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    1、北京石景山初三二模英语2020北京石景山初三二模英 语学校_姓名_准考证号_考生须知1.本试卷为闭卷考试,共10页,满分60分,考试时间为90分钟。2.请在试卷和答题卡上准确填写学校名称、姓名和准考证号。3.试题答案一律填涂或书写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。答题卡上的选择题用2B铅笔规范填涂,其他试题用黑色签字笔作答。4.考试结束后,请将试卷和答题卡一并交回。知识运用 (共 14 分)一、单项填空(共6 分,每小题 0.5 分)1Mrs. Smith is our teacher. _ teaches us English.A. I B. You C. She D. He 2I bought

    2、 some pencils _ the supermarket yesterday.A. on B. in C. to D. of 3 John, _ does it take you to go to school every day? About half an hour.A. how far B. how often C. how long D. how old4 Lily, _ you speak French? Yes, I can.A. must B. should C. need D. can5This dress looks beautiful, _ it is too exp

    3、ensive.A. and B. so C. but D. or6Jessica does well in all her subjects. She is one of _ students in our class. A. good B. better C. best D. the best7Tom _ basketball with his friends every weekend.A. plays B. is playing C. has played D. was playing8 Sarah, whats your mum doing? She _ in the kitchen.

    4、A. cooks B. is cooking C. has cooked D. will cook9Our life _ a lot since we moved to a new country.A. changes B. changed C. has changed D. will change10If its too hot tomorrow, I _ at home and study online.A. will stay B. stayed C. have stayed D. was staying11My brother _ by his dream school last su

    5、mmer.A. accepted B. will accept C. was accepted D. will be accepted12 Excuse me, can you tell me _ last term? Sure. I read every day before bed.A. how you will improve your reading B. how you improved your readingC. how will you improve your reading D. how did you improve your reading二、完形填空(共8 分,每小题

    6、 1 分) 阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项。Working from HomeMy family recently had the bright idea that I should spend a day working from home. When I mapped out such a day, I had 13 working hard in my study, then taking a mid-morning cookie break with the kids, next returning to work, and

    7、 finally going for a family walk. However, during the first hour of my workday at home, I 14 touched any work. The children kept running into my study and asking me to play with them.Around 10:30 a.m., I decided to take that mid-morning cookie 15 and then found that there was nothing left in the coo

    8、kie jar. The kids had eaten them all! I returned to my desk and began writing an e-mail until my wife walked in. cookie jar“I need to run to the store. Could you please fix the car battery (电池) for me?”, she said.I mumbled (嘟囔) to myself all the way to the car, did the job, and went back to my desk.

    9、 Then, my kids started asking for lunch. After telling them over and over again to wait until their mom gets home, I finally put a sign to my door that 16 : Go Ask Someone Else! And that worked really well. I finally 17 to finish writing that e-mail. The house was quiet up to the 18 that the neighbo

    10、r called and told me that my children went to ask him for lunch! I told him to send my kids back. Frustrated (懊恼的), I made sandwiches for the kids and myself. Just as I was cleaning up, my wife walked in.I was so glad that she was back and couldnt wait to escape. I 19 for the door to go back to my w

    11、ork. As I sat down at the desk, I realised things were not like what I had imagined. And I also understood how 20 it is to take good care of a family.13. A. suggested B. forgotten C. imagined D. finished 14. A. even B. just C. still D. hardly15. A. break B. party C. lesson D. walk16. A. read B. hear

    12、d C. pronounced D. translated 17. A. offered B. refused C. preferred D. managed 18. A. turn B. point C. time D. number 19. A. paid B. headed C. waited D. searched 20. A. happy B. relaxing C. exciting D. hard阅读理解 (共 36 分)三、阅读理解(共26 分,每小题2 分)阅读下面的四篇短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项 中,选择最佳选项。AAround the

    13、 World on Childrens DayIn 1954, there was the first Universal Childrens Day on 20th November to celebrate and protect children all over the world. This was International Childrens Day, but now many countries around the world have their own day each year when they celebrate with their children.23rd A

    14、pril TURKEY: This day is a national holiday in Turkey. On this day, Turkey invites groups of children from other countries to stay with Turkish families and celebrate with them.1st June BULGARIA: Parents do special things with their children and give them big presents. The day is like a second birth

    15、day for the children.CHINA: This is a very special day in schools. They take the children on camping trips or trips to the cinema. Many children also get gifts from their parents.5th May JAPAN: The official childrens day is on 5th May. But some people in Japan celebrate two childrens days: one on 3r

    16、d March for girls and one on 5th May for boys. On 5th May they fly carp streamers (a type of wind sock in the shape of a fish).30th April MEXICO: Some schools close for the day, other schools have a special day for the children when they play games. The children also bring in their favourite food to

    17、 share with friends.21. When is Childrens Day in Turkey?A. 23rd April. B. 30th April. C. 5th May. D. 1st June.22. Childrens Day is like a second birthday in _.A. Turkey B. Japan C. Bulgaria D. Mexico23. On Childrens Day in Japan, _.A. parents invite other kids to their homeB. children get gifts from

    18、 their parents C. children share food at schoolD. children fly carp streamersBWhen he was 23 years old, he climbed Mount Everest. In 2007, he set another world record by flying over Mount Everest in a powered paraglider (滑翔伞). His first book, Facing the Frozen Ocean, got shortlisted for the UKs “Spo

    19、rts Book of the Year”. Since then he has written more than 15 books, including the No. 1 Bestseller: Mud, Sweat and Tears. His name is Bear Grylls, and he was the host of Discovery Channels famous TV show, Man vs Wild. In the show, he was left in faraway areas in order to show survival (生存的) skills.

    20、Millions of viewers watched, breathless, as he climbed terribly dangerous mountains, performed amazing ice climbing, and ran through a forest fire.Grylls continues to shine with both his amazing shows and charity (慈善) work. And he has set up his own company, Bear Grylls Survival Academy, where every

    21、one can learn survival skills from him and his highly trained team.Recently, Grylls founded Young Survivors training courses for teenagers, including survival skills and adventure tasks designed to teach the basic rules of outdoor survival self-rescue. Those who complete the course are given a Young

    22、 Survivors Award. Skills taught include how to build and light a fire, how to tell directions in both day and night, putting up a protection building, bad weather survival and so on. The key focus of the course is getting young survivors back in touch with nature and away from technology.In Grylls o

    23、wn words: “The thing I love about Young Survivor Course is that it is designed to put young adults in just the kind of challenging, character-building and practical situations that help consider them as adults. So often, young adults can feel almost over-protected and are stopped from experiencing s

    24、ome of the best things in life but the Young Survivor Award will challenge and empower them in an unbelievable fun environment.”24. Why was Bear left in faraway areas in his TV show? A. To raise money for charity.B. To show skills for surviving.C. To do a performance for fun.D. To create stories for

    25、 his books.25. What is the key focus of Young Survivors? A. Using technology in nature. B. Making young adults famous. C. Teaching young adults living skills. D. Getting young adults back to nature.26. According to the passage, Bear Grylls _. A. helps people start writing B. cares about the environm

    26、ent C. is an encouraging adventurer D. is a very famous businessmanCIn the 1966 science-fiction (科幻) film Fantastic Voyage, a team of scientists and doctors are put into the body of an ill man to fix his body.Such an idea, while fun, sounds surprising to many. But what if it were possible to treat a

    27、n illness like cancer (癌症) by putting tiny pieces of something into the body to not only find the cancer, but also destroy it without harming anything else? Although it may seem like science fiction, tools like this are now being developed and may, in fact, become common in the near future thanks to

    28、 research now being done in the field of nanotechnology (纳米科技).The main thing to know about nanotechnology is that its small really small. Using this technology, it will be possible to discover cancer at a certain level where there are perhaps only a thousand bad cells (细胞). Compare this to what hap

    29、pens today: Doctors can discover cancer only after the dangerous cells have increased into the millions. One of the advantages ofdiscovering and treating cancer at an early period is that the cells are less likely to become resistant to medicine treatment. In later period, cancer cells often change

    30、and get used to certain medicine so quickly that many medicines become ineffective.Once a certain type of cancer is discovered, nanotechnology will also completely improve the way it is treated. Right now, most cancer treatments kill not only cancerous cells but the healthy ones as well, causing a n

    31、umber of side effects in people, such as hair loss and bad pain. Nanotechnology will allow doctors to destroy cancerous cells without harming healthy cells.Unluckily, even though nanotechnology has great possibility for medical achievement, there are serious concerns that it could have bad environmental and health effects. Many scientists believe that governments should give more money for safety-related studies to make sure that thes


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