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    1、广州版初一下Unit4初一(下) Unit4 Reading一、 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1、 On April 1st, many foreigners like (foolish) others.2、 Who knows the English (explain) of this word?3、 The two towns are (connect) by a railway.4、 Some (chemical) are harmful.5、 This calculator needs two (battery).二、 根据句意和首字母提示写出单词。1、 I cant turn o

    2、n the light. Maybe there is something wrong with the light b .2、 Most rivers f into the sea.3、 Mr. Lin is too busy to do the housework. So he is going to look for a s .4、 Electricity is a f of energy.5、 We will move to a new f on the eighth floor soon.三、 单项选择。( )1. Tony is very happy today. I can se

    3、e a big smile his face. A. in B. with C. on D. at( )2. The Pearl River flows Guangzhou. A. across B. through C. cross D. by( )3. the cables a power station? A. Do; connected to B. Are; connected to C. Do; connect to D. Are; connected to( )4. . A dragon. A. What does the mountain like B. How is the m

    4、ountain C. How do you think about the mountain D. What does the mountain look like( )5. My father looked because I broke his glasses. A. angry B. angrily C. foolish D. fool( )6 the way to the dancing hall of our school, Amy said she danced wonderfully, a way. A. In; on B. On; in C. In; in D. On; on(

    5、 )7. Rice cookers free people from rice. A. cook B. cooking C. cooked D. to cook( )8. too much meat is bad for your health. A. Eat B. Ate C. Eats D. Eating( )9. A dictionary can help me English well. A. learning B. learned C. learn D. learns( )10. We should keep in the library. A. quiet B. quietly C

    6、. more quietly D. more quiet( )11. I want to watch TV. Would you please for me? Of course. A. turn on it B. turn it on C. turn off it D. turn it off四、 用下列短语的适当形式填空。 come from be able to for example look like a packet of1、 The cloud a horse in the sky.2、 Mother is going shopping. You can ask her to b

    7、uy biscuits.3、 Sally Canada, but she likes Chinese food very much.4、 He used to be a good swimmer. He swim across the river when he was young.5、 I have many hobbies. , I like listening to music.五、 完成句子。1、 从某种程度上说,这是一本有用的书。 , this is a useful book.2、 当我问她意见时,她摇了摇头。When I asked for opinion, she .3、 故事

    8、里巫婆把王子变成了青蛙。In the story, the witch the prince a frog.4、 冰箱接上电源没有? the fridge the electricity supply?5、 课后我们有各种各样的活动。We have activities after class.6、 小心那条狗,它可能会咬你。 the dog. It may bite you.7、 植物使我们的世界更美丽。Plants our world .8、 当你出去时,别让空调开着。Dont the air conditioner when you go out.9、 确定你的消息属实后再告诉别人。 y

    9、our news is true before telling others.10、 她出去时带了把伞以防万一。When she went out, she took an umbrella to be .11、 制造模型飞机是他的工作。 model plane his job.六、 语法选择。Electricity is very useful. It helps make our 1 easier. For example, its simple and cheap 2 a rice cooker. And we use a washing machine very often. It f

    10、rees workers and housewives from 3 clothes by hand. And a lot of people use a microwave. However, to use it 4 , you should stand 3 to 4 feet away from the microwave when it is on, just to be on the safe side. Before you use any glass or plastic containers in a microwave, 5 sure they are “microwave s

    11、afe.”( )1.A. living B. alive C. lives D. life( )2.A. use B. to use C. uses D. used( )3.A. wash B. washes C. washed D. washing( )4.A. save B. safe C. safely D. safety( )5.A. make B. making C. makes D. madeListening-More Practice一、 找出划线部分与其它三个不同的单词。( )1. A. here B. near C. bear D. clear( )2. A. hare B

    12、. pair C. chair D. are( )3. A. sure B. hour C. tour D. poor( )4. A. dear B. their C. hair D. care( )5. A. fire B. diary C. repair D. buyer二、 根据句意和首字母提示补充单词。1、 Dont touch the k of hot water! Youll get burnt.2、 I forgot to take the i off the dress. It burnt a hole in the dress.3、 Three years ago, Mr.

    13、Green m here and became our neighbor.4、 It is bad for your eyes to keep looking at the computer s for a long time.5、 Everyone wants to buy things of the best q with the lowest price.三、 单项选择。( )1. Make sure to all the lights when you leave the lab. A. switch off B. switch on C. put off D. put on( )2.

    14、 Only of the students agree to have a barbecue this weekend. A. one-three B. one-third C. two-three D. two-third( )3. After storms and floods in that summer, the villagers life became very difficult. A. series of B. a series C. a series of D. series( )4. You can switch the radio on pressing this but

    15、ton. A. with B. for C. of D. by( )5. You seem ill because your face looks very pale. A. being B. to be C. to D. to being( )6. Must I hand in the homework tomorrow? Yes, you . A. can B. must C. may D. should( )7. We be late for school. Its against the school rules. A. can B. cant C. must D. mustnt( )

    16、8. I try on the sweater? Yes, if you like. A. Many not B. Many C. Must D. Mustnt( )9. Sally play the piano very well. She won a famous piano competition last week. A. may B. may not C. can D. cant( )10. This maths problem is quite hard. you explain it to me? A. Cam B. Must C. Need D. Should( )11. Sh

    17、e is leaving for New York. She back in one week. A. come B. will come C. comes D. came( )12. do you think hell get here? Maybe in five minutes. A. How long B. How far C. How soon D. How many四、 完成句子。1、 你姐姐会开车吗? your sister a car?2、 我可以用你的电话吗? 可以。 I your telephone? Yes, you .3、 蛋糕未熟你不要打开烤箱的门。You the o

    18、vens door before the cake is ready.4、 你一定得这么早就走吗? 是的,必须这么早。 you go so early? Yes, I .五、 情态动词专练。( )1. Susan sings well. She also sing many foreign songs. A. can B. may C. must( )2. You take a pet on a bus. Its against the law. A. neednt B. may not C. mustnt( )3. Who run 100 metres in ten seconds? He

    19、will get a chance to take part in the game. A. may B. must C. can( )4. Can you help me to take down the old picture, Jack? . A. Yes, please. B. Certainly C. Sorry, I mustnt( )5. May I fed the pandas in the zoo? No, you . A. cant B. mustnt C. may not( )6. How about going swimming with us, Jane? Oh, n

    20、o. I swim. A. cant B. may not C. mustnt( )7. Must I clean my room this morning? No, you . A. may not B. mustnt C. neednt( )8. you speak French, Sally? Yes, just a little. A. May B. Can C. Must( )9.Its late. I go now. OK. You come again tomorrow. A. can, may B. may, must C. must, may( )10. I use your

    21、 bike? Certainly. But you give it back this afternoon. A. Can, may B. May, must C. Must, can六、句子翻译。1、很难想像没有了电的生活。 2、屋里的灯突然熄灭了。 3、她总能用这样或那样的方法让自己快乐。 4、我半小时后就会完成作业。 5、他们等了很长时间,越来越不耐烦。 Unit4 综合能力测试题一、 单项选择。( )1. What do you think of Tony? He is as sly as a fox, but , hes quite nice. And he would often

    22、help others. A. by the way B. on the way C. in this way D. in a way( )2. Its a little hot in the room. Please keep the windows . A. closed B. opened C. close D. open( )3. Hows your report on electricity? I it a few days. A. finish; after B. will finish; in C. finished; after D. am finishing; in( )4.

    23、 How did you tell him about this? A. Last Thursday B. In our school library C. Very fast D. By sending him a message( )5. More and more old people are interested in computers. However, they think a computer hard.A. use; is B. using; is C. use; are D. using; are( )6. Mother asked Li Hong to all the p

    24、lates and cups on the table after dinner. A. show up B. take away C. pick up D. put away( )7. It was very late in the evening. We were still working when all the lights suddenly . A. switched off B. went out C. switched on D. went off( )8. The lights in the classroom when I left. A. were still on B.

    25、 still turned on C. were already off D. already turned off( )9. You must everything is ready before you interview Doctor Ray. A. look around B. care about C. make sure D. know about( )10. I finish this project this week? No, you hand it in next week. A. Can; cant B. Must; neednt C. May; may not D. M

    26、ust; may二、 完形填空。Mrs. Brown was about seventy. Her son Ken wanted to give the old lady a nice 1 for her birthday. Mrs. Brown liked making tea very much, 2 Ken decided to buy an electric kettle. People could 3 music from the kettle when the water was boiling. Ken brought it to his mother on her birthd

    27、ay and showed her how to 4 it.“Before you go to bed, put tea and water 5 it.” He explained to his mother 6 . “Dont forget to 7 the electricity and set the time. When the water boils in the morning, the kettle can 8 and your tea will be ready, he added.A few days later, Mrs. Brown telephoned her son

    28、and said, “Ken, the kettle is 9 . But there is 10 I dont understand. Why do I have to go to be when I want to make tea?”( )1.A. kettle B. dress C. present D. animal( )2.A. and B. so C. or D. but( )3.A. feel B. play C. find D. hear( )4.A. use B. enjoy C. find D. heat( )5.A. our of B. on C. in D. besi

    29、de( )6.A. impatiently B. carefully C. carelessly D. angrily( )7.A. turn up B. turn down C. turn on D. turn off( )8.A. make you angry B. wake you up C. drive you crazy D. phone you up( )9.A. useless B. useful C. noisy D. dangerous( )10.A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything三、 阅读理解。AThomas

    30、Edison was born in 1847. Even as a child, he was always trying new ideas. He invented over 3,000 useful things all his life with his hard work. Among them electric light is one of the most important inventions. His other inventions are the microphone, the phonograph, the movie projector, the storage

    31、 battery, etc.It always took a long time for Edison to make these machines. He let people know his ideas all over the world, so it was not long before many other businessmen joined together, and mass-produced(大规模生产) electrical machines with his standards. As a result, Edison couldnt run his companies well and he wasnt as rich as


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