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    1、高二英语选修六第十八单元词汇 选修六 第十八单元1. adapt v. 使适应(adjust), 使适合; 改编,改写You should adapt yourself to the new environment. 你应该使自己适应新环境。The movie was adapted from a novel.这部电影是由小说改编的。He has not yet adapted to the climate.他还没适应这种气候。辨析:adopt采用;收养拓展: 写出adapt适当的词形。(1)_adj. 有适用能力的;能适应的(2)_ n改编本,改写本;适应运用:用adapt的适当形填空。(1

    2、) We have had to _quickly to the new system.(2) Three of her novels have been _for television(3) Old workers can be as_ and quick to learn as anyone else.(4) An _ of David Copperfield was broadcast on the radio.2. handsome英俊的He is a handsome boy with large, bright eyes and fair hair. 他是一个有一双明亮大眼睛、一头

    3、金发的英俊男孩。辨析:handsome, pretty, beautiful & lovely(1)beautiful“美丽的,优美的”,形容女性或物。(2)handsome“英俊的”,形容男性。(3)lovely“可爱的”,形容女性、小孩或天气。(4)pretty“俏丽的,漂亮的”,形容女性或物。运用:用这四个词填空。(1)We all think that Frieda is a_ girl.(2)He was tall and_ with brown hair and big grey eyes.(3)What_ weather we are having!(4)She was tall

    4、er than the other girls and much_, with fair hair over her shoulders.3. attract vt吸引;引起(注意,兴趣等)The garden city attracts many tourists.那个花园城市吸引许多游客。What I said didnt attract his attention.我所说的话没有引起他的注意。拓展attraction n. 吸引,吸引力,吸引物attractive adj. 有吸引力的,引人注目的运用:用attract的适当形式完成句子。 (1)她是位迷人的女孩。She is an _

    5、girl.(2)我们被自然界的美丽所迷住。We are _ by the beauty of nature.(3)月亮对地球的引力引起潮汐。The _of the moon for the earth causes the tides.4. drop n. 滴,下降 vi. 掉下,滴下 vt. 使掉(滴)下The drop in prices was quite unexpected. 价格的下跌是完全没有料到的。The fruit dropped down from the tree.水果从树上掉下来。I dropped the letter into the mail-box. 我将信投入

    6、信箱。拓展: 默写drop短语。(1)_一滴血(2) _一滴一滴地(3) _落在地上(4) _顺便拜访(5) _顺便拜访某人(6) _顺便拜访某地运用:根据中文完成句子。(1)我看见一个苹果从树上掉下来。I saw an apple_.(2)他们这样做是搬起石头砸自己的脚。In doing so they are lifting a rock to_ their feet .(3)你路过的话,千万要来。Do_ if you happen to be passing(4)你明晚顺便和我们一起谈谈好吗?Will you _ tomorrow evening for a talk?5. protec

    7、t vt. 保护 搭配:protect from /against 保护免受说明:against多用于指较大的事。运用:根据中文完成句子。(1)我们必须保护地球。We must _(2)愿上帝保佑你免受伤害。May God _. (3) 这个国家已作好了免受攻击的充分准备。The country is well-prepared to _the attack.拓展:protection nU保护联想: 与此结构类似的还有: prevent/stop(from) doing sth. 阻止做某事keep from doing sth.阻止做某事辨析:defend,guard, protectde

    8、fend(保卫,守卫,防御) 指防备出现的任何危险或攻击;guard (防卫,看守)指“注意观察、戒备,以免受可能的攻击或伤害”;protect (保护)是表示“保护以免遭受危险或伤害等”含义的最普通用词。6. recommend vt. 推荐,介绍,建议,托付用法 recommend后接宾语从句时,从句谓语用 “(should)+动词原形”。I recommend everyone (should) buy a dictionary.我提议每个人买一本词典。搭配:熟记下列主要句式搭配。recommend sb. sth. = recommend sth. to sb向某人推介某物recomm

    9、end sb. to do sth 劝某人做某事recommend doing sth 建议某人做某事运用:用recommend翻译下列句子。(1)你能为我推荐一本好字典吗?Can you_? (2)医生竭力劝他去休假。 The doctor strongly recommended_ (3)我建议先见见他。I recommend _ first. 7. convey vt. 表达,转达,传达,转让,运输提示:作“表达,传递”讲时,与communicate, express基本相同。I found it hard to convey my feelings in words.我觉得难以用言语表

    10、达我的感情。Please convey my best wishes to your parents.请向您的父母转达我最好的祝愿。The old farmer conveyed his farm to his son.老农夫将其农场转让给儿子。The train conveys over three thousand passengers every day. 这辆列车每天的载客量是3000多人次。运用:用convey翻译下列句子。(1)请把这新闻传达给每个人。Please_(2)言语无法表达我的意思。Words fail to _. (3)管道把天然气从西部输送到东部。The pipeli

    11、ne _from west to east. 8. range n. 变化范围,排v. 排列,涉及,延伸I have a wide range of interests.我有广泛的兴趣爱好。Our conversation ranged over many topics.我们的谈话涉及很多话题。Their ages range from 25 to 50. 他们的年龄在25岁到50岁之间。运用:用range完成下列句子。(1)边界从北部山地一直延伸到南部海岸。The frontier _ the northern hills_ the southern coast. (2)我有广泛的兴趣爱好。

    12、I have a _ of interests.9. thrill n. 激动,引起激动的事vt. 使感到兴奋/激动He gets his thrills from rock-climbing. 他从攀岩运动中得到兴奋 刺激的感受.I was thrilled by her beauty. 她花容月貌教我一见倾心。Homework, I love you. You thrill me inside.作业,我爱你。你使我心中荡起涟漪。拓展:写出thrill的适当形式。(1)_ 感到非常兴奋/激动的 (2) _令人兴奋的拓展:(1) thrilled (2)thrilling运用:用thrill完

    13、成下列句子。1. 当那位英俊的电影明星吻她的时候,她欣喜若狂。 She _when the handsome filmstar kissed her.2. 能见到女王的确是令人兴奋的事。It was _ to meet the Queen.10. treat n. & vt 对待,医治,招待,款待Wed better treat it as a joke. 我们最好把它当作笑话。Well treat you to dinner. 我们请你吃饭。Thank you for your great treat.谢谢你的热情款待。运用:完成下列句子。(1)她请孩子每人吃个冰淇淋.She _each o

    14、f the children _ an ice-cream. (2)医生治不了这种病。he doctors were not able to_.(3)他们把我当作兄弟。They _ their brother.重要词组1. see sb. off为送行运用:根据中文完成下列句子。(1)你打算去为他送行吗?Are you going to_?(2)他站在窗口为挥手为我送别。He stood at the window and waved to_2die out灭绝,绝种,逐渐消失(disappear)The fire died out. 火熄火了。These animals have died

    15、out. 这类动物已经绝种了。Many old customs have died out.许多旧的风俗已不复存在。联想:die away(声音、风、光等)渐弱,渐息,逐渐消失die down (慢慢地)熄灭,平息(静)下来die off (=die one by one)一个个死掉,相继死亡运用:用上述短语填空。(1) The wind had _by dusk.(2)The applause _and the actors were able to continue their performance.(3)Elephant would _if men were allowed to sh

    16、oot as many as they wished(4) Unless the starving people get food immediately, they will _within a week.3turn up出现,到达,发生,开大,使朝上We arranged to meet at the cinema at 7:30, but he failed to turn up.我们约定7点30分在电影院见面,但他没来。Something unexpected has turned up.发生了没有意料到的事情。I cant bear the radio very well. Coul

    17、d you turn it up a bit? 收音机我听不太清楚,你把声音开大点行吗?He turned up his coat collar against the chill wind.他竖起大长领抵御寒风。拓展 (1)turn down关小,拒绝(2)turn on打开,旋开,攻击(3)turn off关掉,转弯(4)turn in归还,上交,就寝(5)turn out证明是,结果是,生产(6)turn against背叛(7)turn into把变成,变成(8)turn to翻到,求助于(9)turn over翻转;移交, 运用:用适当的介词或副词填空。(1)Those who we

    18、re once for him have turned him.(2)Turn everything captured (缴获的).(3)Be sure to turn the lights when you leave the room(4)He forgot to turn the TV and thus missed the program.(5)The car was turned and the driver seriously injured.(6)They always turn me when they are in trouble.(7)Turn the radio a li

    19、ttle. I can scarcely hear the program.(8)He turned the coat collar because of the wind4call on/upon + 人 (专程)拜访某人(=visit);号召某人 call at +地方 去某地拜访,停靠某地运用1:完成下列句子。(1)明天我将要去拜访他。Tomorrow Ill_. (2)政府号召青年义务献血。The government _ to donate their blood voluntarily. (3)我明天要到他家里拜访。I shall _ tomorrow. (4)这艘船在大连和上海之

    20、间停靠了几个港口。The ship _ several ports between Dalian and Shanghai.比较: drop in on sb.顺便拜访某人drop in at a place顺便拜访某地拓展: call out召集,叫出,大声叫call up 打电话,征(兵),使想起,回忆起运用2:用call短语完成下列句子。(1) As I grew up in a small town at the foot of a mountain,the visit to the village _ scenes of my childhood.(2)The Prime Minis

    21、ter _everyone to work hard for their country.(3)The teacher can _every students name.5no longer/notany longer & no more /notany more 不再用法:(1)表示数量或程度,要用no more(后接名词时more为形容词,不接名词时more为名词)或notany more。如:There is no more bread没有面包了。I dont want any more我再不要了。(2)表示时间,no more通常用于句末,且只与非延续性动词(如go,see,come,

    22、return等)连用,尤其在系表结构中极为罕见。因而表示时间时最好用no longer(多用于行为动词之前或be动词之后),或notany longer(更符合口语习惯),也可用notany more。注意:后三者可与延续和非延续动词连用。如:Time lost will return no more.失去的时间不会再来。I no longer go there. (=I dont go there any longer/more.) 我再也不去那里。He doesnt live here any more /longer. = He no longer lives here. 他不住在这里了

    23、。He is no longer young (或a young man). 他不再年轻。运用:根据中文完成句子。(1)Sadly, we have _money. (2)China is _as before.(3)I cant stand it _.6. to tell the truth 说实话用法:该不定式短语可作独立成分,多用于句首。如: To tell the truth, they made me sick.说实话,一见到他们我就讨厌。To tell you the truth, I hate to do it老实告诉你,我不愿意做这事。运用:翻译句子。(1)老实讲,我不同意你的

    24、计划。_(2)说实话,我不喜欢西餐。_拓展:类似的不定式短语还有:to be exact 确切地说to be sure 的确to be short 简单地说to be frank 坦白地说to speak of 值得一提的是to begin with 首先,第一to do him justice 说句对他公道的话to make things worse 情况更糟的是to make a long story short 长话短说,总而言之7. in vain 徒然,无结果的We protected in vain.我们白白地抗议了。Our efforts were in vain. 我们的努力全

    25、是徒劳。运用:翻译下面的句子。(1)我们想使他改变主意,结果是白费心机。We tried _ to make him_.(2)日复一日, 她徒劳地等待他的电话。Day after day she _ for him to telephone her.(3)我们的工作全都白干了。All our work _. 重点句型1. But I heard him shout, before he drove out of sight, “Merry Christmas to all, And to all a good night.” 但是我听到她在喊,在驶出视线之前,“所有的人圣诞快乐,所有的人晚安。

    26、”句型分析: 本句是一个复合句,before引导一个时间状语从句,表示“在之前”。Before引导时间状语从句,可根据情况,有不同的理解,请指出下列各句的意思。(1)Before I could say a word, she had stormed out of the room. 不等我说一句话,她就冲出了房间。(before还没来得及就)(2)It will be five years before I come back. 我五年后才能回来。(It + be + 时间段 + before. 表示“在之后才”)It wont be long before they understand

    27、each other. 他们不久就会互相了解的。(it wont /wasnt long before 不久以后就)They are thinking of buying the house before the prices go up. 他们正在考虑趁房价未涨时把房子买下来。(before表示“趁还没有”)学以致用:翻译以下句子。(1)趁这座唐朝所建的房子还没倒塌之前,我们快点跑出去吧。Lets run out of it_, which dates back to the Tang Dynasty, collapses. (2)我们还没有到达山顶天就开始亮了。The day began to break_. 2. It is no use trying to persuade him to accept the gift. 设法说服他接受这份礼物是徒然的。温馨提示:It is no use doing (做某事是没有用的)是一个常用句式,另外,it is no good doing和It is useless doing也与本句型意义相同。It is no use crying over spilt milk. 覆水难收Its no good talki


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