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    1、词汇学练习 注意a-, in-, ( il-, im-, ir-), non-, un- 等前缀的使用. “negative” prefixes表示否定意义的前缀 a- amoral与道德无关的, apolitical 不关心政治的、无政治意义的 dis- disloyal, disobey ,disclose,discredit,discourteous,disregard, disprove, dissimilar, in- injustice, incorrect , inconsiderate, inconsistent, inaccuracy, il- illegal, illega

    2、lize, ir- irresistible, irrational, irregular im- immature, imbalance, impossible , impassive non- noncontentious , non-classical, nonbusiness, un- unwrap, unexpected, unfriendly, unfair, unendurable, unfavorable,unreasonable, unremarked meanings of roots and prefixes ex- out: expresspost- after: po

    3、stgraduateante- before: antecedentover- beyond: overworkmis- bad: misbehavepre- before: prepareover- excessive: overweight 超重,overflow溢出,overwork, overleap越过,overrun超过,泛滥sub- below: subheading 副标题,subdue征服,抑制, subscribeen- in: enclosein- in: includesuper- above supermanmal- wrongly: maltreatultra- e

    4、xtreme: ultra-conservative 极端保守anti-against: anti-nuclear反核武器的,anti-government反政府的,contra-against: contraflow逆流,contradict反驳,否定,与。抵触counter-against: counterattack 反击,反攻, counteract抵消,中和,co-with: cooperate, 1. Words of the basic word stock can each be used alone, and at the same time can form new wor

    5、ds with other roots and affixes, e.g. foot is the father of football, footage and footprint. This demonstrates that one of the characteristics of the words of the basic stock is _. ( A )A. productivity B. polysemyC. stability D. collocability2. The formation of new words by converting words of one c

    6、lass to another class is called _. ( D )A. prefixation B. suffixationC. acronymy D. conversion3. People change word-meaning owing to various _ motives: love, respect, courtesy, suspicion, pessimism, sarcasm, irony, contempt, hatred, etc. ( A ) A. psychological B. socialC. communicative D. lexical4.

    7、The plural morpheme -s is pronounced as/s/in the following words EXCEPT _. ( B )A. packs B. bags C. cheats D. ships5. The definition of a word comprises the following points _. ( D )(1) a minimal free form of a language(2) a sound unity(3) a unit of meaning(4) a form that can function alone in a sen

    8、tenceA. (1) and (2) B. (1) (2) and (3)C. (2) (3) and (4) D. (1) (2) (3) and (4)6. The method of creating words by removing the supposed suffixes is called _. ( A ) A. back-formation B. clipping C. blending D. suffixation7. In a narrow sense, context refers to the words, clauses, sentences in which a

    9、 word appears and is known as _ context. ( B ) A. non-linguistic B. linguisticC. grammatical D. lexicalC. the West Asia D. America8. What is a common feature peculiar to all natural languages? ( D )A. Suffixation. B. Variation.C. Allomorph. D. Polysemy.9. Which of the following is one of the main fu

    10、nctions of verbal context? ( D )A. Elimination of ambiguity. B. Indication for referents.C. Provision of clues for inferring word-meaning. D. All the above.10. The development of English vocabulary can be divided into the following particular historical period EXCEPT _. ( C )A. Old English B. Middle

    11、 EnglishC. New English D. Modern English11. The smallest functioning unit in the composition of words is _. ( A )A. morpheme B. affixesC. root D. stem12. There is/are _ monomorphemic word(s) in the following words: hot, dog, feet, matches. ( B )A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 413. 30% to 40% of the total number o

    12、f new words in English vocabulary are produced through _. ( A )A. affixation B. clippingC. compounding D. shortening14. Want, wish, like and desire are synonyms, but as far as intensity is concerned, _ is the strongest of all. ( D )A. wish B. Like C. want D. desire15. Words of the basic word stock c

    13、an each be used alone, and at the same time can form new words with other roots and affixes, e.g. foot is the father of football, footage and footprint. This demonstrates that one of the characteristics of the words of the basic stock is _. ( A )A. productivity B. polysemyC. stability D. collocabili

    14、ty16. Flesh and blood is an idiom _ in nature. ( B )A. verbal B. nominalC. adjectival D. adverbial17. Which of the following is NOT a figure of speech? ( D )A. Metaphor. B. Personification. C. Euphemism. D. Shortening.18. Never do things by halves is a(n) _.( C )A. verbal idiom in nature B. nominal

    15、idiom in natureC. sentence idiom D. adverbial idiom in nature19. The Indo-European language family is made up of most of the languages of Europe, the Near East, and _ . ( A )A. India B. the Far East 20. Which of the following is NOT true about extra-linguistic context? ( A )A. It can be subdivided i

    16、nto grammatical context and non-linguistic context.B. It refers to physical situation or environment relating to the use of words.C. It embraces the people, time and place.D. It may extend to embrace the entire cultural background.21. American dictionaries generally use _ to mark the pronunciation.

    17、( D )A. British Phonetic Alphabet B. American Phonetic AlphabetC. International Phonetic Alphabet D. Websters Phonetic Alphabet22. The plural morpheme -s is pronounced as/z/in the following words EXCEPT _.( C )A. beds B. Bags C. cheats D. bottles23. The word prisoner comprises _ morphemes. ( B ) A.

    18、1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 424. The following words have derivational affixes EXCEPT _.( D ) A. reread B. Prewar C. bloody D. harder25. The prefix over- in the word overweight is a prefix of _.( B )A. orientation and attitude B. degree or size C. time and order D. number26. Usage notes of the dictionary explain

    19、 _. ( D )A. the slight difference between words of similar meaningsB. difficult points of grammar and styleC. important British and American differencesD. all the above27. The suffixes in words heighten, symbolize are _B_. A. noun suffixes B. verb suffixes C. adverb suffixes D. adjective suffixes28.

    20、 The method of creating words by removing the supposed suffixes is called _.( A )A. back-formation B. Acronymy C. conversion D. clipping29. The sentence The fish is ready to eat. is ambiguous due to _.( A )A. grammatical structure B. Hyponymy C. cultural influence D. non-linguistic context30. There

    21、are five types of meaning changes and among which _ are the most common.( D )A. degradation and elevation B. transfer and extensionC. elevation and narrowing D. extension and narrowing Give the American English form of each word. 示例如下:1. Dialogue: dialog 2. centre:center_ 参考资料:1,英语单词中不发音的词尾-me, -ue在


    23、纤维fibrefiber公尺metremeter剧场theatretheater4,英语中某些以-ence为结尾的单词,在美语中改为- ense结尾,读音仍为ns。英语拼法美语拼法防御defencedefense犯法行为offenceoffense执照licencelicense托词pretencepretense5,英语中以-ise结尾的动词,美语中则拼作-ize。英语拼法美语拼法批评criticisecriticize组织organiseorganize实现realiserealize辨认recogniserecognize使标准化standardisestandardize6,英语中以双

    24、写-ll-拼写的部分词,在美语中只有一个-l-,例如:英语拼法美语拼法顾问counsellorcounselor珠宝商jewellerjeweler奇异的marvellousmarvelous包裹parcelledparceled旅行travellingtraveling7,英语中以- xion结尾的词,美语中拼作-ction,读音不变。英语拼法美语拼法联系connexionconnection弯曲inflexioninflection反射reflexionreflection Idioms1. cry for the moon 异想天开2. use every trick in the bo

    25、ok使出各种绝招,使出浑身解数3. to put the cart before the horse 本末倒置4. make short work of迅速完成;轻松解决5. to turn up ones nose at 瞧不起;嗤之以鼻6. first and foremost 首要的是7. part and parcel 重要部分8. join the majority离开;去世9. dine and wine吃喝10. follow the majority从众11. To meet ones Waterloo一败涂地 12. An Indian summer 小阳春 13. Fort

    26、y winks 白天小睡14. All good things come to an end. 天下没有不散的宴席15. cut and run开溜;临阵脱逃16. Diamond cuts diamond.棋逢对手17. once in a blue moon 千载难逢18. Achilles heel 致命弱点19. let bygones be bygones 既往不咎20. Gold cant be pure and man cant be perfect. 金无足赤,人无完人21. gain in both fame and wealth 名利双收22. rob Peter to p

    27、ay Paul 拆东墙补西墙23. wear and tear损坏;损耗24. time and tide wait for no man岁月不饶人 25. Love me, love my dog. 爱屋及乌26. Seeing is believing. 百闻不如一见27. A slow sparrow should make an early start.笨鸟先飞28. white night不眠之夜29. No discord, no concord. 不打不成交 30. A bird may be known by its song. 什么鸟唱什么歌。 31. One cant ma

    28、ke bricks without straw. 巧妇难为无米之炊32. the highest eminence is to be gained step by step千里之行始于足下33. Past experience, if not forgotten, is a guide for the future. 前事不忘,后事之师 GRE Graduate Record Examination CET College English Test MBA Master of Business Administration PETS Public English Test SystemCEO

    29、Chief Executive OfficerCPU central processing unitIT Information technologyATM Automatic Teller MachineELT English Language TeachingSOS Save our shipVIP very important personDIY Do it yourselfTOFEL Test of English as a Foreign LanguageROM read only memory只读存储器NATO The North Atlantic Treaty organizat

    30、ionFIFA Federation Internationale de FootballAids Acquired Immune Deficiency syndromeradar Radio detecting and ranging True1. There is an inflectional morpheme in the word “shorter”. 2. Longman Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs is a specialized dictionary. 3. Morphemes are abstract units, which are realized in speech by discrete units known as mo


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