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    1、福建省泉州市第一中学八年级上学期英语期中试题word版含答案福建省泉州市第一中学2013-2014学年八年级英语上学期期中试题 (考试时间:120分钟, 满分:150分)第卷.听力部分(30分) (B)根据你所听到的句子,选择恰当的答语。(5分)( )6. A. Here you are. B. Of course not. C. I think so.( )7. A. Thanks. I will. B. All right. C. Really?( )8. A. The same to you. B. Yes, I do. C. Because its good for my health

    2、.( )9. A. Good luck. B. Come on. C. What a pity! ( )10. A. Here you are. B. Thats very kind of you. C. Id be glad to.听第五段对话,回答第19、20小题。( )19. Whats wrong with Mary?A. She has a toothache. B. She has a headache. C. She has a stomachache.( )20 What did the doctor tell Mary to do? A. To take some pills

    3、. B. To brush her teeth often. C. To have a good rest.听第六段对话,回答第21、22小题。( )21. When did the boy have a cold? A. Yesterday. B. Two days ago. C. This morning.( )22. What will the boy do this afternoon? A. See a doctor. B. Go to school. C. Lie in bed. 听第七段对话,回答第2325小题。、单项选择题(15分)( )31. I saw you basket

    4、ball almost every day during the summer holidays .A. play B. to play C. plays ( )32. Does Kate often play table tennis ? Yes . She plays .A. sometimes B. quite good C. quite a lot ( )33. They spent much time television last year .A. watches B. watching C. to watch ( )34. There a football game this a

    5、fternoon . Lets go and watch it .A. is going to have B. will have C. is going to be ( )35. Are you going to the school club ? Yes . I always want to be a football player .A. join B. take part in C. play in ( )36. Would you mind the window for me? I feel a little cold . A. opening B. closing C. to op

    6、en ( )37. There is a tree in our school .A. 20 meters tall B. 20-meters-tall C. 20-meter-tall ( )38. Do you mind if I take this seat here? A. Yes, do as you like. B. Not at all. Go ahead. C. Certainly, please sit here.( )39. Well go for a picnic. Will you go with us? . But I have a lot of work to do

    7、.A. Id be glad to. B. Thats all right. C. Yes, I must.( )40. Must I remember all the words on the blackboard, Mr. Li? No, you . But you need them. .完形填空(10分) Many young people smoke because they think it is cool. Cool people sometimes 46 a lot in movies, but they dont smoke in real life. Some stars

    8、like Jackie Chan dont think it is cool at all. And 47 stars like Yao Ming dont smoke cigarettes, 48 they are still very cool. Sometimes people start smoking because their friends ask them to do so, or they see 49 people doing it. But if some people jumped off a bridge, would you follow them? Of cour

    9、se not. Some people think that smoking can stop stress(压力). But there are 50 ways to stop stress. 51 is a way. Exercise relaxes your muscles(肌肉). Next time if you feel stress from school, go for a run! Exercise is 52 a good way to help you stop smoking if you have already started. Also you will save

    10、 money 53 not smoking. You can spend it on much more fun thing like music, clothes or nice food. To stay away from smoking, or to help stop smoking, keep a list with you saying 54 smoking is bad. If you want to 55 smoking , tell your friends so they can help you. If they are good friends, they will

    11、help. Million of people have already given up smoking- it is not difficult if you try hard.( )46.A.smoke B.smokes C.smoked ( )47.A.movie B.singing C.sports ( )48.A.and B.but C.or ( )49.A.other B.others C.the other ( )50.A.few B.less C.better ( )51.A.Smoking B.Exercise C.Running ( )52.A.too B.also C.

    12、 already .( )53.A.in B.on C.by “What are you doing?” the voice said again! “Hello! Good-bye!” ( ) 56. The parrot is a kind of bird that can be trained(训练) to talk.( ) 57. The thief got into the room to visit his friend.( ) 58. The thief ran out of the house because he was very frightened(惊吓的).( ) 59

    13、. The thief took many things out of the house at last.( ) 60. The thief was the man who said “What are you doing?”(B)The America first lady(夫人) Michelle Obama was very good at hula hoop (呼啦圈).The First Lady hosted a “Healthy Kids Party” in the White-House. At the party, Michelle Obama managed to fin

    14、ish 142 circles before her hoop fell down onto the lawn.To encourage children to do more exercise and to eat better, the first lady asked about 100 children from schools to take part in the party with their parents.During the party, cooks also showed people how to make healthy, delicious food. The f

    15、irst lady also had something to say about it. She first imitated children who didnt like to eat vegetables like tomatoes and potatoes. “I dont want to eat it. I dont like it. It tastes (品尝) bad. I dont want it.” She said in a very interesting way. Then ( C ) Get a physical once a year. Let your doct

    16、or do routine test (常规检查) to make sure your body works well. You can even take any other tests to make sure your body is healthy.Visit your dentist twice a year for cleaning and get any other dental (牙科的) work you need. Brush your teeth twice a day to keep your teeth healthy. Taking care of your tee

    17、th can help you have a healthy body, too. If you are a smoker, try to stop smoking. Smoking is not good for your lungs. Drinking all the time is not good for your body, either. Getting the correct amount (数量) of sleep at night will help you to keep healthy. Everyone should get at least six hours of

    18、sleep at night. But if possible, try to get a full eight hours of sleep. Being well rested will not only make you feel well, but also help you look good.By doing all of these things you will have a healthy body. Everything that you do to maintain (维持) your healthy body is a part of how you live your

    19、 life. Exercising, eating right, routine check-ups with your doctor and dentist are some of the main things you can do to live a healthy life. Once you start living your life healthily, you will look and feel great.( ) 66.The underlined word “physical” means in Chinese. A. 身体 B. 体格检查 C. 物理( ) 67. Th

    20、e writer suggests people go to twice a year.选择恰当的选项填入空白处,使短文意思完整。(5分)(注意请把答案填写在第卷上。)(D)I had to get up at six oclock every morning and ride my bike five miles to school . In winter , it was very cold , 71 but I didnt mind . I liked to exercise .We wore uniforms to school , not like Canadian kids tod

    21、ay . Some of the girls liked their school uniforms (校服), 72 We had to wear ugly straw (草)hats !Our school wasnt in a very good place . 73 Sometimes it was difficult to hear the teacher because of all the trains outside . The school was small , too , and the classrooms were very crowded .(拥挤的)There w

    22、ere usually forty or fifty students in every class .There was no TV at that time , 74 I remember our geography textbook had beautiful photos from far away places like India , China and Africa . Geography was really interesting for kids in those days !Families were poor because it was the time of the

    23、 Great Depression (萧条期) . I wore my elder brothers old uniform . My shoes had holes(洞)where you could see my feet . It was terrible ! 75 I loved to play baseball and ice hockey after class . But we played ice hockey(冰球) on frozen ponds(结冰的池塘).Not inside like the kids today . 口语应用(10分)(注意请把答案填写在第卷上。)

    24、根据对话内容,从方框中选择适当的选项补全对话。(10分)(Bruce met Miss Wang in the teachers office )A: Hey , Bruce .B: Hey , Miss Wang .第卷71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 、任务型阅读。(10分)People call EV71 “Hand , Foot and Mouth Disease”. It spreads (传播)easily among young children under seven years old . It can spread easily

    25、 by water , spit , toys or bedding (床上用品). But now , people can control (控制)the disease .Now lets get to know something about symptoms (症状)of the disease . If children get Hand , Foot and Mouth Disease , they will have a high fever . There are lots of red blebs (疱疹)on their hands , feet and in their

    26、 mouths . Some children may have a cough , headache or stomachache .We must stop the disease from spreading , especially (特别地)among young children . First , we should drink boiled water and eat cooked food . Second , we should wash hands often , keep our rooms clean and often open the windows . Thir

    27、d , we should not go to crowded(拥挤的) places . Finally , we should have a good rest and do more sports to build up our bodies .根据短文内容,填写下面表格(每空词数不限)81. 82. 83. 84. 85. .语言知识运用(15分)(A)根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。(5分)86. Which team will they play a do you know?87. If you are ill, youd better follow the doctors a an

    28、d take the medicine.88. Last Sunday I went to the park with my classmates and we enjoyed o .89. Food can give us e for living.90. The students study harder and harder. F , their dreams came true.(B)根据汉语提示完成句子。(5分)91.Dont (担心)him . He can run fast enough to win the boys 400-meter race.92. My son want

    29、s to be a doctor when he (长大)93. The old man (生病), but no one came to look after him because he had no child.94. Mr. Johnson isnt a bad man. (事实上), he is a kind person.95. Im going to school as soon as I (恢复健康).(B) 综合填空:根据短文内容,选出方框中所给的单词的正确形式填空,使短文内容完整正确。(5分) good healthy chip instead runI am a 15-y

    30、ear-old boy. I am quite 96 _ . One year ago, however, I was fat, I loved eating 97 and chocolate and I felt tired easily. One day I saw some young men 98 in the street. They looked so fit and active. So I started running. I drank a lot of milk and ate fresh fruit and vegetables 99 of chocolate. I fe

    31、lt 100 and looked fitter.VIII 书面表达(15分) 假如你是一名记者, 在世界健康日这天采访了Mr. King 这位老先生。请根据表格所提供的信息,以“How does Mr. King Keep Healthy? “为题写一篇介绍Mr. King 生活习惯的短文。要求:1. 短文要包括表格中的所有信息; 2. 意思连贯,符合逻辑; 友情提示:亲爱的同学,当你完成这份开卷后,觉得自己的水平离及格线仍有一点距离,请你别担心。我们特意在下面给出5道附加题,希望能助你一臂之力!快来试试看吧!附加题:从每小题ABC中,选出能填入空白处的最佳答案。(10分)( )1.当外国朋友来家里做客,你应该说“ ”表示欢迎。 A. Whats your name? B. See you later. C. Welcome( )2.如果你不懂得回答老师的问题。你可以说“ ” A. Im right. B. Sorry, I dont know. C. Dont ask me.( )3.当你与外国女士交谈时,下列哪些问法是不礼貌的? A. How old are you? B. What time is it? C. Where a


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