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    研究生学位英语大纲词汇(GET词汇练习) (2)Word格式.doc

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    研究生学位英语大纲词汇(GET词汇练习) (2)Word格式.doc

    1、以加深印象。练习尽量考察某些词汇的多种意义。3 结合最新的原文出版物,尽量使读者熟悉词汇新的用法或意义。4 附加同义词表和英译汉练习本书的主编人员为北京市研究生英语教学研究会学位课统考词汇命题和审题的组织者与参加者,他们多是有多年研究生英语教学和测试经验的专家与教授。本书在编写工作中还得到了北京市研究生英语教学研究会常务理事会及参加命题和审题的其他成员的大力支持和帮助,在此向他们表示衷心的感谢。由于编写人员水平有限,且时间仓促,本书的错误与不足之处在所难免,我们衷心的希望广大师生和其他读者批评指正。 编者2014年11月目录词汇练习1 1同义词表1 4应掌握的用法1 6词汇练习2 9同义词表2

    2、11应掌握的用法212词汇练习314同义词表319应掌握的用法322词汇练习426同义词表429应掌握的用法431词汇练习533同义词表536应掌握的用法538词汇练习639同义词表642应掌握的用法644词汇练习745同义词表746应掌握的用法747词汇练习848同义词表849应掌握的用法850词汇练习951同义词表954应掌握的用法955词汇练习10 56同义词表10 62应掌握的用法10 63同义词表11 64应掌握的用法11 66词汇练习11 67同义词表12 71应掌握的用法12 73词汇练习12 74应掌握的用法13 79词汇练习13 81同义词表13 86应掌握的用法14 90词

    3、汇练习14 92同义词表14 105应掌握的用法15108词汇练习15111同义词表15116应掌握的用法16117词汇练习16 118应掌握的用法17122综合练习 124练习答案 140练习解释 144词汇练习1: 1. Because of the harsh punishment, these prisoners of war _ their attempt to escape.A. abandonedB. desertedC. discardedD. quit2. More reforms will be introduced to _ economic development in

    4、 this ancient country.A. illustrateB. illuminateC. liberateD. accelerate3. There is no _ authority in scientific studies, each having his own advantages.A. absoluteB. abstractC. abruptD. abundant4. High school students in China are judged mainly in terms of _ performance.A. accurateB. adequateC. aca

    5、demicD. accidental5. This old building is to be _ by a special team to make room for a modern one.A. abolishedB. polishedC. accomplishedD. demolished6. Many women took to the street to join the demonstration to make _ legal.A. adaptation B. adoptionC. abortionD. addiction7. In the 1970s meat used to

    6、 be difficult to _ in China.A. abide byB. pass byC. go byD. come by8. In this photo the woman mayor is talking to a passenger _ a bus.A. abroadB. aboardC. broadD. board9. Anyone with the Internet _ can find out about these universities easily.A. excessB. accessC. processD. entrance10. Nothing can be

    7、 more _ than to say that human beings are doomed.A. abnormalB. ambiguous C. ambitiousD. absurd11. There is something unusual _ this girl: she seldom smiles.A. aboutB. withC. forD. in12. To _ ones power is to commit a crime and eventually end up in jail.A. accuseB. abuseC. deduceD. excuse13. The scho

    8、ol is going to take disciplinary _ against those who smoke at school.A. stepsB. measuresC. actionD. pace14. The process of language _ has been a mystery to linguists and psychologists.A. innovationB. acquisitionC. administrationD. institution15. Thanks to good service and _, the tourists left the ho

    9、tel pleased and satisfied.A. accommodationsB. allegationsC. attachmentsD. anticipations16. It is important that teachers of elementary schools _ themselves with habits of childrenA. accustomB. acquaintC. accompanyD. accumulate17. A number of hypotheses have been raised to _ the extinction of dinosau

    10、rs A. answer forB. account forC. ask forD. act for18. Thanks to medical advances, the _ of some deadly diseases has drastically declined.A. accident B. incidence C. incident D. accent19. The word SARS is an abbreviation of the severe _ respiratory syndrome.A. advancedB. actualC. adverseD. acute20. O

    11、ne of the most important periods for human growth is _.A. indulgenceB. adolescenceC. conscienceD. consciousness21. It is very selfish to take _ of this disaster for personal gains.A. aggressionB. affectionC. adventureD. advantage22. These people have conquered numerous difficulties by _their beliefs

    12、 and values.A. adjusting toB. adhering to C. adapting toD. adding to23. To ensure the _ supply of vegetables to cities calls for easy transportation.A. adequateB. addictiveC. approximateD. antique24. A doctor determines the dose of medicine to be _ according to the patients condition.A. advocatedB.

    13、administeredC. addressedD. amplified25. Improved teaching facilities have made easier _ to college in China.A. admirationB. advertisementC. admissionD. allowance26. As an aged and weak man, Brown walked with _ steps while enjoying the sun.A. authenticB. automaticC. auxiliaryD. awkward27. In 1771, th

    14、ese colonies won _ and became one country under George Washington.A. astronomyB. monopolyC. autonomyD. harmony28. The strong interest in flying led the boy to study _ at college.A. auctionB. aviationC. auditionD. aesthetics29. Her determination to _ her goal of life motivated her to greater effort.A

    15、. retainB. attainC. maintainD. entertain30. International students rarely meet with _ in this highly democratic country.A. attemptB. contemptC. temptationD. temper31. Asian students are likely to show _ in mathematics when studying in the U.S.A. superiorityB. availabilityC. accessibilityD. authentic

    16、ity32. Games such as badminton and basketball often take place inside a(n) _.A. auditoriumB. gymnasiumC. stadiumD. symposium33. The professor was surprised at the full _ and began his lecture with enthusiasm.A. audienceB. attendanceC. presenceD. appearance34. The main point is that a lot of network

    17、power, being concentrated and hierarchical, may not have the _ of the Internet that are distributed and open.A. assignmentsB. attributesC. associationsD. assumptions35. Words borrowed from another language can be _ and accepted.A. assembledB. simulatedC. assaultedD. assimilated36. The couple was _ t

    18、o find their apartment broken into upon their return from the holiday.A. assuredB. astonishedC. assertedD. assessed37. Artistic design involves _ and accumulation of a wide scope of knowledge.A. aspirationB. initiationC. inspirationD. conspiracy38. The whole nation was in deep sorrow at the _ of the

    19、ir beloved president Abraham Lincoln.A. assassinationB. globalization C. desertificationD. presumption39. The Chinese tent to look at the Japanese attitude from a historical _.A. aspectB. perspectiveC. dimensionD. sphere40. Fixed _ of the state cannot be transferred to individuals at random.A. artil

    20、leriesB. architectures C. archivesD. assets41. The outlaw _ an air of confidence in spite of his fake ID card.A. presumedB. consumedC. assumedD. resumed42. With so many matters to _, this lady can hardly spare any moment at work.A. attribute toB. attend toC. apply toD. appeal to43. Those whose mind

    21、has failed have to be taken to a lunatic _ for treatment.A. assemblyB. arteryC. assuranceD. asylum44. Freud became world famous for his studies in _ following the publication of Interpretations of Dreams.A. psychologyB. archaeologyC. ecologyD. meteorology45. Applicants for this job will be given a(n) _ test to see if they are fit.A. altitudeB. attitudeC. latitudeD. aptitude46. The farmers didnt suffer much loss. _, five houses were damaged.A. After allB. Above allC. For allD. In all47. An artistic housewife will try to _ her child to make him or her look different.A. arouse B. arrest C.


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