、ends. One is Lisa, _7_ is Bill.( )1. A. in B.at C.out ( ) 2. A.She B.Her C.her( )3. A.she B.She C.Her ( ) 4. . A. in B.at C.an ( ) 5 . A.name B.number C.teacher( )6. A.a B.two C.some ( ). 7. A.other B.an other C.the other(三) _1_ name is Carl. _2_ ten years old. Hes _3_America. He_4_ short _5_ and sm

    5、all _6_ . His nose is _7_ and his mouth is _8_ , too.( )1. A.His B.Her C.He ( ) 2. A.She B.Hes C.He ( )3. A.live B.from C.at ( ) 4. A.have B.is C.has ( ) 5 . A.hair B.nose C.hairs( )6. A.eyes B.eye C.an eye ( ). 7. A.big B.a big C.small ( ). 8. A.a big B. big C.smaller二 阅读短文并填空。 I am an eleven-year-

    6、old girl. Im from China. I have two good friends. One is Betty. Shes eleven, too. Shes from Britain. The other is Bill. Hes from New Zealand. Hes ten years old. We always play together.1. I have _ good friends.2. Bills age is _.3. My friend _ is from Britain.4. _ is a beautiful country, when we are

    7、in winter, its in summer. 5. We are good friends and we always _. 五年级英语期末复习-阅读理解及根据要求写单词一 阅读短文并判断正误,用T,F表示。1My name is Zhou Pei. Im ten. Im from China. Im a student. I go to school from Monday to Friday. Im in Class One , Grade Five. Now I have a new friend in our school. Her name is Lisa. She is a

    8、new student from Britain. Shes in Class Two, Grade Five. Shes a beautiful girl. I like her so much.( )1. Lisa is from England.( )2. Lisa and I are both in Class One. ( )3. We go to school five days a week.( )4. I am Lisas new friend.( )5. Lisa is not pretty.2Hello. My name is John. I am a student. I

    9、m in Class One, Grade Five. I have two good friends. One is Gao Ming. The other is Li Ying. Theyre Chinese. They are both in Class One, Grade Five. Gao Ming is tall and thin. He has big eyes and a small mouth. Li Ying is short, but she is active. She is very clever. She has a big mouth and a small n

    10、ose. She looks likes her father.( ) 1.Gao Mings mouth is big.( ) 2.John has two good friends.( ) 3.Li Ying isnt clever, but she is active.( ) 4.They are all in Class One.3 Betty and Kitty are twins. Theyre 12 years old. They look the same. But they have different hobbies. Betty likes collecting stam

    11、ps. She has many beautiful stamps. Theyre from different cities and countries. But Kitty likes growing flowers. The flowers are all very beautiful . Betty and Kitty both like reading books. Betty likes reading story books. But Kitty likes reading science books. On Sunday , they usually ride bikes to

    12、 the park. They can play with their friends there. Sometimes their friends go there, too.( ) 1. Betty is Kittys sister.( ) 2. Betty likes growing flowers.( ) 3. Kitty likes reading story books.( ) 4. Theyre twelve years old. ( ) 5. They usually take a bus to the park on Saturday.4. Hi, my name is Pe

    13、ter! Heres a picture of my family. Look, the man on the left is my father. Hes a doctor. He works in Beijing Hospital. This beautiful woman is my mother. She is a nurse. She also works in Beijing Hospital. The boy in a red shirt is my twin brother. His name is Tom. We look like the same. He wants to

    14、 be a policeman. And I want to be a dentist. ( ) 1. Peters father is a doctor.( ) 2. Peters parents work in the same hospital.( ) 3. Peters mother is a doctor,too.( ) 4. Tom wants to be a dentist. ( ) 5.Peter wants to be a policeman.二 阅读短文并选择最佳答案: 1. There is a new park near my house. Its a fine day

    15、 today. My family and I are in the park now. On my left, there is a caf. On my right, there is a big lake. There are many flowers and trees near the lake. Theres a small hill behind the lake. Near the lake, there is a sign. It says,“Dont swim in the lake!”There is a playground in the middle of the p

    16、ark. There are some small shops near the gate. The park is so beautiful. We like it very much.( ) 1. The park near my house is _. A. new and beautiful B. old and beautiful C. clean and new D. old and clean( ) 2. Is there a caf in the park? - _ A. Yes, there isnt. B. No, there isnt. C. Yes, there is.

    17、 D. No, there is.( ) 3. People cant _ in the lake. A. swim B. fish C.boat D. play( ) 4. The shops in the park are not _. A. small B. big C. good D. pretty Mrs Scotts family2. Mrs Scott and her daughter Jane are both teachers. They go to school by car. They leave home at eight oclock in the morning a

    18、nd get back at four oclock in the afternoon.Sam Scott and his sister Ann are students. They go to school by bus. Some of their friends walk to school.Sam and Ann get home at four oclock in the afternoon. They do their homework before supper, and they watch TV after supper. They usually go to bed ear

    19、ly.( ) 1. Mrs Scott is _. A. a worker B.a teacher C.a nurse ( ) 2. Mrs Scott and her daughter go to school _. A.by bike B.by bus C.by car ( ) 3. They go to school at _ in the morning. A. seven B.half past six C.eight ( ) 4. Sam and Ann do their homework _. A. after supper B.before lunch C. before su

    20、pper3. Its time to go home now. I am in a bus on a rainy day, and a woman with a dog and its feet are not clean.I dont want the dog to sit near me . But the woman says to the conductor (售票员),“Oh, I pay for my dog. Can he sit here like the other people? ”The conductor looks at the dog and says,“Yes m

    21、adam. But like the other people, he must not put his feet on the chair. ” ( ) 1. Im going home _ now. A.by bike B.by bus C.by car D.by jeep( ) 2. What do I see ? _ A. A bus. B. A conductor. C. A dog. D. A woman with a big dog.( ) 3.I dont want the dog to sit near me,because _. A.the dog is big B. th

    22、e dog is not clean C. the dog has no tichet D.the dog isnt mine ( ) 4. Why do the woman and the dog get on the bus? A.Its a rainy day. B. No one is on the bus. C.The dog can sit. D.The woman is a conductor.( ) 5.The meaning of the conductors words is _.A. the dogs feet are like the other peopleB. th

    23、e dog must like a manC. the dog must not sit on the chairD. the dog can sit here4. The teacher has some bags. One is small. There are some hamburgers in it. Its brown. One is blue. Some cakes in it .There are some bananas in the big yellow bag. Some oranges are in the red bag. She wants to give the

    24、yellow bag to Tom, the red one to Li Yan and the blue one to Lucy.( )1.-How many bags does the teacher have?-She has _. A.1 B.2 C. 3 D.4( )2.-Whats in Li Yans bag?-Some_.A. oranges B. bananas C. hamburgers D.cakes( )3.-What colour is the big bag?- Its _.A .brown B.blue C. yellow D.red( )4. You can f

    25、ind _ in Toms bag.A. oranges B. bananas C. cakes D .hamburgers( )5.-Who does the teacher give the cakes to? -_.A. Tom B.Lucy C. Li Yan D.Jim 三 跟据要求写单词1 boy (对应词)_ 2 teach (名词)_3 Lisa (名词所有格)_4 they (宾格)_5 do (否定)_6 thing (复数)_7 lets (完整形式)_8 I (名词性物主代词)_ 五年级英语期末复习-单项选择 单项选择( )1. _ interesting the pe

    26、ts are!A. What an B. What C.How D.What a ( )2. Look at the TV reporter_TV.A. on the B. in C.on D.in the ( )3. Our teacher _ care of us.A. take B. taking C.is take D.takes( )4. -_ does your sister_? -She is a student.A. Where,does B. What,do C.What,does D.How,do ( )5. My uncle is _vet. He is _ animal

    27、 doctor.A. the,an B. a,an C.the,a D.a,the( )6.-_ your grandpa a farmer?-Yes, he _.A. Does, does B. Is, is C.Is,does D.Does,is( )7.-_your mother and father doctors?-No,they_.A. Is,arent B. Are,are C.Are,arent D.Is,are( )8.Her aunt_very beautiful.A. look B. looks C.looking D.is look( )9.-Is he a bus c

    28、onductor?-No, he isnt.He _ a driver.A. isnt a B. is C.is a D.isnt( )10.-What _your aunt_?-She is a nurse.A. do, do B. does, do C.do, does D.does,does( )11.Please tell me something _ your school.A. on B. to C.in D.about( )12. Thank you_ your help.A. to B. on C.at D.for( )13. His friend _in a school.A

    29、. study B. studies C.studyes D.studys( )14. I_ our teacher, Our teacher_ us,tooA. love, loves B. love, lvoe C.loves, loves D.loves,love( )15. I_from America. There _ three people in my family.A. am, is B. are, are C.am, are D.are, is( )16. - _are the two boys? -They are Tom and DickA. Where B. Who C.What D.How( )17. There are four _ in his family.A. people B. peoples C.peoplees D./( )18. _ you love your parents?A. Does B. Are C.Do D.Is( )19.Her father is a doctor, How _yours?A. are B. old C.many D.about(


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